Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chapter 105 - Aron's Unknown Issue Revealed!

"It doesn't want to talk. If only it talks Latias could tell us what is its problem."

The sky has turned dark and the weather has decreased in its temperature due to the absent of the sun that gave its warmth but Rustboro City was an advanced city and it was very bright at the street of the city even tough it was at night. Rize and his friends found an inn to stay in and currently they are discussing about Aron's issue to find out about it and a solution for it as well.

"It was still okay when we battled with Schumi just now. It started to get weird when we started the training." Rize tried to recall what happened during the day.

"Maybe it's bored with your training sets." Said Rin.

"When did you first know Aron, Rize?" Asked Micah to know the background of Aron and Rize told them of how he met with Aron four years ago at the Petalburg woods.

"From your story, your Aron have quite a past issue. Maybe it affects its mental and psychological health." Micah shared to them of what he thought.

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't we call my dad tomorrow and asked him, maybe he know something. After all it was him who took care of Aron and the rest of your Pokemon while you were gone to other regions."

Rin's suggestion was well welcomed and accepted and therefore as the night passed and the new day arrived, early in the morning Rize made a call to Prof.Birch laboratory using the public phone service at the Pokemon Centre. He could have called using his Pokegear but for the sake of everyone can join in the conversation he uses the public phone.

"Well, I don't know much about your Aron and if you asked me what's wrong I afraid I could not give you a satisfactory answer. There are no weird signs or symptoms from your Aron all these times when I look after it." The Professor answered with an apologetic look as being unable to answer professionally beside his title as a Pokemon Professor.

"Dad, you're a Pokemon researcher expert, how come you did not know or at least tell us of what you think about this issue." His daughter spoke as if she's complaining and disappointed of his father.

"I'm not sure and I don't want to give a false answer and assumption and I may be a Pokemon researcher but my specialist is in Pokemon habitats."

They all turned silent after the last reply of Prof.Birch until Micah suddenly thought of something. "Hey if I'm not wrong, Prof.Oak from Kanto is a specialist on relationships between human and Pokemon right?"

"You're right!" Prof.Birch justified Micah's statement of question, "He might know the root of this problem. Rize why don't you give him a call and asked him instead."

"Alright Prof, I'll ask him. Sorry for the interruption."

"Not at all Rize, I get to see my.." Before the Prof could finish his sentence, Rize insensitively has disconnected the phone line. At the other side of the phone line, Prof.Birch was complaining to himself of Rizes' sudden termination of the line without a proper and polite goodbye.

Rize then made an inter-regional call to Kanto to Prof.Oak's place but his attempt was in vain as it was one of the assistant of the Prof that picked up the call only to tell that the Prof. was currently not in the place, it was said that he was having a certain meeting to attend. Having no other choice, Rize decided that they should continue their journey to the Desert Ruins.

"So then, which route shall we take now?" Asked Micah while he take another look at the region's map as he was a new foreigner in the Hoenn land.

"The nearest and fastest way is to take route 116 and head to Verdanturf Town first. It's going to be quite a long journey until we reach Verdanturf Town, probably about 2 days and that is if we kept going without any distraction."

"What kind of distraction? Asked Rin naively.
"Well.. wild Pokemon? The scenary? Who knows what will be on our way." Answered Rize while at the same time stood up and lifted his backpack preparing to leave for their journey.

"Anyway, since we are going to leave the city and will be sleeping on nature outside, we should re-stock our food supplies and other neccessary stuffs first at the market." Micah suggested and reminded his friends just in case they forgot.

After they have bought everything they needed at the market they walked towards the north-west of the crowded city which lead them to the exit and the entrance of route 116.

As they were walking, Rize nostalgically remembered of his journey four years ago and he was seeing an imaginary view of his past journey in this city when he was fighting one of Team Aqua's grunt from stealing some goods that was produced by the region's most famous and number one corporation, the Devon corporation.

Suddenly, the automatic door of the Devon corporation building opened and a familiar figure snapped Rize out of his imaginary vision of his past. The familiar figure turned out to be the Hoenn region's Champion, Steven Stone.

It was not only Rize who saw Steven coming out from the tall big building and Rin was amazed to see the champion with her own eyes, not in TV or pictures but in real! The real Steven Stone walking and moving in front of her. She let out her remark unintentionally, "Wow! It's Steven Stone the Hoenn champ! I heard that he's the heir of this Devon corporation."

Without really listening to what Rin have said, Rize immediately changed his course from heading to route 116 but walked towards the champion instead. "Mr.Steven! It's been a long time!" He approached him confidently as if a long time never see buddy. Of course, his two other friend was surprised especially Rin.

"Who do he think he is to approach the champion like that!" Said Rin sceptically.

Steven Stone was standing like a stone, confused and wondering of who the teenager boy that approached him so confidently. Judging from the look of his confused face, Rize knew that Steven must have forgotten of who he is and immediately introduced himself trying to make him remember. Afterall it has been a very long time ever since the last time they met.

"It's me, Rize! We first met in Dewford cave four years ago and we searched for rare stones thrre together. You even train and taught my Pokemon some new moves as well!" He then took out a Pokeball and sent out his Aron. "Look this is the Aron that you taught the move Metal Claw!"

The champion immediately remembered, "You're that Rize! Yes yes it's really you! I did not
recognize you immediately. Just look at you! You've certainly grown a lot."

His fellow travelling friends were surprised especially Rin for the fact that Rize actually knew Steven personally and interacting with him as she was stunned.

It was fortunate that Steven was going to the Rusturf Tunnel, a tunnel that Rize and his friends have to go through in order to get to Verdanturf Town. Rize guessed that the champion was probably going there in search of rare stones to collect. It was one of his pastime after all.

They now travel together and as they were walking along the grassy area on route 116, Rin and Micah was introduced to Steven and the same goes to Steven. Rize told his two friends of how he get to know the champion of Hoenn personally.

"By the way Rize, pardon me if you don't mind me asking you a question. What happened to your Aron? When you showed it to me earlier there seems to be something that was bothering it and not right."

As expected of the Hoenn champion. With just a glance look and he knew that there's a problem with Aron. Rin stopped walking and asked a question to the champ, "Mr.Steven, if I'm right you do have an Aggron right? So that means you must have an Aron too before right?"

The champion in respond to the question stopped his step of walking too and answered, "Well you are right. I raised my Aggron from a little Aron during my early years of becoming a Pokemon Trainer."

Rin then suggested to Rize for Steven to have his Aron examined by Steven. She thought that Steven might know something and perhaps the reason behind Aron's strange behavior. Rize agreed with the suggestion and have his Aron immediately out from its ball. He told Steven all the details of the problem like not listening to battle commands and have no motivation to train and battle at all in a sudden. Steven bent his knee down in order to be able to take a more careful look on Aron.

"Mr.Steven, if you still remember, how long did it take for you to evolve your Aron in the past?" Asked Micah.

"I can sort of see why you asked this question. First of all, every Pokemon's pace of growth and evolution are different and unique to each Pokemon. It took me about four whole months prior to my Aron's capture until it evolved into a Lairon." He paused for a while, stood up and faced to Micah and continued his answer. "You were probably curious of why Rize's Aron have not evolved at all even after four years prior its captured, am I right?"

