Monday, July 25, 2011

Chapter 74 - Battle between Rivals at the Battle Tower Tournament! Part 2

   The very next day. Rize's opponent for his fifth floor Battle Tower challenge is Reinz. In truth, these two pairings should not be able to meet until the very last floor, however, Reinz made a request to change group so that he can meet with Rize even without going to the last floor. Now it is sooner than he thought himself that he is facing his friend, Rize. Rize have heard from Ryussei of his battle and how he ended up losing to Reinz and have came out with some strategies to counter it. However, as he recalls, Reinz is full of tricks and his battle style often change or to be more accurate is versatile and have different variety of styles. The referee have indicated the start of the battle and both of them threw their Pokeball into the air, hit onto the ground and their Pokemon set foot onto the battlefield. It was Gyarados for Rize and Arcanine for Reinz.

" Arcanine the Legendary Pokemon and the evolved form of Growlithe. It is a Fire type. Its proud and regal appearnces has captured the hearts of people since long ago. "

Rize: " Alright! I got the type advantage! "
Reinz: Hey hey, pretty big for a starter of the match huh?

  Without any hestitation, Rize took the initiative of the first attack and calls for Hydro Pump for opening the battle with. Gyarados fired its most powerful Hydro Pump attack directly to Arcanine and it is going to score a great amount of damage but of course, that is if it could land a direct clean hit. Arcanine with its speedy swift and agile movement, elegantly dodged the Hydro Pump attack with ease.
Reinz: Our turn! Fire Blast!

   The star shaped fire attack land a direct hit onto Gyarados body and engulfed its body in flames. Although Gyarados don't took much damage due to its resistance against fire attack, Gyarados seems to be in pain from the flame that was burning its body.
Reinz: Let's continue with Crunch attack!
Arcanine dashed, entered the flame that was burning Gyarados like nothing and landed its sharp fangs onto Gyarados' stomach. Gyarados screamed in pain and was helpless as it is in extreme pain and could not move.
Reinz: Don't let go! Keep biting it!
Rize: Gyarados! " Damn! This shouldn't be happening, I got type-advantage! I should be the one having the upper hand for this battle! " Gyarados hang in there! Focus and try to use another Hydro Pump!
Gyarados tried its best, endured the pain and fired another Hydro Pump attack. Arcanine let go of its fang on Gyarados and once again elegantly dodged the attack.
Reinz: It's futile! Extreme Speed!

   Arcanine dashed in light and tackled Gyarados in a fast lightning speed, Gyarados seems to be in pinched and wore out, who knows how many more attack it could take before it completely out of the match. Rize has been thinking of how to get a clean hit on Arcanine and it was just then that it struck into his head of how to stop Arcanine's agile movement.
Rize: Why do I just think about it now! Gyarados use Twister!
Gyarados used Twister, a tornado swept off Arcanine and twisted it around inside the twister. After the Twister has subsided, Arcanine was still flinched in injury and Rize took that little chance for Gyarados to fire another Hydro Pump attack and this time it successfully land a clean shot and they defeated Arcanine. Reinz seem to not to be bothered by the defeat and sent out his next Pokemon, Electabuzz.

Rize: We cannot let our guard down and strike as fast as possible! Gyarados Hyper Beam! Finish it in one shot!
Reinz: You sure bout that?
Gyarados gathered energy and fired a long yellow coloured beam attack onto Electabuzz however..
Reinz: Protect!
Electabuzz made a barrier and protected itself from the Hyper Beam attack and avoided total damage from it.
Reinz: Hahaha! Our turn! Thunder! Go!
Electabuzz fired a fiery thunder attack and a lightning came down and strike onto Gyarados and it fainted immediately. Not only it is extremely effective on Gyarados but Gyarados itself has been in a very weak state from battling against Arcanine. Rize thought of using Sandslash next but there is a high possibility that his opponent would use his number one Pokemon next after he defeated Electabuzz, which is Blastoise. Sandslash would then be defeated by Blastoise easily and left him only one Pokemon left and the only one who is high level enough to be on par with Blastoise is non other than his Charizard. But then he will be in type-disadvantage, and so he decided to win Electabuzz by using Jolteon.

Rize: Electric against Electric! How's that sounds? Aren't I very sportive here?
Reinz: Do you think I didn't know what sort of plan you have in mind? Electabuzz use Brick Break!
Electabuzz strengthen its fist and attacked Jolteon but with Jolteon's lightning speed, it dodged the attack completely. It then counter attacked with Thunder attack as Rize have commanded, however..
Reinz: I knew it! Electabuzz use Protect!

