Prof.Oak: You sure was fast Rize!
Rize: Yeah, since Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot it has been very convenient for me to travel around the region. "But it took me a while to master flying on its back tough."
Prof.Oak: Now about the emergency, it looks like something have gone wrong with the Power Plant. As a result of that, without electricity, the whole Kanto region is suffering a black out. You guys know very well too that without electricity it will be dangerous even just for a mere hour right? Every day, countless numbers of Pokemon Trainer came in and out to the Pokemon Centre to heal their injured Pokemon. Without the electricity, Pokemon Centre will not be able to run its purpose and what about those sick Pokemon?
Rize: What are you talking about Prof, the electricity is running just fine. Look you still got your computers and machines running even the lights are on. I even healed my Pokemon at the Viridian Pokemon Centre before I came here.
Ryussei: Sigh.. don't you know there is a machine called reserve generator to back up electricity during black out emergency?
Prof.Oak: Right! Right now every city in Kanto is using this generator for electricity including my place. But how long will these generators will be able to last? We don't know when will the problem in Power Plant fixed as the problem is still unknown. The media decided not to broadcast about this to avoid panic throughout the region.
Rize: Then how do you know about this Prof?
Prof.Oak: I'm the region's authorized Professor, it's natural for them to inform me with every critical situation that happen in the region.

After the Professor finished of informing about the issue, Rize and Ryussei left Prof.Oak's place.
Rize: So the Professor just wanted to tell us not to use too much electricity as possible until the problem at Power Plant's fixed huh?
Ryussei: What're you gonna do now?
Rize: Ha.. I'm not the type to just sit and wait at the sideline! I'm going to Power Plant to see if there is anything I can do to solve the problem!
Rize sent out his Pidgeot and rode on its back.
Rize: You're going too right?
Ryussei: ... I don't have any Flying Pokemon that I can ride to fly.
Rize: Take my Pidgeot then, I'll ride my Charizard. By the way, do you know where is the Power Plant? I don't know where is it hehe..
Ryussei: I'll lead the way..
Rize: You didn't have a Flying type and yet you could ride Pidgeot's back without any problem huh... =.=
So Rize and Ryussei both flew to Power Plant which was located at South-East of the Kanto region near the Rock Tunnel. It took them only an hour to travel to Power Plant by air.
----- Power Plant -----

Rize: So this is the Power Plant? It looks like there's nobody in here at the moment.. But the place is sealed up and prohibited for the public to enter tough..
Ryussei: Does not stopping us to enter anyway. Just sneak in, there's nobody guarding the place. I heard the nobody is working in the Power Plant as the Power Plant automatically do the work of generating and sending electric energy throughout the region. The maintenance just came once a month to do a routine maintenance check up.
Rize: It is already dark, it's 9 P.M. That means we need light to investigate the place, Jolteon light up the room with your Flash!
Jolteon brighten the room with its Flash move and every corner of the Power Plant room could be seen now.
Rize: Hey there's a Pokeball on the floor.. wonder what Pokemon is insde..
Rize kneel down and took the Pokeball on the floor.
Ryussei: Don't touch! That's not a Pokeball!
Ryussei told Rize not to pick the Pokeball but it was too late. When his hand touched it and about to pick the Pokeball up, his hand got electrocuted with electric shock.
Rize: What the?!
It turned out that it was a Pokemon that was mistaken as a Pokeball.

Rize: What's that Pokemon?
Rize took out his Pokedex and checked the Pokemon in front of him.
" Voltorb the Ball Pokemon, it is the pre-evolved form of Electrode. It is an Electric type. It looks just like a Pokeball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch. It is an Electric type Pokemon "
Rize: Yeah the Pokedex was right, it did electrocuted when touched. Luckily it did not explode tough..
Ryussei: This is not the time to say we are lucky or anything.. look around us..
Rize and Ryussei was surrounded by a group of Electric type Pokemon. They have to think of a plan to escape from these dangerous Pokemon.
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