He then woke up and changed from his sleepwear to his usual adventure suit. After that he tried to reach Micah and Rin by calling them via the Pokegear but since they were in the deep woods of Petalburg, there was no signal and the call can't be made.
Not long after that, Latias too woke up from her sleep and to her surprise, there was already a set of meal on a plate made of a big leaf and it consisted of a mix variety of berries that could be found in the wood. She looked around to see who was it that has brought her this breakfast but found none. Little do she know that it was a little Treecko who made that mix berry meal and was guarding her from the top of the tree sitting on the big trunk alone.
Rize began to think and wondering of what could be Mewtwo's objective of coming even here to the Hoenn region. From the past information he knew about this Pokemon called Mewtwo and his encounter with it at Mt.Ember, all he could think of was that Mewtwo was searching for Legendary Pokemon and fight them all but he could not find any good reason or its motive behind its doing. If Mewtwo was under Team Rocket's control it would just totally made sense but Mewtwo was not under Team Rocket's control and was free on its own to roam the planet.
"I might encounter this dangerous Pokemon sooner or later, and if it could defeat Legendary Pokemon such like the Zapdos, Moltres and Latias with relative ease. I stand no chance against it." said Rize to himself and then he decided to train and build up his Pokemon team power.
"I think I should catch more Pokemon." He thought of catching some Pokemon in the wood and if possible a Pokemon type that he have not yet have in his arsenal.
"Latias, I'm going to walk around the wood for a while, you rest up here okay."
Latias looked a bit worried when Rize decided to leave for a while but he reassured her that the wood gecko clan is with her to protect her.
Just when he was about to leave, suddenly a Beedrill flew and stopped right above them as was observing them.
Rize first thought it was just a Beedrill although he wondered what is it doing here until a few seconds later that he realized something uncommon.
"What?! How could there be a Beedrill in this Petalburg wood?!" He then started to tremble that his worst scenario he thought could have happen will really happen.
A hissing sound of a snake could be heard from behind of Rize and he immediately turned to his back with a sweat on his look to see what was at the back of him.
A huge purple coloured cobra snake Pokemon was hissing and smiling with an evil smile and the look as if ready to strike at anytime was on its stand at about five meters away from Rize.
"Arbok! Oh no! Could it be..?!"
Without any warning, a green mantis Pokemon strike swiftly with its scythe towards Rize and Latias from the east side.
Rize was caught off guard by the sudden assault and could not react in time.
Just before the scythe would have slashed Rize's body, one of the Grovyle from the wood gecko clan parried Scyther's Slash attack with its Leaf Blade attack.
Scyther then moved back as his assault has failed and a male Rocket Grunt with its black suit uniform came out from the green bushes and stood right beside it while the Grovyle was standing on its combat position in front of Rize and Latias.
"Team Rocket! Just as I thought!" shouted Rize. He knew that the Rocket Grunt must be here for Latias.
To his surprise, it looks like there are more than one of them, the Rocket Grunt owning Arbok and Beedrill came out and showed themselves as well each standing beside their Pokemon. Beedrill flew down and joined with its Trainer and Rize was in the middle of them being circled by the three of them from north, east, and south side of him.
"Give it up boy and hand over Latias to us. Heeheehee.." One of them with the Arbok said to Rize with a gross kind of laughter.
The whole wood gecko clan came to the rescue and three more Grovyles along with five Treeckos jumped from the trees and stood in the frontside of Rize and Latias forming a circle of defense from the Rocket Grunts.
"You're outnumbered, Rocket! The wood gecko clan is on my side!" Rize confidently not shaken by them and intimidated them back.
"Number isn't everything! Arbok attack!"
The Rocket Grunt commanded to attack and the other two strikes as well. Arbok, Beedrill and Scyther, all three of them charged straight into Rize and Latias. However, as the wood gecko defense army is on his side, the fight to protect Latias then began. The first Grovyle that showed up and rescued Rize fought with the Scyther one on one. Two of the Grovyle took on Beedrill and the last Grovyle along with the five Treeckos got to face with the cobra Pokemon, Arbok.
Grovyle was fighting fiercely with the Scyther, each slashing and scything, and parrying like a sword fight with their respective abilities. Scyther with Slash attack and Grovyle with its Leaf Blade. Grovyle used the forest to its advantage and jumped to a tree, but Scyther could fly and chase after it.
The other two Grovyle were having difficulties with the Beedrill as the Beedrill was extremely fast and could fly up to the sky. It only come down when it wanted to strike by diving down from the air and immediately went back up. The two Grovyle even hardly dodged Beedrill's attack not to mention trying to attack it as they are always on the defensive side.
