Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chapter 59 - Zapdos in the Power Plant?!

" Magnemite the Magnet Pokemon. It is an Electric and Steel type. The units at its sides generate electromagnetic waves that keep it airborne. It feeds on electricity. "

" Magneton the Magnet Pokemon, it is the evolved form of Magnemite. It is actually three MAGNEMITE linked by magnetism. A group can set off a magnetic storm. It is an Electric and Steel type Pokemon. "

Rize: Looks like we got company!

Without warning, the group of Magnemites, Magnetons, Voltorbs and Electrodes attacked Rize and Ryussei with Shock Wave. Ryussei sent out his Golem to protect him from the Electric attacks while Rize sent out his Sandslash.

Rize: Shoot.. I wish we wore a rubber suit before coming to this place.. Sandslash use Sand Tomb!

Before Sandslash could unleash its attack, Ryussei stopped it from attacking.

Ryussei: Wait! We can't attack as freely as we want! This place is full of machines that are important, if we hit and destroy those by accident we are goin to be in trouble!

The Electric Pokemon attacked once more and Rize and Ryussei once again protecting themself.

Rize: Then what should we do?! Just keep on defending like this?! " Hey wait.. Electric attacks?! " I got an idea! Jolteon!

Jolteon, using its Special ability Volt Absorb, absorbed every Electric attacks fired by the attacking Pokemon until they ran out of their electrical energy and they were all fainted due to lost of energy.

Ryussei: That was a smart move! We managed to knock them all out without using violent force!
Rize: Look! That's an Electabuzz!

" Electabuzz the Electric Pokemon and the evolved form of Elekid. Half of all blackouts occur when this Pokemon appears at power plants and eats electricity. It is an Electric type. "

Rize: According to the Pokedex it eats electricity at power plants and caused blackouts! That means it is all this Electabuzz doing! Let's beat this thing up then!
Ryussei: Got it!
The Electabuzz saw what happened to the other Electric type Pokemon and attacked Rize and Ryussei with Thunder Bolt attack.
Rize: Here it comes! Jolteon use your Volt Absorb once more and suck that Thunder Bolt attack.
Jolteon sucked in the Electabuzz' Thunder Bolt attack and Ryussei do the finishing blow with its Golem using Body Slam, making Electabuzz unconscious.
Rize: Now.. Go Pokeball!
Rize threw his Pokeball towards the Electabuzz to catch it but the Pokeball was unable to absorb the Electabuzz.
Rize: What?! What's the meaning of this?!
Ryussei: There's only one answer.. that means this Electabuzz is not a wild Pokemon. That's it! This Electabuzz and those other Electric type Pokemon must be the Pokemon that is working and guarding this power plant! They must belong to the worker of the power plant!
Rize: That make sense.. but then what is the cause of the black out then? These Pokemon are good and healthy when we came here but non of the machines here seems to be running. I guess it might be a technical problem with the machines. That means there's nothing we can do until the technician come and fixed it.
Ryussei: But the Professor said that the cause of the problem was unknown. That means the technician must have came here and check things up but didn't find any of these machines to be malfunctioning.
Rize: Hmm...
Rize and Ryussei kept thinking and did not came up with any good solution or hint. They decided to explore the place further until they saw and heard something. Something at the corner that is sparking with electric energy all around the room of the power plant.
Rize: It's a Pokemon! It looks so powerful!
Ryussei: Impossible! That's Zapdos! One of the three Legendary Bird Pokemon in Kanto!
Rize: Zapdos?

What's a Legendary Bird Pokemon, Zapdos, doing in the power plant? Could it be the culprit for causing the black out or is it one of the Pokemon working in the power plant as well?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chapter 58 - Kanto, Black Out!

Having heard there is an emergency situation, Rize immediately swing back to Prof.Oak's place by air with his Pidgeot. By the time Rize arrived, Ryussei was there as well.

