Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chapter 82 - When the Hearts between Trainer and Pokemon becomes One

It was noon and the sun was glaring brightly towards the stadium field where the Kanto League Intermediate tournament was held. Great was the cheers of the spectators in the stadium as Rize was facing one of a future star Trainer in the Pokemon Trainer world.

"Give up! This is futile! I know Charizard is your strongest Pokemon and besides I still have one more Pokemon that is still in full health! You can't win!"

"Yea right, I should give up now."

"Oops... What is this!! Is Trainer Rize admitting defeat and decided to quit the match??"

However, despite of his words, he took another Pokeball from his belt and hold it with high hope.

"I would have given up if I don't have this guy with me! My number 1 partner! I'm counting on you buddy! You're my only hope!" Rize threw the Pokeball he was holding and sent forth his last Pokemon and a blue coloured giant mud-fish looking Pokemon with two fins on its head and a fin tail came out from.

"Oh!! What a surprise! It's a Swampert dear Pokemon fans! Swampert is a Pokemon that is not local in Kanto and only can be found in the Hoenn region! What a rare sight to see! Oh if I remember correctly, indeed Trainer Rize was from the Hoenn region! This can be an interesting match! But can it defeat Shigeru's powerful Dragonite??"

The truth was that after coming out with no strategy at all yesterday before the match, Rize contacted Prof.Birch and told about his Kanto League challenge and decided to take his good old Swampert to him.

"This commentator was way too noisy." Ryussei grumbled and complained to himself. He was watching the battle at the first row of the spectator seat all this time. He then took out his Pokedex to learn more about the Pokemon he have never seen before."

"Swampert the Mud Fish Pokemon. It is a Water and Ground type Pokemon. It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms."

Ryussei closed and put back his Pokedex into his pocket. "So that's one of Rize's original Pokemon from Hoenn."

"Hah! I don't know what kind of Pokemon is that, but all I know was it's a weird and ugly Pokemon coming from a weird region like its Trainer! I don't even need to open my Pokedex to beat that thing."

At that time Rize then knew that Shigeru knew little of or perhaps even nothing about Swampert. This can be a real advantage said himself on his mind. "Yes! Don't open your Pokedex. Swampert shoot that Dragonite with Hydro Pump!

Immediately, a fast and strong water current was fired and launched from Swampert's big mouth and made a clean hit at Dragonite. Dragonite was pushed back a certain feet due to the power of the current but was able to free itself from it as it flew up the air.

"So it's a Water type after all. I was right! Judging from its appearance alone I knew that it must be a Water type! I'm a Pokemon expert. After all I'm the grandson of the most famous Pokemon researcher in the whole world. And didn't you know water type attacks have little effect on Dragon type? Dragonite finish it with your Thunder Punch!"

Dragonite took off and dashed from its spot with a lightning speed and punched Swampert on the face with Thunder Punch and the electric current spread all out to Swampert's body.

"Ohh! Swampert took a direct hit from Dragonite's Thunder Punch.  But it looks completely fine and still standing firm on its spot."

"What!?" It was non other than Shigeru that was shocked and not Swampert.

"Chance! Swampert use Ice Punch!!"

Swampert firmed its right fist, concentrated, and the air around it became cold as Ice energy began to emerge and making its fist glowing in light bluish energy.

After gathering enough energy, it then strike Dragonite on the belly. Dragonite received much damage as it is extremely weak against Ice type and was knocked back to a certain feet from Swampert.

The commentator grabbed his mic upon seeing the battle that the result is still unclear."That was one hell of an Ice Punch! Super effective!"

In excitemen Rize thought that he have defeated Dragonite, but he was wrong. Dragonite was still standing firm and strong but with a frozen tip of ice on the belly.

"If you think that you can defeat my Dragonite that easily then you're mistaken! Dragonite use Thuder Punch and beat that thing for good!"

Dragonite firmed its fist and charged it with electric power and dashed once again to strike Swampert with the same in-effective attack. Shigeru have not realized that the attack have no effect at all due to not knowing Swampert's Ground type nature.

