Rize and Ryussei have arrived at the reception centre to confirm their registration and booked a room to stay during the League Tournament season. Trainers that participate in the tournament got the privileges of staying in the luxurious dorm of the League and many other facilities including full course meals all for free.
"Your registration of participant is done! You are participant number 11." Said the reception counter lady with a warm friendly manner and handed Rize some sort of card and a guide book to him. "And this is your identity card, it functioned to be your room key as well. Please take note that the opening ceremony will be held after dinner on 8 P.M. For more information please look at the Pokemon League guide book. Thank you and have a nice day. All the best for you and we hope you enjoy your stay."
Rize and Ryussei then split up from here on as from then onwards they will be opponents. They went to their own room seperately.
"So my room's number 11 too huh, I guess they determined it from our participant number to make it easier." Rize talking to himself while looking at his identity card or room key.
When he arrived at the front of his room door, a friend of his just came out from the room next door which was room number 10.
"Rize! You made it to the League!" Satoshi greeted Rize with spirit.
"Yeah! I owe you one for giving me a wake-up call that time at the Viridian Forest."
"Nahh.. that was nothin, we ought to help our fellow friends when they're in trouble shouldn't we? Anyway we are rivals now! Let's all do our best in this tournament! I gotta go for some training to further perfecting my moves and plan for strategy now. See ya!" Satoshi left after.
Rize then inserted his room key to the card slot on the door's body and the door automatically opened by itself to the side. It was a slide door. The room lifted up its reputation to be cozy and luxurious. The bed is a nice comfort fluffy queen size bed, the furniture are of high quality and neat, not forgetting the extra clean bathroom. After settling down with his stuffs, Rize immediately went out warming up and exercising with all of his Pokemon in preparation for the big match.
Time flew, the clock appointed at 8 P.M sharp and a fireworks was launched to open the opening ceremony of the Kanto Pokemon League Tournament. All 128 participating Trainers have gathered on the field and after several rules and announcements the big result board started to show all of the Trainers pictures and randomly spin and matched up pairing Trainers to compete.
The spinning have stopped, every Trainer eagerly searched for their first round opponent. Rize found his picture and was shocked to see who is his first round opponent. It was Shigeru, Prof.Oak's grandson and Satoshi's number one rival. He is known to be a prodigy and many had made assumption and prediction that he will be the champion of this tournament this year just like he did in the Junior League Tournament two years ago.
From a distance across, Rize could see Shigeru was looking at him with an annoying smile and look, looking down on Rize as if he had found a delicious duck and a guaranteed victory. Rize immediately went and locked himself in his room to think of a battle strategy on how to win against this most terrifying opponent on his first round tomorrow. On his way back, he met again with Satoshi and Satoshi wished him the best of luck to battle against his rival.
"How can I got such an opponent in my first round?! How am I going to win?!" Complained Rize to himself. He couldn't have come up with any strategy as he have no information regarding Shigeru at all and he was slept without any battle plan for tomorrow.
---------The Next Day---------
The Kanto League Tournament finally started and it was broadcasted internationally throughout the whole region to watch in television live! Rize's mom in Hoenn and some other of his friends from another regions have tune in to the broadcast to watch his battle.
"Kanto Intermediate League Tournament's fifth's first round match is about to begin!! Pokemon battle fans, let's welcome our two competitors to the arena! On the red corner we have Shigeru! Prof.Oak's prodigal grandson!!" Shigery come forth and entered the arena and the whole stadium cheered for him.
"On the green corner we have Rize! He have come from a far away Hoenn region to compete in this tournament, he must be one passionate Pokemon Trainer!!" The commentator finished his lines and the battle was about to begin. The result board was turned on displaying Rize's and Shigeru's picture with three blank squares. The blank squares indicates the Pokemon that is going to be use in this battle.
The referee take his stand on his referee's spot and begin the match. "It's three on three Pokemon battle with free substitution. Trainers please sent forth your Pokemon at the same time after I finished counting to three! 3! 2! 1! Begin!"
"Alakazam come forward!"
"Gyarados let's go!"
Shigeru sent forth an Alakazam while Rize sent out his Gyarados.
"Alakazam the Psi Pokemon and the evolved form of Kadabra. It is a Psychic type. The spoons clutched in its hands are said to have been created by its psychic powers. Its highly developed brain is on par with a supercomputer. It can use all forms of psychic abilities."
"Done checking on my Pokemon? Come attack us!" Shigeru taunted Rize to attack confidently.
Mocked by Shigeru, Rize lost his calm and ordered Gyarados to attack with its Hydro Pump attack. Gyarados fired its Hydro Pump towards Alakazam.
"Alakazam use Psychic and send the water away from you!"
Alakazam's eyes began to shine brightly and used its psychic power to send the coming water force towards him up high to the sky thus the attack failed to hit Alakazam.
"What the! It manipulated our attack! Gyarados fire another Hydro Pump! Don't give it time to rest or counter us back!"
Gyarados fired another shot of Hydro Pump towards Alakazam before it can use any attack to Gyarados.
"If they would have use other attack than Hydro Pump I could just counter their attacks right back to them using Alakazam's Psychic. I guess he's pretty smart." Shigeru grinned despite of Alakazam's situation that will be hit by Hydo Pump soon.
"Alakazam use Teleport to dodge!"
Just an inch before the attack successfully hit Alakazam's body, Alakazam responded quick to Shigeru's command and used Teleport to instantly moved to the right side avoiding the attack.
"How is it?! Admit defeat! None of your attacks will be able to hit my Alakazam! Hahaha!" Shigeru provoked Rize further with his irritating laugh.
"Gyarados! Fire more Hydro Pump until you hit them!"
Gyarados kept firing its Hydro Pump but Alakazam dodged every single one of them with its Teleport with ease.
"Told ya.. Alakazam let's teach them a lesson with a taste of a little bit of your power! Thunder Bolt! Just use a little bit of your power tough.."
Alakazam began to charged, its whole body glowed brightly yellowish and fired a Thunder Bolt attack from its shining spoon and quickly land a direct hit towards Gyarados body and electrocuted it.
"Gyarados!!" Rize screamed in panic.
"Gyarados being both Water and Flying type is extremely weak against Electric attack! Is it still in this match?? Looks like Shigeru have the upper hand as predicted and Rize is in a pinch! This is a total mismatch!" Said the commentator loud and clear that the whole stadium could hear it.
The spectators in the stadium was all amazed by Shigeru's brilliant battle performance and shouted and cheered for him while Rize was in much distress situation.