Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chapter 55 - End of Struggle!

Rize tried his hardest to reach his last Pokeball under his belt and sent out Charizard as his last Pokemon to battle Giovanni and his Nidoking. Charizard without knowing of the Toxic Spikes in effect, set foot on the battle ground upon coming out from its Pokeball and was infected with poison as well.

Giovanni: Hahaha! Nidoking's poison is very strong! Sooner or later you will die! You will not be able to move nor speak! You won't be able to command your Pokemon to help you! Afterall, Pokemon without their Trainer are useless and Trainer without their Pokemon are useless as well!
Said Giovanni while turning his back to Rize and started to leave the Gym's building as he thought that Rize will die on his own. However, a scorching Flamethrower attack was directed to Giovanni from his back. Giovanni was shocked and did not expect to be attacked. His Nidoking guarded him from the flame tough. Rize was still standing even tough it is very difficult for him already to stand firm.
Giovanni: How could your Charizard able to attack without being ordered?!
Rize opened his mouth and started to reply even tough it is very difficult for him at that momment.
Rize: Battle's.. not.. over yet.
Giovanni: So there's some fight left in you huh?! Nidoking Bulldoze!
Nidoking stomped its feet on the ground and made a powerful tremor shocking the battle arena. Charizard without being ordered, straighten its wing, flapped them and flew up to the air avoiding the Bulldoze attack damage.
Rize: I.. raised.. my Pokemon with care.. I treat my Pokemon as my buddies! You won't understand the bond we share as you treat your Pokemon as a tool and weapon to conquer your evil desires!
Giovanni: Enough blabbering! Nidoking Thunder Bolt!
Nidoking fired a Thunder Bolt attack to Charizard but Charizard countered it with Flamethrower making a clash between fire and electric and created an explosion.
Giovanni: Aargh! Stone Edge!!

Giovanni started to lose his temper and commanded Nidoking to use Stone Edge, a powerful Rock type attack consisting of lots of large size stones that flew to its target. Charizard was hit and since it is extremely effective to a Fire and Flying type like Charizard, it fell down hard to the ground. The poison effect seems to make its pain even more.
Giovanni: You will never be able to defeat me! I have trained my Pokemon over 20 years! I even conducted experiments on them so that they become stronger than the average Pokemon!
Rize: You?! You even conducted experiments on your own Pokemon?! You heartless!
Giovanni: Yeah! So what?! Pokemon are just tools to make my dream come true! And in order to realize my dream that is to conquer the world, I need a powerful army of Pokemon! That is why I made a grand project of creating a Pokemon using DNA's of Mew! But now Mewtwo is gone! My effort all of this time seems to go to waste!
Rize: No! Pokemon have feelings too! They are not tools of war! They are living beings like us human as well!
Giovanni: Save your opinion! You're going to die here and now anyway!
Rize: I.. can't die yet.. I still have friends and families that I left in my hometown. I still have unfinished matter!
Rize got back up with all of his energy that he have left. At that momment Rize remembered of his families and Pokemon in Hoenn and all his friends and rivals he have befriended across the regions. Charizard too, burned all of its remaining energy and Blaze came in effect. The fire on its tail started to burn hotter and become humongous.
Giovanni: Friends?! I'm sure by now Apollo have got rid of your friends!
Rize: What?! Apollo?! You sent Apollo to got rid of my friends?! How dare you..! " I can't die here! At least not before I defeated him! Who knows how many more Pokemon will have to suffer!" IF IT'S NOT ME, THEN WHO ELSE WILL?! Charizard Flamethrower attack full power!

Rize commanded Charizard to use its full power Flamethrower attack with all he got and Charizard fired an extremely huge powerful fire attack directed towards Nidoking and Giovanni. It seems that Charizard have learned to use Overheat, a Fire type attack stronger than Flamethrower.

Giovanni: Nidoking destroy it with your Focus Blast full power!
Giovanni ordered his Nidoking to stop Charizard's attack with Focus Blast. But Nidoking just stood  there doing nothing to prevent the attack from reaching them and both Nidoking and Giovanni took the powerful hot Overheat attack from Charizard. Nidoking was knocked out and Giovanni collapsed as well with a shock looking face as if saying how could this thing happened to him.

Rize: We did it, Charizard.. Great job.. you're awesome..

By the time Rize have finished his words to Charizard, Rize and Charizard both collapsed as well and passed out. Even tough he have finally defeated Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket, it looks like the poison inside Rize body have spread to all over his body.

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