Everyone who was watching the battle expected that Swampert could have no way to be able to continue the battle but to everyone's surprise, Swampert was found still standing. "Ohh! What is this?! This is really a miracle! Swampert was still standing firm and strong on its feet and it looks like that the Draco Meteor attack earlier did not harm and scratch it at all! Just how in the world could this be??!!"
Everyone in the whole stadium was in awe, curious and wondering of how did Swampert could survive the Draco Meteor attack and of course, of all people Shigeru was the one who was most shocked.
"What?! How did it still able to battle? It's impossible!" Shigeru could not believe at the view he was seeing.
Dragonite was just as shock like its Trainer and landed on the ground panting. It seems that performing the Draco Meteor used up a lot of its energy and its breath was heavy. Now that it saw that Swampert could survive its most powerful attack, the effect of the pressure and tiredness it felt was doubled.
Rize smiled and took this chance while Shigeru was still shaking and wondering of how did Swampert could survive their attacks and commanded Swampert to attack with Ice Punch.
Swampert charged towards the shocked and tired Dragonite who didn't even move as Shigeru also didn't react to the situation and was sent flying and crashed to the wall below the spectators with its body frozen and knocked out.
"Wow! Swampert landed a powerful Ice Punch attack and knocked out Shigeru's Dragonite! It looks like Trainer Rize still have a chance to turn this battle round!"
"Wow! He defeated Shigeru's Dragonite! This Rize, he might be able to defeat Shigeru!" Satoshi who was watching the battle in his room through the television jumped in excitement from his seat. He took his beloved cap and went out immediately from his room with his Pikachu. "Come on Pikachu! We gotta see this amazing battle with our own eyes!"
Shigeru returned his knocked out Dragonite into its ball. He then began to doubt his victory for this battle against Rize. "How in the world could he defeat my Dragonite? No Pokemon I ever face could stand after getting hit by Draco Meteor let alone survive the hit. Who is this guy? Furthermore what move did his Charizard used earlier to melt the ice and evaporate the whole water pool he created. I'm pretty sure it was not Overheat. I've never see such a powerful Fire move like that! And what is that Pokemon from the Hoenn region of his anyway??"
"Trainer Shigeru please send forth your last Pokemon or you would be disqualified from this match." The referee warned and reminded Shigeru to send out his last Pokemon to use before he get disqualifed.
"Crap! Blastoise, I'm depending on you then!" Without thinking any further, Shigeru sent forth his last Pokemon which is a Blastoise.
Shigeru then took out his Pokedex from his right pocket in his jeans and scanned Swampert to gather some basic information.
"It's a Water and Ground type Pokemon! So that means all of those Thunder Punch attacks didn't effect it at all! It was just an act?!"
Rize laughed at him and mocked him back. "Haha! I guess you found it out just too late Shigeru!"
"How dare a commoner like you to mock me?! Crap if I've knew it's a Water and Ground type I would have use a Grass type Pokemon instead. Nevertheless, I still have the advantage here!
"That Blastoise must be his very first Squirtle that he received from his grandfather! It must be strong. Swampert don't let your guard down. Attack with Hydro Pump!"
"Gyro Ball!"
Swampert unleashed another Hydro Pump attack but Blastoise went in and hide inside its shell and started to spin and become a spinning ball that flew and charged against the Hydro Pump attack. It cut through the water current force and tackled Swampert with it.
"What?! Swampert stay focus!"
"Don't let it recover. Continue on Gyro Ball!"
After taking the hit, Swampert took a little time to regain its focus but Blastoise have tackled it with another Gyro Ball thus Swampert does not have the chance to counter attack.
"Another Gyro Ball!"
Blastoise continued on its Gyro Ball assault. Rize could not stay silent about this.
"Swampert it's coming, use Hammer Arm and toss it away like a ball!"
Swampert strengthen its right arm, took aim on the coming Gyro Ball attack and it tossed it away like hitting a baseball that send Blastoise flying away from it. But it does not score a home run tough. Blastoise then stopped its Gyro Ball attack and came out from its shell.
"Such physical strength!"
"Of course! My Swampert can even push a large ship while swimming."
"Answer me! How did you survive the Draco Meteor?! There must be some trick that you did secretly!"
Rize added a fuel to the fire by replying, "Like I would tell you.. If you can beat me then I'll tell you."
