As the sun was setting, the light diffused from the sky as the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the earth, Rize and Ryussei is now seeing the twilight along with Vinnie. They are now heading to Boon Island where the little girl named Vinnie they saved earlier actually lived. They have finally arrived to Boon Island which is particularly a smaller island even compared to the neighboring islands around. Its settings is ordinary and is about the same with the other islands. As the sky is getting dark, they straight away walk to Vinnie's house to send her home. As they walked, Vinnie's house was already in sight, it is a small sized ordinary house just like other houses around. In front of it or to be exact in front of the gate of the house, a man with a tidy short hair, wearing white polo shirt and a black pants and slippers with about 175cm tall was seen as if he was looking around as if waiting somebody to come. Assuming from his appearance he is a man in his early 30. He was actually Vinie's father, as she saw her father ahead, she ran while shouting " Papa, Papa! "
Her father upon seeing her immediately ran to her, " Oh my little Vinnie! Where have you been darling? Why have you come home so late? Hey why is your cloth so wet and dirty? " said the man in a worried tone of voice.
Vinnie: Papa sorry I came home quite late, but Vinnie's alright.. Ah let me introduce you to two of my new friends here.
Rize: Hi! Nice to meet you Sir!
Ryussei: Good evening..
However despite their polite greetings her father immediately pulled Vinnie to her side, doubted them and asked them in a harsh way.
Vinnie's Father: Who are you boys?! Are you the one responsible of my daughter's unpunctuality in returning home? Now leave and don't ever get near to my daughter anymore!
Vinnie was surprised that her father would be angry and react impolitely like that, she then immediately told and explained the whole situation that have happened earlier. Her father upon upon listening to her explanations immediately believed her as he knew that his daughter is an honest girl and have never ever lied to him before. He then apologized to Rize and Ryussei and even invited them to have dinner together with them and even to stay for the night in their house.
Dinner is ready, it was Vinnie's mother who prepared it. Her mother is a beautiful woman with a long straight black coloured hair with a pair of black pearl eyes and a rosy lips. During dinner time, Vinnie repeatedly told her parents about her experienced of what happened earlier in the day with excitement when she was lost at the Water Labyrinth, washed away by the water currents, how Rize and Ryussei came and rescued her, being chased by a wild Lapras and finally fighting and capturing the wild Lapras. It was then that Vinnie's father thought that Rize and Ryussei must be a very skilled Pokemon Trainer despite of their very young age. An idea then came out in his mind.
Vinnie's Father: I'm so thankful to you boys that you've saved my precious daughter's life. I couldn't imagine of what might happen if you boys didn't go that Labyrinth. I am totally indebted to you. For that let me tell you something good, in this very island there lived an old lady who inherited the secret ultimate move for Pokemon. Since it is an extremely powerful and dangerous move, she has been guarding the secret of those ultimate moves and only specially selected on who she is willing to pass those secret ultimate moves to.
After listening to that information, Rize was so fired and curious about this secret ultimate move.
Rize: Really uncle?! Will you take us to where that great old lady lives after this?!
Vinnie: Sure! I'm very sure you boys are potential candidates in learning the secret ultimate move and able to master it.
As planned, Vinnie's father took them to the old lady's house which is at the very north at the edge of the island. The house is just a very old cottage like house and looks like it is ready to fall anytime a strong wind blew up.Vinnie's father then knocked the door while shouting, " Hey Kimberly! Open the door! I brought you something that would excite you here! "
The old wooden door then started to open with an unpleasant sound and an old lady with a long white coloured hair, wrinkled face and sharp eyes came out from the old house.
Kimberly: Viera! What brought you here at this hour of the night?
Viera: Look! I brought you these two young boys, they are Pokemon Trainers and they wanted to learn your secret ultimate move!
The old lady took a slight glance at Rize and Ryussei and responded to Vinnie's father right away.
Kimberly: Are you kidding me Viera? Do you not know the power and strength of my secret ultimate move?! And here you brought me two greenhorn Trainers who are still very young and inexperienced. Go home.. you're wasting my time.
Hearing what the old lady have said about them, Rize and Ryussei was challenged to prove this old lady what they got within them.
Rize: What did you just said old lady?! I'll show you that I'm no ordinary kid!
Ryussei: You talked as if those secret ultimate moves of yours are somewhat extraordinary while maybe it was just a weak move or you are just bragging and making story of it while it don't really exist.
Viera: " Whoa! This kids have poured the oil to the basin! "
Kimberly: Hooo... I see that you have some real guts talking right back to me! Let's prove those words of yours and show me in a battle! Meowth and Oddish come forth to battle!
Rize: So it's a double battle, alright Ryussei let's do this! Look she's really weak and all talk! We could trash those little Pokemon with ease!
Ryussei: No! She's mocking us! She's underestimating us by using small and weak Pokemon like that. I'm sure she have stronger Pokemon with her. Let's beat the crap out of her with our strongest Pokemon and show her what we really got right away!
Rize: I get it! That way she will be forced to sent out her best!
Rize and Ryussei took their Pokeballs and sent out their most powerful Pokemon which is Charizard and Venusaur.
Kimberly: Oh hou.. they actually have a Charizard and a Venusaur. I didn't expect that at all.
Charizard and Venusaur knocked out Meowth and Oddish mercilessly in an instant with a single Flamethrower and Vine Whip attack. Kimberly then withdrew her fainted Pokemon and begin to laugh.
Rize: What's so funny old gram? Unexpected for losing so instantly?
Kimberly: Interesting.. let me show you something. Charizard and Venusaur come forward!
The old lady surprisingly sent out a Charizard and Venusaur that is bigger in size than our heroes have. One could definitely tell from its look that it is a very high level and experienced Pokemon.
Rize: What?!
Ryussei: Be on guard Rize! Let's take down her Venusaur first! You take it on!
Rize immediately calls out Charizard to attack Venusaur with its most powerful move, Overheat. Charizard collected a massive amount of fire power in its mouth and fired an extremely hot flames to Venusaur. Just when they thought the attack would be successful, the old lady's Charizard got infront of her Venusaur and intercepted the Overheat attack with a Fire Blast attack and a huge explosion took place.
Kimberly: Now boys, witness it with your very own eyes. You are about to see a Legendary move since the old times right here and now! Venusaur use Frenzy Plant and combine it with Charizard's Blast Burn!
The old lady's Venusaur attacked with a massive barrage of powerful sharp thorn vines wide and enough to strike both Charizard and Venusaur. However, that's not all of it, the old lady's Charizard's flame in its tail exploded and burned intensely in high temperature and fired an unbelievable extremely super powerful fire laser and combined forces with the Frenzy Plant thus making it becomes a massive barrage of powerful burning sharp thorn of vines! Charizard and Venusaur was too frightened and shaking that it couldn't move in awe witnessing the most powerful move it ever see and got hit by it and a huge explosion took place.
Ryussei: VENUSAUR!
After the smoke from the explosion have vanished, both Charizard and Venusaur was already out of commission to battle. It is no surprise for Venusaur to be knocked out as it takes more damage due to its type disadvantage but even Charizard who have type resistance against the attacks also suffered the same fate. Thus it made Rize and Ryussei realized how outclassed they are and how powerful the secret ultimate move is.
Kimberly: How's that? Still think that I'm just an old lady with a weak moves in her arsenal?
Rize's Charizard Lv.47
ReplyDeleteRyussei's Venusaur Lv.49
Charizard Lv.60
Venusaur Lv.60