Swampert looked back at Rize and both nodded in agreement as if the both of them knew each other's mind. At this point of time, the heart of the Trainer and Pokemon just merged and truly become one. But nobody knew about this. No, no one. But only both Rize and his Swampert.

Dragonite strike Swampert with Thunder Punch through gliding the air and made repeated attempts of attacks and kept on striking from all directions.

"Oh! Swampert seems to be completely helpless from Dragonite's assaults. It was in so much pain from all those attacks. Those Thunder Punches must have inflicted so much damage!"

But the truth was that Swampert was acting to be in pain. It was all just an act to convince Shigeru that Swampert was indeed just a Water type and took damage from electric attacks and put him into a trap.

"Hahaha! Keep up the assaults! Don't let it have a moment to breath safely!" Shigeru commanded in confidence not knowing that he have fallen to Rize's little trick.

Dragonite followed the orders of his master and kept attacking.

"Swampert find a way to counter with Ice Punch!"

As Dragonite just landed another hit on Swampert and took a u-turn on the air to strikes back, Swampert took its spot, focusing to hit the coming Dragonite with its freezing fist.

As Dragonite approached and was on a distance that Swampert could reach its attack, Swampert then launched its freezing Ice Punch attack.

However, Dragonite saw through the attack, moved to the left side and avoided Swampert's attack and successfully hit Swampert on the face again with its Thunder Punch. Swampert was knocked back due to the punch.

"I have the advantage of aerial combat, and great speed. You can't win! Finish it!"

Dragonite charged and striked back with the same pattern of attack. Swampert tried to hit it again with Ice Punch and just like earlier, Dragonite moved to the left side and avoided Swampert's attack successfully. However, this time Swampert's left fist was ready and hit Dragonite with super effective Ice Punch. Combined with Dragonite's charging speed, the Ice Punch took greater effect and Dragonite was knocked and pushed really hard and far away back.

"It looks like it is still anybody's battle! It is still possible for Rize to turn the table around!"

Ryussei who was watching the match made his critical comment, "So much for the prodigy Trainer, he didn't even know what type of Pokemon he is dealing with."

Dragonite appeared to show signs of weary and tiredness. It might not stand another or a couple of hit from Swampert. Shigeru was aware of this and decided to end the match as soon as possible and that is why he once again commanded his Dragonite to use its last resort, its most powerful attack. Draco Meteor.

"Hahaha we can attack from a distance while you can't. It's over for you. Draco Meteor!"

"Swampert stop it from flying up high with your Hydro Pump!"
Rize responded quick to the situation and commanded Swampert to stop it. The prevention attempt was unsuccessful tough as Dragonite dodged each and every of Swampert's Hydro Pump and was now too high for the Hydro Pump to reach. It then charged and launched a ball of mystical dragon energy downwards that burst into many divided energy beam shots showering from the sky like meteor rains. Swampert was defenseless from these massive attacks.
"Swampert no!"
"Swampert yes! Hahaha it all ends here and now!"

The showering rain of the dazzling energy shots of Draco Meteor was displayed like fireworks that fell to the ground and created a massive explosions here and there. As it fell on almost all parts of the ground, Swampert have nowhere to run nor hide and great was the explosions. It was indeed a very powerful move.

"Wow! Once again Dragonite showed us its beautiful and wonderful yet deadly attack, Draco Meteor! Could this be the end for Swampert?!"

The battlefield was filled with thick smokes and dusts that nobody was able to see what was going on inside it. The referee and everyone in the stadium was waiting for the battlefield to be cleared up so that the referee could make its call and decision of the match.

Shigeru was already on his victory pose, 100% sure of his victory.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chapter 81 - Clash of Dragons!

"The unexpected have happened! Shigeru's Alakazam have been eliminated as well! And here I thought that Shigeru could have made a clean victory with a score of 3-0 against this unknown Trainer named Rize! It looks like Rize is not your everyday ordinary Trainer after all! What an interesting round 1!"