Prof.Oak: You sure was fast Rize!
Rize: Yeah, since Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot it has been very convenient for me to travel around the region. "But it took me a while to master flying on its back tough."
Prof.Oak: Now about the emergency, it looks like something have gone wrong with the Power Plant. As a result of that, without electricity,  the whole Kanto region is suffering a black out. You guys know very well too that without electricity it will be dangerous even just for a mere hour right? Every day, countless numbers of Pokemon Trainer came in and out to the Pokemon Centre to heal their injured Pokemon. Without the electricity, Pokemon Centre will not be able to run its purpose and what about those sick Pokemon?
Rize: What are you talking about Prof, the electricity is running just fine. Look you still got your computers and machines running even the lights are on. I even healed my Pokemon at the Viridian Pokemon Centre before I came here.
Ryussei: Sigh.. don't you know there is a machine called reserve generator to back up electricity during black out emergency?
Prof.Oak: Right! Right now every city in Kanto is using this generator for electricity including my place. But how long will these generators will be able to last? We don't know when will the problem in Power Plant fixed as the problem is still unknown. The media decided not to broadcast about this to avoid panic throughout the region.
Rize: Then how do you know about this Prof?
Prof.Oak: I'm the region's authorized Professor, it's natural for them to inform me with every critical situation that happen in the region.


After the Professor finished of informing about the issue, Rize and Ryussei left Prof.Oak's place.
Rize: So the Professor just wanted to tell us not to use too much electricity as possible until the problem at Power Plant's fixed huh?
Ryussei: What're you gonna do now?
Rize: Ha.. I'm not the type to just sit and wait at the sideline! I'm going to Power Plant to see if there is anything I can do to solve the problem!
Rize sent out his Pidgeot and rode on its back.
Rize: You're going too right?
Ryussei: ... I don't have any Flying Pokemon that I can ride to fly.
Rize: Take my Pidgeot then, I'll ride my Charizard. By the way, do you know where is the Power Plant? I don't know where is it hehe..
Ryussei: I'll lead the way..
Rize: You didn't have a Flying type and yet you could ride Pidgeot's back without any problem huh... =.=

So Rize and Ryussei both flew to Power Plant which was located at South-East of the Kanto region near the Rock Tunnel. It took them only an hour to travel to Power Plant by air.

                                                       ----- Power Plant -----

Rize: So this is the Power Plant? It looks like there's nobody in here at the moment.. But the place is sealed up and prohibited for the public to enter tough..
Ryussei: Does not stopping us to enter anyway. Just sneak in, there's nobody guarding the place. I heard the nobody is working in the Power Plant as the Power Plant automatically do the work of generating and sending electric energy throughout the region. The maintenance just came once a month to do a routine maintenance check up.
Rize: It is already dark, it's 9 P.M. That means we need light to investigate the place, Jolteon light up the room with your Flash!
Jolteon brighten the room with its Flash move and every corner of the Power Plant room could be seen now.
Rize: Hey there's a Pokeball on the floor.. wonder what Pokemon is insde..
Rize kneel down and took the Pokeball on the floor.
Ryussei: Don't touch! That's not a Pokeball!
Ryussei told Rize not to pick the Pokeball but it was too late. When his hand touched it and about to pick the Pokeball up, his hand got electrocuted with electric shock.
Rize: What the?!

It turned out that it was a Pokemon that was mistaken as a Pokeball.

Rize: What's that Pokemon?
Rize took out his Pokedex and checked the Pokemon in front of him.

" Voltorb the Ball Pokemon, it is the pre-evolved form of Electrode. It is an Electric type. It looks just like a Pokeball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch. It is an Electric type Pokemon "

Rize: Yeah the Pokedex was right, it did electrocuted when touched. Luckily it did not explode tough..
Ryussei: This is not the time to say we are lucky or anything.. look around us..

Rize and Ryussei was surrounded by a group of Electric type Pokemon. They have to think of a plan to escape from these dangerous Pokemon.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chapter 57 - The Last Gym Badge!

Prof.Oak: Now now.. calm down Rize, Giovanni might be missing but the Gym and the middle category leader is still around right? You can still go there and get the badge like nothing happen.
Indeed, what the Professor said was true. However not until a breaking news in the TV was broadcasted saying that the Viridian city's gym was mysteriously tored down and destroyed. As a result of this the Pokemon Association of Kanto disbanded the Gym for temporary until they rebuild the Gym back. The culprit to this event was still unknown.
Prof.Oak: Who could have done that? And for what purpose?
Rize: Could it be that it was Giovanni who did this?

