Friday, September 21, 2012

Chapter 100 - Petalburg Gym Battle! vs an Old Friend

"Ugh! I can't.. huff.. take it anymore..huff.."

Rize was doing some physical training sets that was commanded by his father and
he was just half of the whole training.

"50 more push ups and that's it for the day!" His father further added to his training.

"What?!" Rize was shocked to hear that in the meanwhile his friend Micah beside him,
who have been doing the exact same training with him in order to keep his body built
have started doing the push ups with no problem. His stamina was still as good as new.
After a few minutes, Rize finally completed his push ups and laid down on the floor all
wet and exhausted.

"You'll do these training sets everyday from now on." Said his father. Rize could only
silent himself as he could not not obey what his father told him to do.

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it pretty soon." Micah motivated Rize not to give up.
They are now currently at Oldale Town and they have been there for a night. They are ready
to leave the town and continue their journey to the desert ruins.

"Beep beep.."
Suddenly, Driscoll's Pokegear rang and he picked up the incoming call. The conversation was fast
and not too long.

"Kids, I'm sorry but I have quite an urgent meeting to attend suddenly."
"So we can't go and see the meteorite?" Asked Rize.
"We will still see the Meteorite together. You guys continue to go to the desert ruins.Rize
should know the way there and once the meetings are over I'll catch up."
After he finished talking he immediately left the three teens and now Rize, Rin and Micah are on their own.

"Alright! I'll lead the way from now on." said Rize in a cocky tone as if he owns the land. Being
unfamiliar with the place at all, Rin and Micah have no other choice but to follow him.
After walking on the route for a half an hour, they have finally arrived to the city next to Oldale Town which is the Petalburg City. The city where Rize have his first official Gym match.

"It's been four years and nothing much have changed." Rize commented on the city's surroundings and conditions.

"So this is Petalburg City!" Rin was excited as it was her first time to be in a big city.
"There must be a Pokemon Gym in this city am I right?" Asked Micah.
Rize answered the question but continued walking his way. "Yup. There is one. But first I'm going
to the Pokemon Centre."

As soon as they arrived at the Pokemon Centre, Rize went to the public Pokemon Transporter and made a video call to Prof.Birch's lab.

"Ah Rize! What's up? Where are you all now? Is my little Rin alright?"
Rin altough a little emberassed and annoyed by her father's overcare stepped in so that her father could see her and told him that she's alright and their whereabout. After that, Rize then asked the Prof. to send him some of his Pokemon that he left at the lab to be send over to him as he planned to challenge the Petalburg Gym.

"Sorry Rize but your father have said to me that if you ever made such a request I would have to reject the request."

"What?!" Shoudted Rize, annoyted. "But it's my Pokemon! How am I suppose to challenge the Gym then?"

"Sorry but I can't break my words with your father. Afterall he's a good friend of mine. Besides, didn't you promised your father to just bring Aron with you and no other?" The Prof justified himself and furthermore, challenged Rize's integrity.

Feeling that his integrity is on the line, Rize then gave up on his request and ended the video call. But
that does not puts off the fire for Gym battle. Rize thought of defeating the Gym with just his Aron.
Afterall, the Petalburg Gym is a Normal type Gym and Aron's Steel and Rock type nature will be a very good advantage for him and he is confident that he could win with just using one Pokemon.

"Micah, Rin, are you two going to challenge the Gym as well?"

"No. I'm not planning to participate in the Hoenn League at all. I only want to explore the region and
catch Dragon Pokemon."

On the other hand, Rin was still not confident of her battling skill so she would decide later after she had seen Rize's battle against the Gym Leader.

The Petalburg Gym was only a few metres beside the city's Pokemon Centre and they reached there instantly. The automatic door of the Gym's entrance openned and the three of them went in. As soon as they are inside, they could see a wide plain battlefield and the tips and tricks guy of the Gym welcomed them.

Rize made a register for a battle and it was scheduled to be tomorrow at noon and as soon as he saw the profile biography of the Intermediate category Gym Leader, he was fired up the more and could not wait for tomorrow's Gym match.

Time passed and the time for the Gym battle have come. No wonder Rize was so in high spirit for the match, the Gym Leader that he have to face was non other than his old rival, Brendan. Rin and Micah sat at the sideline of the battlefield to watch the match while Rize and Brendan have stood at the Trainer spot.

Brendan was really surprised to see his old rival from the past to come to his Gym and challenged his Gym again after all these years.

"Rize! It's been such a long time. Where were you all these time?"
"I've been travelling to different regions and participated in Leagues outside Hoenn." Rize answered proudly.

