Just when the crowd started to be noisy and talked about the mysterious strong female trainer, Ryussei came to the scene and came to Rize.
Ryussei: I got bored in my room afterall, so what's all these big commotions? Is there someone really strong there?
Rize: That woman, she defeated a man who have kept his winning streak up to more than 10 wins and she defeated him with ease.
Ryussei take a look on the female trainer and immediately his facial expression changed. Sweats started to roll down his cheeks.
Rize: What's with you? You know that woman?
Ryussei: ...! She's Lorelei from one of the Elite 4! I can't believe I got to see her here!
Rize: Elite 4!! No wonder she's so strong! "Anybody here is free to challenge her! This is an opportunity!"
Ryussei: Hey hey.. what are you doing?
Without thinking much, Rize stepped up on to the battle field and challenged Lorelei to a battle.
Rize: I challenge you Lorelei!
The crowd: Aaah!! She's Lorelei! Lorelei from the Elite 4! What's someone like her doing in a place like this??
Lorelei: Boy.. how old are you? You sure got a huge confident in challenging me despite knowing of my identity.
Rize: Not like I care, this is a very rare opportunity to battle someone as strong as you!
Lorelei: I like your thinking, come! Jynx, it's sliding time!

Rize: "She switched Pokemon!"
" Jynx the Human Shape Pokemon and the evolved form of Smoochum. Its cries sound like human speech. However, it is impossible to tell what it is trying to say. It is a dual type of Ice and Psychic. "
The crowd: Hey that boy sure don't know his place for challenging one of the Elite 4! Let's see what he got and how far he can go! I'm sure he will be defeated in less than 10 seconds!
Ryussei: " Rize.. I can't understand him! He don't stand a chance! "
Rize: " Ice and Psychic.. I gotta bring out my best! I'll try to win this! " Charizard it's non other than you!
The fire dragon like Pokemon came out from its Pokeball and breath its fire from its mouth.
The crowd: Whoaa.. who would've thought such a kid have a Charizard with him! This battle might be interesting! Come on kid show us what you got!
Lorelei: After you..
Rize: Alright! We gotta strike hard with the first attack! Charizard Flamethrower!
Charizard opened up its fiery mouth and fired a flamethrower attack.
Lorelei: Blizzard!
Lorelei's Jynx blew a powerful Blizzard attack and clashed with the Flamethrower attack. As Fire and Ice clashed, the Ice evaporated and became water vapours that devours the flame and thus Charizard's Flamethrower attack fails to hit its target. The crowd went all out and get fired up with the match.
Rize: How could fire can't devour the ice?!
Ryussei: The ice power is too strong that even Charizard's Flamethrower can't beat it in terms of power. That's jusr how powerful the Elite 4 is!
Lorelei: Calm Mind now!
Jynx calmed itself using Calm Mind and increased its special attack and special defense stats.
Rize: Charizard let's get close to it! Aerial Ace!
Charizard flew up and attacked Jynx with a high speed Aerial Ace attack and land a hit on Jynx. However Jynx looks completely fine wherelse Charizard went down and fell asleep.
Rize: What happened?!
Lorelei: When Charizard attacked, my Jynx used Lovely Kiss on it and made it fall asleep
Rize: What?! Charizard Snap out of it! Wake up!
Lorelei: Dream Eater!
Jynx used Dream Eater attack and attacked the sleeping Charizard. Charizard looks to be in pain in its sleep and Jynx keep sucking away its energy.
Lorelei: Let me tell this straight to you, you're no good. You've no strategy and just attack randomly, your Pokemon's level is not high enough too. Just as expected from an average boy like you. Give it up.. it's over.
Rize: Match not over until my Pokemon's knocked out! Charizard!! Open your eyes!!
Somehow, Rize's voice travelled and pierced into Charizard's nightmare and woke it up. The awaken Charizard was burning in its Blaze ability and its fire power increased by folds!
Lorelei: Impossible!
Rize: Alright! We'll show you how hot our fire can be! Charizard use Overheat!
Charizard went all out and fired its most powerful Overheat attack and striked a direct hit on Jynx.
The crowd: Whoaa!! Go boy! That should do it!
After the flames cleared out, unexpectedly, Jynx was still standing despite of its heavy injuries and burn stats. Rize and Charizard was shocked to see that their opponent have not been defeated yet after their most powerful attack in their arsenal has been used.
Lorelei: Jynx finish this with Blizzard!
Jynx fired an Ice Beam attack and Charizard was knocked out by it thus making it clear that Rize have lost the match.
Lorelei: I take back my words on you, you're pretty good to be able to inflict this much damage on my Jynx! But don't get carried away, you still have a long long way to go boy!
Rize: I'll remember your words! Thanks for battling me Ms.Lorelei!
Even tough he lost the battle, the spectators watching the battle gave him a big round of applause for a sign of appreaciation for his courage and efforts for giving a good battle against an Elite 4 member. Lorelei then alighted at Floe Island while Rize and Ryussei continue their journey to Quest Island.
Rize: Let's get something to eat for our lunch! This ship must have lots of good foods!
Ryussei: Yea. " Rize sure was something to challenge one of the Elite 4 boldly like that, what if it was me? I'm not sure myself.."
Charizard Lv.47
ReplyDeleteJynx Lv.62