Out of curiosity, Rize stepped out of Prof.Oak's place, sent out his Pidgeot, rode its back and flew to the near Viridian City hoping that he will get some clue to what have happened. When he arrived in Viridian city, there were a throng of poeple surrounding the Gym building area. There were police officers who guarded the place and the people was not allowed to take a step in as it is prohibited by the police. Among the crowd, there was someone Rize knew and it was the middle category leader, Geo. Rize came and approached him.

Rize: Geo! What happened to the Gym?!
Geo: Oh, it's you who I defeated before. I don't know when I came here this morning it was already like this.
Rize: Do you know where Giovanni is right now?
Geo: Nope, why do you ask?
Rize: From what I think, he might be the one who have done this.
Geo: Base on what did you came up with that crazy thought?! There's no way Giovanni destroyed his own Gym!
Rize: Listen here, Giovanni is the leader of the infamous criminal organization Team Rocket! He's not a good guy like you always thought!
Geo; Stop spouting nonsense! I don't even know what that Rocket team or whatever! How did you know all these things anyway?!
Rize: I've defeated Giovanni two days ago and since then he has been missing!
Geo: You?! Defeated Giovanni?! Such weak trainer like you defeated Giovanni the Ground Master?! Bullshit! Let alone Giovanni, you can't even defeat me last time!
Rize: Humph, I didn't expect you to believe me right away. It was quite a long time ago. Now I'm sure I can defeat you! Why don't we prove it here and now?! And if I win you have to give me the Gym badge!
Geo accepted the challenge that Rize have offered and sent out his best fighter, Marowak.

Rize: I've been waiting for this day to come, the day when I pay some debt to you and your Marowak! Charizard it's time for some payback!

Geo: So your little Charmander have evolved to Charizard eh? "Still, evolving a Charmander to Charizard just within ten months? He might be a first class Trainer!" Marowak charge in! Use Bone Club!
Marowak charged into Charizard preparing to hit it with Bone Club attack.
Rize: Overheat!
Charizard collected a heated amount of fire energy in its mouth and fired the extremely hot flames to Marowak.
Geo: This is bad! Marowak spin your bone to deflect it!
Marowak stopped its attack and spinned its bone to deflect Charizard's Overheat but the fire proves to be too strong for Marowak to handle and it burned through the bone and knocked out Marowak instantly.
Geo: How could it be? Ten months ago you were completely nothing!
Rize: I trained my Pokemon hard! Now will you please give me the badge? I need it.
Geo: Alright.. I lost, take this medium Earth Badge.
Rize: Thank you. Now with this I can finally register and enter the Kanto League!
Geo: " He said that he defeated Giovanni two days ago.. it was two days ago too that Giovanni ordered the whole Gym members not to come to the Gym as he have important things to settle. Could it be the important things to settle was this guy?!"

Beep beep...
Rize's Pokegear rang and it was Prof.Oak on the line.
Rize: Prof.Oak! I just got my last Gym badge!
Prof.Oak: It's good to hear that but now we have no time to celebrate! There is an emergency! Come back to my lab right now! Quick!

Chapter 56 - That's what Friends are for!

Previously, Rize was battling against one of the most evil man in the world. Probably one of the most powerful Pokemon Trainer there is in the world as well which was Giovanni the Viridian Gym Leader who was sad but truth, the Leader of Team Rocket. After somehow defeating Giovanni, Rize past out due to the poison that have been running down trough his body.

                                     -----1 Day after the battle-----

Rize woke up, opened his eye wide and found himself in a neat tidy room laying down on a comfy bed. Even his cloths have been changed into a nice pure clean comfy pajamas. In the room there were lots of Pokemon posters and action figure. There's a Pidgey alarm clock, Meowth allowance keeping bank and many more. Everything was in a meticulous order. Rize was wondering where he was and suddenly someone opened the door and went into the room.
Ryussei: Yo.. you're awake.
Rize: Eh? Ryussei??
Ryussei told Rize that he have been unconscious for the whole day after his fierce battle against Giovanni in the Viridian Gym. Not long after that, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei came to the Gym and rescued him but it was Ryussei who was willingly to take Rize into his place and cure the poison. Ryussei's house was also located in Pallet Town near Prof.Oak's lab and Satoshi's house.
Rize: Gee.. Thanks for rescuing me.. I thought I was a goner.. But how did you people know I was in the Gym?
Ryussei: Satoshi was attacked by the guy named Apollo from Team Rocket, after he have defeated him he got the information from Apollo that you were probably have been dead in the hand of their boss. Knowing that the Rocket's Boss will be a very powerful opponent, Satoshi contacted Reinz and me to go to the Viridian Gym and help you in the battle. However when we arrived, you've been found unconscious with your Charizard on the ground.
Rize: Oh yea! What about Giovanni?! The Rocket's Boss was turned out to be the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym!
Ryussei: ... That's the mystery! When we arrived, Giovanni was no where to be found in the Gym!
Rize: How could he escape? His injuries was serious!
Ryussei: I have reported to Looker about this, Apollo have been arrested but Giovanni was still missing. Probably, someone else have arrived to the Gym before us and saved Giovanni.
Rize: Who could have done that?
Ryussei: That's not important.. the important thing is you're back to health and your Pokemon too!
Rize: You're right! Where are my Pokemon?

