It was 9 A.M in the morning and Rize was visiting Prof.Birch's laboratory and send the berries he picked at the Sevii island. He did not send them yesterday night as he was too exhausted from the battle with his father.
"Yeah, I lost terribly even tough I gave everything I had. I never knew that dad was such a strong battler."
"Hahaha, ofcourse! Your father was a very skilled Pokemon Trainer. He even almost made it of becoming the champion in the past."
"Really?! I never knew anything like that!" Rize was so surprised to hear that his father was such a powerful Trainer. He began to took a liking to his mysterious father as he very rarely met with him.
"Yes, it's true. Then he decided to pursue his interest in archaeology and became an archaelogist instead." Explained the Prof. further.
"In that case, I'll go and ask him to train me so that I'll be much stronger!" Exclaimed Rize.
"That won't be neccessary."
Suddenly a voice emerged and it was Rize's father and he came into the room but he is not alone, behind him someone looks familiar followed and came into the room as well.
"A friend of you came."
"Micha! You arrived!" Rize have not yet forgotten of his new friend that he met at Indigo Plateau where the Kanto League was held.
The two of them joined the conversation and they all sat at the sofa. Rize facing the Prof. and Micha facing Rize's father.
"Good morning Prof.Birch, it is really an honour to be able to meet with a famous person like you." Greeted Micah. "It's my first time to be in the Hoenn region and I'm here in search of Dragon type Pokemon of the Hoenn region."
"Hahaha I'm not that famous as you thought. Oh so you're interested on Dragon type Pokemon? It will not be interesting if I tell you how many species of Dragon type there are in the Hoenn region. It will be more interesting if you go into the wild and find out yourself."
"That's what I thought as well." Micah agreed.
"Your Dragonair is very well trained, even Rize could not prevail against it. I watched the Kanto League Intermediate tournament from the television broadcast you know. Hahaha."
"Oh so you are you the one who ended Rize's debut on the league tournament?" Rize's father joined the conversation between Micha and Prof.Birch out of curiosity.
"No It's not me but Rize indeed lost to me. Haha."
"That's weird. What is this? A paradox?"
"Hahaha if you watch the broadcast you would have understood what happened, Driscoll." The Prof. cut the conversation. "So what's your next project Driscoll?"
"I will be conducting a research on the ancient ruins to find out more of their origins and at the desert area where the meteorite that recently fell was at. We will find the meteor and study it.
Upon hearing that there's a meteor that fell at the dessert area, Rize became interested and curios.
"Hey dad can I go and see the meteor as well?"
"Well ofcourse."
"Alright! When will we be going?"
"Hey can I come with you guys? If you don't mind, I would be lost at this region alone and beside I wanted to see the meteor as well." asked Micha politely.
"Well of course! The more the merrier!" Rize approved his friend's request gladly.
Rize's father stood up from his seat and spoke to Rize. "Well I did approve you to come along but with one condition. You'll have to leave behind all your Pokemon here at the Prof.'s place and only bringing Aron with you."
Rize stood as well in surprise to hear his father's word and demanded an explanation.
"It is part of the training that you wanted. Look at you, your body muscles have not been properly built and train at your age. Look at Micha your friend, his body was well trained and built."
"What's that have to do with Pokemon training?"
"You rely on your Pokemon too much! Trainers have to train their body in order to keep up with their Pokemon as well! Not only the Pokemon that train but the Trainer too!"
Rize still did not understand but Prof.Birch calmed him and told him to just obey his father.
"Your father's right." Micah agreed with his father and persuade Rize as well. "Look I also came here to this region with only my Dragonair too."
After being persuaded by the Prof. and Micha, Rize finally could agree and he surrend all his party Pokemon to the Prof. and just took Aron with him and thus the journey to the meteorite at the desert area together with Micha and Driscoll, Rize's father began!
"But before that you've to tell your mother first that you're going to set off again son." Rize's father reminded his son to keep his manner and not to forget of his mother and Rize agreed.
One of the door of a room inside the Professor's house opened wide and a brown coloured long hair girl with a green bandana came out of it and spoke to Prof.Birch.