"So you think that I'm not able to defeat you! Who do you think you are commoner!!"
"I'm just a mere Trainer from Hoenn that aim to win the Pokemon League and become the champion! Swampert Hydro Pump!"
"You wanna be the champion! Ha! Beat me! A commoner like you won't be able to. Blastoise use Ice Beam and froze that Hydro Pump."
Blastoise shot an Ice Beam attack that froze Swampert's Hydro Pump but it didn't stop the attack but instead Swampert's Hydro Pump became a huge log of Ice that strike like a big spear of ice and Blastoise was hit by it. The Ice then broke into many pieces.
"What irony! Blastoise's Ice Beam attack just made Swampert's Hydro Pump attack to be more effective! What happened to our prodigy??" The crowd then all was provoked and shouted their supports for Shigeru but some of them began to cheer for the unknown and new Trainer to them, Rize."
"Are you really a prodigy?? Hm.. I wonder.."
Rize kept on adding fuels and charcoals to the burning fire. As a result, Shigeru lost its calm.
"Shut up! Blastoise Hydro Pump!"
"Swampert Dig!"
Swampert dug a hole and burrowed deep down to the ground avoiding Blastoise's Hydro Pump attack.
"It used Dig! That's it! It must have used Dig to avoid Dragonite's Draco Meteor attack earlier!"
"Bingo! You figured it out. But I think it does not take a genius to realize this, you're not a real genius after all huh?"
Satoshi arrived to the stadium and watched the battle from a distance. "That Rize, he's one smart Trainer. He kept provoking Shigeru thus making Shigeru to lost his calm. When a Trainer lost his calm and emotionally unstable, it will be difficult for him to be rational and make the right judgement on moves and strategies. Rize's going to be a tough opponent if he passed through this round."
"Blastoise use Iron Defense! We won't be able to dodge their attack so just defense for now!"
Blastoise hid itself once again inside its hard shell and toughen its defense with Iron Defense. Not long after that, Swampert emerged from beneath Blastoise and punched it hard that even the heavy Blastoise was bounced up.
"Swampert use Hammer Arm with both arms full power!"
"This is bad!"
While Blastoise was still inside the shell and in midair, Swampert smashed it hard down to the ground with both arm Hammer Arm and hard was the fall. The ground cracked and so do Blastoise's hard shell.
"Impossible! We just raised our defense with Iron Defense and it cracked Blastoise's shell! Blastoise Hydro Pump quick!"
However, Blastoise didn't respond to Shigeru's order and stayed did not came out from its shell.
"What's wrong Blastoise hurry up and use Hydro Pump!"
Still Blastoise did not respond and the referee decided to make its call the Blastoise have been knocked out and out of the battle. Blastoise's picture was crossed with red cross and Rize was declared the winner of the first round.
"He did it! He really did it!" Satoshi could not believe what he was seeing as he saw his number one rival the great Shigeru was defeated.
Ryussei smiled, stood up from his seat and left the stadium and the crowds with satisfied and proud smile and with his eyes closed.
The crowds shouted and cheered for Rize's victory tough some wept and insulted Rize's victory. Shigeru's fans was all stabbed in the heart to witness their idol defeated.
"After a tough and long battle, Rize emerged and proved to be the winner against the prodigy Shigeru! Look at the battlefield, what a total mess it have become from the battle! Congratulations to Trainer Rize!" The commentator congratulated Rize with his cheesy comments.
Rize entered the battlefield and gave Swampert a hug. "Swampert you're still the best!" Swampert smiled and hugged Rize back.
On the other hand, Shigeru was weeping on his defeat."How could I lost?? It's impossible." It was such a shock for someone like him to be defeated right away on the first round by an unknown Trainer.
Satoshi came over to his weeping rival. "Your own arrogance made you to stumble and made you lost. You could have win if you did not toy around when you use Alakazam. You act in ignorance and did not check on Swampert's information and confident that you will win. You lost your calm and the pressure you felt abounded much more when the possibility of you losing hit your mind when at first you thought it was impossible. You're like a ball that rised up high and when it hit the roof it went downhill and could not get back up again. Learn from this mistakes and move on."
Shigeru snapped out of it, returned back his Blastoise into its ball and decided learn more about Pokemon humbly.
The Kanto League continues..
Swampert Lv.50
ReplyDeleteBlastoise Lv.52