Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chapter 61 - To Sevii Islands!

It's been a day after Rize and Ryussei went to the power plant and met with Zapdos. Now they are back at Prof.Oak's place in Pallet town.

Prof.Oak: Very nice both of you! I didn't even order any of you but yet you guys managed to solve the mystery behind the black out! Not only that, you boys also encountered with the legendary bird Pokemon Zapdos!
Rize: Yeah! It was really a magnificent Pokemon!
Prof.Oak: Now.. it's still the start of October, and the Pokemon League Competition is still at the end of the year. Since you boys have already collected all the badges required, what are you gonna do now?
Rize: Ofcourse! Training until time arrives and explore places that I still haven't explored yet in Kanto!
Ryussei: I doubt there's any more places to explore here in Kanto.. I think we must've explored them all.
Prof.Oak: Hahaha.. I like that spirit of yours Rize! Ryussei, that's untrue! Kanto is a big place, you have not went to the Sevii Island have you?
Ryussei: Sevii Islands?
Prof.Oak: Right! Sevii Islands are seven small islands located south-west from the mainland of Kanto region. They are not so popular even among locals in Kanto. The population there is not many as well thus making the islands pretty peaceful. However, there are interesting places such as Mt.Ember where it is said to be the resting place of the other legendary bird Pokemon, Moltres!
Rize&Ryussei: Moltres?!
Rize: Alright! Let's go to Sevii Islands then! But how do we get there?
Prof.Oak: You need a very expensive ticket to sail on the SeaGalop Ferry there which is the Tri Pass and the Rainbow Pass. It costed for about P$100,000. and for the Rainbow Pass it's P$200,000.
Rize: That would be P$300,000! Where on earth could I earn that much money!!
Prof.Oak: Hahaha not to worry Rize.. I already have these Passes for you and Ryussei here! It's a token prize for solving the power plant incident from the Pokemon Association! Here take these Passes and these are the maps of the Sevii Islands.
Rize: Wow! Thanks alot Proffesor! Really appreciate it!
Prof.Oak: There are details and informations of each islands at the back of the map so you can choose which island to visit first. Make sure you boys catch more Pokemon from there for me to research on okay! Hahaha..
Ryussei: There's something he want out of this afterall..
Rize: Anyway we'll be going now, see you next time Prof!
Prof.Oak: Becareful.. Best Wishes for you boys!
Rize and Ryussei immediately took off and fly towards Vermillion City where they will board the SeaGalop Ferry at the Vermillion Harbor Port.

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