Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chapter 80 - Battle Field

"Wow! Look at that dear Pokemon fans! Rize's Gyarados got up and still in the match! We gotta admit it must be so well trained that it could survive such powerful Electric attack!" said the commentator after checking on Gyarados's condition.

"Not bad for surviving that Thunder Bolt." Shigeru said in a teasing tone.

"Good job Gyarados!" Rize complimented his Gyarados for getting back up in the match, however, he's still not in a good situation and need to think of something fast to deal with Shigeru and his seemingly untouchable Alakazam.

"What should I do?! None of our attacks will ever reach them like this!" Rize started to shake and spinned his head, trying to come out with something for a counter attack. "If only I got some more time to think!"

"If you're not going to attack, I'm going to finish you."

"Tch! Gyarados Hyper Beam!"

Gyarados charged an amount of energy in its mouth and launched a scarlet coloured flash beam attack towards Alakazam in an incredible speed. However, just like before, Shigeru commanded his Alakazam to dodge with its Teleport and so it did. Gyarados' Hyper Beam attack landed on the battlefield destroying the smooth surface of the battlefield become a mess with cracks and wholes.

"Fool! Your Gyarados now need to recharge for a moment and can't move! It will be like a sitting duck waiting to be persecuted! Alakazam Thunder Bolt finish it go!"

"Crap! I won't let you! Gyarados get back!" Rize quickly took Gyarados' Pokeball from his belt, enlarged it, and put Gyarados back into its ball safely before Alakazam could attack with its dangerous Thunder Bolt attack. Rize knew that if Gyarados took another hit of that Thunder Bolt, it won't survive.

"Get a quick rest in there. I will be needing you again later." Rize talked to Gyarados while grabbing its Pokeball infront of him.

"What a wise decision by Rize to switch Pokemon! Now what will he brings out against Shigeru's superior Alakazam??"

"Come on! I'm confident that I can finish all three of your Pokemon with just my Alakazam." Shigeru boasted once more.

"Change of plan! Time for attacks from above, aerial attacks!" Rize reached to his belt and took one of the Pokeballs attached to it, enlarged it and threw it to the battlefield releasing his next Pokemon. "Charizard, go! Into the air!"

"So it's Charizard, eh? It won't do you any difference.."

Charizard immediately flapped its wing and float on the sky just as Rize have commanded it to.

"I gotta think out of the box and do something unusual if I would to win against an opponent as strong as he is! Charizard, use Dragon Breath!"

Charizard exhaled a terrific breath of heat consist of mystical dragon power in it that is going towards Alakazam. But ofcourse, as usual, Shigeru commanded to dodge every single attack with Teleport and so does Alakazam do as he commanded.

"Kept firing your Dragon Breath till I told you to stop!"

Charizard, not knowing what's his Trainer's objective could only to trust on his master and do as he commanded. Alakazam then dodged every single one of Charizard's Dragon Breath.

"It looks like Trainer Rize have no plan or strategy at all and just mindlessly attack straight forward hoping that he will hit the jackpot one day!"

"Is he mad? I guess he's just a desperate no brainer!" Claimed Shigeru. But little do he know what is Rize was up to all these times, until..

After countless attacks of Dragon Breath from Charizard from the air, the battlefield have been torn and messed up in that there are holes and cracks everywhere. The battlefield is no longer clean and smooth. The wholes was already as big as the battlefield itself  that the whole battlefield was a big hole arena.

Charizard still continue on its assaults and suddenly Alakazam tripped after it landed on a new ground after its Teleportation, thus making it lost focus by a split second to dodge Charizard's continuous attacks. However..

"What?! Crap! Alakazam Light Screen quick!" Shigeru responded to the situation as fast as lightning and thus Alakazam successfully used Light Screen and reduced Dragon Breath's damage to half.

"Whoops!! By a slight effect of the destroyed and rocky surfaced battlefield, Charizard's Dragon Breath attack finally succeeded onto making impact to Alakazam but sadly there is Light Screen and thus Alakazam barely felt anything from it! Shigeru is indeed a prodigy in battle!" The crowds get even more excited and heated up and the cheer gets even louder.

"Hahaha! Even tough your attack can finally reach me by luck, I still have more ways to protect Alakazam from you! How are you going to deal with me now that Light Screen have come into effect? Hahaha!"

"Light Screen huh?" Rize grinned. "Alright Charizard stop! Return to your ball now!" Rize put back his Charizard into its Pokeball.

"Woooaaa!! Just when he finally made some progress, Rize put his Charizard back into its Pokeball! What kind of Pokemon will he switch out next?!" The commentator is heating up the battle with his comments.