Rize got up from the bed and changed to his usual cloths, white shirt, long black pants and the red jacket. He took his Pokedex and Pokegear with him and all his Pokemon's Pokeball. He then have lunched together with Ryussei and his family. Ryussei's family consisted of his father and mother. His father was a calm, friendly and understanding person while his mother was more assertive. His house was ordinary and not so fancy but it was very neat and tidy, not to mention the cleanliness of it. It is also well decorated which creates a very home feeling. After that they went to Prof.Oak's place where Rize's Pokemon is.

                                  ------Prof.Oak's Lab------

As usual, Prof.Oak's lab was full with books and papers of researches and lots of Pokeballs of Pokemon from every Pokemon Trainer under Prof.Oak's care.
Prof.Oak: Hey Rize good too see you back!
Rize: Hey Prof! How's my Pokemon?
Prof.Oak: They're extremely well, they're behind in my field. I think they must have been waiting to see you.
Rize and Ryussei then went to Prof.Oak's huge field where all of every Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon under Prof.Oak's care was at. As Rize stepped into the field, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Jolteon, Pidgeot, Kingler, Sandlslash, Poliwrath and Gyarados came running with excitement and come to surround Rize.
Rize: Hey everyone! Good to see you all again! I'm alright now! Everyone did a good job back then.
All of Rize's Pokemon was happy and cheerful roared in excitement. Meanwhile, a cat Pokemon came towards Ryussei and Ryussei bent down his knees and put his hand on the cat Pokemon's head gently. Rize checked his Pokedex and found out its name was Persian the Classy Cat Pokemon.

Rize: Is that your Pokemon?
Ryussei: Yes it is..

" Persian the Classy Cat Pokemon and the evolved form of Meowth. It is a Normal type. A very haughty Pokemon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk. "

Then came another Pokemon this time with a big long tongue licking Ryussei's face.

" Lickitung the Licking Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Instead of hands, it uses its tongue, which is twice its height. Its sticky saliva grips anything. "

Rize: " He sure have lots of Normal type Pokemon.."
Another Pokemon came, this time it was a huge Venusaur, the final evolved form of Bulbasaur.

" Venusaur the Seed Pokemon and the evolved form of Ivysaur. It is a Grass and Poison type. After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokemon. "

Rize: Is that Venusaur yours?
Ryussei: Yeah.. Venusaur's my very first Pokemon that I received from Prof.Oak three years ago.
Rize's Bulbasaur was very amazed looking at Ryussei's big strong Venusaur, hoping that it too one day could become a big and strong Venusaur. It then greeted Venusaur and made friend with it.
Rize: One day you're going to be a big and strong Venusaur too, Bulbasaur!
Bulbasaur chilled up, happy to hear the compliment from its Trainer.
Rize: You must have treated and trained your Pokemon well, Ryussei! Hey why don't we have a battle! We never battle each other since we ever first know each other.
Ryussei: I pass.. I prefer peace then battling for unnecessary reason. Why don't we have our first battle in the upcoming Kanto League.
Rize: Talking about the Kanto League! I haven't got the last badge yet!

Rize remembered about the Kanto League that is going to be held two months from now. However he still have not yet gotten his last badge which he suppose to get from the Viridian Gym.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chapter 55 - End of Struggle!

Rize tried his hardest to reach his last Pokeball under his belt and sent out Charizard as his last Pokemon to battle Giovanni and his Nidoking. Charizard without knowing of the Toxic Spikes in effect, set foot on the battle ground upon coming out from its Pokeball and was infected with poison as well.

