Monday, July 18, 2011

Chapter 70 - Moltres in Danger! Team Rocket still around?!

  The mysterious Pokemon launched and strike Moltres with a powerful fiery Thunder attack. Moltres was hit and greatly injured due to its type mismatch. Moltres fell down hard to Rize's and Ryussei's standing spot, watching the battle. Rize and Ryussei immediately ran and moved in order not to got slammed by Moltres body. Moltres seems to be unconcious and not moving anymore thus it lost the fight with the mysterious Pokemon. The mysterious Pokemon upon seeing that Moltres have been defeated, flew away and left them all alone at the top of the Mt.Ember. Rize and Ryussei was relieved that the mysterious Pokemon left as they are quite afraid of its presence. Somehow the mysterious Pokemon emitted a frightening and threatening aura. Rize and Ryussei decided to get near to the Moltres to see if it is okay, however, suddenly somebody threw a rope and tie them both of up.
Rize: What the?!
Rize turned his head behind to where the rope came from and was shocked to see what he saw. A group of men in black with a big 'R' logo on the chest emerged. Sweats began to drop down Rizes' and Ryussei's cheek as they don't expect the criminal organization, Team Rocket to be still around.
Ryussei: I thought they are no leftover of their members anymore!
Someone from the Rocket Grunts stepped out, he was wearing a different uniform which was white in colour which clearly distinct from the rest and tell that he is the leader of the group.
Rocket Grunt: Hahaha! Do not get near Moltres! That Moltres belongs to us!
Rize: Knock it off, Rockets! What are you trying to do with the Moltres!
Rocket Grunt: Oh you knew about our organization?! Who are you kids are anyway?!
Rize: I should be asking that question to you! I never see you before! We thought we have defeated and arrested every single one of the Team Rocket members!
Rocket Grunt: Hmm it looks like you knew a lot about our organization, fine then, I am the new executive of the revived Team Rocket! My code name's Canis Majoris! As you all knew that Canis Majoris is the biggest star there is out there in space, I am given that code name because of my ability. You know what that means right..?
Rize: I'm sick of you people! I'm going to wipe your existence once and for all!
Canis Majoris: I didn't expect that children like you are the one that once put an end to Team Rocket. I guess I shouldn't be underestimating you then. Hey Grunts! Tie them hard and took every single Pokeball they have with them!

  The Rocket Grunts tied Rize and Ryussei up hard with ropes and took all of their Pokemon in possession.
Canis Majoris: Now there shouldn't be any problem.. Hahaha afterall children are useless without their Pokemon no matter how good they are! Now I can capture this Moltres in peace!
Rize: Nooo!! Don't you dare lay your finger on it!
Canis Majoris ignored Rize totally and walked towards Moltres with a loud laugh and took out a dark coloured Pokeball with an 'R' logo attached to it. Just when he was about to use it to catch the vulnerable Moltres, a big dog like tiger Pokemon with thick orange coloured fur and black stripes came from below the mountain and strike towards Canis Majoris. Canis Majoris quick reflexes alerted him of the attack and quickly dodge and move a few step backwards and distanced himself to a safer zone.

Canis Majoris: What the?! Where do this Arcanine come from?!
It looks like there is someone riding Arcanine on top of its back, and the face of the rider was familiar to Rize and Ryussei. It was Reinz their friend that came riding on an Arcanine. Rize and Ryussei was surprised to see him here.
Rize: Reinz!
Reinz: Don't you guys worry! I'm not going to let them lay a single hand on Moltres and save you guys!
Canis Majoris: Hoo.. so there's still one more little flies to take care of.. Grunts, prepare to gang this boy up!
Reinz: Nonsense! Arcanine Fire Blast!
Arcanine fired a Fire Blast attack towards Canis Majoris and the whole Rocket Grunts. Canis Majoris avoided the attack but the rest of the Grunts was not able to and burned by the Fire Blast attack. They were all burned by the fire and screamed in pain while rolling their body on the ground in attempt to distinguish the flame that was burning their body. However, they rolled too far and fell down from the top of the mountain. Reinz sent out his other Pokemon, Victreebell and ordered it to cut the ropes that tied Rize and Ryussei's body. Rize and Ryussei collected their Pokeballs that was confiscated inside the Team Rocket's bag.

The table have been turned, it was now Canis Majoris all alone that have to go against three of our hero. However, despite the condition and situation he is in, he is still able to put on its ugly evil smile on its face and laughed out loud. What did he have in mind to defeat three of our hero and capture Moltres safely?!

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