"Papa! I heard from the room that Rize along with his friend and his father is going to the desert area where the recently fallen meteorite fell."
The Prof. replied her with but with a worried tone. "Err.. yes, why my dear?"
"Well then I'm going too!"
The answer that Prof.Birch really did not want to hear from his daugter's mouth have came out and he was so furiously shocked with it and replied with a yell. "No! You're not going anywhere! You're just a little girl. Now go back to your room and continue your research, Rin."
"But Papa!" Rin could not accept his father's command and she hesitate of coming along with Rize and co and the two of them argued until Dricoll, Rize's father intervened.
"Birch, if I remember correctly, Rin is turning 15 this year right?" Asked Driscoll to his friend. "Why don't you let her to go on to her own journey now. You've kept her at Littleroot Town ever since she's little and she have never went to see the world, not even the Hoenn region."
"But she's just a little girl." Replied the Prof. "And it's dangerous out there!" Added him once more.
"Please let her go with us Prof." Rize and Micah pleaed the Prof to change his mind of not letting Rin to go as well.
"Besides Rize's father will be with us, it should be fine! Moreover there's Rize and me as well. Hehe.." Micah persuaded the Prof. further.
"Papa! Please.." Tears started to came out from Rin's eye. Prof. Birch was still quiet about this and did not let her daughter to go.
"I know you're so worried of your daughter but the way you're treating her would just spoil her for the worse. Think about it, Birch! Rin have her own life as well and everybody have the rights to leave their homes when they've reached the age of 11 but Rin is 15 now!"
After a few minutes, the Prof finally responded. "Alright then, you may go, but under one condition! You'd have to battle Rize and win! I wanted to see how good are you in handling Pokemon now."
The shocking request sound too impossible in Rin's ear. "Papa! How could I win against Rize! I lost to him even during his very first Pokemon battle long ago, and now he's one of the top 8 in the Kanto League Intermediate level. How do you expect me to win against him?!"
"I don't care! If you don't want to go then fine." The Prof. closed his eyes indicating that he does not want to argue and debate on this anymore.
"Once Birch have set his mind on something, nothing's changing him. He's just that stubborn. I knew him for a long time." Driscoll commented. "Now what're you two waiting for? Rize, Rin go and battle!
Rin wiped off her tears from her eyes and saw this as an opportunity to finally go on her own adventure and challenged Rize to a battle. Rize agreed and they all went to the back where the field could be use for a Pokemon battle.
All of Rize's Pokemon was delighted to see that Rize came to the field where they are kept and they all stood behind Rize where he is going to have a Pokemon battle with his old friend, Rin.
"I'll just go easy on her and let her win on purpose then." Thought Rize in his mind and he sent out his Pokemon from his Pokeball, the only Pokemon he is permitted to use by his father, his little Aron.

And Rin sent out her only Pokemon, Combusken. Her little Torchic have evolved over the past four years.

"Your little Torchic have evolved!"
"It's been quite a while." Answered her, and she continued with an attack. "Alright. Combusken use Flamethrower!"
Combusken blew a stream of fire boldly from its mouth and the flame devoured Rize's little Aron completely. Afther the flame have subdue, Rize's Aron was still standing thanks to its part Rock type nature that help it to resist the fire attack to inflict an effective damage on it.
"Alright Aron stay alert and prepare to counter attack."
Aron obeyed and Rin have already threw another set of attack to Rize this time with Combusken's Slash attack.
"Normal type is not going to do much damage to my hard defense Aron!"
Aron just stood and received the blow from Combusken's Slash attack onto its head.
"Combusken use Double Kick!"
Combusken spinned its leg and threw two blowing kicks onto Aron and this time its doing a super effective damage onto Aron that Aron was hardly able to stand up again.
Rize's father and Prof.Birch noticed something odd and they finally smell the coffee and knew what Rize was up to. The Prof. shouted, "Rize! Are you going to purposely lose to Rin?! If that's the way of it then I will not let Rin to go for the journey!"
