Monday, March 26, 2012

Chapter 97 - Dad's at Home?!

Two days have passed ever since Rize boarded the ship from Kanto to return back to Hoenn. It was a long journey even with a ship as the distance between Kanto and Hoenn are quite far away.

Rize came out to the front deck of the ship and he could see Slateport city already. Flocks of flying Wingull and its evolved form Pellipper were flying above the water surface of the sea as if racing and keeping up with the ship.

Rize was standing at the deck with his Swampert. "It's really been a long time ever since I saw the native Pokemon from the Hoenn region." An idea of sending out all of his Pokemon in hand that he got from Kanto just came across to his mind. Rize thought it was for the growth of his Pokemon to be adapted to the new environment and the Pokemon in the Hoenn region that was alienated from his Kanto Pokemons. So he sent out all of them and they were Charizard, Bulbasaur, Jolteon, Pidgeot and Sandslash.

He showed his Pokemon of the beautiful scene of the sea of the Hoenn region. They all took a deep breath and inhaled the comforting and nice weather.

"I will take you all around and see much more of this homeland of mine." He then remembered about one of his Pokemon that did not came with him, "Poor Poliwrath, he did not came home with us as he went with Master Chuck for intense training." Rize pitied his Poliwrath, "Well at least there's Hitmonchan with him there haha, I hope they get along well."

Rize have alighted from the ship and immediately left the crowded Slateport city and on his way home towards Littleroot town. He decided to go on foot so that he could show around his Pokemon of his home region.

Suddenly, a loud cry from heavens above emerged. Rize turned back and looked up towards the sky and he could he see a flying object flying towards him like a jet. He have no idea what it was until it was clearly visible to him that it was actually a long time ago partner from the Kyogre and Groudon incident, Latias.

The flying Latias decended from the sky above and landed right infront of Rize and greeted him with its charming smiles.

"Hey Latias, it's been a long time! How you doing?"

Latias emitted a psychokinesis wave towards Rize's pocket where his Pokedex was put and the Pokedex started to react to it and gave a vibration. Rize took it out and opened up his Pokedex. Words started to appear forming sentences.


"That's great Latias! I've just came back from Kanto and heading home now."


"Alright, that would be great!"
Rize jumped up on Latias back and as soon as he was ready to take off, Latias ascended to up to the sky and  flew like a jet soaring on the sky through the clouds.

In a matter of minutes, Littleroot Town is on sight and Latias landed right infront of Rize's house. Rize went down from its back with a dizzy head.

"You flew faster than was last time eh? Anyway thanks for sending me home."

After saying that, Latias hurriedly ascended back to the sky and it was immediately out of sight as it flew up too high above for the human eyes to see.

Rize then pressed the doorbell of his house and eagerly waiting for his mother to open it for him. It has been one whole year that he have not been home and see his mother.

Footsteps could be heard approaching the house's main door from outside but unexpectedly, it was not his mother that opened the door for him but a tall,fierce looking middle-aged man with short brown hair along with a thin mustache and soft beards.

"Father?!" Exclaimed Rize in a surprise to see his father at home. Rize's father was rarely at home and he rarely spend time with him even during his childhood age.

"You're home? Where's mom?" Rize asked nervously.

His father did not answer him, turned his back and went inside the house.

Just before Rize would step inside the house, his mother came running from the house towards Rize and hugged him immediately.

"Oh dear, welcome back home! You know how much your mother've missed you during this whole year. Furthermore your father's back now it's such a rare moment that the house is complete. Have you said hi to your father?"

"Hi mom. Yeah but he just ignored me and went inside the house. What's up with him?" Rize replied in an annoyed tone to his mother complaining to her about his father.

"Maybe he's just too tired from his work." His mother tried to comfort him while defending his husband as well. "Anyway you've just came back, why don't you settle down first and get a warm nice bath. I've prepared food for dinner."

The sun have set and the night came, Rize together with his parents sat down at the table and ate their dinner. Rize finished his meal hurriedly as he can't wait to get to Prof.Birch's lab to see all of his Pokemon.

"Alright then I'm going to Prof.Birch's place to deliver these berries for them and I'm going to see my Pokemon at his place as well." Rize excused himself and stepped out of the house door.

When Rize have stepped out and was running towards Prof.Birch's house which was only a few metres away from his house, a voice came telling him to stop.

"Stop. Hold on son."

Rize turned back to where the voice came from and it turned out that it was his father's voice and his father was standing straight behind him. Rize got curious and asked him what's up of stopping him.

Without saying anything, his father took a Pokeball from his pocket, enlarged it and sent out a humanoid Pokemon with four big arms and well developed muscles which is a Machamp.

"What is it in a sudden?" Rize asked his father curiously of his reason sending out his Machamp.
"Son, we rarely meet each other. The last time if I ever met with you was when you were still 5 years old still in the Pokemon Elementary school. I did not even came to your graduation when you finished your studies and I only heard reports of your conducts and grades." Explain his father and then he continued on. "Now that you're 15 years and a teen. Let me see the fruits from all your training and travelings all these time with a battle."

Without hesitation, Rize got fired up of going to battle his own father and he sent out his Flying type Pidgeot as he thought that Flying type have the advantage over a Fighting type.

"Come son, have the first move and attack without holding back."

Rize felt challenged upon hearing it and decided to give its best attack right away.

"If that's what you want.. Pidgeot Aerial Ace!"

Pidgeot flew up high and took its aim. It then dived towards Machamp and unleashed its maximum speed. However, despite Pidgeot's extremely fast Aerial Ace move that came approaching Machamp, Machamp just stood there calmly and even closed its two eyes. When Rize thought that the attack was successfully landed on Machamp, Machamp dodged the attack with its eyes close and immediately strike Pidgeot down with a powerful Dynamic Punch and Pidgeot was found unconscious no longer able to battle.

"How could that be?! Its attack was not only fast but powerful as well!"
"Was that your best son?"

Rize called back his Pidgeot back into its ball. Sensing that his father is a great Trainer, he was forced to came out with his best Pokemon and so he called on Swampert.

"Swampert's the very first Pokemon I received from Prof.Birch. In a contest of strength and brute force it have no rival!"
"No rival? We'll see about that."

The cold night wind blew upon them as Swampert and Machamp took their stance and focusing their mind on the battle waiting for their respective Trainers to give a command. At that very same time somewhere in the deep inside the Petalburg Woods, Latias have just descended there and thought to rest there for the night. However, something came flying from the sky with a great speed descended and came to her. A mysterious cat like humanoid creature with white and purplish body and aura along with a paralyzing glare of a cold blooded killer appeared in front of Latias. What is this mysterious creature? Is it a Pokemon? Will Latias be okay?

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