Micah thought in his mind, "Amazing. He could now what I'm thinking." He was surprised that Steven was able to deduced his thinking correctly and although he did not answer to Steven whether he was right or not, his face pretty much have given the answer to it.

"Then why Rize's Aron have not evolve even to its first stage yet? I knew that each Pokemon are unique and different but four years? There must be something wrong. Rize's a fine Pokemon Trainer too which make it all the more strange."

"To be honest, I was wondering of why my Aron have not evolved yet too. However, I do have some other Pokemon that also have not evolved at all so the fact that Aron have not evolved did not really bother me then."

"Rize, when did the last time Aron won a Pokemon battle?" Asked the silver haired champion.

Rize stumbled a while before answering, "Now that I think about it, Aron have been losing its battle quite often. Don't tell me that its condition was actually have been bad from a long time and it gets worse and worse time after time, battle after battle!"

With both of his sharp looking eyes closed, the champ spitted out what he have assumed in mind. "That was possible. However.." Both his eyes suddenly were wide opened. "If my analysis is right, your Aron might be suffering from lost of confidence in its skill and power."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapter 104 - Identical Twin Sisters Appeared!

"What! The rocket grunts and the wood gecko clan are nowhere to be found!?"

While waiting for the injured Latias and Treecko to be treated with their injuries, Micah told to his fellow travelling friends of what he found out at the Petalburg woods.

"Then there is one possibility of what happened then.." Said Rize to his friends with a serious looking face and his friends were just as serious as him as if they all have the same thought of what happened to the rocket grunts and the wood gecko clan. Rize and Micah have the same assumption of what happened except for Rin.

"Team Rocket's fellow members must have came and rescued the grunts that we have defeated and they also defeated the whole Grovyles and Treeckos of the wood gecko clan. That explains the heavily wounded Treecko that you found."

"But then why did the rest of the wood gecko clan were not in the area?" Asked Rin.

"They might have been captured by them." Rize answered to her question with a confident tone, after all he's the one that knew Team Rocket most than Micah and Rin. "Team Rocket's mission and vision was after all to create the most powerful Pokemon army to rule over the world in their hands."

The nurse came out of the treating room and told Rize and his friends that the Pokemon they asked to take care of has been completely healed and they just have to take a little time of sleep. Rize and his friends came into the resting room where Latias and Treecko were resting.

"Poor little Treecko, what will its life be from now that its whole clan are gone. It is an orphan now." Rin took a sympathy to the little green gecko Pokemon that was sleeping soundly probably due to the effect of the medicine.

"I couldn't believe that a mere teenage Trainer could have caught one of the legendary Eon Duo! It was hard enough to have found it, let alone capture it." The nurse of the Pokemon Centre that took care of Latias and Treecko asked to Rize and friends simply out of curiosity and amazement.

"Err.. no, that's not it. Latias is not my Pokemon. I didn't capture it."

"What kind of Pokemon is Latias actually?" Rin asked while in the same time tooking out of her Pokedex to see wether she could get any information of Latias.

"Latias the Eon Pokemon. It is a Dragon and Psychic type Pokemon. Its body is covered with a down that can reflect light in such a way that it becomes invisible."

"That's the only information it have?" Rin shut down her Pokedex and put it back unto a pocket in her bag unsatisfied. On the other hand, Micah who just heard that Latias is a Dragon type Pokemon took an immediate interest on Latias.

"Latias.. at last I found a Dragon type Pokemon from Hoenn, and a Legendary even!"

"So how did you found this Latias?" The nurse continued her question. Micah and Rin was also curious of Rizes' relation with Latias and so he told them the story of what happened four years back at Hoenn. The great incident of a clash between two of the greatest Legendary Pokemon in Hoenn, Kyogre and Groudon.

"So that's how it goes.."

"Whaw.. so you're involved in that incident! I never knew I gotta befriended an awesome friend like you Rize!" Micah was amazed by Rize's story and he really wanted to go to the Sky Pillar hoping that he would meet with Rayquaza, Hoenn's strongest Dragon and Legendary Pokemon.


Meanwhile, inside of a black helicopter that was flying high on the sky of Petalburg city a conversation takes place.

"Darn! How could we got defeated by mere teens and lost track of Latias!" One of the grunts grumbled and complained.

"We better report this situation to Sir Canis Majoris."

The rocket grunts made a call from their helicopter to their leader and after a few moments of waiting, the call finally connected and they told him the report of their failed mission.

"Forget Latias for now and head to the Desert Ruins! After all, if we succeeded on getting what we want at the Desert Ruins, Latias, no every Legendary Pokemon in this whole world will be ours! And that means our vision of dominating the world will be accomplished! Now go!"


And the line of the call disconnected and the helicopter made a radical turn of their routes and head on to their new destination, the Desert Ruins.


Treecko slowly regained its consciousness and opened its eyes wide and found that it was in an unknown area. It immediately got up from the bed probably out of fear and started to look around to find out where it was really at.

"Treecko! You're awake." Rize greeted the little gecko Pokemon that was just awaken from its sleep and somehow Treecko was relieved and started to calmed down after greeted by Rize. It got down by jumping from the bed and came to Rize shooking on his legs panicly as if trying to tell him something but Rize and his friends have no idea of what it was saying as they don't understand Pokemon's speech.

Due to Treecko's loud noise, Latias too awaken from her sleep and was glad to see Rize and the others in the room. Treecko was very glad as well and it immediately talked with Latias to tell her the things that Rize and the others could not understand.

After finished talking with Latias, Latias then started to send signals with her psychic power to Rizes' Pokedex to communicate with him.


"So that's the case huh Treecko?" Rize understood the case well and he took out a Pokeball from his pocket and enlarged it. "Alright then, come with me Treecko:" He said that while tapping Treecko with his Pokeball and the Pokeball automatically opened itself due to its middle button was pressed and made contact with a Pokemon and it absorbed Treecko and since Treecko made no resistance at all and the capture was immediately sealed and successful.

"I'll train you to get stronger and I promise that we'll save your clan!"

And so Rize and the others decided to leave the Pokemon Centre and continue their journey to the Desert Ruins. They thanked the nurse and told the nurse to keep this matter a secret. Latias too decided to go along with Rize but she did not want to get inside a Pokeball and so she hid her presence by becoming invisible by putting a down on her body to reflect light just like what the Pokedex said.

Due to the sun was setting soon, they decided to stay in the city and do some training at an open public battle field of the city for the rest of the day before continuing the journey early in the morning tomorrow. Micah reminded Rize of his personal work out training in order to improve his own physical body and ability but amazingly now he did not complain at all of doing it.

Finished of his own training, he sent out his two party Pokemon that he got with him which were Aron and Treecko. He scanned Treecko with his Pokedex to see the stats. moves and power level of his new acquired Treecko.

"This Treecko is strong, even stronger than Aron in stats. It just have to learn more powerful moves." Rize said it insensitively out loud in front of his Pokemon and he did not know that Aron became very upset from hearing it. First it was already upset enough by itself due to always losing its battle lately and now that it hears its own Trainer saying this just made it even more depressed.

