"Tch, you're lucky. If not we would have ganged you and teach you some lesson." After saying that, Darren and his gang left Rize as they want to proceed to the stadium one to check the of the match schedule and pairings.
"Can't stay here either! Gotta go to stadium one. But first I need to fetch all my Pokemon at the park first."
Rize hurried and went to the park where he left all his Pokemon there and returned them all into their Pokeballs then he straight away went to stadium one where all the other remaining Trainers have gathered.
The event organizer get to his position and took the mic. "It looks like all the Trainers have gathered. Now let's reveal the pairings for tomorrow's matches!"
The huge battle board that was always used to show the battle and battle scores and information during the match is now showing the faces of the 64 remaining Trainers and it began to spin in random to determine the pairings for round three.
The spinning have stopped and every Trainer immediately seek for their picture and check who their opponent is. Rize looked up to the board and was thrilled to see who his next opponent is. It was non other than Darren.
"Alright! Fate have a sense of humor I guess. He will have to suffer second defeat and humiliation again! Just you wait Darren."
On the other hand Darren was also fired up to see that Rize is his next opponent as that was what he wished for. "At last I'm going to have my revenge! You're going down this time Rize!"
Rize took another brief look at the pairings to see his friends' next opponent and surprisingly, Ryussei will have to go against Reinz on the third round. The two long rival will be facing each other once again. Surely it will be the hottest match on the third round worth to watch according to Rize's opinion.
Darren and his gang approached Rize again to declare his victory.
"So, it looks like we meet faster than I expected. Your debut in this league ends tomorrow Rize! Just you wait Hahaha!"
"Yeah you're going down! No one can beat Darren!" Kagayakashi added the provocation onto Rize.
Reinz and Ryussei happened to notice that Rize was confronted by their earlier opponents and they both went
towards Rize and Darren. They learned the situation very quickly and backed up Rize.
"So.. it looks like the losers are still here huh? Why don't you just go home? You don't have anymore business here." said Reinz to Darren and his gang.
"Why you..!"
"Hey you give me $P200.000 I need to buy a necklace as a gift for my girlfriend!
Ryussei replied calmly with an annoying tone. "What does that have anything to do with me?"
"Rize, make sure you beat him and make him cry to his mom tomorrow!"
"You don't have to tell me that Reinz. That's what I intend to do."
The heat between these two groups of Trainers are getting intense as they stared with a very cold eyes yet full of fire to each other.
"We'll see about that tomorrow, Rize. Let's go guys, we don't have to babysit these losers."
Darren and the gang left Rize and his companions. Rize then wished Reinz and Ryussei the very best for tomorrow as they will have to go against each other. After that they all went their separate ways.
The long night passed in a blink of an eye and morning time approaches as the sun rises. Rize woke up early to have his Pokemon and himself some warm up. Just before he was about to leave his room, the telephone in his room rang. Wondering who would have called, he went and answered the call.
"Good morning Trainer Rize, glad you're awake. There's someone who wanted to see you but he insist on not giving his identity and you have to see him by yourself. Please come to the main lobby right now. Thanks."
The call ended and Rize was really curious who would that be who wanted to meet him and so he rushed out and went to the main lobby. Upon reaching the main lobby he could already see someone familiar to him from afar. A man who is both big and tall with muscular arms and built up body although the belly is not appropriate tough as it is big and round like a fatso. It was Master Chuck the Olivine Gym Leader from Johto.
"Hey Rize it's been awhile! Glad that I finally made it here, I was worried that by the time I reached here you've been eliminated Hahaha.."
"Nahh who do you think I am to be eliminated at the early rounds? Haha, but what brings you here Master Chuck? Don't tell me that.."
"Oh yes." Master Chuck took a Pokeball from his pocket and opened it. "This little fella just could not focus on his training when he knew that you were competing in this Kanto League so I've no choice but to bring him here. I'm sure he will come handy and useful for your upcoming matches!"
A Pokemon with a humanoid shape with a pair of boxing gloves on its hand appeared. It's Rizes' Hitmonchan.
"Hitmonchan! How are you doing! I've always been wondering about your safety with Master Chuck! Are you in good health?"
Master Chuck heard it and was a little pissed by Rizes' sarcastic comment. "Ehem..."
Hitmonchan replied Rize with joy as it has been a long time he have not be with his Trainer. "So then Hitmonchan, ready for some actions?"
Hitmonchan confidently replied and hit its own chest. "Monchan!"
"Great! Let's go for some warm up now!"
Time passed and it is now Rize's match against Darren on the third round of the Kanto League. The referee gave signs and instructions and they both released their first Pokemon. This time the battle is on the plain field.
"Aron let's beat this jerk one more time!"
"Go, Muk!"
"It's another rare sight we see here as we are now seeing with our own eyes a Pokemon from the Hoenn region, Aron the Steel and Rock type Pokemon! Now let's see how this little one will do against the big poisonous Muk!"
As Aron saw Darren's face, it became flared up to win as it hated Darren for being its ex Trainer in the past. It was probably one of the most disgrace to be owned by a disgusting irresponsible Trainer.
"What? After these four years and Aron have not evolved at all? How pathetic! It is really a weak Pokemon afterall. A weak Pokemon with an unskilled Trainer, what a combination!"
"A nasty smell and ugly looking Pokemon. Like Trainer like Pokemon. I guess that quotation proved to be quite true. Aron use Metal Claw!"