Electabuzz once again created a barrier and protected itself from the Thunder attack.
Rize: That Protect thing is really a pain in the butt! We gotta think of a plan to overcome it somehow!
Reinz: Oh this is nothing yet, let me make it even more difficult for you. Electabuzz use Light Screen!
Electabuzz created a barrier made of light that reduces a special attack by half every time a special attack is going to land a hit on it. Rize was shocked and gets even more frustrated. Reinz even put some more oil into the fire by telling Rize that he knew what sort of plan he originally intended on using.
Reinz: It's true that when it comes to Electric against Electric, Jolteon have a slight advantage due to its ability Volt Absorb which completely neutralized Electric attack and consume it to be its own energy. Too bad I am well aware of it! Then you plan to use Jolteon's lightning speed movement to dodge every of Electabuzz' physical attack and then attacked little by little using Thunder attack from a melee range right? Even tough it is not so effective to Electabuzz but it still inflict some damage and overtime little by little can be disaster and eventually knocked out Electabuzz. However, I have Protect! Furthermore I even have Light Screen! Even if you manage to land a hit with your Thunder attack, my Electabuzz won't feel a thing!
Rize: So what?! It's not like you can defeat us if you can't land a hit yourself! In that case I just have to attack with speed! Jolteon Quick Attack!
Jolteon dashed and hit Electabuzz with Quick Attack. Electabuzz countered with Brick Break but missed. Jolteon then used Double Kick and kept on rotating attacks between Double Kick and Quick Attack while keep on dodging Electabuzz' Brick Break attack. It seems now that Jolteon have gain the upper hand.
Rize: " There's something weird.. why did he didn't use Protect when he could have use it to avoid damage from our attacks?! "
Not long after that, Rize realized that he is running straight into a trap that has been set by Reinz and his assumption has come true. Jolteon was infected by Electabuzz' Static ability that it is now Paralysed and couldn't move as fast and freely as usual.
Reinz: You figured it out too late! Electabuzz use Brick Break till it is down!
Electabuzz attacked Jolteon mercilessly with Brick Break continuously as Jolteon couldn't move its body to dodge and surrendered its fate. It then knocked out not long after a couple number of hit and was returned back to its ball.

  Rize was fueled with fire of anger and sent out his ace, Charizard while Reinz still stick with his Electabuzz and began to attack with numerous Thunder attack. Charizard flapped its wing and flew around the air as it dodged the harmful Thunder attack. But unfortunately, no matter how fast and skilled it could dodge, it still can't run away completely and struck by Thunder and fell down to the ground and it is super effective.
Rize: We can't keep running! Charizard! Blast Burn!
Reinz: Did you forgot about Protect? Electabuzz, Protect!
Charizard charged up and gathered extreme high degree of fire power on its mouth and fired its new most powerful fire attack however, Electabuzz once again used its Protect and created a barrier to surround it. The Blast Burn attack clashed with the barrier and surprisingly, it went through and destroyed the barrier and land a clean hit on Electabuzz. Despite the effect of Light Screen, Electabuzz was still roasted and knocked out.  It looks like Charizard's power is beyond Electabuzz could handle and that is why its Protect barrier couldn't withhold the intense power of Charizard's Blast Burn.

Reinz: I really didn't expect that it could destroy the Protect barrier, but it's over for you now! Blastoise let's do it!
At long last, another battle between two Pokemon who inherited the secret ultimate move has accoured. Rize is in a big disadvantage and he is now being extremely cautious. Blastoise attacked with Hydro Pump, Charizard flew and dodged it. Rize told Charizard to stay on air and put some distance with Blastoise as it is dangerous to get near. Rize then commanded to attack from far with Dragon Breath however, Blastoise used Rapid Spin and deflected the Dragon Breath attack and avoided damage.
Rize: " That Blastoise' Protect barrier is powerful enough to withhold Ryussei's Venusaur's Frenzy Plant. It is highly possible that it could as well withhold Charizard's Blast Burn! What should I do?! It's worth a try than nothing! " Charizard let's use Blast Burn once more!
Reinz smiled and commanded Blastoise to use Protect. Blastoise created a barrier and withhold the whole Blast Burn attack and avoded total damage.
Reinz: Now! Hydro Cannon!
Charizard became vulnerable for a moment due to the side effect of using Blast Burn and couldn't dodge the powerful Hydro Cannon attack and immediately fell down to the ground, unconscious, thus the winner of the match is Reinz and his Blastoise.
Reinz: You can't win with just brute force! The best defense is the best offense! Remember my words.. hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Gyarados Lv.45
    Jolteon Lv.41
    Charizard Lv.48

    Arcanine Lv.44
    Electabuzz Lv.43
    Blastoise Lv.50
