Mt.Ember, a volcano located at Knot island of the Sevii islands. Legend claims that it is the home and resting place of the Legendary Bird Pokemon, Moltres. It is also home to many fire type wild Pokemon, herds of wild Rapidash and Ponytas were running and galloping through the field at the foot of the mountain. There are many other types of wild Pokemon as well such as Machop and its evolution form, Machoke, Rock type Pokemon like Geodudes and Gravellers are common as well. Rize and Ryussei have reached at the foot of the mountain and are now going on their way to climb up to the very summit of the mountain.
Rize: I wonder what's so difficult of going up to the peak of this mountain? The volcano's inactive already.
Ryussei: The mountain is far taller than it looks like when you are at the place itself. It's definitely going to be tough and tiring, it could take days even!
Rize: Hahaha, I've climbed a far taller mountain than this one.We have Pokemon that we can count on! Let's just fly our way to the top! We don't have to be climbing it up with our foot!
Ryussei: Right! That's a very nice idea!
With Rize's idea, they flew up using Pidgeot and Charizard to the top of the Mt.Ember. However, things might not be as simple and go smoothly as they thought it will be. While they are flying up to the peak of the mountain, the body of the volcano started to shake and the volcano erupted and threw up a whole lot of rocks and burning lavas. Rize and Ryussei was shocked and they are trapped between the lava that was emitted from the volcano and have to dodge them all. The volcano erupted even more, how long would they be able to keep dodging the lavas emitted. They began to panic, Rize's Pidgeot's wing tip was hit by the lava and it was enough to made it lose its balance and unable to fly anymore. As a result, Ryussei and Pidgeot fell down to the body of the mountain. Rize have no choice but to follow them. Rize returned Pidgeot back to its Pokeball to let it rest until they return to the Pokemon Centre.
Ryussei: Crap, now what should we do..
Rize: Let's find a shelter from the lava for now.
Rize saw an opening and it turned out to be a small cave and they decided to stay there until the Volcano stopped its eruption. Many wild Pokemon were running in chaos and panic escaping the lava to save their lives. Small boulders on the mountain road that looks ordinary started to move and those boulders are actually wild Geodude as the Pokedex have mentioned that Geodude are to be mistaken as boulders if not observed carefully.
Rize: Who would have thought that the volcano would erupt now eh?
Ryussei: Yeah they said that the volcano's inactive. Anyway we should wear our masks as it is bad to inhale the volcanic ash for our health.
Rize: I heard that volcanic ash is not all that dangerous? Pollution and cigarettes are much more dangerous that's what I heard.
Ryussei: Yeah but we are now so near to the volcano that it is dangerous. We are not suppose to be here at the volcano while it just erupted, we should be indoor somewhere far.
The volcano have calmed down, they resumed their journey to the top of the mountain on their foot since they can't fly anymore as they only have one flying Pokemon available. The night have arrived, they have been climbing pretty much of the mountain and Ryussei seems to be out of breath. They are almost near to the peak so they decided to rest for a while and continue later on, however, a huge sound of an explosion could be heard from the peak of the mountain. Curious of what's hapenning, they speed up their pace and climbed up to the top. An unexpected turn of event occured right infront of their eyes, the Legendary Bird Pokemon, Moltres was fighting with an unknown Pokemon that looks like a cat but stand like a human with a white and purple coloured body.
" Moltres the Flame Pokemon. It is a Fire and Flying type. One of the Legendary Bird Pokemon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring. "
None of the boys knew about the mysterious Pokemon that was fighting toe to toe with the Legendary Moltres. Even the Pokedex have no record of what Pokemon it actually is. Moltres attacked with an intense high degree of flames but the mysterious Pokemon guarded itself with its barrier and the flame could not break through it. The mysterious Pokemon counter attacked with its Psybeam attack and the Legendary Moltres took the hit. Based on the moves it uses and its fighting style, Rize assumed that it is a Psychic type Pokemon. Rize and Ryussei just stand on their spot in awe watching one of the most intense wild Pokemon battle between a Legendary Pokemon and a mysterious Pokemon they ever see. The mysterious Pokemon seem to gain the upper hand tough.
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