" Magneton the Magnet Pokemon, it is the evolved form of Magnemite. It is actually three MAGNEMITE linked by magnetism. A group can set off a magnetic storm. It is an Electric and Steel type Pokemon. "
Rize: Looks like we got company!
Without warning, the group of Magnemites, Magnetons, Voltorbs and Electrodes attacked Rize and Ryussei with Shock Wave. Ryussei sent out his Golem to protect him from the Electric attacks while Rize sent out his Sandslash.
Rize: Shoot.. I wish we wore a rubber suit before coming to this place.. Sandslash use Sand Tomb!
Before Sandslash could unleash its attack, Ryussei stopped it from attacking.
Ryussei: Wait! We can't attack as freely as we want! This place is full of machines that are important, if we hit and destroy those by accident we are goin to be in trouble!
The Electric Pokemon attacked once more and Rize and Ryussei once again protecting themself.
Rize: Then what should we do?! Just keep on defending like this?! " Hey wait.. Electric attacks?! " I got an idea! Jolteon!
Jolteon, using its Special ability Volt Absorb, absorbed every Electric attacks fired by the attacking Pokemon until they ran out of their electrical energy and they were all fainted due to lost of energy.
Ryussei: That was a smart move! We managed to knock them all out without using violent force!
Rize: Look! That's an Electabuzz!

" Electabuzz the Electric Pokemon and the evolved form of Elekid. Half of all blackouts occur when this Pokemon appears at power plants and eats electricity. It is an Electric type. "
Rize: According to the Pokedex it eats electricity at power plants and caused blackouts! That means it is all this Electabuzz doing! Let's beat this thing up then!
Ryussei: Got it!
The Electabuzz saw what happened to the other Electric type Pokemon and attacked Rize and Ryussei with Thunder Bolt attack.
Rize: Here it comes! Jolteon use your Volt Absorb once more and suck that Thunder Bolt attack.
Jolteon sucked in the Electabuzz' Thunder Bolt attack and Ryussei do the finishing blow with its Golem using Body Slam, making Electabuzz unconscious.
Rize: Now.. Go Pokeball!
Rize threw his Pokeball towards the Electabuzz to catch it but the Pokeball was unable to absorb the Electabuzz.
Rize: What?! What's the meaning of this?!
Ryussei: There's only one answer.. that means this Electabuzz is not a wild Pokemon. That's it! This Electabuzz and those other Electric type Pokemon must be the Pokemon that is working and guarding this power plant! They must belong to the worker of the power plant!
Rize: That make sense.. but then what is the cause of the black out then? These Pokemon are good and healthy when we came here but non of the machines here seems to be running. I guess it might be a technical problem with the machines. That means there's nothing we can do until the technician come and fixed it.
Ryussei: But the Professor said that the cause of the problem was unknown. That means the technician must have came here and check things up but didn't find any of these machines to be malfunctioning.
Rize: Hmm...
Rize and Ryussei kept thinking and did not came up with any good solution or hint. They decided to explore the place further until they saw and heard something. Something at the corner that is sparking with electric energy all around the room of the power plant.

Ryussei: Impossible! That's Zapdos! One of the three Legendary Bird Pokemon in Kanto!
Rize: Zapdos?
What's a Legendary Bird Pokemon, Zapdos, doing in the power plant? Could it be the culprit for causing the black out or is it one of the Pokemon working in the power plant as well?