Friday, August 19, 2011

Chapter 77 - Return to Kanto! vs Agatha of the Elite 4

The wide sky was orange in colour as the sun was setting. The clock indicated the time to be six past forty in the evening and the SeaGalop ferry that Rize and Ryussei boarded was cruising its way gracefully on the sea water heading its way back to Kanto's Vermillion harbour port as the Vermillion city was already in sight.

"At last! We're back in Kanto!" said Rize in an excited manner.

Right after they alighted from the ferry, immediately they fly their way back to Pallet Town. As Rize does not have his own living place in Kanto, Ryussei suggested for him to stay at his place until the League starts. Rize gladly accepted the offer and was really grateful for having such a generous friend but first, he wanted to take a stop at Prof.Oak's place to tell about what happened back at the Sevii Islands.

Ryussei was too tired from the journey and decided to went back home and settle down first while Rize went on his own to the Professor's place. He said that he will come to fetch him at the Professor's place after he have rested enough.

Rize arrived and the Prof was delighted to see him back. He then told the Prof about his travel to the Sevii Islands and most of all that he wanted to tell was that the incident on Mt.Ember with Team Rocket. It was really a surprise that Team Rocket was still around where they thought that they have been stop for good. If it wasn't for Reinz that by accident saw the bunch of Rocket Grunts on the base of Mt.Ember and overheard their plan to capture Moltres, Rize and Ryussei would probably have been captured by the Rockets. Reinz then was tailing the Rocket's movements and that was how he manage to appear and rescue them.

The most shocking part was not that Team Rocket was still around but their method of catching Moltres. It was revealed that Team Rocket have successfully created a Pokemon from Mew's cells and DNA to be a Pokemon similar to Mew but with slight modificationm, stronger than the original Mew, and that Pokemon was called Mewtwo.

As Mewtwo was too powerful that even Giovanni himself was not able to tame and control it and therefore Mewtwo went out and roamed the whole region by its own rebellion will. However, Mewtwo was not just simply roaming and travelling around the region but it seek strong opponents to defeat as to prove of its might. Mewtwo being smart as well, learned  the location and living place of the Legendary Pokemon in Kanto and started to defeat them one by one. Because Team Rocket couldn't control and made use of Mewtwo on their control, they studied of where and which Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo is going to defeat. Taking advantage of the vulnerable and hapless Legendary Pokemon after defeated by Mewtwo, Team Rocket plan to use that opportunity to capture every Legendary there is and create a powerful armies of Pokemon to conquer the world.

"That was one terrible scheme they planned! Luckily you guys happened to be there and stopped them in getting their hand on Moltres." The Professor said in relief, exhaling a deep breath from his chest. "So what happened to the Team Rocket back at Mt.Ember?"

"Canis Majoris managed to escape but the grnts were all arrested by the local police after they are rolled down the mountain."

"Hmm, so that means, this Mewtwo was the one that caused Zapdos in heavy injuries and with its leftover strength flew to the Power Plant and absorbed the electric energy for the sake for it to recover!" exclaimed the Professor.

"Yes, that's what I thought as well. I don't know about Articuno but hopefully it is fine." said Rize. "I've seen it with my own eyes the power and ability of that Mewtwo. It is simply wicked, and the way it battled was just totally savaged."

The Professor became excited to hear of a new species of Pokemon that he have never known all his life before and asked Rize wether he scanned Mewtwo with his Pokedex. Rize did scanned but there was no data available for it as it is new and an unknown Pokemon to the Professor.

"At least you scanned it and that means the Pokedex stored its data of how it looks like. I really wanna see it by myself! Come, let me see your Pokedex." said the Professor with his hand ready to grab Rize's Pokedex as soon as he took it out of his pocket.

The Profesor was all pumped up to see a new Pokemon even tough it is just a picture of it and he began to transfer the data from Rize's Pokedex to his supercomputer where he stored every data and information about Pokemon he have ever researched all his life.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Someone was on the door, a guest. Rize immediately thought that it was Ryussei who was coming and so he went and opened the door. To his surprise, it was not Ryussei's face that he saw after he opened the door but an old lady with a height of approximately 155cm tall and a skinny tiny body with a short brownish hair wearing a purple dress with a wooden rod on her hands.

"And you're looking for?" asked Rize in full of curiosity wondering who the old lady really is with his eyebrow twisted and clueless face.

"Hm? Little boy, I'm here to meet with my friend, Oak." answered the old lady in an arrogant tone.

The Professor showed up and saw the old lady and greeted her with warm welcome. "Ah! Agatha, you came! Come in, come in."

The Professor invited the old lady to sit and have a cup of Earl Grey tea to drink and have a chat. The Professor upon knowing the existence of a new Pokemon, Mewtwo, immediately shared the story with her such as how it came to existence and so on.

"So this Mewtwo thing was a Pokemon created from lab experiment of Team Rocket and even stronger than the Legendaries? Even Mew itself?" asked the old lady with a slight intimidated tone after sipping her nice smelled tea.

