Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chapter 99 - Rin caught a Pokemon!

To the north of Littleroot town, Rize, accompanied with Micah, Rin and his father
have started travelling and their destination was the desert ruins at route 111.
Currently they are at route 101. Rize was having some nostalgic experience as he
recalled back his very first days of adventures throughout the Hoenn region.

"Route 101. How nostalgic, this is where I first caught my first Pokemon, Taillow."

"I can't wait to get my first Dragon type Pokemon of Hoenn!" said Mich in excitement.

"I've never caught any Pokemon, I can't wait to catch my very first Pokemon on my own
as well!" Rin was also getting fired up.

"Dad, how are we going to get to the desert ruins?"

Without stopping his steps forward, Driscoll, Rize's father answered Rize. "We'll walk there
by foot. It looks like your two friend there have not been through the Hoenn region. Furthermore
it serves as a great training for you as well."

While they are walking their way onto Oldale town, a wild Zigzagoon came out from the bushes
and ate a berry that it carried with it.

Upon seeing the wild Zigzagoon, Rin took out her Pokedex she received from her father and
scanned the racoon Pokemon.

"Hey how come your Pokedex's different than mine? I've never seen that model of Pokedex before."
Asked Rize curiously.

"It's the latest model of Pokedex, hehe." Rin asnwered with a proud look on her face. "Alright, I've
decided to catch that Zigzagoon!"

She immediately took an empty Pokeball from her bag and threw it towards the Zigzagoon that was
peacefully eating its berry. However, the ball did not hit the target and missed by few inches.


The wild Zigzagoon was startled and immediately ran its way and hid on the bushes and escaped.

Impatiently, Rize criticized Rin's failure attempt of capture. "That's not the way you catch a Pokemon."

"I just missed it by an inch. I would have got it if my throw was successful."

"Even if it hits, it won't be successful either."

Micah interrupted the two before the argument turned into a quarrel. "Alright alright, no one get it
rights at the first try. There's always a first time."

"My first capture was a success when I first caught my Taillow." Said Rize sarcasticly.

Rize's father stopped and turned his head backwards to the three teenagers and said, "Enough arguing
and walk faster!"

The trio stopped their silly arguments and fasten their steps following Rize's father at the front and
continue their travel.

Oldale Town was in sight and it was just at the end of the corner, just a few metres away and suddenly
a charmingly cute wild Pokemon attracted Rin's attention. She took out her Pokedex and used it once again
and it turned out that the wild Pokemon is a Raltz.

"Hold on, I'm going to catch that Raltz."

Her travel companies stopped their steps and watched her attempt to catch the wild Raltz. She immediately
threw her Pokeball towards the Raltz that was unaware that it was being targetted. This time, the ball hit
successfully on Raltz's body, clanked open and red lights began to came out of it absorbing the creature into
the ball.

Rin shouted in excitement in reaction to her successful attempt of capture. However, that was just her thought
and the shaking Pokeball bounced back up and re-open, releasing the contained Pokemon inside.
"Eh?" Rin did not know why did the Pokeball released the captured Pokemon out again and the wild Raltz seems to be
afraid and began to flee.

Rize laughed at Rin's failed attempt of capture and Rin was so irritated by it.

"You have to weaken the Pokemon you wanted to catch first, that will increase the success rate of the capture."
Micah patiently explained how the theory of catching Pokemon to Rin.

"Oh right! How could I forgot that basic! Everyone learned that at the Pokemon school!"

Snapped out from her mistake, she then took a Pokeball and called out her trusted Combusken.

"Combusken, go and chase that Raltz and use Slash attack!"

Combusken immediately dashed chasing the escaping Raltz and slashed it with its claws leaving Raltz with quite
a damage.

"Alright now use Flamethrower!"

Just before Combusken could fire its most powerful Fire attack, it was countered by Raltz's Psychic attack and
it was repelled back by the power of Raltz's Psychic super effectively.

"That Raltz knew Psychic! It is quite a high level!" Remarked Rize positively. "Come on Rin! You can do it!"
Rize began to cheer for his old friend and hearing that cheering from Rize that just have been underestimatnig her
instead of supporting her, Rin began to be fueled up to catch the wild Raltz and commanded Combusken to breath its
Flamethrower attack once more this time landing a direct hit. Furthermore, Raltz was inflicted by a status effect

"Alright! Now use Slash to finish it!"

Combusken dashed with its claws ready to slash as if it wanted to rip apart Raltz with it but the wild Raltz did
not just stand there like a duck ready to be executed, it used Charm attack that made Combusken lowered its attack
and it also stopped its attack due to the charming cuteness of the Raltz. Raltz took that chance and immediately
used another move, this time, it used Attract.

Combusken was immediately affected by Attract and was in loved with the wild Raltz making it unable and not wanting
to attack it anymore.

"Oh no!" Panicked Rin. "What am I suppose to do now?!"

The burning stats kept on burning Raltz's body once after a while and made Raltz weaker and weaker.

"Rin! You can cancel the Attract effect by calling back Combusken into its Pokeball and you can immediately
send it right back to battle!" Rize shouted and gave an advice to Rin and she followed the advice, Combusken
is now back to its senses.

The burned Raltz was surprised to see that the Attract effect have worn off and could not react in time and
therefore slashed by COmbusken.

"Now! It's weak enough, time for the Pokeball!" shouted Rize once more and Rin threw her Pokeball again but
too bad, she missed the target again as her throwing skill is not refined yet. Rize send a facepalm onto his
own face in reaction to Rin's sloppy throw off.

"Raltz have been unconscious, relax and take your time. Or you can just get near to it and throw the Pokeball
from a near distance." This time it was Micah who gave an advice to Rin.

Rin felt that she needed to be good at throwing the Pokeball if she wanted to catch Pokemon so she use this
chance as a practice and it took another two throws until she finally hit Raltz and Raltz was captured.

"Alright! I caught Raltz!" Rin and COmbusken both jumped in excitement and quickly ran to the Pokeball that contained Raltz on
the ground. "My very first own Pokemon that I captured by myself!"

"Congratulation Rin!" Rize and Micah both congratulated Rin of her success.

Rize's father immediately continued walking and commanded them to do so as well and thus they continue walking
towards the Oldale Town that was just around the corner.