"What is he up to now?" Shigeru started to be curious, wondering of what is Rize's intention and next step.

"Gyarados get back!" Rize sent forth his Gyarados into battle once again.

"Ohhh Gyarados made its second appearance! It looks like it is slightly better in shape now that it have rested for a while in that comfy Pokeball."

"Your Alakazam is very impressive! It have been avoiding all of my attacks using Teleport all these time and it is not even showing any sign of lost of breath! You must have trained it extremely well!"

"Ha! Ofcourse! All of my Pokemon go through a very harsh trainings every day! Ohh I see now, your strategy was to make my Alakazam tired and out of energy, then you can attack us all you want is it?! Well sorry! That crappy strategy won't work on us!"

"Is that so? Let's see how long that endurance you're so proud of can last then! Gyarados use Ice Beam!"

Gyarados fired a breath of freezing ice rays to Alakazam and as usual it missed due to Alakazam's Teleport and instead froze the land of the battlefield that was hit by the Ice Beam.

"Keep firing Ice Beam!"
"Fool! It will always be the same no matter how much you try!"

Alakazam dodged every single shot of Ice Beam but little do Shigeru knew what was actually happening before his eyes until it was very obvious to everyone in watching the battle.

"Woow!! What is this!! The whole battle field have turned into an Ice battle field! Rize have changed the battle field using his Ice Beam attack! What a strategy! Alakazam can barely stand on the slippery ice now!"

"What?! Impossible! He turned the whole battlefield into Ice!"

"Gyarados return!" Rize returned his Gyarados back into its ball.

"Trainer Rize once again substituted his Pokemon! What do he have in mind now?! Stay alert all Pokemon fans!"

"What now?!" Shigeru started to feel some pressure.

"Charizard back into the air!" Rize sent forth his Charizard and it straight away flew and float on the air following his command.

"Blast Burn from the air into and aim onto the Ice battlefield!"

"Charizard blasted its most powerful fire attack and probably the most powerful Fire type attack there is in the whole world and directed it to the battlefield thus melted the ice into water. Once again the battlefield have changed and this time from ice field to a water field like a swimming pool.

"What an incredible sight we've just saw! The battlefield have now turned from ice skating arena into a swimming pool! Alakazam is drowning!"

"You cheater! Are you out of your mind?!" Shigeru complained to Rize but was totally ignored.

Charizard need to recharge its energy and was unable to move but Rize put it back into its Pokeball to rest.

"Chance! In water Gyarados will have the upper hand! Gyarados! I need you once more! Go finish it now!"

Once again the giant blue dragon looking fish entered the battlefield and this time it can freely move and maximised its agility movement in water.

"Fufufu.. indeed, Gyarados would have the upper hand in water combat. However, do you forgot that water conducts electricity?! Your Gyarados is now a dead duck with no where to escape! Alakazam use Thunder Bolt maximum power!"

"Oh no! Gyarados watch out!"

Alakazam discharged its dangerous electric attack onto the water and the electric current instantly run to the whole water and electrocuted Gyarados. Gyarados screamed in extreme pain and knocked out instantly from the battle.

"Gyarados is unable to battle! Alakazam wins!" The referee made its call and on the score board, Gyarados picture was mark by red cross thus indicating that it is no longer usable in the battle.

"Alakazam use Psychic to levitate yourself and float above the water!"
Alakazam used Psychic and levitated its own body thus it is no longer struggling on water anymore.

"Just when things we thought were going according to Rize's plan, Shigeru again came out having the upper hand with eliminating Rize's Gyarados. And by using its psychic power, Alakazam have no difficulty with the water field. What's Rize next move going to be now?!"

"Am sorry Gyarados. I should have realized such things to come, but you did all you can!" Rize minimized Gyarados' Pokeball and attached it back to his belt and took another Pokeball, enlarged it, ready to send out his next Pokemon.

"Charizard into the air one more time!" Charizard came out and float on the air due to there are no ground to land as the battlefield have turned into a water pool.

"You won't be able to beat us! Light Screen is still in effect and your attack won't be as effective! Hahaha~"

"Is that so? With your Alakazam holding its Psychic attack just to levitate its body the whole time, its energy is being drained every second. Further more it can't attack nor move anywhere now, it have become a delicious duck waiting to be persecuted!"

"Aerial Ace!"

Charizard flapped its wing and dived gracefully on the air just inches above the water that made the water to splash like a jetboat trail striking the defenseless Alakazam with lightning speed.

Alakazam was hit and fell onto the water knocked out unconscious. The referee called that Alakazam was knocked out and thus the score was even now with each having two Pokemon left. However, Charizard have used up quite alot of its energy and was not in its full power anymore.

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