Friday, July 8, 2011

Chapter 66 - Lost in the Water Labyrinth of Chrono Island


Ryussei: Now look who's fault is it now that we are lost?!
Rize: I know.. sorry... Now let's focus on getting out of this place.

After winning their first match at the Battle Tower, Rize and Ryussei are currently at Chrono Island. To be exact, their specific location is unknown as they are lost in the Water Labyrinth. How do they got lost in the Water Labyrinth? When they arrived at Chrono Island, they walk around every corner of the island and came across to a cave that have a sign saying, " Caution! Water Labyrinth ahead! " By the word Labyrinth, people would normally know that it is a place where you could get lost if you're not familiar with the place. Ryussei extreme cautious and careful nature chose to ignore it, however, Rize's extreme curious nature urged him to explore the Labyrinth. As a result, Ryussei have no choice but to follow Rize into the Labyrinth.
The Water Labyrinth is a place full of water and the water is not a calm and still water but instead a current that drives and dragged you into a certain small land that can fit in two to three person. There are many water currents that heads to different location. Some leads to a dead end and you have to try another water current that will lead you to different location. It is so confusing that the locals named the place Water Labyrinth and people usually avoids coming to this place. Rize and Ryussei have tried to surf using their Pokemon Poliwrath and Dewgong but they are not strong enough to swim off against the water current. They have been lost and made no progress for one hour long.

Ryussei: I can't take it anymore.. I wanna go out..
Rize: We'll find the way soon!

Suddenly, a sound of a girl crying out loud could be heard around the cave. Rize and Ryussei immediately focus on their hearing and tried their best to locate on where the sound came from but since the voice travels widely and echoed through the cave, it is impossible to locate where it comes from, furthermore the noisy sound of the water current also made it even more difficult. It was then that Ryussei took the iniative and sent out a Pokemon he have never shown to Rize before.

" Golduck the Duck Pokemon and the evolved form of Psyduck. It is a pure Water type. A Pokemon that lives in lakes. It swims faster than any human swimming champion. The flippers of its well-developed limbs give it shocking speed. It is the best swimmer among Pokemon.

Ryussei commanded Golduck to use its psychic power and concentrate to locate on where the girl's cry coming from. In a split second, Golduck leads the way and brought them to the little girl that was crying. The little girl was so young that it is probably about 8 years old with a straight and short length hair. The girl stopped crying when Rize and Ryussei came to rescue her. She told them that she was lost and scared while curiously entering an unknown cave, moreover she could not swim and got carried away by the water current's force.

Rize: Well even if you could swim, you'll still got carried away by the water current's force. Even Poliwrath got washed away.
Ryussei: Now finding the way back is the only thing left, Golduck can lead us the way from sensing the atmosphere from outside.
Following Golduck's lead, they ride and surf on the water current towards the exit, however, they accidentally bumped into a big Pokemon along the water current and the wild Pokemon was annoyed and started to attack them.
Rize: What's that Pokemon?!

 " Lapras the Transport Pokemon. It is a Water and Ice type Pokemon. It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokemon on its back. It understands human speech. "

Ryussei: A Lapras! It will be a good Water Pokemon for me! I'm going to catch it!
Rize: Hey! I plan to catch it too!

They landed on the small land and began to fight for the Lapras.
Rize: Poliwrath let's use Wake Up Slap!
Poliwrath jumped onto Lapras' back and began slapping it from behind. Lapras was in pain as it is super effective however, Lapras shooked Poliwrath off its back and Poliwrath was dragged away by the water's current force. Rize immediately calls it back safely to its Pokeball. Ryussei took the chance and attacked Lapras with Golduck's Psybeam attack mercilessly and Lapras took a great amount of damage. Just when things was thought to be going their way, Lapras seems to be unbeatable and keeps on battling like it never have took any damage.

Ryussei: There's something weird..
Rize: Hey the Pokedex said that it understands human speech! Why don't we apologize sincerly and get outta here!
Ryussei: Like hell will it listen to us! Wait.. the Pokedex.. I got it now! Let's get to the exit first!

They headed to the exit but the Lapras kept on chasing them until they have reached outside and they finally can battle on wide space and land. Lapras was no longer on water. Ryussei sent out his Venusaur with a smile on his face.

Ryussei: No wonder you're unbeatable! You have been healing yourself with your Water Absorb ability all this time! Now there's no more water here, I wonder what you can do now.. Venusaur fire your Solar Beam now!

Venusaur have been gathering sunlight since it came out and fired a powerful beam of light and knocked Lapras in an instant. Ryussei quickly threw his Pokeball and the wild Lapras was successfully captured!

Rize: Congratulations on catching the Lapras!
Little Girl: Big brothers, thanks for saving me in the Labyrinth, I don't know what could have happen if you two didn't show up. Oh by the way, my name's Vinnie and I'm 10 years old.
Rize: Hi Vinnie! I'm Rize and he is Ryussei. You see Ryussei, it was no coincidence that we went to the Labyrinth. It was to save this girl's life! Furthermore you got to catch a Lapras too, you should be thanking me.
Ryussei answered in a flat tone as if he was forced to agree but actually he really agreed "Yea.. maybe you're right.."

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