Rize trained his Pokemon according to his usual training menu daily while his friends were doing their own stuffs. Rin was playing with her two Pokemon to deepen their bond and friendship while Micah was sitting peacefully leaning towards the wall reading a book that he brought. Latias was nowhere to be seen as she hide her presence.

Rize soon noticed that his Aron was not like its usual self during the training and he came to it and bended his knees to lower himself to be on almost the same height to Aron to ask what's wrong. Aron did not answer and bowed his head down with its eyes closed. Rize would not be able to understand its speech even if it try to communicate its problem.

"Maybe it's just exhausted." His female friend came up with that assumption as she saw what was going on at Rize's area.

"But I don't think that's the issue here.."

Suddenly, two identical looking girl came into the battlefield where Rize was training. They both have the same long hair length and colour with identical clothing as well and their height was also the same. Their height was much shorter even compared to Rin which indicates that their age might be around 11 to 12. As soon as they saw that there are people in the battlefield they got excited and asked a question to them. "Which of you here is a Pokemon Trainer?"

"I am.." answered Rize slowly with a blank look. "Ehm.. are you girls twins?"

"Oh yes we are! And we are going to be the best double battler in the city! Come and have a battle with us!" They eagerly and boldly challenged Rize to a double battle despite of Rize's age to be much older than them. Rize thought that it was a very good opportunity for training both his party Pokemon and gladly accept the challenge.

They each get to their respective position for the battle and as Aron and Treecko were already out of their Pokeballs, they stand front to Rize and next to each other preparing for the opponent to appear.

"Let's go sister!" The elder one said to her younger twin and the latter responded with a zealous "yes!"

"We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Vicky the elder and she's Vidie the younger."

"Okay.. but how am I able to discern which of you are Vicky or Vidie?"

"Oh you'll be able to along with time." Said one of the twins, not sure which one was talking tough and they each sent out their respective Pokemon from inside their Pokeballs and a little similar looking Pokemon appeared. It was almost like the twin and it is identical in shapes and looks but only that it was able to be discerned by their colours. One have red and the other is blue on their ears, cheeks, pawns and tail but their body is mostly yellow in colour.

"What a cute and charming Pokemon they have! Even their Pokemon are twins!" Just like any normal girls who are attracted to cute and adorable Pokemon, Rin too was instantly attracted by them and she took her Pokedex to scan and get on information and as she did so, Micah get on to her side to see and hear what the dexter have to say about those Pokemon foreign to him.

"Plusle the Cheering Pokemon. It is an Electric type. It cheers on friends with pom-poms made of sparks. It drains power from telephone poles."

"Minun the Cheering Pokemon. It is an Electric type. It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks."

She shut her Pokedex off and put it back. "Maybe I should get a pair myself."

"Okay, so it's Plusle and Minun combination huh? This should be easy. Besides they're just little girls." Rize thought to himself that it will be an easy match and this reminded him of his battle four years ago at the Hoenn Junior League competition where he got to battle a Plusle and Minun too in double battle back then and now he have grown up and become much stronger too.

"Well you twins can have the first call." Rize confidently gave the honour of starting the first move of the battle to the two little twins. The two girls did not hesitate to take this opportunity and called for their moves.

"Plusle use Helping Hand!"

Pom-poms made of sparks appeared on both of Plusle's hands and it clapped its hand making a beautiful sparkling sparks of electricity as the hands clapped and it greatly boosted its partner's attack power.

"Now Minun, you use Thunder Bolt on Treecko!"

Blast of a strong electric current was was loosed at Treecko but Treecko calmly with its eyes even closed jumped and avoided the electric blast. Its speed was already fast in the first place and in addition, Minun's Thunder Bolt attack was just quite slow itself too.

Rize was still going easy on them and did not call for any attack, instead he asked them to try harder to get a hit on his fast Treecko. "Come on, you gotta try harder than that to beat me."

"Well in that case, use Thunder Bolt on Aron!"

The blast of electric current was now aimed towards Aron but Aron did not move to avoid it. It looks like it was surprised of the attack and was not ready to react let alone dodging it.

"Aron what are you doing?! Quick dodge it!" Rize shouted his command, afraid that his little Aron would get shocked by the attack.

Treecko knew that he would not be able to push Aron aside due to its heavy body for it so it initiatively get in to the front of Aron taking the charge of the attack in replace of Aron. As a result of the attack, Treecko became paralysed and lost its agile movement. It can barely stand up on its own how in the world are it going to run around dodging attacks. Seeing his new friend took the attack for him, Aron did not feel grateful at all but instead it felt that it have been underestimated and it thought that Treecko looked to it as a weakling and it even got more upset of itself.

"Aron! Treecko is paralysed and it can't move as freely as it could. Use Rock Slide to finish the battle now!"

However, Aron did not respond to the command and stay still on its spot. Rize and his friends were surprised and confused. "What happened to Aron?"

"In that case, Treecko you use Bullet Seed on Minun!"

Treecko immediately responded and shoots seeds as if those were bullets shot by a machine gun towards the little Minun but its partner Plusle got in front of it and used Protect to cover both of them from the attack.

"Don't underestimate us just because we're younger than you." Said both of the twins together.

"This is bad. If this is the case I might lose to this little girls.. that's a humiliation!"

"Come on Rize! You can do it!" Rin cheered for him from beside the battlefield line. Micah commented that this battle have become a two on one since Aron was not willing to participate in the battle and it would be hard for Treecko alone given that it was already paralysed and Rize and Treecko were still new to each other.

"Our turn again! Double Swift attack!"

Both Plusle and Minun shoots rapids of star-shaped bullet and both Aron and Treecko were hit by it. It was not so much for Aron due to its Steel and Rock type but it was quite a damage to reckon with for Treecko.

"I'm not going to lose to little girls. Treecko use Quick Attack on Minun, quick!" With fiery spirit, Rize commanded its Treecko to summon all its might and strength to use its Quick Attack. It was very hard to do so in a paralysed state but remembering its aim to become stronger and save its clan members, it unleashed everything it have unto the attack and successfully made contact and Minun was immediately knocked out.

"Impossible!" Both the girls could not believe that Minun was defeated by just one attack.

"Don't lose the momentum and use Pound on Plusle now!"

Plusle was still in shock by seeing its partner defeated with one blow and it couldn't react to Treecko's close range Pound attack and was knocked out as well.

"You're awesome Treecko! You defeated them both on your own even in a paralysed state!" Rize praised his new obtained Pokemon for its ability but little do he know that it just made his other Pokemon's psychological condition even worse.

The two girls returned their fainted Pokemon into their balls. "Phew.. It was tough to battle with a senior trainer after all."

"You girls are not bad.. have you gotten the Gym badge of this city yet?"

"Of course we have. Tadaa..!" Both showed their Junior Stone Badge that they got by defeating the Rustboro Gym.

"So did you girls are on your journey as well?" Rin came walking closer and asked the two little girl her question. "Ah by the way I haven't introduce myself. I'm Rin from Littleroot Town." Followed by that Micah then also introduced himself. "I'm Micah. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too brothers and sister. We're the twin sister Vicky and Vidie. We lived in this city and we are not on our journey because our parents did not allow us to, especially our dad.."

