Friday, May 13, 2011

Chapter 60 - Taking Care of Zapdos!

" Zapdos the Electric Pokemon, it is an Electric and Flying type. Zapdos is a legendary Pokemon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts. This legendary bird Pokemon causes savage thunderstorms by flapping its glittering wings. "

Rize: What's a legendary bird Pokemon doing here?!
Ryussei: The Pokedex said that it lived in thunderclouds tough..
Rize: I think it still hadn't realized our presence!
Ryussei observed the Zapdos more carefully and noticed that it is terribly injured and it is resting using the move Roost to recover and absorbs electricity from the power plant to speed up its recovery.
Rize: I get it! This Zapdos must be the one causing the black out by draining all of the electricity power for itself!
Ryussei: Right! If we want to restore the electricity back to normal that means..
Rize: Are you planning to catch it?!
Ryussei paused and seems to be thinking over what Rize have said.
Ryussei: No! Catching a legendary Pokemon is no easy task! Even under its current condition, it can still finish us both and destroy this whole place at once if it will! We will end up dead and destroyed the power plant!
Rize: Alright, I got it.. so what are we suppose to do then?
Ryussei: You hold the key to this! Use your Jolteon and fire its Thunder attack towards Zapdos! Your Jolteon is now overcharged due to absorbing the Electric moves earlier right?
Rize: Are you crazy?! You want me to attack Zapdos?! Didn't you just said we have to avoid making it angry?!
Ryussei: Just trust me on this..
Rize: Alright! I think i get what you mean! Jolteon use Thunder towards Zapdos!

Jolteon striked its Thunder attack towards Zapdos and Zapdos absorbed the Thunder attack and recovering faster.
Ryussei: Right! Zapdos' special ability is Lightning Rod which will absorbs any Electric type moves and powered up itself!

Zapdos became aware of their presence but it did not feel any harm from them and just stay there keep absorbing the Thunder attack from Jolteon and keep its calm. After receiving enough electric power from Jolteon, it stopped using its Lightning Rod ability, looked towards Rize and Ryussei for a moment21t3e then flapped its glittering wings and flew off from the power plant building. As Zapdos is no longer consuming the electricity from the power plant, the electricity can now flow normally to the whole Kanto region as usual and the electricity was regenerated. Rize gave a call to Prof.Oak to report on what have happened.

Rize: Phew.. We managed to bring back the electricity and help Zapdos recover from its injury! I guess we really didn't come here for nothin!
Ryussei: Yeah! It was so fortunate of us! But still.. I'm still wondering.. who or what could have caused Zapdos the legendary bird Pokemon such terrible injuries like that?? Something must have happened!
Rize: I wonder what was that..

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