Friday, October 19, 2012

Chapter 103 - An old Rival in Rustboro City!

Rize was immediately cured from the poison inside of his body from consuming the Pecha berry that was served by one of the Treecko from the wood gecko clan. Afterall, the Petalburg wood is their territory and habitat  so they knew best of its features.

"Thanks.. I feel much better.." Rize thanked his friends and the little wild Treecko for the Pecha berry.

"You still need to rest before we can continue our journey tough." Suggested Rin but Rize objected her suggestion saying that they have to leave the wood immediately as he was concerned of Latias' health and safety. Team Rocket might be back soon with even more in number of their troops.

Micah agreed to Rize's suggestion and he added, "We need to get the police to arrest the unconscious Rocket grunts we defeated as soon as possible too before they regained their senses and escape."

So the three of them immediately left the Petalburg wood and departed from the wood gecko clan Pokemon. One of the Grovyle that seems to be the leader led them the way to the exit of the wood that lead to the entrance of the route that leads to Rustboro city.

Since Latias was still unconscious and it would certainly caught the public's attention to see a Latias being carried by mere humans, Rize decided to keep Latias inside of his Pokeball so that he can bring Latias to the Pokemon Centre at Rustboro city to be healed up.

Upon seeing Latias being kept inside the small ball and left with Rize and his friends, one of the little Treecko that has always been serving and keeping an eye for Latias looks pretty sad and unhappy by their leaving.

Rize forced himself to walk as fast as he could since he still could not run yet due to his weakened body. Micah then started to open a conversation to him.

"So Rize, how did you get to know this Legendary Dragon type Pokemon Latias?"

Rize smiled as Micah's question brings his thought to remembrance of the incidents that happened four years ago that made him to meet with Latias and he answered, "It's a very long story.. anyway how did you manage to defeat the three other Rocket grunts in such a short time?"

"Keh, those Rocket rats are nothing, they're not so tough." Micah answered as if boasting of his skills.

"My Pokemon and I helped too, not to forget the wild Grovyles and Treeckos." Rin added as if to tell Rize that it was not only Micah who defeated the Rocket grunts and Rize was very surprised to hear that.

"What?! You helped too, Rin?"

"And what was that suppose to mean?" Rin was annoyed by Rize's question and reaction.

As they were talking along the way, they had come to the end of the Petalburg area and found the exit.

"Thanks Grovyle! We'll be back as soon as possible and in the mean time please keep an eye of the Rocket grunts that we left in the wood, okay!"

The Grovyle nodded and went head back into the deep green woods while the three young Trainers continue to their destination to Rustboro city and straight away went into the city's Pokemon Centre.

Micah decided to went ahead to the police station to lead the polices to arrest the rest of the Rocket grunts that they've defeated while Rize and Rin wen to the Pokemon Centre to get Latias and their own Pokemon to be treated.

The Pokemon Centre nurse gathered Rize's and Rin's Pokeballs and did a scanned check up to see the conditions of each Pokemon before they can proceed to give a treatment. To her surprise, there is one Pokemon that was in a very bad condition and need a special treatment right away and she was even more surprised when she found out that the Pokemon inside the Pokeball was a Legendary Pokemon.

"How could a young Trainer could have Latias in his possession?" The nurse wondered and curious to find out and asked the young Trainer that was seating at the waiting bench but prefer to keep quiet and not to be such a busybody. After all the recovery of this Legendary Pokemon is far more important than her curiosity.


Meanwhile, Micah have told the case to the polices and were heading to the Petalburg wood with three police officers but when they have arrived, the Rocket grunts were nowhere to be found and there were only ropes that have been cut lying on the grass field. Not even any of the wood gecko Pokemon were to be found.

"This is weird. Where did all the Grovyles and Treeckos go? They couldn't have went somewhere and forgot to guard the grunts." Micah thought to himself on his head then his face started to change as he thought of something terrible that could have happened to the wood gecko clan.


At the Rustboro Pokemon Centre, the main entrance automatic door opened and young familiar Trainer stepped and headed to the reception counter probably to get his Pokemon healed up. The trainer have a black smooth straight hair with a black coat and black boots and walked pass by Rize's sitting bench.

It was natural for human to react and respond into something that moved and therefore when the automatic door opened and people came in, it always catches people's attention and so Rize saw the young fellow who just came in and walked pass by him.


Rize stood up and said out a loud the young fellow's name on reflect while Rin was totally clueless as she did not know who Schumi is.

Upon hearing his name pronounced, he turned his head towards where the sound came from.

"It's you." Just a plain reaction.

Rize was excited to see non other than his number one and oldest rival ever since his debut of becoming a Pokemon Trainer and setting off for a journey began. He was curious of how have this rival of his been doing and his progress so far.

"Ah! I remember now!" Rin stood up as well as she have just came out from her clueless mode.

"You're the one who Rize lost against in the Johto League Junior tournament a year ago."

"Who is this girl?" Asked Schumi but it looks like he was not really asking and was just asking to himself and he continue to walk to the reception counter.

"Hey wait Schumi, it's been a long time since we met. Why don't we sit for a while and have a chat."