The five Treeckos attacked with their Bullet Seeds attack but Arbok protected itself by countering it with its Poison Sting attack and the two attacks collided.
Rize thought that their situation is not so good, even tough they are more in numbers but they are in a completely type disadvantage against the opponents. He then decided to flee with Latias while the Rocket Grunts were all busy fighting their respective opponents.
"Come on Latias, we have to go!"
Latias although not in the situation to be able to move yet forced herself to move and escaped with Rize. Rize thought that they had successfully escaped from the Rocket Grunts but the trio Rocket Grunts, instead of worrying their target to escape, they all had a look and smile as if all were according to their plan.
Rize was running into the deep woods with Latias trying to keep up hardly with him. Suddenly, the route in front of them was blocked by a black smoke.
"Smokescreen attack?!"
Rize then looked around to find another route to escape but found that they were completely surrounded by smokes but this time the smokes are not black but pink purplish in colour instead. He also could hardly breath properly as his body warned him that if he breathed in the smoke it would be harmful for his body. He knew that this must be either a Smog attack or Poison Gas attack from another Poison type Pokemon of the Rocket Grunt.
Latias was already weak in its condition and now it was getting worse as she was poisoned. Rize too could no longer hold his breath and inhaled the poisonous gas. His body was weakened and could hardly stand properly.
"Ugh.. I can't.. breathe... cough* cough*"
Out of the black smokes, a Rocket Grunt with a mask that protected him from the poisonous gas came out with little purple soccer ball sized Pokemon who keep on emitting poisonous smokes from the holes of its body.
"You can't run away from us.. heeheehee" said the grunt. His Koffing's smile was just as nasty as his smile and laugh.
Rize with all his strength immediately drew out his little Aron to protect him and Latias before he was completely knocked out unconscious because of the poison that was troubling him to breathe.
Aron was not affected at all from the poison gas due to its Steel type nature and it knew immediately that its Trainer was in a dangerous situation. Its face showed an expression as if to protect its Trainer no matter what.
"Ar-aron, use.. Rock.. Sl..slide.."
Rocks from the sky started to appear and fell upon the grunt and his Koffing and they are busy to avoid all of the falling rocks to hit them. While the Koffing were occupied with the Rock Slide attack, Aron charged with its head shining brightly as if like its claws when it was using Metal Claw attack. It was using Iron Head and it successfully landed a hit onto Koffing and Koffing was knocked back quite far, severely injured.
"Slude Bomb!"
Koffing launched a brown sludge ball towards Aron but it have no effect and Aron was completely unscratched. Aron then continue to attack using its new attack the Iron Head but this time not towards the Koffing but towards the Rocket Grunt himself.
The Rocket Grunt was hit by Aron's hard and heavy head and was pushed a few steps back but it was not enough to knock him out. The grunt was found to be wearing an armor inside of his uniform to protect him from such attack.
"You think you got me cornered?" He said to Rize with a mad look on his face and distanced himself from Aron.
"Koffing, use Explosion!"
"Oh noo!" shouted Rize. He could not imagine if that Koffing were to explode in this forest.
Koffing started to glow brightly that showed that it was attempting to explode right in front of Aron in a point blank range and it will explode in a matter of seconds.
The grunt laughed while Rize was grealy in fear. Latias was already unconscious while Aron could not do anything to prevent Koffing from exploding and it could not dodge it as well.
Suddenly, a red light beam attack from far away accurately hit Koffing and knocked it out unconscious before its Explosion attack was successfully done.
The Rocket Grunt was shocked and did not expect any sudden attack from an intruder. Micah and Rin showed up along with Dragonair and Combusken as the smokes and poison gas cleared up due to the effect from the piercing Hyper Beam attack.
"Micah, Rin!" Rize shouted in excitement and he could now breathe properly too.
Not long after that, the wood gecko clan came as well and circled the Rocket Grunt so that he have no where to escape.
"Oh no!"
The grunt started to panic from the situation and Micah told him that he have defeated all of his fellow grunts and they were now tied up, unconscious.
Upon hearing the shocking report, the grunt's back pack opened up and it was actually a jet pack. He turned on the jet machine and flew up to the sky fled away from the Petalburg wood.
"He get away!" Rin exclaimed.
"Leave him, we have to treat Rize now. He is poisoned." said Micah.
"Huff.. huff, thanks guys. If you guys did not show up.."
Micah and Rin did not know what was really going on and what Pokemon that was lying on the ground unconscious. It don't looks like an ordinary Pokemon.
"You'll explain to us the situation but we'll have to cure you from the poison for now."