Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Chapter 86 - Darren & the Gang!

'Marowak is unable to battle! Ninetales win!"

The whole stadium went loud in their cheers and again the commentator spokes. "Wow! Trainer Tamagoroshi only have one Pokemon left now while Trainer Ryussei still have two Pokemon that he have not revealed yet! The difference in their skills are so apparent! Now just what Pokemon will Tamagoroshi use?"

"Exeggutor let's show them!" Tamagoroshi threw a Pokeball and a coconut looking tree with three egg-heads appeared and stepped into the battlefield.
"Ohh! It's an Exeggutor! But don't he know that Exeggutor is weak against a Fire type?"

Rize was surprised as well. "Is he going nuts? What's he doing? Even his Ground type Marowak could not defeat Ryussei's Ninetales."
Ryussei was still cool and act as if it does not bother him at all. "Whatever. I'm not going to give any mercy. Ninetales, Flamethrower."

"Light Screen!"
Ninetales blew a burning breath of flame right into Exeggutor and super effective. But Light Screen protected Exeggutor and reduced its damage by half. Exeggutor was still standing strong with its nasty smiles and looks.

"Hahaha! Our turn now. Solar Beam!"
Due to the intense sunlight that was shining at noon, Exeggutor collected the energy much faster and fired a solar power beamed attack towards Ninetales. However, Ninetales was quite agile and jumped upwards and dodged it completely. The beam landed on the rocky ground and made a small explosion.

"On the air you're defenseless! Solar Beam!"

Exeggutor fired another Solar Beam attack but this time, Ninetales was up on the air and could not move anywhere to dodge and was shot by the Solar Beam attack and fell down to the ground.
"Hahaha another Solar Beam!"
"Dodge it!"
"No you don't little fox. Use Psychic and stop its movement then fire the Solar Beam!"
Just when Ninetales was about to move its legs and run, its whole body was stopped by Exeggutor's Psychic power and could not move even tough it tried so hard. It became a defenseless duck and was shot by another Solar Beam attack.

"Ohh it looks like Tamagoroshi is the one in control of the battle now!"
"This is bad, if Ninetales took another hit of that Solar Beam it might be unable to battle." Rize was worried of  Ninetales' condition.

However, Ryussei was still unaffected and keep his cool facing his situation and elegantly commanded Ninetales the next move. "Ninetales, Confuse Ray."

Ninetales stared at Exeggutor's eyes and its eyes shined like a blink of flash. In an instant, Exeggutor started to behave strangely like out of control of its own mind and going restless even hurting itself.

"Oh no! Exeggutor!" Tamagoroshi shouted out of worried of his last Pokemon.

"Just when we thought Tamagoroshi have the upper hand now Exeggutor was already in a dangerous situation of confused effect."
Ryussei took a Pokeball and called back his Ninetales. "Ninetales return and take a rest. Then he took another Pokeball and sent out his next Pokemon. "Persian your turn."
"You're finished. Persian, Faint Attack."

Persian dashed from its spot towards the helpless Exeggutor with its sharp claws and attacked mercilessly and ran through Exeggutor as if it cut it with a single slash and gave Exeggutor its back and smiled annoyingly towards Tamagoroshi. After few seconds, Exeggutor fell down and was found unconscious.

"Exeggutor is unable to battle! Persian wins! Victory of this match goes to Ryussei!"
"What the! Give me P$200,000! You hurt my Pokemon and they need treatments now!"

Ryussei didn't even bother and ugnored him completely and left the stadium walking slowly with his eyes closed.

"Alright, he did it!" Rize stood up from his seat out of excitement and so do the other spectators who gave a loud cheers.

"Ofcourse he did, if not he would not be worth to be called a rival of mine." Reinz added, somehow with a proud face as if he was the one who won the battle.

An hour later have passed and all the round two matches are over and there are only 64 Trainers left in the tournament. Rize, Ryussei, Reinz and as well as Satoshi have all passed round two and in the category of these remaining 64 Trainers.

It was seven passed by a quarter and Rize have just finished his dinner at the Trainer Lounge. He now was going out to feed his Pokemon their dinner and as well as to came out with strategies and decision on which Pokemon to use for round three.

So then he went to the wide public area which is a park that is one of the facility in the Kanto League for the participant Trainer to use. He sent out all his Pokemon on hand out and provided their dinner. The dinner was a dried Pokemon food that was processed from healthy ingredients so that it is easy to bring along and to be consume by the Pokemon. They all eat their dinner joyfully and peacefully.

However, as they were all eating their own food, Poliwrath have finished all his and still felt to need of more food. Maybe it was due to the harsh physical training it always undergo everyday that its appetite are much higher than the rest and need to consume more food to keep its worked out body.

It began to observe the other Pokemon who have finished eating and who have not. It saw that Charizard have finished eating and is now taking a rest. Sandslash too have finished eating and dug a hole for itself to rest underground. The rest which are Jolteon, Pidgeot and Bulbasaur were the ones who were still enjoying their food. All of them have type advantage over Poliwrath and Poliwrath did not dare to steal their food but it saw that Bulbasaur was small and easy to get rid of even tough it have type advantage.