Giovanni: Hahaha! Nidoking's poison is very strong! Sooner or later you will die! You will not be able to move nor speak! You won't be able to command your Pokemon to help you! Afterall, Pokemon without their Trainer are useless and Trainer without their Pokemon are useless as well!
Said Giovanni while turning his back to Rize and started to leave the Gym's building as he thought that Rize will die on his own. However, a scorching Flamethrower attack was directed to Giovanni from his back. Giovanni was shocked and did not expect to be attacked. His Nidoking guarded him from the flame tough. Rize was still standing even tough it is very difficult for him already to stand firm.
Giovanni: How could your Charizard able to attack without being ordered?!
Rize opened his mouth and started to reply even tough it is very difficult for him at that momment.
Rize: Battle's.. not.. over yet.
Giovanni: So there's some fight left in you huh?! Nidoking Bulldoze!
Nidoking stomped its feet on the ground and made a powerful tremor shocking the battle arena. Charizard without being ordered, straighten its wing, flapped them and flew up to the air avoiding the Bulldoze attack damage.
Rize: I.. raised.. my Pokemon with care.. I treat my Pokemon as my buddies! You won't understand the bond we share as you treat your Pokemon as a tool and weapon to conquer your evil desires!
Giovanni: Enough blabbering! Nidoking Thunder Bolt!
Nidoking fired a Thunder Bolt attack to Charizard but Charizard countered it with Flamethrower making a clash between fire and electric and created an explosion.
Giovanni: Aargh! Stone Edge!!

Giovanni started to lose his temper and commanded Nidoking to use Stone Edge, a powerful Rock type attack consisting of lots of large size stones that flew to its target. Charizard was hit and since it is extremely effective to a Fire and Flying type like Charizard, it fell down hard to the ground. The poison effect seems to make its pain even more.
Giovanni: You will never be able to defeat me! I have trained my Pokemon over 20 years! I even conducted experiments on them so that they become stronger than the average Pokemon!
Rize: You?! You even conducted experiments on your own Pokemon?! You heartless!
Giovanni: Yeah! So what?! Pokemon are just tools to make my dream come true! And in order to realize my dream that is to conquer the world, I need a powerful army of Pokemon! That is why I made a grand project of creating a Pokemon using DNA's of Mew! But now Mewtwo is gone! My effort all of this time seems to go to waste!
Rize: No! Pokemon have feelings too! They are not tools of war! They are living beings like us human as well!
Giovanni: Save your opinion! You're going to die here and now anyway!
Rize: I.. can't die yet.. I still have friends and families that I left in my hometown. I still have unfinished matter!
Rize got back up with all of his energy that he have left. At that momment Rize remembered of his families and Pokemon in Hoenn and all his friends and rivals he have befriended across the regions. Charizard too, burned all of its remaining energy and Blaze came in effect. The fire on its tail started to burn hotter and become humongous.
Giovanni: Friends?! I'm sure by now Apollo have got rid of your friends!
Rize: What?! Apollo?! You sent Apollo to got rid of my friends?! How dare you..! " I can't die here! At least not before I defeated him! Who knows how many more Pokemon will have to suffer!" IF IT'S NOT ME, THEN WHO ELSE WILL?! Charizard Flamethrower attack full power!

Rize commanded Charizard to use its full power Flamethrower attack with all he got and Charizard fired an extremely huge powerful fire attack directed towards Nidoking and Giovanni. It seems that Charizard have learned to use Overheat, a Fire type attack stronger than Flamethrower.

Giovanni: Nidoking destroy it with your Focus Blast full power!
Giovanni ordered his Nidoking to stop Charizard's attack with Focus Blast. But Nidoking just stood  there doing nothing to prevent the attack from reaching them and both Nidoking and Giovanni took the powerful hot Overheat attack from Charizard. Nidoking was knocked out and Giovanni collapsed as well with a shock looking face as if saying how could this thing happened to him.

Rize: We did it, Charizard.. Great job.. you're awesome..

By the time Rize have finished his words to Charizard, Rize and Charizard both collapsed as well and passed out. Even tough he have finally defeated Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket, it looks like the poison inside Rize body have spread to all over his body.