Rin was frustrated to hear that and told Rize to battle her seriously. Rize found that he's in the all wrong situation, if he win the battle, Rin will not be allowed to go but if he lost purposely the result will be the same as well.
"You are not showing respect to your opponent when your opponent was fighting seriously while you are not." The word from Rize's father blinked him and snapped him out of the all wrong situation and he finally decided to take Rin seriously.
"Alrigth then! Aron use Dig and attack from underground!"
Aron burrowed a hole and went underground but the attack failed surprisingly as Combusken's fighting instinct helped it to detect where and when Aron would be coming out to launch its attack.
"Another Double Kick!"
Aron was pushed all the way back from the two powerful blow of kicks and it looks like it was heavily injured.
"Aron use Rock Slide!"
Boulders of rocks appeared on the heaven and started to rain unto Combusken but Rin told it to destroy them all with its punches and kicks but as the rocks were too many, Combusken took some hit and was quite severly injured.
"Now time to show them your power Aron! Use Double-Edge!"
Aron charged towards Combusken with a full speed charge with its hard iron head pointing and heading to Combusken that was still flinched due to the pouring rocks.
"Combusken use Flamethrower quick!"
Just a few inches before Aron's Double-Edge attack hit Combusken, Combusken blew a direct close range hit of Flamethrower attack to it but Aron's Double-Edge attack continue to reach it and an explosion emerged due to the colliding Double-Edge and Flamethrower attacks.
Smokes were covering both competing Pokemon and when the smokes were cleared, it was found that Aron was already unconscious while Combusken was still hanging on to its one leg and with one closed eye, heavily injured but it strive to stay on the match for its Trainer and the match was decided that Rize and Aron has lost.
"I guess I underestimated you Rin." Rize said to his friend. "I lost to you fair and square. I'm glad that you're now allowed to come with us."
Rin was so excited and could not believe that she had won against Rize, Rin then turned to his dad direction and she saw her father smiling at her and approved her to go together with Rize and the others.
"You're no longer a little girl, Rin. Now you're allowed to go on your own journey." The Prof. said to her beloved daughter and he hugged her as a sign of love before her daughter's departure.
Rize went back to her house and permitted himself to go to his mother and his mother gave him a new set of clothing and bag-pack for him. and this time the journey to the desert area together with Micah, Rin and his father really began!
"Really?! I never knew anything like that!" Rize was so surprised to hear that his father was such a powerful Trainer. He began to took a liking to his mysterious father as he very rarely met with him.
"Yes, it's true. Then he decided to pursue his interest in archaeology and became an archaelogist instead." Explained the Prof. further.
"In that case, I'll go and ask him to train me so that I'll be much stronger!" Exclaimed Rize.
"That won't be neccessary."
Suddenly a voice emerged and it was Rize's father and he came into the room but he is not alone, behind him someone looks familiar followed and came into the room as well.
"A friend of you came."
"Micha! You arrived!" Rize have not yet forgotten of his new friend that he met at Indigo Plateau where the Kanto League was held.
The two of them joined the conversation and they all sat at the sofa. Rize facing the Prof. and Micha facing Rize's father.
"Good morning Prof.Birch, it is really an honour to be able to meet with a famous person like you." Greeted Micah. "It's my first time to be in the Hoenn region and I'm here in search of Dragon type Pokemon of the Hoenn region."
"Hahaha I'm not that famous as you thought. Oh so you're interested on Dragon type Pokemon? It will not be interesting if I tell you how many species of Dragon type there are in the Hoenn region. It will be more interesting if you go into the wild and find out yourself."
"That's what I thought as well." Micah agreed.
"Your Dragonair is very well trained, even Rize could not prevail against it. I watched the Kanto League Intermediate tournament from the television broadcast you know. Hahaha."
"Oh so you are you the one who ended Rize's debut on the league tournament?" Rize's father joined the conversation between Micha and Prof.Birch out of curiosity.
"No It's not me but Rize indeed lost to me. Haha."
"That's weird. What is this? A paradox?"
"Hahaha if you watch the broadcast you would have understood what happened, Driscoll." The Prof. cut the conversation. "So what's your next project Driscoll?"