Rize was just standing awkwardly behind the Professor hearing the conversation between the Professor and the old lady awkwardly until the old lady finally asked the Professor of who he is. "Ah! And this is the boy that have seen Mewtwo by himself and fight with Team Rockets. His name is Rize and his age is 14, but he's turning 15 soon tough." introduced the Professor to the old lady. "By the way Rize, this is Agatha and she is a good friend of mine since we were young. Oh and don't be deceived by her looks and age, she is an extremely skilled Pokemon Trainer as she is one of the Kanto's Elite 4." said the Professor, introducing the old lady to Rize.

Rize was amazed and excited to hear that the old lady here is one of the Elite 4. His heart throbbed and pumped faster and his blood burns to challenge this Elite 4 to a battle. Without further thinking in his head, Rize offered Agatha the Elite 4 to a battle which shocked the Professor.

"Well well little boy, I like that spirit of yours. I'm also curious of how strong you are from hearing Oak's story that you fought and defeated Team Rocket so I accept your challenge boy!"

They all head out to the battle field outside the lab located at the Professor's garden. It was one of the Professor's facility for battling and training purpose.

The wind blew coldly as it was night time and there were many stars on the sky along with a beautiful moon which shines its light towards the battlefield. The match was decided to be just a one on one. Agatha picked up her Pokeball from her pocket, enlarge it and throw it to the ground upon saying "I choose Gengar!" and a dark purple coloured like shadow Pokemon with a red glowing eye came out from the ball with a cry "Gengar, Geng!"

This is the first time for Rize to see a Gengar and as usual, he took out his Pokedex to scan and studied Gengar's information and details.

"Gengar the shadow Pokemon and the evolved form of Haunter. It is a Ghost and Poison type. The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a GENGAR delighting in casting curses on people. It hides in shadows. It is said that if GENGAR is hiding, it cools the area by nearly 10 degrees F. By lurking in the shadowy corners of rooms, it awaits chances to steal its prey's life force."

Rize took his black and yellow striped colour Ultra Ball from his belt and threw it onto the air. It opened up with a flash and a golden coloured Pidgeot appeared. He thought that a Normal and Flying type is a good match up for a Ghost type considering that no Ghost type attack can do any damage to it and further more Pidgeot could fly in the air and extremely agile in movement thus will give them time and space to prepare attacks and avoid incoming attacks from Gengar.

"Wow! What a unique Pidgeot you have there. Furthermore you didn't pick Pidgeot for nothing right?" Remarked Agatha with a grin smile. "Come, attack us anytime boy."

"Pidgeot use Air Cutter!"

Pidgeot flapped its shiny wings and launched a sharp blade of air with a great speed reaching on to Gengar and land a clean hit. Gengar was pushed back for a couple of steps.

"Nice going! Now Aerial Ace!"

Pidgeot flew up gracefully in the air and dived down towards Gengar with an awesome speed to take down Gengar with its speed attack.

"Gengar, dodge by hiding in the shadow."

Just before Pidgeot could successfully land its attack, Gengar disappeared as it hides in the dark shadow and it can no where to be seen by Rize and Pidgeot.

"It really could hide in the shadow! Where did it go?!"

Rize thought that the situation is not good for him as they could be attack from any angle. He thought in his mind that Gengar was still somewhere in the arena but just unseen by him. He then got an idea of driving Gengar out from the shadow.

"Pidgeot quick! Fly up higher and use Whirlwind down to the battle field!"

Pidgeot flew a little bit higher above and flapped its wing as fast and hard as it could, creating a strong raging wind like storm and Gengar was pushed back and was forced to come out from the shadow. It was spotted to be holding its ground due to the strong wind.

"There it is! Quick use Aerial Ace!"

Pidgeot stopped flapping its wings and rushed to take down Gengar with Aerial Ace with incredible speed.

"Gengar, Thunderbolt!" Agatha ordered calmly with her eyes closed.

Gengar charged up and launched a Thunderbolt attack when Pidgeot was just a few feet away from it thus making Pidgeot unable to react and have the time to dodge it. The timing of the attack was splendid and Pidgeot was electrocuted and knocked out from the battle.

Just then, Ryussei arrived and was surprised to see his friend, Rize was having a battle with one of the Elite 4, Agatha, and watched the battle from the sideline.

"I lost.." Rize said in a bit disappointed way. "As expected from the Elite 4. I guess its still too far for me."

"Not so boy.. you're impressive! You manage to force my Gengar out from the shadow. I enjoy the battle and would love to see more of your abilities. Come, bring out another of your Pokemon!"

"That Rize was really something! I can't believe even Agatha complimented him. Agatha is usually cold and mean and does not compliment others that often." The Professor said in excitement making Ryussei to observe Rize more keenly.

Rize became pumped up and recharged from the compliment effect and his fighting spirit is back.