"Your luck ends now you Hoenn boy! You've made me serious now!" Shigeru took out an Ultra Ball ready to send out his next Pokemon to battle. "Meet my Ace! Dragonite! Go!" Shigeru threw the Ultra Ball into the air and a harmless looking Dragon Pokemon came out. Its size was about as big as Rize's Charizard.

"Dragonite the Dragon Pokemon. It is a Dragon and Flying type Pokemon and the evolved form of Dragonair.
It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore."

"It looks harmless from its expression but somehow I can feel that it possesses dangerous mystical power in it. Furthermore this is Shigeru's special Pokemon! Charizard we gotta be on our extra cautious guard!"

"Charizard use your Dragon Breath!" Rize attacked first before they are attacked.

But Shigeru once again didn't give any command to his Pokemon and Dragonite was hit by Dragon Breath. Oops, it's true that the attack was successful but it didn't actually hit Dragonite with clean hit as Light Screen was effect was still on and protected it from the Charizard's attack.

"Hahaha! You're hopeless! Our turn now! Dragonite use Dragon Claw!

Dragonite flapped its wing and dashed to strike Charizard with its shining puny little claws but Rize commanded Charizard to dodge and Charizard, being faster in speed than Dragonite was able to avoid the attack.

"You got Light Screen I got Speed! Doesn't matter the Light Screen it will wore out soon! Another Dragon Breath!"

Once again Dragonite was being protected by the Light Screen but of course it still took damage by half of it.

"Speed eh? I wonder about that.." Shigeru smiled sarcastically towards Rize. "Dragon Dance now!"

Dragonite started to perform some kind of dance like ritual and it began to glow in strength as it continued its dance.

"What is it doing? Dancing?" Rize have no idea what was Dragonite doing, dancing like a fool.

"Dragon Dance is a move that increased a Pokemon's attack and speed! But just knowing about it won't help you a thing tough!" As he speaks, Dragonite finished its dance moves and Shigeru commanded it to attack.

"Thunder Punch! Go!"

Dragonite charged electricity power on its right palm and dashed with incredible speed much faster than it was before and flew towards Charizard to land its attack. Rize, being shocked with Dragonite's speed quickly commanded Charizard to intercept the attack with Dragon Breath but as Light Screen was still in effect, the Dragon Breath was held by it and Dragonite was still able to move forward and hit Charizard with a super-effective Thunder Punch on Charizard's face.

Charizard lost its balance and fell down from the sky falling down to the pool of water that Rize have created himself.

"Charizard! Snap out of it! Fly up back!!" Rize screamed, fright of his Charizard fell to the water and knocked out.

Charizard listened and very close before it entered the water, it flatten its wing and hold itself in mid-air, flapped its wing and flew back up to the sky battle arena.

"Oh yeah, I just figured out a very suited way to crush you. That is to burry you on the very grave you've made on your own! Hahaha! Dragonite go and charged Charizard and drag it to the water pool below!"

"Oh no you don't! Intercept with Dragon Breath!"

Charizard fire another breath of dreadful dragon power to the charging Dragonite and this time it successfully hit Dragonite and inflicted much damage that pushed Dragonite back and even fell to the water as the Light Screen effect have finally wore out.

"What a splendid Dragon Breath from Charizard! Now that Light Screen's effect is no longer in effect, how will Shigeru responded to this situation?!" The commentator still not forgetting his role to comment on the battle and made the battle lively.

"Dragonite! Stay in the water until I command you to attack! Observe Charizard from below the water and aim on it well and prepare to strike when you heard my command!"

Dragonite stayed under water while Charizard was clueless as it didn't know when will its attack coming from.

"Calm down Rize! Relax, stay focus!" Rize reminding himself to stay calm on the situation.

"Thunder Punch!"

Immediately after Shigeru shouted its command, Dragonite came out from the water surface with a big splash and attack Charizard with Thunder Punch with a great speed. However, Charizard saw through it and dodged the punch with a few inches away and distanced itself from Dragonite to a safer zone.

"Dive back to the water Dragonite!"

Dragonite then dived back to the water and hide there and wait for its next command.

