Indeed, what the Professor said was true. However not until a breaking news in the TV was broadcasted saying that the Viridian city's gym was mysteriously tored down and destroyed. As a result of this the Pokemon Association of Kanto disbanded the Gym for temporary until they rebuild the Gym back. The culprit to this event was still unknown.
Prof.Oak: Who could have done that? And for what purpose?
Rize: Could it be that it was Giovanni who did this?
Out of curiosity, Rize stepped out of Prof.Oak's place, sent out his Pidgeot, rode its back and flew to the near Viridian City hoping that he will get some clue to what have happened. When he arrived in Viridian city, there were a throng of poeple surrounding the Gym building area. There were police officers who guarded the place and the people was not allowed to take a step in as it is prohibited by the police. Among the crowd, there was someone Rize knew and it was the middle category leader, Geo. Rize came and approached him.
Rize: Geo! What happened to the Gym?!
Geo: Oh, it's you who I defeated before. I don't know when I came here this morning it was already like this.
Rize: Do you know where Giovanni is right now?
Geo: Nope, why do you ask?
Rize: From what I think, he might be the one who have done this.
Geo: Base on what did you came up with that crazy thought?! There's no way Giovanni destroyed his own Gym!
Rize: Listen here, Giovanni is the leader of the infamous criminal organization Team Rocket! He's not a good guy like you always thought!
Geo; Stop spouting nonsense! I don't even know what that Rocket team or whatever! How did you know all these things anyway?!
Rize: I've defeated Giovanni two days ago and since then he has been missing!
Geo: You?! Defeated Giovanni?! Such weak trainer like you defeated Giovanni the Ground Master?! Bullshit! Let alone Giovanni, you can't even defeat me last time!
Rize: Humph, I didn't expect you to believe me right away. It was quite a long time ago. Now I'm sure I can defeat you! Why don't we prove it here and now?! And if I win you have to give me the Gym badge!
Geo accepted the challenge that Rize have offered and sent out his best fighter, Marowak.

Rize: I've been waiting for this day to come, the day when I pay some debt to you and your Marowak! Charizard it's time for some payback!

Geo: So your little Charmander have evolved to Charizard eh? "Still, evolving a Charmander to Charizard just within ten months? He might be a first class Trainer!" Marowak charge in! Use Bone Club!
Marowak charged into Charizard preparing to hit it with Bone Club attack.
Rize: Overheat!
Charizard collected a heated amount of fire energy in its mouth and fired the extremely hot flames to Marowak.
Geo: This is bad! Marowak spin your bone to deflect it!
Marowak stopped its attack and spinned its bone to deflect Charizard's Overheat but the fire proves to be too strong for Marowak to handle and it burned through the bone and knocked out Marowak instantly.
Geo: How could it be? Ten months ago you were completely nothing!
Rize: I trained my Pokemon hard! Now will you please give me the badge? I need it.
Geo: Alright.. I lost, take this medium Earth Badge.
Rize: Thank you. Now with this I can finally register and enter the Kanto League!
Geo: " He said that he defeated Giovanni two days ago.. it was two days ago too that Giovanni ordered the whole Gym members not to come to the Gym as he have important things to settle. Could it be the important things to settle was this guy?!"

Beep beep...
Rize's Pokegear rang and it was Prof.Oak on the line.
Rize: Prof.Oak! I just got my last Gym badge!
Prof.Oak: It's good to hear that but now we have no time to celebrate! There is an emergency! Come back to my lab right now! Quick!
Charizard Lv.47
ReplyDeleteMarowak Lv.40