Friday, July 8, 2011

Chapter 65 - Future Prediction

An antique, mystic looking house is right infront of Rize's eyes.

Rize: This must be the famous Fortune Teller house!

As he opens the door and stepped inside the house, it was a dim room lighted with fire from candles. Antique staffs could be seen everywhere which gave the essence of uncanny and mystical aura around the place. At the edge of the room, an old woman with a wrinkled face, long silver coloured hair wearing a long clean white robe welcomed Rize with a deep and low bass tone of voice.

Fortune Lady:  Welcome young boy, what should I predict for you? Future? Career? Soul mate? Ask me anything, I'll answer if I could.

Rize: " This old lady gets even scarier when she speaks! Is she really a woman? " Ehm, my name's Rize. Let's start from my career as a Pokemon Trainer then.

The Fortune Lady took a closer look on Rize and told Rize of the prediction that she have read.

Fortune Lady: You will be a famous and successful Pokemon Trainer that many people look upon to and become inspiration to others. Due to your skills and abilities in battling, your job will involves in traveling to many different places, seek and catch is what I can see.

Rize: Whoa, how bout my future then?

Fortune Lady: You will have everything you could ever wanted by early age however it will not last long and you will lost everything as you will be facing a formidable giant!

Rize: What? What do you mean by that?!
Fortune Lady: That's all I am able to see from you, I can't see it very clearly as it is too cloudy and hard to see. I am not God who knows everything, I am also a human. Is there anything else you want me to predict for you?

Rize: Well, I guess that's it then..

Fortune Lady: Now that will be P$100,000 per prediction and it will be P$200,000 for you.  heehee..

Rize was shocked to hear that he have to pay that much amount of money as he only have P$3000 with him. The Fortune Lady then told him that since he can't afford to pay, she asked him to get something for her. It was non other than  the sacred legendary flame of Moltres which what the legend says could be obtain at the top peak of Mt.Ember at Knot Island.

Fortune Lady: Be sure to be back with the thing by next week and don't even plan to escape from me as I can find and sue you anytime.. heeheehee...

Rize: No way! How do I know you're even telling the truth? You're just making up stories and tell people good stuffs about them so that your customer will be delighted and pay the amount with ease.

The old lady smiled and replied Rize. She read another prediction for him free of charge for tomorrow which is what Pokemon he will face on his first battle. If her prediction came true, then Rize have to agree and get the sacred legendary flame and if things are the opposite then Rize will be set free from the payment and the order. Rize agreed to that propose and immediately stepped out from the fortune teller house and contacted Ryussei to meet up.

Fortune Lady: Huhu, never I thought of meeting with the chosen one this early..

Rize have been able to reached Ryussei and they meet up somewhere on the Fortune Island and he told him everything of what the Fortune Lady told him.

Ryussei: I told you it was just a piece of crap! Now you got yourself into trouble! Climbing to the top of Mt.Ember is not an easy task that children of our age could do.

Rize: It's alright, we are different! Besides if it is really just a piece of crap like you said then her prediction will not come true and I will be free from the contract.

Ryussei have nothing to say anymore and both of them returned to Quest Island and prepare for the match tomorrow. The long peaceful night quickly come to an end, the sun rises and the long waited time which is 12 noon have come. Rize's battle opponent have come and apparently his first battle opponent was not his own friend, Ryussei.

Rize: " If what that old lady is true, this guy is going to sent out an Onix. Let's place our bet then! "
Rize sent out his Poliwrath to prepare the match with the Rock Snake Pokemon, Onix, and the prediction from the old lady really came true and the opponent sent out the Rock Snake Pokemon to battle. Rize thought that it might be just a coincidence. As he have the advantage over his opponent, he beated Onix in a fast and easy pace and here comes the next Pokemon. Again as the old lady have predicted the opponent sent out a Magneton. Rize continued the match with his Poliwrath. The opponent attacked mercilessly with a powerful Electric type move Zap Canon. As Zap Canon have a low accuracy level, Poliwrath managed to dodge every shot of it and countered with Water Pulse. His opponent was getting frustrated.

Opponent: Magneton use Lock-On!

The Magneton took aim on Poliwrath and fired another Zap Canon attack, due to Lock-On effect, Poliwrath was unable to avoid the attack and was heavily injured. Not only that but it became paralysed as well due to the secondary effect of Zap Canon. Responding to the situation Rize immediately commanded Poliwrath to use Hypnosis and put Magneton to sleep and finished it off with Wake Up Slap and knocked Magneton out of battle. The opponent gets even more frustrated and sent out his last Pokemon which is something new to Rize just as the old lady have predicted. He was then convinced of the old lady's ability in predicting the future.

" Parasect the Mushroom Pokemon and the evolved form of Paras. It is a Bug and Grass type. It is controlled by a mushroom grown larger than the bug body. It is said to prefer damp places and scatters poisonous spores. "

Judging from Poliwrath's condition it and type matching it certainly will not be able to win so it is called back to its ball. Rize sent out his altered shiny colour Pidgeot into battle due to type advantage.

Opponent: Parasect use Stun Spore!!
Rize: Counter it with Gust attack!

Parasect scattered its Stun Spore attack but it was pushed back with Pidgeot's Gust attack. Not only it took the Gust attack but it also took its own remedy and became paralyzed. With enthusiasm Rize told Pidgeot to give the finishing blow with Aerial Ace and it striked Parasect hard. However, surprisingly the Parasect was still in the battle even tough it is very weak to Flying type attack, not only that, Pidgeot seems to be in pain and it was poisoned due to Parasect special ability called Effect Spore which gives a probability of making the opponent a sleep, poison or paralyzed status if it made physical contact with it.

Opponent: You're not careful enough! The table have turned! Parasect go use Giga Drain!
Just when Parasect was about to attack, it couldn't move due to its paralysis and the attack failed. Rize took this chance and ordered Pidgeot to use Air Cutter and finished Parasect off from the match once and for all and Rize proceeded to the 2nd round. Not long after that, Ryussei have finished his match and successfully defeated his opponent and proceed to the 2nd round as well.

1 comment:

  1. Poliwrath Lv.44
    Pidgeot* Lv.48

    Onix Lv.45
    Magneton Lv.38
    Parasect Lv.40
