-----1 Day after the battle-----
Rize woke up, opened his eye wide and found himself in a neat tidy room laying down on a comfy bed. Even his cloths have been changed into a nice pure clean comfy pajamas. In the room there were lots of Pokemon posters and action figure. There's a Pidgey alarm clock, Meowth allowance keeping bank and many more. Everything was in a meticulous order. Rize was wondering where he was and suddenly someone opened the door and went into the room.
Ryussei: Yo.. you're awake.
Rize: Eh? Ryussei??
Ryussei told Rize that he have been unconscious for the whole day after his fierce battle against Giovanni in the Viridian Gym. Not long after that, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei came to the Gym and rescued him but it was Ryussei who was willingly to take Rize into his place and cure the poison. Ryussei's house was also located in Pallet Town near Prof.Oak's lab and Satoshi's house.
Rize: Gee.. Thanks for rescuing me.. I thought I was a goner.. But how did you people know I was in the Gym?
Ryussei: Satoshi was attacked by the guy named Apollo from Team Rocket, after he have defeated him he got the information from Apollo that you were probably have been dead in the hand of their boss. Knowing that the Rocket's Boss will be a very powerful opponent, Satoshi contacted Reinz and me to go to the Viridian Gym and help you in the battle. However when we arrived, you've been found unconscious with your Charizard on the ground.
Rize: Oh yea! What about Giovanni?! The Rocket's Boss was turned out to be the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym!
Ryussei: ... That's the mystery! When we arrived, Giovanni was no where to be found in the Gym!
Rize: How could he escape? His injuries was serious!
Ryussei: I have reported to Looker about this, Apollo have been arrested but Giovanni was still missing. Probably, someone else have arrived to the Gym before us and saved Giovanni.
Rize: Who could have done that?
Ryussei: That's not important.. the important thing is you're back to health and your Pokemon too!
Rize: You're right! Where are my Pokemon?
Rize got up from the bed and changed to his usual cloths, white shirt, long black pants and the red jacket. He took his Pokedex and Pokegear with him and all his Pokemon's Pokeball. He then have lunched together with Ryussei and his family. Ryussei's family consisted of his father and mother. His father was a calm, friendly and understanding person while his mother was more assertive. His house was ordinary and not so fancy but it was very neat and tidy, not to mention the cleanliness of it. It is also well decorated which creates a very home feeling. After that they went to Prof.Oak's place where Rize's Pokemon is.
------Prof.Oak's Lab------

As usual, Prof.Oak's lab was full with books and papers of researches and lots of Pokeballs of Pokemon from every Pokemon Trainer under Prof.Oak's care.
Prof.Oak: Hey Rize good too see you back!
Rize: Hey Prof! How's my Pokemon?
Prof.Oak: They're extremely well, they're behind in my field. I think they must have been waiting to see you.
Rize and Ryussei then went to Prof.Oak's huge field where all of every Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon under Prof.Oak's care was at. As Rize stepped into the field, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Jolteon, Pidgeot, Kingler, Sandlslash, Poliwrath and Gyarados came running with excitement and come to surround Rize.
Rize: Hey everyone! Good to see you all again! I'm alright now! Everyone did a good job back then.
All of Rize's Pokemon was happy and cheerful roared in excitement. Meanwhile, a cat Pokemon came towards Ryussei and Ryussei bent down his knees and put his hand on the cat Pokemon's head gently. Rize checked his Pokedex and found out its name was Persian the Classy Cat Pokemon.

Rize: Is that your Pokemon?
Ryussei: Yes it is..
" Persian the Classy Cat Pokemon and the evolved form of Meowth. It is a Normal type. A very haughty Pokemon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk. "
Then came another Pokemon this time with a big long tongue licking Ryussei's face.

" Lickitung the Licking Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Instead of hands, it uses its tongue, which is twice its height. Its sticky saliva grips anything. "
Rize: " He sure have lots of Normal type Pokemon.."
Another Pokemon came, this time it was a huge Venusaur, the final evolved form of Bulbasaur.

" Venusaur the Seed Pokemon and the evolved form of Ivysaur. It is a Grass and Poison type. After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokemon. "
Rize: Is that Venusaur yours?
Ryussei: Yeah.. Venusaur's my very first Pokemon that I received from Prof.Oak three years ago.
Rize's Bulbasaur was very amazed looking at Ryussei's big strong Venusaur, hoping that it too one day could become a big and strong Venusaur. It then greeted Venusaur and made friend with it.
Rize: One day you're going to be a big and strong Venusaur too, Bulbasaur!
Bulbasaur chilled up, happy to hear the compliment from its Trainer.
Rize: You must have treated and trained your Pokemon well, Ryussei! Hey why don't we have a battle! We never battle each other since we ever first know each other.
Ryussei: I pass.. I prefer peace then battling for unnecessary reason. Why don't we have our first battle in the upcoming Kanto League.
Rize: Talking about the Kanto League! I haven't got the last badge yet!
Rize remembered about the Kanto League that is going to be held two months from now. However he still have not yet gotten his last badge which he suppose to get from the Viridian Gym.
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