"Pidgeot you did a good job!" Said Rize while returning back his knocked out Pidgeot back into its ball and put it back on his belt.

He then reached out for another Pokeball from his belt and threw it onto the air and a Jolteon came out from it with a bright flash light.

Agatha smiled, as if she knew what sort of plan was Rize about to come up with.
"You chose Jolteon to make one of our attack which is Gengar's Thunderbolt to be useless right? But too bad, we still have three more attacks we have not yet revealed. Gengar! Shadow Ball!"

"Jolteon dodge it!"

Jolteon avoided the dark-purpled colour ball of energy with its incredible speed to the right.

"My my, what speed your Jolteon have! Gengar, hide in the shadow."

Once again Gengar made its body to be like the shadow and hide itself in the dark and completely out of sight from Rize and Jolteon.

"This is it! I chose Jolteon not for just neutralizing your Thunderbolt but for this as well! Jolteon use Flash maximum brightness and bright the whole battlefield!" Rize commanded with enthusiasm.

Gengar became visible as the there are no more shadow it can use to hide into. Furthermore, its eyesight was hurt due to the bright Flash attack and it leave it to be unguarded.

Ryussei and the Professor was amazed as they thought Rize might be able to turn the table around but Agatha was still smiling calmly, unmoved by her current situation as if it is all alright.

"Jolteon! Now's our chance! Shadow Ball!"

Jolteon fired a dark-purple coloured ball of energy from its mouth towards Gengar and it successfully land a hit and created a small explosion that covered Gengar in white smokes.

"Yes! We did it Jolteon!" Rize was excited as his plan succeeded.

"Battle's not over yet, boy."

As the white smoke cleared up, Gengar was found standing firm and strong with a wide evil smile on its face giving a horror look and impression.

"As expected from the Elite 4's Pokemon, its not affected at all. But now that it cannot hide in the shadow anymore it is just like a dummy sandbag waiting for its fate. Jolteon use Thunder!"

Jolteon roared and launched a fiery Thunder attack that strikes from above the battlefield. However, Agatha commanded Gengar to dodge and hard to belief, it dodged the Thunder attack with ease. It turned out that Agatha's Gengar was a very speedy Pokemon.

"What?! It have speed as well! I thought it is just a slowpoke coward that can only hide in the shadow. Jolteon fire more Thunder attacks rapidly!"

"Excuse me.. my Gengar is not a coward. Dodge them all!" Agatha commanded in an annoyed tone due to the comment that Rize made towards her beloved Gengar.

Gengar with its incredible agility avoided all of Jolteon's brutal Thunder's attack.

"We gotta stop its movement first! Jolteon use Thunder Wave!"

Jolteon fired a wide spread of zapping electricity and Gengar was zapped and became paralyzed due to the effect of Thunder Wave. Its speed was greatly reduced that it was impossible for it to dodge any attacks that Jolteon going to fire. Rize was so fired up that he thought that the wind was finally on his side but somehow, Agatha was still so calm as if nothing have happened to her Gengar.

"Gengar's done now!" Exclaimed Ryussei.

"I will not be so sure if I were you." Said the Professor with a proud smile on his expression as if he knew what would happen next.

"Gengar! Trick Room!" Agatha commanded with lifting her wooden staff pointing towards her front.

A dimensional room appeared out of nowhere and covered the whole battlefield as if the battlefield was caged with it.

"What the! What's Trick Room?!" Rize was confused as he did not know what move Gengar have just used.

"Trick Room is a move that made the slower speed Pokemon to be faster and the faster Pokemon to be slower." Explained the Proffesor to Rize. "In other words, now that Gengar have become the slower Pokemon but because of Trick Room's effect, it became the faster Pokemon than Jolteon."

"How can that be?! Jolteon finish it with Thunder!" Rize refused to believe in the explanation and commanded to attack.

"Shadow Ball, Gengar!"

Before Jolteon could even finish charged its attack and fired it, Gengar was already behind it and fired it with a deadly Shadow Ball close ranged and a huge explosion pushed Jolteon a dozen feet away leaving it unable to battle.

"Jolteon!" Shouted Rize as he was worried of his Jolteon's condition.

"You should respect your elders, little boy!" Agatha lectured him in an arrogant tone. "Come on, summon your next Pokemon."

Rize thought that to defeat Gengar and its Trick Room, he just have to use a slower Pokemon than Gengar and made use of the Trick Room to his advantage. However, as he think deeper into the problem, he figured that he have no Pokemon that is slower than the paralyzed Gengar. He have found himself to be at the edge of the spear's point and decided to gave up the battle to avoid further humiliation.

"You should know your place, little boy!" Agatha said with no respect towards Rize.

"Just when I thought Rize was something to be praised by Agatha and now he already pissed her off. Once Agatha's pissed, you can expect a long time for forgiveness. Haha." Said Prof.Oak.

"Still, Rize was something to be bold enough to challenge one of the Elite 4." Ryussei spoke out his opinion to the Professor.

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