Friday, July 15, 2011

Chapter 68 - Permission!

    The next day, Rize and Ryussei went back to Quest Island for their Battle Tower 3rd floor match. They both defeated their opponent and proceed to the 4th match and it will be scheduled tomorrow noon. After losing terribly against Kimberly, the guardian and inheritor of the secret ultimate move, Rize and Ryussei were rejected to become the heir of the secret ultimate move. However, that didn't put an end to Rize's desire to acquire the move and they are now returning back to Boon Island to made another request to Kimberly. He is going to prove to her that they are not a flash in the pan. Ryussei was against the idea tough as he don't see it will make any different. He thought that it will be futile as long as they don't fit the requirements that Kimberly told them required to learn the move. Viera, Vinie's father agreed to help them to talk to Kimberly to persuade and convinced her for letting them to learn the secret ultimate move.

Kimberly: And why must I pass these secret ultimate move and teach it to them? Is there a good reason for me to do so?
Rize: I admit that your secret ultimate move was incredible, beyond words to describe! That is why I need them in order to get stronger and become the most powerful Pokemon Trainer!
Kimberly: Do you think I will be convinced with those words of yours?

   Just then, someone knocked on the old wooden door of Kimberly's house and she went to open the door greet the guest. It was the old fortune teller lady way back at Fortune island, Rize was surprised to see her here as he have not yet go to Mt.Ember to get the sacred flame. It seems that the two old lady knew each other and have a close relationship with each other.
Fortune Lady: So what are these kids doing here in your place, Kimberly?
Kimberly: You know these kids? They are begging me to learn my secret ultimate move and I'm not teaching them.
Fortune Lady: I see.. hey boy shouldn't you be on Mt.Ember to get me the sacred flame? Or have you forgotten about it?
Rize: Ofcourse not! I will definitely get it after I learn the secret ultimate move from your friend here!

  Kimberly was surprised to hear that her friend told and sent Rize to go to Mt.Ember to get her the sacred flame. It is quite a dangerous mission that it requires specially skilled people to get into the peak of the mountain. She immediately asked her of why would her friend gave such a difficult task to Rize and they went inside to a room to have a little private chat leaving Rize, Ryussei and Viera behind at the living room. The Fortune Lady then told her the reason of why she send Rize to such difficult task.
Kimberly: Really?! You mean that boy is actually one of the chosen one?!
Fortune Lady: Without a doubt, that is why he will definitely be able to pull off this little task I asked him to do. Why don't you let him learn your secret ultimate move? I personally think that he is the rightful person to be the heir of your secret ultimate move.
Kimberly: If you said so.. I will reconsider it then.

  After a while, Kimberly and the Fortune Lady ended their little private chat and came out of the room. She told Rize that she have a change of mind and will let him and Ryussei learn the secret ultimate move if they managed to successfully return alive with the sacred flame from Mt.Ember.
Rize: Really?! We will definitely get it for you! See, when there is a will there will always be a way, Ryussei!
Ryussei: Alright then what are we waiting for?! Let's go right away! We still have a battle tomorrow at the Battle Tower so we have to get it before tomorrow's match!
They went out of the house, and went to the harbour port of the island where the ship departed to Knot island. It was just in the right time that the ship will depart to Knot island. Even tough it will be faster for them to just go to Knot island with their Pokemon, they chose not to as they knew that they will need their Pokemon to be in full health in top condition in order for them to reach the top of Mt.Ember as they don't know what kind of things will they face, how strong are the wild Pokemon there and so on. Rize went to the deck of the ship, suddenly somebody pat him on the back.
Bill: Hey! What'cha doin out here in Sevii island boy?
Rize: Bill! Long time no see! What are you doing here yourself?

  Rize met with his old acquaintance, Bill the inventor of the Pokemon Transfer System and found shared information of what they are doing here in Sevii island. Rize learned that Bill is going to meet his friend, Celio, who is incharge of the Pokemon Transfer System here in Sevii island and he is going to lend him a hand to repair the system as it was messed up by Team Rocket as well back in the past. Time flew and they have now arrived at Knot island. Bill meet up with Celio at the Pokemon Centre and introduced him to Rize and Ryussei.

Celio: Ah I'm glad you came Bill! I absolutely have no idea what to do with the broken system here.
Bill: Don't you worry a thing here as I am already here pal! Let me just fix this fast. Let's see, here.. here.. and there..
Bill became absorbed by himself and started to fix the Pokemon Transfer System by inputting computer codes that does not make sense at all to normal people and in an instant he managed to get the whole system running good again.
Bill: And it's done..
Celio: You're a genius! As expected from Bill!
Bill: Nahh.. you flatter me too much. Rize! Now you are able to get your reserved Pokemon at Prof.Oak's place and switch them around with the one you currently have in hand!
Rize: Really?! Alright then I'll do some switching!
Bill: Yes please, then we can ensure that the system have been completely repaired.
Rize made a phone call to Prof.Oak and switched his Poliwrath with his Gyarados. The transfer was a success and he have his Gyarados with him now in replace of Poliwrath and it looks like Ryussei made some switching too. Rie and Ryussei excuses themselves from Bill and Celio as they are in a hurry to the peak of Mt.Ember so they went out and off they go while Bill and Celio stays behind to have some tea and have a chat with each other as they have not seen each other for a long time.

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