"He must be worried about you." Said Rin somehow as if she understand those feelings. "Well you will have your turn when you have grown up more~"

"Yes and we're patiently waiting for that day to come! Anyway it's almost seven and the sky is getting dark, we have to get home or else dad will scold us and we won't be able to play outside anymore. Byee~" They left hurriedly as they spoke and not for long they are already out of sight.

"Rize, I think you better solve Aron's problem. I've been observing it for a while and there sure was something wrong with it." Micah said to Rize and they turned their heads to the little iron armor Pokemon who is standing alone at the corner of the field, gloomy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Chapter 103 - An old Rival in Rustboro City!

Rize was immediately cured from the poison inside of his body from consuming the Pecha berry that was served by one of the Treecko from the wood gecko clan. Afterall, the Petalburg wood is their territory and habitat  so they knew best of its features.

"Thanks.. I feel much better.." Rize thanked his friends and the little wild Treecko for the Pecha berry.

"You still need to rest before we can continue our journey tough." Suggested Rin but Rize objected her suggestion saying that they have to leave the wood immediately as he was concerned of Latias' health and safety. Team Rocket might be back soon with even more in number of their troops.

Micah agreed to Rize's suggestion and he added, "We need to get the police to arrest the unconscious Rocket grunts we defeated as soon as possible too before they regained their senses and escape."

So the three of them immediately left the Petalburg wood and departed from the wood gecko clan Pokemon. One of the Grovyle that seems to be the leader led them the way to the exit of the wood that lead to the entrance of the route that leads to Rustboro city.

Since Latias was still unconscious and it would certainly caught the public's attention to see a Latias being carried by mere humans, Rize decided to keep Latias inside of his Pokeball so that he can bring Latias to the Pokemon Centre at Rustboro city to be healed up.

Upon seeing Latias being kept inside the small ball and left with Rize and his friends, one of the little Treecko that has always been serving and keeping an eye for Latias looks pretty sad and unhappy by their leaving.

Rize forced himself to walk as fast as he could since he still could not run yet due to his weakened body. Micah then started to open a conversation to him.

"So Rize, how did you get to know this Legendary Dragon type Pokemon Latias?"

Rize smiled as Micah's question brings his thought to remembrance of the incidents that happened four years ago that made him to meet with Latias and he answered, "It's a very long story.. anyway how did you manage to defeat the three other Rocket grunts in such a short time?"

"Keh, those Rocket rats are nothing, they're not so tough." Micah answered as if boasting of his skills.

"My Pokemon and I helped too, not to forget the wild Grovyles and Treeckos." Rin added as if to tell Rize that it was not only Micah who defeated the Rocket grunts and Rize was very surprised to hear that.

"What?! You helped too, Rin?"

"And what was that suppose to mean?" Rin was annoyed by Rize's question and reaction.

As they were talking along the way, they had come to the end of the Petalburg area and found the exit.

"Thanks Grovyle! We'll be back as soon as possible and in the mean time please keep an eye of the Rocket grunts that we left in the wood, okay!"

The Grovyle nodded and went head back into the deep green woods while the three young Trainers continue to their destination to Rustboro city and straight away went into the city's Pokemon Centre.

Micah decided to went ahead to the police station to lead the polices to arrest the rest of the Rocket grunts that they've defeated while Rize and Rin wen to the Pokemon Centre to get Latias and their own Pokemon to be treated.

The Pokemon Centre nurse gathered Rize's and Rin's Pokeballs and did a scanned check up to see the conditions of each Pokemon before they can proceed to give a treatment. To her surprise, there is one Pokemon that was in a very bad condition and need a special treatment right away and she was even more surprised when she found out that the Pokemon inside the Pokeball was a Legendary Pokemon.

"How could a young Trainer could have Latias in his possession?" The nurse wondered and curious to find out and asked the young Trainer that was seating at the waiting bench but prefer to keep quiet and not to be such a busybody. After all the recovery of this Legendary Pokemon is far more important than her curiosity.


Meanwhile, Micah have told the case to the polices and were heading to the Petalburg wood with three police officers but when they have arrived, the Rocket grunts were nowhere to be found and there were only ropes that have been cut lying on the grass field. Not even any of the wood gecko Pokemon were to be found.

"This is weird. Where did all the Grovyles and Treeckos go? They couldn't have went somewhere and forgot to guard the grunts." Micah thought to himself on his head then his face started to change as he thought of something terrible that could have happened to the wood gecko clan.


At the Rustboro Pokemon Centre, the main entrance automatic door opened and young familiar Trainer stepped and headed to the reception counter probably to get his Pokemon healed up. The trainer have a black smooth straight hair with a black coat and black boots and walked pass by Rize's sitting bench.

It was natural for human to react and respond into something that moved and therefore when the automatic door opened and people came in, it always catches people's attention and so Rize saw the young fellow who just came in and walked pass by him.


Rize stood up and said out a loud the young fellow's name on reflect while Rin was totally clueless as she did not know who Schumi is.

Upon hearing his name pronounced, he turned his head towards where the sound came from.

"It's you." Just a plain reaction.

Rize was excited to see non other than his number one and oldest rival ever since his debut of becoming a Pokemon Trainer and setting off for a journey began. He was curious of how have this rival of his been doing and his progress so far.

"Ah! I remember now!" Rin stood up as well as she have just came out from her clueless mode.

"You're the one who Rize lost against in the Johto League Junior tournament a year ago."

"Who is this girl?" Asked Schumi but it looks like he was not really asking and was just asking to himself and he continue to walk to the reception counter.

"Hey wait Schumi, it's been a long time since we met. Why don't we sit for a while and have a chat."

"He really got a nice manner." said Rin to her friend.

"Bear with him, he's just that kind of person." replied Rize to his friend.

After handing his Pokemon to the nurse, Schumi turned back and surprisingly came to sit together with Rize and Rin.

"It sure has been a long time since we last met. I have just defeated the Rustboro Gym and got the badge. Now while waiting for my other Pokemon to get healed, why don't we have a small battle."

Schumi suggested for a battle with Rize but actually he was just curious and wanted to test and see how far have Rize improved and compare to him now.

Of course there was no reason for Rize not to agree for the battle but unfortunately he could not. His Aron was still being treated and he have no other Pokemon with him aside from Aron now.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're afraid..?" Schumi tried to provoke Rize to accept his battle suggestion and Rize was just silent until Rin was the one who told Schumi that his Pokemon was being treated at the time being so he could not battle.

"Well we can always wait for your Pokemon. After all, I have nothing to do here while waiting for my Pokemon."

Not long after that, the nurse called for Rize and Rin as their Pokemon have been completely healed and recovered but not for Latias yet as her wounds and damaged were far greater.

"Alright, let's have our battle outside."

The three of them got outside unto the battle field facility that was provided by the Pokemon Centre for Trainers to have a practice battle and fortunately there was no one who booked the field.

Rize sent out his only Pokemon on his party, Aron, and Schumi was surprised yet confused as well to see Rize's Pokemon was still the same after a long time.

"Are you kidding me or underestimating me?"

"No, I'm serious." Answered Rize, "Come on."

Schumi returned the Pokeball he was holding and switched with other one from his belt. It looks like that he have a change of mind after seeing Rize using his little Aron.