"You'll show me the result of your trainings all these years then."

The referee announced the rules and introduction and it was a two on two Pokemon battle. He then indicated the match to start.

Brendan immediately grabbed his Poke ball. "I'll start with this one. Kecleon!"

A small tiny green creature with a pointing tounge came out from the ball Rize then
sent out his little Aron.

Brendan look surprised to see Rize's Aron. "What? After all these years, your Aron still have not evolved? I expected it to be an Aggron already."

Rize ignored Brendan's comment and used this chance to attack. "Rock Slide!"

Piles of rocks out of nowhere appeared from above Kecleon and burried Kecleon under the big rocks.
Keckleon without being told came out from the piles of boulders looked injured.

Rize did not waste any moment to attack not give Brendan and Kecleon to counter attack and continue
to attack with Aron's Metal Claw and Kecleon was far threw off to the back due to the force of Aron's
Metal Claw attack.

"Hey hey, take it easy.. you did well using Rock Slide to convert my Kecleon's type to be a Rock type
due to its ability Colour change and then attacked it with a super effective Steel type move." He stopped
for a breathe then continues, "But now my Kecleon's a Steel type just like you! All your moves won't be
effective against us now!"

Brendan confidently commanded his attack order to Kecleon, "Our turn! Kecleon, Flamethrower!"

Kecleon opened its mouth wide open and shot a flaming beam towards Aron and Aron took the attack
heads on as it does not have the time to avoid being hit.

"How do you like our battling style? Our Gym may be a Normal type Gym but with Kecleon we can become any types and Normal type Pokemon can use many other elemental types attack other than Normal. You're lucky that Aron is part of Rock type as well so the Flamethrower attack does not do fatal injury but
how long can you endure such attack? Flamethrower again!"

Kecleon repeated the same Flamethrower attack but this time Rize responded in time and told Aron
to dodge and attack in the same time by using Dig attack.

Kecleon was still attacking with Flamethrower attack and Aron have already reached underneath
its standing ground. It came out and knocked out Kecleon as the referee announced it to be.

"Awrite! Rize did it!" Rin was excited to see her friend doing well in the battle.

Brendan returned Kecleon into its ball and started talking, "I forgot that your Aron have Dig attack
under its belt. Anyway meet my new Pokemon!" He threw off the Pokeball releasing it out from the ball
without telling what Pokemon is inside as if telling you just see for your own.

Rin took her Pokedex and scanned at the new Pokemon that she just see live instead of just in her school
textbooks. "Castform the weather Pokemon. It is a Normal type Pokemon. Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water."

Rize was relieved that he has defeated one and he just have to defeat this little Castform to get his badge and he was very sure of himself and his Aron that they would triumph.

"Aron quick use Rock Slide again!"

Aron concentrated and rocks started to appear above the floating Castform and it was falling down towards it.

"Castform, Protect!"

Castform concentrated its energy and a barrier of light was created that completely sheltered it unharmed from the Rock Slide attack. Brendan then began his move.

"Rain Dance!"

Castform started to move its body and danced around like performing a ritual dance and indeed, dark clouds began to emerge on top of the battle arena field and it started to drizzle.

"How is it possible to rain here, we are inside a building!" Protested Rize as he could not believe the rain that was right in front of him.

As the drizzle became heavier, Castform's form and appearance started to change while Aron was weakened by the rain as it is weak against water due to its Rock type nature.

"Just like what the Pokedex said, it really could change its form according to the weather." commented Rin.

"You're done for now Rize!" Exclaimed Brendan. "Castform, Hydro Pump!"

A water sphere was created right in front of Castform's body and from it a strong water current was shot directly towards Aron.

Rize hurried to give instruction to his Aron. "This is bad! Aron use Dig to hide underground to dodge!"

However, as the rain made the battlefield to be wet, it made Aron difficult to dig a hole underground and it was hit by the powerful Hydro Pump attack.

"Oh no!" Both Rin and Micah was extremely worried of Aron's condition.

The attack was super effective and Aron could barely stand up again after to battle as it was struggling, trying its best to stand up on its feet.

"Aron stand up! You can do it!" Rize tried to motivate his little Aron but Brendan did not give him a chance at all.

"Now to finish this, Thunder attack."

Castform casted a Lightning bolt that strikes from above Aron and this time Aron was out of the match.

Rize fell silent in shock of his defeat. He got his Aron back into its ball and left the Gym without saying anything to his former rival other than proclaiming that he forfeited the Gym match. Rin and Micah followed him leaving Brendan to have no idea at all as to why did Rize did not continue the battle as he's still allowed to use one more Pokemon before the victor can be concluded.

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