Friday, September 21, 2012

Chapter 101 - Mewtwo in Hoenn??

"Ugh.. why do I still have to do these tough trainings. My dad's not even here."Compplained Rize who was forced to do the sets of trainings that his father told him to do by Micah.

"Even tough your father's not around I'm still here to make sure you do the training."

A day have passed since Rize's failed challenge at the Petalburg Gym and they are now currently at the Petalburg beach near the Petalburg Woods. Rin and her Pokemons were playing at the beach creating sand castles and played with the wave of the sea except her Combusken who stayed out from the water.

"Huff.. huff.. it's done..." Rize layed down at the sands to rest after the tiring sets
of training.

They stayed at the beach and have their lunch there. They were like going in a picnic
accompanied with many Wingulls and Corphish.

"So still no news from your father? When is he coming back?" Asked Rin but Rize did not gave her any answer. It is a habit of him of not replying if he did not know the answer and making Rin to be pissed off with him.

"So where are we going now?" this time it was Micah who asked and Rize immediately answered him and that is to continue their journey to the desert ruins through the Petalburg Woods.

"You're not going to have a rematch to get your badge?" Rin plainly asked him but Rize did not answer again and kept walking instead.

And so they packed their stuffs and head towards the Petalburg Woods. Rize sent out his Aron from its Pokeball to walk together in the woods. "How nostalgic, this is where I first met with Aron."

But to Aron this is not a very good memorable place as this is the place where it was dumbed and abandoned by Darren.

Flock of Taillows were flying on the sky throughout the forest and the group kept on walking deeper and deeper into the woods. As they walk, Rize told them the story that happened here four years ago when he first encountered Team Aqua. Rize hoped that he won't see Team Aqua again here in this forest now.

"I just hope that I will meet a Dragon type Pokemon in this forest!"
"I don't think there is any Dragon Pokemon that lived in a forest like this tough." Remarked Rin.

As they continued walking their way to reach Rustboro city by going through the Petalburg Woods, a shadowy figure was leaping from trees to trees like a ninja in a very fast movement and passed ahead the trio.

"What Pokemon is that?!" Asked Rin curiously.
"Whatever it is it must not be a Dragon type." Micah answered her uninterested at all with the mysterious Pokemon.

Rize managed to take a scan of it with his Pokedex to find out what Pokemon it is actually.

"Grovyle the wood gecko Pokemon. It is a Grass type. It lives in dense jungles. While closing on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch."

"The evolved form of the Hoenn Grass type starter Pokemon! I'm going to catch it!" Rize ran to the direction  of where the wild Grovyle was heading to chase after it and the other two friends of his have no choice but to follow him.

The wild Grovyle noticed that it was being followed by a number of humans and it quicken its movement far to be catch up by Rize.

"Darn, it's way to fast!" Rize protested and at a time like this he wished that he have his speedy flying Pokemon with him.

Micah knew that they would not be able to keep up with the wild Grovyle unless they do something so he sent out his most beloved Dragon type Pokemon to chase after the wild Grovyle, Dragonair.

"Dragonair, use Ice Beam."

Dragonair charged and a blue cold ice energy started to gather from on top of its horn, it aimed and launched the attack towards the wild Grovyle and it picked the moment when it was jumping so that it can't avoid it. However, still the wild Grovyle managed to avoid the full hit of the Ice Beam and the attack only froze a tip of its foot that made it can't jump from trees to trees anymore. The wild Grovyle fell down to the ground but it landed safely and kept on running altough it can't run as fast as it could now.

"Thanks Micah!" Rize thanked his friend and this way they are able to keep track of the Grovyle as its running speed have been reduced greatly.

"Pant*.. pant*.. I can't run any farther.." Rin slowed down gradually and stopped to take a breath. Upon seeing her condition, Micah decided to stay behind with her and told Rize to move on by himself and they will catch up with him later.

And so Rize went after the wild Grovyle alone and not long after that the wild Grovyle finally stopped running as it have reached its destination. Rize was just a few metres away behind it and it soon reached the place as well, and to his surprise, the place was crowded with a lot of wild Treeckos and Grovyles. It looks like it is the territory of their swarm.

Rize noticed that the swarm of Treeckos and Grovyles were gathered as if circling something in the middle. He saw that the wild Grovyle he chased earlier was bringing some berries as if to feed something that they were circling. He could not see what are they feeding as the crowd of wild Treeckos and Grovyles covered his view.

Curious of what was in the middle of the swarm, Rize stepped in closer to the location but as soon as he did that, the wild Treeckos and Grovyles stared at him and prepared ready to confront him anytime as if to protect that something in the middle behind them.

"Uh ou.. it looks like I'm not welcomed here.." Rize took a little steps to the back but the armies of wild Treeckos and Grovyles launched their Bullet Seeds attack as if a dozens of machine guns were shooting towards Rize. There were six that attacked Rize and about 10 that were gathered protecting the thing that Rize was curious of.

Rize took his backpack and used it as a shield to protect himself from the seeds attack. He could have sent out his Aron and used Rock Slide to cover him but he does not want the wild swarm of the wood gecko Pokemon to misunderstood him. He means no harm to them at all.

Although he have used his bag to shield himself, he could not cover all of his body and some of the attacks hit him and it was extremely painful. No matter how he endure them he finally could not take it and screamed in pain.

The mysterious creature that was being protected by the wood gecko Pokemon heard Rize's screaming of pain and let out a roar as if to tell the armies of wood gecko Pokemon to stop their assaults.

The wood gecko armies immediately stopped their attacks and turned around to see what happened.

"Hey.. I recognized that voice.."

The mysterious creature flew up from the crowds of wild Treeckos and Grovyles and it turned out that it was  Latias.

"Latias. It's you!"

Latias then immediately flew and approached Rize slowly but it looks like it is not in a good shape and very weak altough she was much better due to the treatment of the wood gecko family.

"What's wrong with you Latias? You're terribly injured." Rize asked her, worried of her condition. It leaves him questioning as well as what could have done this to Latias? Latias is one of the mirage Pokemon and it is more powerful than average normal Pokemon. What Pokemon is strong enough to do this to Latias.

Latias began to transmit signal waves to Rize's Pokedex to explain what have happened to her.


"What in the world?! How do that Pokemon look like? Do you remember?"

Latias visualized her terrifying attacker on her mind and sends them as signal waves to the Pokedex so that it can be projected and visualized there. When the image have been loaded completely, Rize was caught in a great shock.

"Mewtwo?!" Rize shouted in shock! "What is it doing here in Hoenn?!"

Rize told Latias that it is better for him to stay here in the forest with her for now just in case this Mewtwo came back and attack again until Latias has fully recovered and could fly and went somewhere else again. He then thanked the wild Treeckos and Grovyles for tooking care of Latias' injuries and wounds and the wood gecko family greeted him warmly and apologized for their rude attack on him earlier.

So Rize stayed with Latias and the wood gecko clan while Rin and Micah were still somewhere else in the woods and since they sun was setting, they planned to stop searching for Rize and camped for the night until the sun has risen then they will continue to search for Rize.

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