"I will be conducting a research on the ancient ruins to find out more of their origins and at the desert area where the meteorite that recently fell was at. We will find the meteor and study it.
Upon hearing that there's a meteor that fell at the dessert area, Rize became interested and curios.
"Hey dad can I go and see the meteor as well?"
"Well ofcourse."
"Alright! When will we be going?"
"Hey can I come with you guys? If you don't mind, I would be lost at this region alone and beside I wanted to see the meteor as well." asked Micha politely.
"Well of course! The more the merrier!" Rize approved his friend's request gladly.
Rize's father stood up from his seat and spoke to Rize. "Well I did approve you to come along but with one condition. You'll have to leave behind all your Pokemon here at the Prof.'s place and only bringing Aron with you."
Rize stood as well in surprise to hear his father's word and demanded an explanation.
"It is part of the training that you wanted. Look at you, your body muscles have not been properly built and train at your age. Look at Micha your friend, his body was well trained and built."
"What's that have to do with Pokemon training?"
"You rely on your Pokemon too much! Trainers have to train their body in order to keep up with their Pokemon as well! Not only the Pokemon that train but the Trainer too!"
Rize still did not understand but Prof.Birch calmed him and told him to just obey his father.
"Your father's right." Micah agreed with his father and persuade Rize as well. "Look I also came here to this region with only my Dragonair too."
After being persuaded by the Prof. and Micha, Rize finally could agree and he surrend all his party Pokemon to the Prof. and just took Aron with him and thus the journey to the meteorite at the desert area together with Micha and Driscoll, Rize's father began!
"But before that you've to tell your mother first that you're going to set off again son." Rize's father reminded his son to keep his manner and not to forget of his mother and Rize agreed.
One of the door of a room inside the Professor's house opened wide and a brown coloured long hair girl with a green bandana came out of it and spoke to Prof.Birch.
"Papa! I heard from the room that Rize along with his friend and his father is going to the desert area where the recently fallen meteorite fell."
The Prof. replied her with but with a worried tone. "Err.. yes, why my dear?"
"Well then I'm going too!"
The answer that Prof.Birch really did not want to hear from his daugter's mouth have came out and he was so furiously shocked with it and replied with a yell. "No! You're not going anywhere! You're just a little girl. Now go back to your room and continue your research, Rin."
"But Papa!" Rin could not accept his father's command and she hesitate of coming along with Rize and co and the two of them argued until Dricoll, Rize's father intervened.
"Birch, if I remember correctly, Rin is turning 15 this year right?" Asked Driscoll to his friend. "Why don't you let her to go on to her own journey now. You've kept her at Littleroot Town ever since she's little and she have never went to see the world, not even the Hoenn region."
"But she's just a little girl." Replied the Prof. "And it's dangerous out there!" Added him once more.
"Please let her go with us Prof." Rize and Micah pleaed the Prof to change his mind of not letting Rin to go as well.
"Besides Rize's father will be with us, it should be fine! Moreover there's Rize and me as well. Hehe.." Micah persuaded the Prof. further.
"Papa! Please.." Tears started to came out from Rin's eye. Prof. Birch was still quiet about this and did not let her daughter to go.
"I know you're so worried of your daughter but the way you're treating her would just spoil her for the worse. Think about it, Birch! Rin have her own life as well and everybody have the rights to leave their homes when they've reached the age of 11 but Rin is 15 now!"
After a few minutes, the Prof finally responded. "Alright then, you may go, but under one condition! You'd have to battle Rize and win! I wanted to see how good are you in handling Pokemon now."
The shocking request sound too impossible in Rin's ear. "Papa! How could I win against Rize! I lost to him even during his very first Pokemon battle long ago, and now he's one of the top 8 in the Kanto League Intermediate level. How do you expect me to win against him?!"
"I don't care! If you don't want to go then fine." The Prof. closed his eyes indicating that he does not want to argue and debate on this anymore.
"Once Birch have set his mind on something, nothing's changing him. He's just that stubborn. I knew him for a long time." Driscoll commented. "Now what're you two waiting for? Rize, Rin go and battle!