Then it boldly approached Bulbasaur and just grabbed and ate Bulbasaur's food without permission. Bulbasaur was angry as its food was stolen and it used its Vine Whip attack and started whipping Poliwrath as a punishment of its act.

Poliwrath became angry as well and attacked Bulbasaur with an Ice Punch attack but Bulbasaur carefully avoided the dangerous attack.

Rize was not looking at what happened earlier and thought that Poliwrath and Bulbasaur was having a practive match session and so he just observe from his place. He then started to think of tomorrow's strategies and was absorbed by his own mind and little world.

Bulbasaur and Poliwrath was still fighting each other and Bulbasaur wanted to finish Poliwrath up with its powerful Solar Beam attack. Poliwrath was afraid of it and guarded itself with its hands infront of its face. However as it is at night and there are no sunlight, Bulbasaur just could not get the energy needed. Poliwrath noticed about it, took its chance and charged towards the unprepared Bulbasaur with its Ice Punch attack.

Lucky for Bulbasaur, just before Poliwrath's fist of ice reached it, an Air Cutter attack cut through Poliwrath and Poliwrath was knocked out of it. Thanks to Pidgeot who was watching the whole things that have happened from on top of a tree trunk where it stayed to rest.

Bulbasaur thanked Pidgeot and greeted it with joy and Pidgeot just stayed cool responding Bulbasaur.

Rize then decided to make a phone call with Prof.Birch using the free public telephone provided for the participants to ask for some advices and left all his Pokemon at the park. "You guys behaved while I'm gone okay. I'll be back very soon."

While he was on the way going to the public telephone arena, a group of male Trainers were having conversation and discussing about their matches, most likely to be complaining tough.

"Darn it! How could I lose at round two! I hate that arrogant jerk brat!"
"Me too! What's his name Ryu something what a weird name and he still owe me P$200,000!!"

Rize accidentally overheard the conversation as they were loud and noisy and he heard Ryussei's name was mentioned, he became curious and begin to eavesdrop.

He look at the male Trainers that were gathering and complaining and found out that they are familiat. "Hey they're Kagayakashi and Tamagoroshi that Reinz and Ryussei defeated just now. But who is the other one at the middle? Hmm he looks quite familiar tough."

The other guy who was at the middle have white face, black coloured quite long but messy and spiky hair at the top and a wide and thick lip. He is also quite fat with the round cheeks and big belly. He began to speak to his two friends. "Haha you two are weak and that's why you lost! If I meet with those who defeated you i promise to kick their butt and teach them some lesson!" After saying those things he began to do a silly looking pose with weird hand gestures.

"As expected of you Darren! It will be no problem for you to beat then ofcourse." Kagayakashi praised his friend as if he is his subordinate and his friend is his master.

Rize could not stand his big words for underestimating his friends Reinz and Ryussei and he came out from his eavesdropping spot and confronted them.

"Big mouth! You can't know how good people are if you are not good yourself! The fact that you can't see how skillful my friends that defeated your friends proved your lack of skills!"

"Huh? Who is this noob? What's your problem! You wanna fight huh?! Come!" Kagayakashi was provoked by Rize's confrontation and is trying to pick a fight with Rize.

However, when Darren saw Rize's face, he recognized him and immediately recalled the bad memory he have in the past and was shocked to meet with Rize here and now and even at the Kanto League area.

"What! It's you! What are you doing here in Kanto?! You jerk!"

Rize was confused as he did not know who he is and asked him in an innocent yet annoying tone.

"Huh? Who're you? Have we met before?"

Darren was even more mad now that Rize did not remember about him and he angrily told Rize of who he is and when and where they met before.

"How dare you forgot me you arrogant! I am Darren! We met and battled about for years ago at Dewford Island of the Hoenn region!"

Rize was still clueless and tried to recall his journeys back at the Hoenn region. "Hmm.. at Hoenn? Dewford  Town? Really? Hmm.."

After a long one minute that felt like forever, Rize remembered and shouted. "Ahh! I remember now! You're the loser who used Lairon and lost!"

"How dare you mocked me! Fine, indeed I lost to you back then but the me right now is different! I can quash you like nothing now! i even have my own gang now as you have see for yourself and I am the boss of the gang!" After he finished talking, Kagayakashi and Tamagoroshi posted infront of Rize with their silly pose defending their boss Darren. Rize's face became flat and was disgusted by their silly acts.

"Of course i forgot about you, how could I remember such a small fry and commoner like you? Anyway how have you been doing? If you can be at the Kanto League right now you must have progressed a lot without doubt."

"Heheh! I moved to Kanto right when there was that crazy natural disaster created by the fight of Kyogre and Groudon and I have been living and traveling in Kanto since then, challenging Gyms and participating in Leagues! Your achievements can't compare with me! It must be out of luck that you can even be here now!"

"Yeah.. Whatever.. people like you always talk alot and "big". I hope that my tomorrow's opponent will be you so that I can kick your butt again."

"So do I."

Both Rize and Darren stared each other with a look that looked down at each other and full of confidence of themselves that they are superior against one and the other.

1 comment:

  1. Ninetales Lv.39
    Persian Lv.37

    Marowak Lv.35
    Exeggutor Lv.37