"Not a bad time to test this one's potential and ability." He said to himself while throwing the semi red and white ball into the battlefield and small little that Rize have never ever encounter or see before appeared on the battlefield.

"What Pokemon is that?!" Both Rize and Rin have no idea of the new Pokemon that was in front of them and they each took their Pokedex to gain some light of information on this new Pokemon but both  their Pokedexes displayed the same result which was 'no data'.

Schumi smiled to himself upon seeing that Rize have no idea of his new Pokemon and what was even funnier was that even his Pokedex have no information about it too.

"Let me shed some light to you. This Pokemon is called Riolu. It just recently hatched from the egg that I obtained from my journey last year at the Sinnoh region."

"You got some guts to be using a newborn Pokemon against me." Remarked Rize after feeling to be taken lightly by his old rival.

"We'll see about that." Schumi grinned. "Come and attack!"

"This might be a good chance for a payback and to teach him a lesson." That's what Rize have thought in his mind. "Aron use Rock Slide!"

Rocks started to slide down from above towards the little Riolu but Schumi commanded to dodge the rocks and it did managed to dodge all the rocks completely unharmed with its agile movement.

"Force Palm."

Riolu dashed towards Aron and attacked with its flat tiny palm and Aron was pushed back from the power of the attack. Both Rize and Aron was surprised by the speed Riolu have shown them.

"Its fighting instinct and movement is remarkable, Riolu is a fighting type after all. It might be just a new born Pokemon but it have talent and great potential." Schumi bragged about his new Pokemon.

"It sure is fast and have good reflects but it will be no use against a sneak attack!"

That's what Rize thought in his mind so he commanded his Aron to go underground with Dig for a sneak attack from below the ground. Strangely, his rival don't look worried about it but instead was smiling.

Riolu closed its eyes as if to sense when and where Aron would appear for the sneak attack but what can it feel? The ground cracked open and Aron emerged to attack its opponent but it was somehow avoided as if its opponent knew exactly when Aron would attack.

"It failed?!"
"Force Palm!"

Once again Aron took the force from the tiny yet strong and firm palm of Riolu and its small but heavy body was pushed back even further than the previous attack.

"Just to let you know, Riolu can sense auras emitted from a living being so a sneak attack is useless against Riolu. Now to finish it, use Vacuum Wave!"

Riolu began to whirl its fists and send out a wave of pure vacuum towards Rize's little Aron. Rize commanded his Aron to dodge the attack but Aron was not able to move at all.

"It looks like your Aron was paralyzed by our Force Palm." Schumi explained the condition of Aron's status even tough Rize did not ask for it and the wave of pure vacuum hit through Aron cleanly and knocked out Aron instantly as it was extremely effective.

"Guess I won again."

 Rize was so much pissed by Schumi's arrogant claim of victory and he returned his fainted Pokemon into its ball. Schumi left him to collect his Pokemon that was being treated at the Pokemon Centre without saying a word at all.


A shout was indicated to Rize from the direction outside of the Pokemon Centre's battle field ground and as Rize turned his head towards the direction of the shouter, he saw Micah was running in a hurry towards him and looked panic as well carrying a heavily injured little Treecko that have bruises all over its body.

"Micah! What happened?!" Asked Rize in respond of seeing the situation. Rin also ran towards Rize from her sitting spot while watching the battle between Rize and Schumi.

"This little one need to be treated immediately! I'll explain the story later."

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 102 - Stay Away from Latias!

The long quiet and peaceful yet beautiful night in the Petalburg wood passed in like a blink of eye when Rize fell asleep and awaken by the ray of sunlight that was piercing through the trees and leafs of the woods.

He then woke up and changed from his sleepwear to his usual adventure suit. After that he tried to reach Micah and Rin by calling them via the Pokegear but since they were in the deep woods of Petalburg, there was no signal and the call can't be made.

Not long after that, Latias too woke up from her sleep and to her surprise, there was already a set of meal on a plate made of a big leaf and it consisted of a mix variety of berries that could be found in the wood. She looked around to see who was it that has brought her this breakfast but found none. Little do she know that it was a little Treecko who made that mix berry meal and was guarding her from the top of the tree sitting on the big trunk alone.

Rize began to think and wondering of what could be Mewtwo's objective of coming even here to the Hoenn region. From the past information he knew about this Pokemon called Mewtwo and his encounter with it at Mt.Ember, all he could think of was that Mewtwo was searching for Legendary Pokemon and fight them all but he could not find any good reason or its motive behind its doing. If Mewtwo was under Team Rocket's control it would just totally made sense but Mewtwo was not under Team Rocket's control and was free on its own to roam the planet.

"I might encounter this dangerous Pokemon sooner or later, and if it could defeat Legendary Pokemon such like the Zapdos, Moltres and Latias with relative ease. I stand no chance against it." said Rize to himself and then he decided to train and build up his Pokemon team power.

"I think I should catch more Pokemon." He thought of catching some Pokemon in the wood and if possible a Pokemon type that he have not yet have in his arsenal.

"Latias, I'm going to walk around the wood for a while, you rest up here okay."

Latias looked a bit worried when Rize decided to leave for a while but he reassured her that the wood gecko clan is with her to protect her.

Just when he was about to leave, suddenly a Beedrill flew and stopped right above them as was observing them.

Rize first thought it was just a Beedrill although he wondered what is it doing here until a few seconds later that he realized something uncommon.

"What?! How could there be a Beedrill in this Petalburg wood?!" He then started to tremble that his worst scenario he thought could have happen will really happen.


A hissing sound of a snake could be heard from behind of Rize and he immediately turned to his back with a sweat on his look to see what was at the back of him.

A huge purple coloured cobra snake Pokemon was hissing and smiling with an evil smile and the look as if ready to strike at anytime was on its stand at about five meters away from Rize.

"Arbok! Oh no! Could it be..?!"

Without any warning, a green mantis Pokemon strike swiftly with its scythe towards Rize and Latias from the east side.

Rize was caught off guard by the sudden assault and could not react in time.

Just before the scythe would have slashed Rize's body, one of  the Grovyle from the wood gecko clan parried Scyther's Slash attack with its Leaf Blade attack.

Scyther then moved back as his assault has failed and a male Rocket Grunt with its black suit uniform came out from the green bushes and stood right beside it while the Grovyle was standing on its combat position in front of Rize and Latias.

"Team Rocket! Just as I thought!" shouted Rize. He knew that the Rocket Grunt must be here for Latias.

To his surprise, it looks like there are more than one of them, the Rocket Grunt owning Arbok and Beedrill came out and showed themselves as well each standing beside their Pokemon. Beedrill flew down and joined with its Trainer and Rize was in the middle of them being circled by the three of them from north, east, and south side of him.

"Give it up boy and hand over Latias to us. Heeheehee.." One of them with the Arbok said to Rize with a gross kind of laughter.

The whole wood gecko clan came to the rescue and three more Grovyles along with five Treeckos jumped from the trees and stood in the frontside of Rize and Latias forming a circle of defense from the Rocket Grunts.

"You're outnumbered, Rocket! The wood gecko clan is on my side!" Rize confidently not shaken by them and intimidated them back.

"Number isn't everything! Arbok attack!"

