Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chapter 73 - Battle between Rivals at the Battle Tower Tournament!

Ryussei: Vaporeon, finish it now! Hydro Pump!
Vaporeon shot the flinched Flareon with a strong Hydro Pump and knocked out Reinz's first Pokemon, Flareon. As things are now, Ryussei holds the lead in this battle with one score settled. Reinz sent out his next Pokemon which is his superpower four-armed Fighting-type Pokemon, Machamp.

Ryussei: Things will still be the same. Hydro Pump!
Reinz: Block it with all your palms!
Like previously, Vaporeon used its Hydro Pump attack on Machamp however, Machamp, with its four strong arm blocked the Hydro Pump attack with its mighty palms. Vaporeon kept pushing Machamp with its Hydro Pump attack and even powered its water force power but Machamp still did not pushed back not even an inch from its spot. Vaporeon wore out and stopped its Hydro Pump attack.
Ryussei: ... Ice Beam on those arms!
Vaporeon shot a beam of Ice that froze all of Machamp's arms.
Reinz: Do you really think such strategy would work? Machamp use Fire Punch on all of your fists to melt the ice down!
Machamp's fists became engulfed in fire and the ice melted down from its arms and its arms was free from the frozen ice blocks. Ryussei and Vaporeon was shocked and became panic.
Reinz: Machamp, Thunder Punch with all four fists!
Machamp dashed to Vaporeon and punched it with its electrifying fists, four times the normal Thunder Punch damage due to its possession of four arms and ofcourse, Vaporeon would not be able to withstand the damage as it is extremely effective against it and knocked out.

   Ryussei thought in his mind of using Venusaur's vines to wrap Machamp's arms to stop its movement however he recalled that Machamp could use Fire Punch to burn the vines. After considering all the factors he decided to use his Fire Pokemon, Ninetales.

Ryussei: Ninetales use Will-o-wisp!
Ninetales fired a blue coloured flame that burns Machamp instantly. Now Machamp status have become burned and its physical power is supposed to drop by half. However, something seems not right, Machamp began to glow in strength and powered up its own strength.
Reinz: That's Machamp's Guts ability for you! Thanks for activating it for me! Machamp use Cross Chop!
Ryussei became panic because his plan have failed once again and instead powering up his opponent. He then called an attack in a rush.
Ryussei: Flamethrower!
Ninetales fired a direct hit Flamethrower attack onto Machamp but Machamp used its Cross Chop attack and Crossed its arm guarding it from the flame and kept on moving forward towards Ninetales and when it is finally in range to attack Ninetales, it used Cross Chop and knocked out Ninetales instantly due to its powered up strength.
Ryussei: " Damn! If only I'm calm enough! Ninetales should not be defeated like this! Now my last hope is.." Venusaur!

  Due to the burn status, Machamp was burned once in a while and seems to be a little bit wore out because of it.
Reinz: Machamp let's go use Fire Punch!
Ryussei: Quick! Solar Beam!

   Ryussei commanded his Venusaur to use Solar Beam, but in order for Solar Beam to be performed, a required amount of sunlight is needed for the energy and thus it will take a while until the energy is fully charged. Machamp attacked Venusaur with four hits of Fire Punches and made Venusaur terribly injured. Finally, the energy needed for Solar Beam have been acquired and Ryussei commanded Venusaur to fire its Solar Beam attack. Machamp was shot by the solar power attack and knocked out. Now both Ryussei and Reinz has only one Pokemon left before their victory or defeat. Reinz sent out his last Pokemon Blastoise. Even tough Venusaur have the advantage due to type, it is not in a good condition already due to the battle with Machamp earlier.

Ryussei: Venusaur use Vine Whip!
Reinz: Blastoise hide in your shell!
Venusaur used Vine Whip but Blastoise withdraw into its shell and avoided damage from Vine Whip as Venusaur could only whipped Blastoise's hard shell.
Ryussei: Tch! Use all of your vines, wrapped that thing up and slam it away!
Venusaur used all of its countless vines and wrapped Blastoise up. However, before it could threw Blastoise away, Reinz ordered it to use Hydro Pump from within and it broke free from the vines that was binding it and thus Ryussei's plan failed.
Ryussei: Giga Drain!
Reinz: Ice Beam!
Venusaur used Giga Drain, vines glowing in green came out from its body and it went to absorb Blastoise's energy and hit points but Blastoise's Ice Beam blocked it and froze it all thus Ryussei's attack failed once again. Ryussei seems to be pissed off and couldn't hold himself any longer and commanded Venusaur to use his last resort, the strongest attack in his arsenal, the newly acquired secret ultimate move, Frenzy Plant. Countless of sharped thorn vines attack Blastoise, if it managed to land a direct hit on Blastoise, it sure deal a serious damage or even knocking out Blastoise in an instant. However.. Reinz grinned and commanded Blastoise.
Reinz: Protect!
   Blastoise created a barrier and protected itself from the dangerous Frenzy Plant attack and successfully avoided total damage from the most powerful Grass-type attack. Ryussei was totally shocked that even his last resort attack failed and he began to lose hope in this battle and started to blur and not concentrating on the battle. Reinz took this opportunity and attacked the weaken and tired Venusaur with Blastoise's powerful Hydro Cannon attack and knocked out Venusaur making Ryussei in defeat and stopped his Battle Tower's progress on the fourth floor. In the meanwhile, Rize have managed to defeat his opponent and proceeded to the fifth floor.

1 comment:

  1. Vaporeon Lv.44
    Ninetales Lv.39
    Venusaur Lv.50

    Flareon Lv.42
    Machamp Lv.44
    Blastoise Lv.50
