Announcement: The SeaGallop Ferry will be arriving shortly to our last destination, the Quest Island. All remaining passengers please be prepared to alight on this island. Thank you for travelling with SeaGallop Ferry service.
Rize and Ryussei finally arrived to their destination which is the Quest Island. They went straight to search for the famous Battle Tower where every Trainer from around the world gather and compete with each other.
Rize: Look at how tall this Battle Tower is!
Ryussei: And in order to conquer the Battle Tower, one have to reach the highest floor and defeat all participants. That's way too much!
Rize: Anyway let's enter and register right away!
So both Rize and Ryussei registered themselves in the Battle Tower competition. The system there are 150 floors and each floors there are 14 Trainers divided into two groups to compete each day. Only seven Trainers would proceed to the next floor and so on until they have reached the 150th floor and finally those seven Trainer that made it to the top will have to battle each other until there is only one and only victorious Trainer. Rize and Ryussei registered under different group with each other so that they could meet and battle even before reaching the 150th floor. Since they just registered today, their match was scheduled to be tomorrow at 12 noon.
Ryussei: There's nothing on this island except this Battle Tower and those weird ruins. You're not interested in going to those ruins are you?
Rize: Actually I would like to but it seems that you're not interested so why don't we just go to the next island nearby..
Ryussei: The SeaGallop Ferry will not be coming and available until tomorrow, how are we going to go?
Rize: Come on.. we have Pokemon to rely on! We can Fly through the air or Surf through the water!
Ryussei: You're right! Dewgong on the water!
" Dewgong the Sea Lion Pokemon and the evolved form of Seel. It is a Water and Ice type. In snow, the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators. "
Rize: First time seeing this Pokemon! So you chose to Surf eh? I chose to Fly! " Since I didn't have my Gyarados with me." Pidgeot on the air!
They both traveled to the next island nearby which is the Fortune Island. It is named Fortune Island due to the fact that there is a famous family that is able to read and predict a person's future generation by generation. It is the most accurate fortune telling in the world and many people visit the island just to get their future predicted.
Ryussei: We've arrived, now what?
Rize: According to the map given by Prof.Oak, this island is famous for its fortune telling! I'm curious about this and wanna try it out myself! Aren't you just as curious??
Ryussei: ... It's a complete waste of time! I'm not interested at all.
Rize: Aren't you curious? Don't you wanna know whether you will become the Champion or not??
Ryussei: ...
Rize: Fine then, I'll go by my own.
Just when they arrived to Fortune Island, Rize and Ryussei parted ways. Rize went to search for the famous Fortune Teller while Ryussei went around the island to search for Pokemon and some training.
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