"He really got a nice manner." said Rin to her friend.

"Bear with him, he's just that kind of person." replied Rize to his friend.

After handing his Pokemon to the nurse, Schumi turned back and surprisingly came to sit together with Rize and Rin.

"It sure has been a long time since we last met. I have just defeated the Rustboro Gym and got the badge. Now while waiting for my other Pokemon to get healed, why don't we have a small battle."

Schumi suggested for a battle with Rize but actually he was just curious and wanted to test and see how far have Rize improved and compare to him now.

Of course there was no reason for Rize not to agree for the battle but unfortunately he could not. His Aron was still being treated and he have no other Pokemon with him aside from Aron now.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're afraid..?" Schumi tried to provoke Rize to accept his battle suggestion and Rize was just silent until Rin was the one who told Schumi that his Pokemon was being treated at the time being so he could not battle.

"Well we can always wait for your Pokemon. After all, I have nothing to do here while waiting for my Pokemon."

Not long after that, the nurse called for Rize and Rin as their Pokemon have been completely healed and recovered but not for Latias yet as her wounds and damaged were far greater.

"Alright, let's have our battle outside."

The three of them got outside unto the battle field facility that was provided by the Pokemon Centre for Trainers to have a practice battle and fortunately there was no one who booked the field.

Rize sent out his only Pokemon on his party, Aron, and Schumi was surprised yet confused as well to see Rize's Pokemon was still the same after a long time.

"Are you kidding me or underestimating me?"

"No, I'm serious." Answered Rize, "Come on."

Schumi returned the Pokeball he was holding and switched with other one from his belt. It looks like that he have a change of mind after seeing Rize using his little Aron.

"Not a bad time to test this one's potential and ability." He said to himself while throwing the semi red and white ball into the battlefield and small little that Rize have never ever encounter or see before appeared on the battlefield.

"What Pokemon is that?!" Both Rize and Rin have no idea of the new Pokemon that was in front of them and they each took their Pokedex to gain some light of information on this new Pokemon but both  their Pokedexes displayed the same result which was 'no data'.

Schumi smiled to himself upon seeing that Rize have no idea of his new Pokemon and what was even funnier was that even his Pokedex have no information about it too.

"Let me shed some light to you. This Pokemon is called Riolu. It just recently hatched from the egg that I obtained from my journey last year at the Sinnoh region."

"You got some guts to be using a newborn Pokemon against me." Remarked Rize after feeling to be taken lightly by his old rival.

"We'll see about that." Schumi grinned. "Come and attack!"

"This might be a good chance for a payback and to teach him a lesson." That's what Rize have thought in his mind. "Aron use Rock Slide!"

Rocks started to slide down from above towards the little Riolu but Schumi commanded to dodge the rocks and it did managed to dodge all the rocks completely unharmed with its agile movement.

"Force Palm."

Riolu dashed towards Aron and attacked with its flat tiny palm and Aron was pushed back from the power of the attack. Both Rize and Aron was surprised by the speed Riolu have shown them.

"Its fighting instinct and movement is remarkable, Riolu is a fighting type after all. It might be just a new born Pokemon but it have talent and great potential." Schumi bragged about his new Pokemon.

"It sure is fast and have good reflects but it will be no use against a sneak attack!"

That's what Rize thought in his mind so he commanded his Aron to go underground with Dig for a sneak attack from below the ground. Strangely, his rival don't look worried about it but instead was smiling.

Riolu closed its eyes as if to sense when and where Aron would appear for the sneak attack but what can it feel? The ground cracked open and Aron emerged to attack its opponent but it was somehow avoided as if its opponent knew exactly when Aron would attack.

"It failed?!"
"Force Palm!"

Once again Aron took the force from the tiny yet strong and firm palm of Riolu and its small but heavy body was pushed back even further than the previous attack.

"Just to let you know, Riolu can sense auras emitted from a living being so a sneak attack is useless against Riolu. Now to finish it, use Vacuum Wave!"

Riolu began to whirl its fists and send out a wave of pure vacuum towards Rize's little Aron. Rize commanded his Aron to dodge the attack but Aron was not able to move at all.

"It looks like your Aron was paralyzed by our Force Palm." Schumi explained the condition of Aron's status even tough Rize did not ask for it and the wave of pure vacuum hit through Aron cleanly and knocked out Aron instantly as it was extremely effective.

"Guess I won again."

 Rize was so much pissed by Schumi's arrogant claim of victory and he returned his fainted Pokemon into its ball. Schumi left him to collect his Pokemon that was being treated at the Pokemon Centre without saying a word at all.


A shout was indicated to Rize from the direction outside of the Pokemon Centre's battle field ground and as Rize turned his head towards the direction of the shouter, he saw Micah was running in a hurry towards him and looked panic as well carrying a heavily injured little Treecko that have bruises all over its body.

"Micah! What happened?!" Asked Rize in respond of seeing the situation. Rin also ran towards Rize from her sitting spot while watching the battle between Rize and Schumi.

"This little one need to be treated immediately! I'll explain the story later."

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