Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chapter 72 - Mastering the Secret Ultimate Move! Blast Burn & Frenzy Plant!

Kimberly: Amazing.. this is really the sacred flame!
Fortune Lady: See that.. Just as I have saw in my prediction.
Rize: Now Ms.Kimberly, you would teach me and my friend your secret ultimate move right? In addition, I want you to teach my other friend, Reinz here as well. He owned a Blastoise. I figured that there must be a secret ultimate move for a Water type attack right?
Kimberly: Indeed, you're quite sharp, young boy.. very well.. let's get outside.

  Kimberly the guardian of the secret ultimate moves have agreed to teach Rize and his friends and let them inherit the secret ultimate moves. However, learning such a move will not be easy at all. At least, that's what Rize assumed in his mind. They are now at the open field somewhere on the island which is the perfect venue to learn and practice the ultimate move. Kimberly sent out both her Charizard and Venusaur and demonstrated the secret ultimate moves, Blast Burn and Frenzy Plant to Rize's Charizard and Ryussei's Venusaur for them to watch and learn. However, as for the third secret ultimate move which is the water type move, Kimberly didn't sent out any of her water Pokemon but instead asked Reinz to demonstrate it himself to Rize and Ryussei. Reinz then sent out his number one partner, Blastoise.
Reinz: Blastoise use Hydro Cannon to the rock there!
Blastoise charged its power on its two cannon on its back, aimed at the rock and unleashed a terrific devastating water force much more powerful than the move Hydro Pump and destroyed the big rock to tiny pieces and reduced it to dust. Rize and Ryussei was in shock, they didn't blink an eye, stood still like a statue with their mouth wide opened in awe of witnessing the fact that their friend have surpassed them a step ahead without them knowing anything about it.
Rize: What the?! How did you do that?!
Ryussei: Since when did you mastered the secret ultimate move?!
Rize: Yeah! Why did you just kept quiet this whole time! Here I thought you didn't know anything about the secret ultimate move that Kimberly possessed!
Reinz with a grim smile answered them,
Reinz: And why should I tell you? You guys didn't even ask.. Huhuhu..
Kimberly: He just happened to came to me few days earlier before you guys and learned the water secret ultimate move, Hydro Cannon.
Rize: But how did he mastered it so quickly within just a few days!
Reinz: Mastering the secret ultimate move is not as difficult as you thought. At first I also thought that it is going to be super difficult to master but..
Kimberly: It's simple, I just need to enchant a spell to your Pokemon and it will automatically learned and mastered the move. As simple as that, you don't need to do anything. The difficult part is getting my approval, but once you've been approved by me it's done.
Ryussei: But still.. how did you manage to get her approval Reinz?
Reinz: Hahah, I'm not telling you. I guess it's because I'm a genius.
Rize and Ryussei replied in sarcastic tone, " Yeah right..."

  And so, Kimberly enchanted the spells onto Rize's Charizard and Ryussei's Venusaur. In just a few minutes, Charizard and Venusaur seems to be glowing in power and acquired a new strength in  their arsenals. Rize and Ryussei then began to have a test on their new moves acquired. The result was magnificent! Charizard and Venusaur completely mastered the secret ultimate move and became stronger.
Ryussei: Hey! We almost forgot about our Battle Tower match! There's still time, let's go!
They thanked Kimberly for passing the secret ultimate move to them and allowing them to become the heirs and took off back to Quest Island for their scheduled match at the fourth floor of the Battle Tower. When they arrived, it seems that Ryussei's opponent is non other than Reinz. It was a surprise as they didn't know that Reinz have been participating in the Battle Tower as well, not to mention that he is in the same group with Rize but they didn't realize it until now.
Reinz: Hahah, actually I knew and saw you guys here since the first day you enter but I chose to kept quiet and intended to shock you when you meet me on the battle field.
Rize and Ryussei have no more words to say or comment and just stood still with a wide opened mouth and flattened eyes.
Rize: This guy sure is full of surprises..
So they all went to their matches, Ryussei is going to be facing his own rival, Reinz. The two long rivals and the inheritors of the secret ultimate move is about to clash with each other once again.

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