The Rocket Grunt commanded to attack and the other two strikes as well. Arbok, Beedrill and Scyther, all three of them charged straight into Rize and Latias. However, as the wood gecko defense army is on his side, the fight to protect Latias then began. The first Grovyle that showed up and rescued Rize fought with the Scyther one on one. Two of the Grovyle took on Beedrill and the last Grovyle along with the five Treeckos got to face with the cobra Pokemon, Arbok.

Grovyle was fighting fiercely with the Scyther, each slashing and scything, and parrying like a sword fight with their respective abilities. Scyther with Slash attack and Grovyle with its Leaf Blade. Grovyle used the forest to its advantage and jumped to a tree, but Scyther could fly and chase after it.

The other two Grovyle were having difficulties with the Beedrill as the Beedrill was extremely fast and could fly up to the sky. It only come down when it wanted to strike by diving down from the air and immediately went back up. The two Grovyle even hardly dodged Beedrill's attack not to mention trying to attack it as they are always on the defensive side.

The five Treeckos attacked with their Bullet Seeds attack but Arbok protected itself by countering it with its Poison Sting attack and the two attacks collided.

Rize thought that their situation is not so good, even tough they are more in numbers but they are in a completely type disadvantage against the opponents. He then decided to flee with Latias while the Rocket Grunts were all busy fighting their respective opponents.

"Come on Latias, we have to go!"

Latias although not in the situation to be able to move yet forced herself to move and escaped with Rize. Rize thought that they had successfully escaped from the Rocket Grunts but the trio Rocket Grunts, instead of worrying their target to escape, they all had a look and smile as if all were according to their plan.

Rize was running into the deep woods with Latias trying to keep up hardly with him. Suddenly, the route in front of them was blocked by a black smoke.

"Smokescreen attack?!"

Rize then looked around to find another route to escape but found that they were completely surrounded by smokes but this time the smokes are not black but pink purplish in colour instead. He also could hardly breath properly as his body warned him that if he breathed in the smoke it would be harmful for his body. He knew that this must be either a Smog attack or Poison Gas attack from another Poison type Pokemon of the Rocket Grunt.

Latias was already weak in its condition and now it was getting worse as she was poisoned. Rize too could no longer hold his breath and inhaled the poisonous gas. His body was weakened and could hardly stand properly.

"Ugh.. I can't.. breathe... cough* cough*"

Out of the black smokes, a Rocket Grunt with a mask that protected him from the poisonous gas came out with little purple soccer ball sized Pokemon who keep on emitting poisonous smokes from the holes of its body.

"You can't run away from us.. heeheehee" said the grunt. His Koffing's smile was just as nasty as his smile and laugh.

Rize with all his strength immediately drew out his little Aron to protect him and Latias before he was completely knocked out unconscious because of the poison that was troubling him to breathe.

Aron was not affected at all from the poison gas due to its Steel type nature and it knew immediately that its Trainer was in a dangerous situation. Its face showed an expression as if to protect its Trainer no matter what.

"Ar-aron, use.. Rock.. Sl..slide.."

Rocks from the sky started to appear and fell upon the grunt and his Koffing and they are busy to avoid all of the falling rocks to hit them. While the Koffing were occupied with the Rock Slide attack, Aron charged with its head shining brightly as if like its claws when it was using Metal Claw attack. It was using Iron Head and it successfully landed a hit onto Koffing and Koffing was knocked back quite far, severely injured.

"Slude Bomb!"

Koffing launched a brown sludge ball towards Aron but it have no effect and Aron was completely unscratched. Aron then continue to attack using its new attack the Iron Head but this time not towards the Koffing but towards the Rocket Grunt himself.

The Rocket Grunt was hit by Aron's hard and heavy head and was pushed a few steps back but it was not enough to knock him out. The grunt was found to be wearing an armor inside of his uniform to protect him from such attack.

"You think you got me cornered?" He said to Rize with a mad look on his face and distanced himself from Aron.

"Koffing, use Explosion!"

"Oh noo!" shouted Rize. He could not imagine if that Koffing were to explode in this forest.

Koffing started to glow brightly that showed that it was attempting to explode right in front of Aron in a point blank range and it will explode in a matter of seconds.

The grunt laughed while Rize was grealy in fear. Latias was already unconscious while Aron could not do anything to prevent Koffing from exploding and it could not dodge it as well.

Suddenly, a red light beam attack from far away accurately hit Koffing and knocked it out unconscious before its Explosion attack was successfully done.


The Rocket Grunt was shocked and did not expect any sudden attack from an intruder. Micah and Rin showed up along with Dragonair and Combusken as the smokes and poison gas cleared up due to the effect from the piercing Hyper Beam attack.

"Micah, Rin!" Rize shouted in excitement and he could now breathe properly too.

Not long after that, the wood gecko clan came as well and circled the Rocket Grunt so that he have no where to escape.

"Oh no!"

The grunt started to panic from the situation and Micah told him that he have defeated all of his fellow grunts and they were now tied up, unconscious.

Upon hearing the shocking report, the grunt's back pack opened up and it was actually a jet pack. He turned on the jet machine and flew up to the sky fled away from the Petalburg wood.

"He get away!" Rin exclaimed.

"Leave him, we have to treat Rize now. He is poisoned." said Micah.

"Huff.. huff, thanks guys. If you guys did not show up.."

Micah and Rin did not know what was really going on and what Pokemon that was lying on the ground unconscious. It don't looks like an ordinary Pokemon.

"You'll explain to us the situation but we'll have to cure you from the poison for now."

Friday, September 21, 2012

Chapter 101 - Mewtwo in Hoenn??

"Ugh.. why do I still have to do these tough trainings. My dad's not even here."Compplained Rize who was forced to do the sets of trainings that his father told him to do by Micah.

"Even tough your father's not around I'm still here to make sure you do the training."

A day have passed since Rize's failed challenge at the Petalburg Gym and they are now currently at the Petalburg beach near the Petalburg Woods. Rin and her Pokemons were playing at the beach creating sand castles and played with the wave of the sea except her Combusken who stayed out from the water.

"Huff.. huff.. it's done..." Rize layed down at the sands to rest after the tiring sets
of training.

They stayed at the beach and have their lunch there. They were like going in a picnic
accompanied with many Wingulls and Corphish.

"So still no news from your father? When is he coming back?" Asked Rin but Rize did not gave her any answer. It is a habit of him of not replying if he did not know the answer and making Rin to be pissed off with him.

"So where are we going now?" this time it was Micah who asked and Rize immediately answered him and that is to continue their journey to the desert ruins through the Petalburg Woods.

"You're not going to have a rematch to get your badge?" Rin plainly asked him but Rize did not answer again and kept walking instead.

And so they packed their stuffs and head towards the Petalburg Woods. Rize sent out his Aron from its Pokeball to walk together in the woods. "How nostalgic, this is where I first met with Aron."

But to Aron this is not a very good memorable place as this is the place where it was dumbed and abandoned by Darren.

Flock of Taillows were flying on the sky throughout the forest and the group kept on walking deeper and deeper into the woods. As they walk, Rize told them the story that happened here four years ago when he first encountered Team Aqua. Rize hoped that he won't see Team Aqua again here in this forest now.