Rin wiped off her tears from her eyes and saw this as an opportunity to finally go on her own adventure and challenged Rize to a battle. Rize agreed and they all went to the back where the field could be use for a Pokemon battle.
All of Rize's Pokemon was delighted to see that Rize came to the field where they are kept and they all stood behind Rize where he is going to have a Pokemon battle with his old friend, Rin.
"I'll just go easy on her and let her win on purpose then." Thought Rize in his mind and he sent out his Pokemon from his Pokeball, the only Pokemon he is permitted to use by his father, his little Aron.
And Rin sent out her only Pokemon, Combusken. Her little Torchic have evolved over the past four years.
"Your little Torchic have evolved!"
"It's been quite a while." Answered her, and she continued with an attack. "Alright. Combusken use Flamethrower!"
Combusken blew a stream of fire boldly from its mouth and the flame devoured Rize's little Aron completely. Afther the flame have subdue, Rize's Aron was still standing thanks to its part Rock type nature that help it to resist the fire attack to inflict an effective damage on it.
"Alright Aron stay alert and prepare to counter attack."
Aron obeyed and Rin have already threw another set of attack to Rize this time with Combusken's Slash attack.
"Normal type is not going to do much damage to my hard defense Aron!"
Aron just stood and received the blow from Combusken's Slash attack onto its head.
"Combusken use Double Kick!"
Combusken spinned its leg and threw two blowing kicks onto Aron and this time its doing a super effective damage onto Aron that Aron was hardly able to stand up again.
Rize's father and Prof.Birch noticed something odd and they finally smell the coffee and knew what Rize was up to. The Prof. shouted, "Rize! Are you going to purposely lose to Rin?! If that's the way of it then I will not let Rin to go for the journey!"
Rin was frustrated to hear that and told Rize to battle her seriously. Rize found that he's in the all wrong situation, if he win the battle, Rin will not be allowed to go but if he lost purposely the result will be the same as well.
"You are not showing respect to your opponent when your opponent was fighting seriously while you are not." The word from Rize's father blinked him and snapped him out of the all wrong situation and he finally decided to take Rin seriously.
"Alrigth then! Aron use Dig and attack from underground!"
Aron burrowed a hole and went underground but the attack failed surprisingly as Combusken's fighting instinct helped it to detect where and when Aron would be coming out to launch its attack.
"Another Double Kick!"
Aron was pushed all the way back from the two powerful blow of kicks and it looks like it was heavily injured.
"Aron use Rock Slide!"
Boulders of rocks appeared on the heaven and started to rain unto Combusken but Rin told it to destroy them all with its punches and kicks but as the rocks were too many, Combusken took some hit and was quite severly injured.
"Now time to show them your power Aron! Use Double-Edge!"
Aron charged towards Combusken with a full speed charge with its hard iron head pointing and heading to Combusken that was still flinched due to the pouring rocks.
"Combusken use Flamethrower quick!"
Just a few inches before Aron's Double-Edge attack hit Combusken, Combusken blew a direct close range hit of Flamethrower attack to it but Aron's Double-Edge attack continue to reach it and an explosion emerged due to the colliding Double-Edge and Flamethrower attacks.
Smokes were covering both competing Pokemon and when the smokes were cleared, it was found that Aron was already unconscious while Combusken was still hanging on to its one leg and with one closed eye, heavily injured but it strive to stay on the match for its Trainer and the match was decided that Rize and Aron has lost.
"I guess I underestimated you Rin." Rize said to his friend. "I lost to you fair and square. I'm glad that you're now allowed to come with us."
Rin was so excited and could not believe that she had won against Rize, Rin then turned to his dad direction and she saw her father smiling at her and approved her to go together with Rize and the others.
"You're no longer a little girl, Rin. Now you're allowed to go on your own journey." The Prof. said to her beloved daughter and he hugged her as a sign of love before her daughter's departure.
Rize went back to her house and permitted himself to go to his mother and his mother gave him a new set of clothing and bag-pack for him. and this time the journey to the desert area together with Micah, Rin and his father really began!