"You coward! Come out from there and fight like a man!"
"Huhuhu, as long as I win I don't care what you say. My Dragonite surely have the advantage here as it can fly on the air and dive in the water while your Charizard can only stay on the air as there is no land to set foot on. Thunder Punch! Go!"

Dragonite flew out from the water and punched Charizard directly on its face with Thunder Punch.

"Grab it and carry it to the water!"
"Dragon Breath!"

Dragonite grabbed Charizard's arm and intended to carry it together with it inside the water but Charizard fired a close range Dragon Breath to its face and it hid itself back in the water.

"That was close.."
"Tch! This is bad. Charizard have been taking too much damage, it won't survive another couple of attacks from Dragonite!"
"Your Charizard's not looking good, it looks like it will fell down by itself to the pool of water by its own anytime hahaha."
"We gotta get him out from the water!"
"How will Trainer Rize deal with Shigeru's trick of hiding inside the water that Rize created by himself?"

Just then, Rize thought of something that might work on to drag Dragonite out of the water.
"I don't know if this will work but I just have to try! Charizard use Blast Burn to the water pool!"

Charizard gathered fire power and store it on its mouth, its whole body glowed flashing with crimson colour and the fire on its tail tip grew gigantically and burns extremely hot. It fired its most powerful fire attack to the water pool and created a huge explosion on the pool.

"What the! That move again! What is that crazy move?!"

Water vapors and steam was produced as a result from the explosion and..

"What happened to Dragonite?? Did Charizard's attack managed to score some point??"

When the smokes and steams have cleared up and vanished to the sky, the pool of water was gone. The water have all evaporated to the sky and Dragonite was found standing on the land with its foot with some bruises.

"What! The Water's gone!"
"What a surprise! Rize once again changed the whole battlefield and not only that, it looks like Dragonite took quite an amount of damage from that previous attack. If it is not from the protection of the water, Dragonite might be instantly knocked out!! Now that the water's clear, Charizard can give its wing some rest and land on its foots"

Charizard came down from the sky and landed on the ground and took some rest as it cannot move for a moment due to the side effect from Blast Burn.

"Heh! It works better than I expected. How's that! The water's clear and you have nowhere to hide anymore coward!"

"Fool! You only make me mad! Dragonite go Thunder Punch!"

As Charizard was not able to move, Dragonite successfully landed its Thunder Punch attack on its belly and it fell down haplessly laying on the ground.

"Stand up Charizard! Get back up!"
"Don't give mercy! Dragonite fly up high!"

Dragonite flew up high to the sky and stopped mid-air, leaving Rize with wonder and curiosity of what it's going to do. He thought that he would not give Charizard a chance to recover and keep attacking but what is it doing on the sky making itself far away from Charizard.

"Huhuhu, finish it. Draco Meteor!!"
"Oh no!!"

Dragonite charged and fired a ball of energy out from its mouth towards the battle arena below. The energy ball burst and countless energy blasts began showering from the sky like meteors.

"Charizard try your best to dodge!"

Charizard just got enough energy to got back up on its feet and saw that a rain of energy blasts of Draco Meteor came upon to shower him and was shocked and could not move its body due to the pressure it felt and it was hit terribly by the Draco Meteor as the energy blasts showered upon it and great was the explosion.

"What a tragic things for Charizard! Is it knocked out or can it still continue to battle?!"

The crowd was curious and was silent upon waiting for the smokes and dirt from the explosion to clear up. Dragonite landed back to the ground and the smokes from the explosion was cleared. Charizard was found
to be laying down on the ground unconscious, thus making it out from the battle as the referee made its call and Charizard's picture on the battle board was turned off and marked with a red cross.

"Charizard no!" Rize was shocked to find that his trump card was defeated.
"Hahaha! Go cry to your mama Hoenn boy! Hahaha!"

Shigeru kept laughing over his victory and the whole stadium shouted and cheered for him as well.

"Its finish.. it was such a bad fortune to meet Shigeru on the first round." Satoshi spoke to himself as he watched the battle from the TV in his room.

"Now Trainer Rize have only one Pokemon left! What Pokemon will he summon next?! And do he still have a chance to win this first round from Shigeru?!"