"I just hope that I will meet a Dragon type Pokemon in this forest!"
"I don't think there is any Dragon Pokemon that lived in a forest like this tough." Remarked Rin.

As they continued walking their way to reach Rustboro city by going through the Petalburg Woods, a shadowy figure was leaping from trees to trees like a ninja in a very fast movement and passed ahead the trio.

"What Pokemon is that?!" Asked Rin curiously.
"Whatever it is it must not be a Dragon type." Micah answered her uninterested at all with the mysterious Pokemon.

Rize managed to take a scan of it with his Pokedex to find out what Pokemon it is actually.

"Grovyle the wood gecko Pokemon. It is a Grass type. It lives in dense jungles. While closing on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch."

"The evolved form of the Hoenn Grass type starter Pokemon! I'm going to catch it!" Rize ran to the direction  of where the wild Grovyle was heading to chase after it and the other two friends of his have no choice but to follow him.

The wild Grovyle noticed that it was being followed by a number of humans and it quicken its movement far to be catch up by Rize.

"Darn, it's way to fast!" Rize protested and at a time like this he wished that he have his speedy flying Pokemon with him.

Micah knew that they would not be able to keep up with the wild Grovyle unless they do something so he sent out his most beloved Dragon type Pokemon to chase after the wild Grovyle, Dragonair.

"Dragonair, use Ice Beam."

Dragonair charged and a blue cold ice energy started to gather from on top of its horn, it aimed and launched the attack towards the wild Grovyle and it picked the moment when it was jumping so that it can't avoid it. However, still the wild Grovyle managed to avoid the full hit of the Ice Beam and the attack only froze a tip of its foot that made it can't jump from trees to trees anymore. The wild Grovyle fell down to the ground but it landed safely and kept on running altough it can't run as fast as it could now.

"Thanks Micah!" Rize thanked his friend and this way they are able to keep track of the Grovyle as its running speed have been reduced greatly.

"Pant*.. pant*.. I can't run any farther.." Rin slowed down gradually and stopped to take a breath. Upon seeing her condition, Micah decided to stay behind with her and told Rize to move on by himself and they will catch up with him later.

And so Rize went after the wild Grovyle alone and not long after that the wild Grovyle finally stopped running as it have reached its destination. Rize was just a few metres away behind it and it soon reached the place as well, and to his surprise, the place was crowded with a lot of wild Treeckos and Grovyles. It looks like it is the territory of their swarm.

Rize noticed that the swarm of Treeckos and Grovyles were gathered as if circling something in the middle. He saw that the wild Grovyle he chased earlier was bringing some berries as if to feed something that they were circling. He could not see what are they feeding as the crowd of wild Treeckos and Grovyles covered his view.

Curious of what was in the middle of the swarm, Rize stepped in closer to the location but as soon as he did that, the wild Treeckos and Grovyles stared at him and prepared ready to confront him anytime as if to protect that something in the middle behind them.

"Uh ou.. it looks like I'm not welcomed here.." Rize took a little steps to the back but the armies of wild Treeckos and Grovyles launched their Bullet Seeds attack as if a dozens of machine guns were shooting towards Rize. There were six that attacked Rize and about 10 that were gathered protecting the thing that Rize was curious of.

Rize took his backpack and used it as a shield to protect himself from the seeds attack. He could have sent out his Aron and used Rock Slide to cover him but he does not want the wild swarm of the wood gecko Pokemon to misunderstood him. He means no harm to them at all.

Although he have used his bag to shield himself, he could not cover all of his body and some of the attacks hit him and it was extremely painful. No matter how he endure them he finally could not take it and screamed in pain.

The mysterious creature that was being protected by the wood gecko Pokemon heard Rize's screaming of pain and let out a roar as if to tell the armies of wood gecko Pokemon to stop their assaults.

The wood gecko armies immediately stopped their attacks and turned around to see what happened.

"Hey.. I recognized that voice.."

The mysterious creature flew up from the crowds of wild Treeckos and Grovyles and it turned out that it was  Latias.

"Latias. It's you!"

Latias then immediately flew and approached Rize slowly but it looks like it is not in a good shape and very weak altough she was much better due to the treatment of the wood gecko family.

"What's wrong with you Latias? You're terribly injured." Rize asked her, worried of her condition. It leaves him questioning as well as what could have done this to Latias? Latias is one of the mirage Pokemon and it is more powerful than average normal Pokemon. What Pokemon is strong enough to do this to Latias.

Latias began to transmit signal waves to Rize's Pokedex to explain what have happened to her.


"What in the world?! How do that Pokemon look like? Do you remember?"

Latias visualized her terrifying attacker on her mind and sends them as signal waves to the Pokedex so that it can be projected and visualized there. When the image have been loaded completely, Rize was caught in a great shock.

"Mewtwo?!" Rize shouted in shock! "What is it doing here in Hoenn?!"

Rize told Latias that it is better for him to stay here in the forest with her for now just in case this Mewtwo came back and attack again until Latias has fully recovered and could fly and went somewhere else again. He then thanked the wild Treeckos and Grovyles for tooking care of Latias' injuries and wounds and the wood gecko family greeted him warmly and apologized for their rude attack on him earlier.

So Rize stayed with Latias and the wood gecko clan while Rin and Micah were still somewhere else in the woods and since they sun was setting, they planned to stop searching for Rize and camped for the night until the sun has risen then they will continue to search for Rize.

Chapter 100 - Petalburg Gym Battle! vs an Old Friend

"Ugh! I can't.. huff.. take it anymore..huff.."

Rize was doing some physical training sets that was commanded by his father and
he was just half of the whole training.

"50 more push ups and that's it for the day!" His father further added to his training.

"What?!" Rize was shocked to hear that in the meanwhile his friend Micah beside him,
who have been doing the exact same training with him in order to keep his body built
have started doing the push ups with no problem. His stamina was still as good as new.
After a few minutes, Rize finally completed his push ups and laid down on the floor all
wet and exhausted.

"You'll do these training sets everyday from now on." Said his father. Rize could only
silent himself as he could not not obey what his father told him to do.

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it pretty soon." Micah motivated Rize not to give up.
They are now currently at Oldale Town and they have been there for a night. They are ready
to leave the town and continue their journey to the desert ruins.

"Beep beep.."
Suddenly, Driscoll's Pokegear rang and he picked up the incoming call. The conversation was fast
and not too long.

"Kids, I'm sorry but I have quite an urgent meeting to attend suddenly."
"So we can't go and see the meteorite?" Asked Rize.
"We will still see the Meteorite together. You guys continue to go to the desert ruins.Rize
should know the way there and once the meetings are over I'll catch up."
After he finished talking he immediately left the three teens and now Rize, Rin and Micah are on their own.

"Alright! I'll lead the way from now on." said Rize in a cocky tone as if he owns the land. Being
unfamiliar with the place at all, Rin and Micah have no other choice but to follow him.
After walking on the route for a half an hour, they have finally arrived to the city next to Oldale Town which is the Petalburg City. The city where Rize have his first official Gym match.

"It's been four years and nothing much have changed." Rize commented on the city's surroundings and conditions.

"So this is Petalburg City!" Rin was excited as it was her first time to be in a big city.
"There must be a Pokemon Gym in this city am I right?" Asked Micah.
Rize answered the question but continued walking his way. "Yup. There is one. But first I'm going
to the Pokemon Centre."

As soon as they arrived at the Pokemon Centre, Rize went to the public Pokemon Transporter and made a video call to Prof.Birch's lab.

"Ah Rize! What's up? Where are you all now? Is my little Rin alright?"
Rin altough a little emberassed and annoyed by her father's overcare stepped in so that her father could see her and told him that she's alright and their whereabout. After that, Rize then asked the Prof. to send him some of his Pokemon that he left at the lab to be send over to him as he planned to challenge the Petalburg Gym.

"Sorry Rize but your father have said to me that if you ever made such a request I would have to reject the request."

"What?!" Shoudted Rize, annoyted. "But it's my Pokemon! How am I suppose to challenge the Gym then?"

"Sorry but I can't break my words with your father. Afterall he's a good friend of mine. Besides, didn't you promised your father to just bring Aron with you and no other?" The Prof justified himself and furthermore, challenged Rize's integrity.

Feeling that his integrity is on the line, Rize then gave up on his request and ended the video call. But
that does not puts off the fire for Gym battle. Rize thought of defeating the Gym with just his Aron.
Afterall, the Petalburg Gym is a Normal type Gym and Aron's Steel and Rock type nature will be a very good advantage for him and he is confident that he could win with just using one Pokemon.

"Micah, Rin, are you two going to challenge the Gym as well?"

"No. I'm not planning to participate in the Hoenn League at all. I only want to explore the region and
catch Dragon Pokemon."

On the other hand, Rin was still not confident of her battling skill so she would decide later after she had seen Rize's battle against the Gym Leader.

The Petalburg Gym was only a few metres beside the city's Pokemon Centre and they reached there instantly. The automatic door of the Gym's entrance openned and the three of them went in. As soon as they are inside, they could see a wide plain battlefield and the tips and tricks guy of the Gym welcomed them.

Rize made a register for a battle and it was scheduled to be tomorrow at noon and as soon as he saw the profile biography of the Intermediate category Gym Leader, he was fired up the more and could not wait for tomorrow's Gym match.

Time passed and the time for the Gym battle have come. No wonder Rize was so in high spirit for the match, the Gym Leader that he have to face was non other than his old rival, Brendan. Rin and Micah sat at the sideline of the battlefield to watch the match while Rize and Brendan have stood at the Trainer spot.

Brendan was really surprised to see his old rival from the past to come to his Gym and challenged his Gym again after all these years.

"Rize! It's been such a long time. Where were you all these time?"
"I've been travelling to different regions and participated in Leagues outside Hoenn." Rize answered proudly.

"You'll show me the result of your trainings all these years then."

The referee announced the rules and introduction and it was a two on two Pokemon battle. He then indicated the match to start.

Brendan immediately grabbed his Poke ball. "I'll start with this one. Kecleon!"

A small tiny green creature with a pointing tounge came out from the ball Rize then
sent out his little Aron.

Brendan look surprised to see Rize's Aron. "What? After all these years, your Aron still have not evolved? I expected it to be an Aggron already."

Rize ignored Brendan's comment and used this chance to attack. "Rock Slide!"

Piles of rocks out of nowhere appeared from above Kecleon and burried Kecleon under the big rocks.
Keckleon without being told came out from the piles of boulders looked injured.

Rize did not waste any moment to attack not give Brendan and Kecleon to counter attack and continue
to attack with Aron's Metal Claw and Kecleon was far threw off to the back due to the force of Aron's
Metal Claw attack.

"Hey hey, take it easy.. you did well using Rock Slide to convert my Kecleon's type to be a Rock type
due to its ability Colour change and then attacked it with a super effective Steel type move." He stopped
for a breathe then continues, "But now my Kecleon's a Steel type just like you! All your moves won't be
effective against us now!"

Brendan confidently commanded his attack order to Kecleon, "Our turn! Kecleon, Flamethrower!"

Kecleon opened its mouth wide open and shot a flaming beam towards Aron and Aron took the attack
heads on as it does not have the time to avoid being hit.

"How do you like our battling style? Our Gym may be a Normal type Gym but with Kecleon we can become any types and Normal type Pokemon can use many other elemental types attack other than Normal. You're lucky that Aron is part of Rock type as well so the Flamethrower attack does not do fatal injury but
how long can you endure such attack? Flamethrower again!"

Kecleon repeated the same Flamethrower attack but this time Rize responded in time and told Aron
to dodge and attack in the same time by using Dig attack.

Kecleon was still attacking with Flamethrower attack and Aron have already reached underneath
its standing ground. It came out and knocked out Kecleon as the referee announced it to be.

"Awrite! Rize did it!" Rin was excited to see her friend doing well in the battle.

Brendan returned Kecleon into its ball and started talking, "I forgot that your Aron have Dig attack
under its belt. Anyway meet my new Pokemon!" He threw off the Pokeball releasing it out from the ball
without telling what Pokemon is inside as if telling you just see for your own.

Rin took her Pokedex and scanned at the new Pokemon that she just see live instead of just in her school
textbooks. "Castform the weather Pokemon. It is a Normal type Pokemon. Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water."

Rize was relieved that he has defeated one and he just have to defeat this little Castform to get his badge and he was very sure of himself and his Aron that they would triumph.

"Aron quick use Rock Slide again!"

Aron concentrated and rocks started to appear above the floating Castform and it was falling down towards it.

"Castform, Protect!"

Castform concentrated its energy and a barrier of light was created that completely sheltered it unharmed from the Rock Slide attack. Brendan then began his move.

"Rain Dance!"

Castform started to move its body and danced around like performing a ritual dance and indeed, dark clouds began to emerge on top of the battle arena field and it started to drizzle.

"How is it possible to rain here, we are inside a building!" Protested Rize as he could not believe the rain that was right in front of him.

As the drizzle became heavier, Castform's form and appearance started to change while Aron was weakened by the rain as it is weak against water due to its Rock type nature.

"Just like what the Pokedex said, it really could change its form according to the weather." commented Rin.

"You're done for now Rize!" Exclaimed Brendan. "Castform, Hydro Pump!"

A water sphere was created right in front of Castform's body and from it a strong water current was shot directly towards Aron.

Rize hurried to give instruction to his Aron. "This is bad! Aron use Dig to hide underground to dodge!"

However, as the rain made the battlefield to be wet, it made Aron difficult to dig a hole underground and it was hit by the powerful Hydro Pump attack.

"Oh no!" Both Rin and Micah was extremely worried of Aron's condition.

The attack was super effective and Aron could barely stand up again after to battle as it was struggling, trying its best to stand up on its feet.

"Aron stand up! You can do it!" Rize tried to motivate his little Aron but Brendan did not give him a chance at all.

"Now to finish this, Thunder attack."

Castform casted a Lightning bolt that strikes from above Aron and this time Aron was out of the match.

Rize fell silent in shock of his defeat. He got his Aron back into its ball and left the Gym without saying anything to his former rival other than proclaiming that he forfeited the Gym match. Rin and Micah followed him leaving Brendan to have no idea at all as to why did Rize did not continue the battle as he's still allowed to use one more Pokemon before the victor can be concluded.