Aron jumped towards Muk and smashed Muk with its sharp hard claw. Muk took a clean hit but it does not looks like it affected it much.
"Haha! So you're trying to defeat me using Aron's hatred towards me but too bad my Muk's defense is just too awesome. Muk use Acid Armor!"
Muk thicken its sludge body by emitting acids from its body and its defense power was greatly boosted.
"Who cares! Aron use Rock Tomb!"
Aron used its power and stomped on the ground using its forelegs and the ground on Muk's area rose and became a tomb of rock that trapped Muk in it.
"Futile efforts. Muk break free from it now!"
Muk broke the tomb made of rocks that were seizing its body and the rocks were broke and crumbled to many pieces.
"What the!"
"Our turn now. Muk, use Mud-Bomb!"
"Look out! Dodge it quick!"
Muk opened his big mouth and shot a basketball size of ball of mud that flew directly towards Aron. Thanks to Rizes' quick reaction and commanded Aron to dodge the attack, Aron avoided the attack barely by jumping to its right side and almost got hit.
"That's dangerous. Aron is very weak with Ground type attacks. It might take just one hit and that's it."
"Hahaha, give up. You can't run forever. Mud Bomb continuously, Muk!"
Darren's confidence was greatly boosted and he is right now on fire to terminate Aron as fast as he could by commanding his Muk to use Mud Bomb furiously and endlessly until it knocked out Aron from the match.
"Aron, Dig unto the ground!"
Having no other way to dodge the countless balls of mud, Aron dug to the ground and was completely unreachable by Muk.
"Oh no!"
"Oh yes! Aron attack!"
Aron came out from the ground and crashed its hard body unto Muk, this time it inflicted real damage to Muk's thick and high defense as it is super effective. Muk then was flinched and it lost its focus and need to could not do anything Darren asked him to for a moment.
"Chance! Double-Edge attack!"
Aron rushed as fast as it could and hit Muk with its made of metal head and Muk was sent flying to a certain feet back and knocked out.
"Muk is unable to battle! Aron wins!"
Darren took his Pokeball and called back the unconscious Muk to its ball with an unsatisfied and annoyed expression.
"Tch, you're lucky that I have type disadvantage. But how about this! Aggron crush them!"
The Pokeball on the air opened and a huge armored with steels of silver and gray coloured appeared which gave Rize a very shocking fact for him to see and deal with. It's an Aggron the final evolution form of Aron.
"His Lairon have evolved! This is bad.. can Aron handle Aggron?"
"I've been training and raising my Pokemon after all. Unlike you."
"Yeah? Do you need me to get you a reality spectacle? Look who's on the lead! You're losing this battle! Aron use Dig!"
Aron burrowed and dug deep to the ground and going for a sudden secret attack from below.
"Indeed Dig would be super effective to my Aggron if it land a hit. Wise choice of move. I can't let that to happen. Aggron use Brick Break maximum power onto the ground."
Aggron focused all its strength power onto its right arm, raised it and chopped the battle ground and created a powerful shock wave that shook the ground and create trembles of strong vibration. Aron who was down below underground felt the shock wave of the vibration much more and was forced to came out from the ground as it could not stand the pressure underground.
"Now's the chance! Aggron quick use Brick Break!"
Aggron ran as fast as it could towards the little helpless Aron that was still trying to recover from the shock wave vibration and chopped it hard with an extremely super effective Brick Break attack. Aron was knocked out in an instant.
"Aron is unable to battle! Aggron's the winner."
"Now I guess we're even and your debut ends from now on!"
"Don't dream..."
After getting Aron back into its ball, Rize then took out his other Pokeball. "Now Hitmonchan, show me the results of your training with Master Chuck!"
"Trying to win with a type advantage eh? Not gonna happen! Aggron use Rock Slide!"
Aggron used its power and summoned rocks that appeared on the sky on top of Hitmonchan and they all fell down as to crush Hitmonchan.
Hitmonchan calmly released countless rapid punches that break through and turned all the sliding rocks into tiny pieces and Hitmonchan was clearly unharmed by the Rock Slide attacks as all the fallen rocks was all destroyed.
"Cannot be...!!"
"Oh yes it can! Now use Mach Punch!"
Hitmonchan dashed in a very fast speed and gave Aggron a falcon punch on the its armored body and its hard armored body was cracked and it was sent flying to the back and great was the fall that even cracked the battle ground.
"Aggron is unable to battle. Hitmomchan wins!"
"Cannot be... just one punch and you knocked out my hard defense Aggron?!"
"Ofcourse! Aggron is super weak against Fighting type and my Hitmonchan train hard daily to sharpen its strength and skill with Master Chuck!"
"So you send your Pokemon to somebody else so you don't have to train it by yourself? You're proud with that huh?! What kind of loser are you! Tentacruel go teach them some lesson!"
A giant jellyfish like shape Pokemon with two red rubies jewel on top of its head came out from the Pokeball that Darren threw.
"You may have defeated my Aggron but you're not going to defeat my Tentacruel!"
"Haha, you're really pathetic. You're right in front of a sharp edge and you did not even realize it.
"Tentacruel the Jellyfish Pokemon. It is a Water and Poison type Pokemon. It extends its 80 tentacles to form an encircling poisonous net that is difficult to escape."
"Careful Hitmonchan, be careful of those tentacles!"
"Being cautious is not enough! Tentacruel Hydro Pump!"
The big blue jellyfish Pokemon opened its mouth and spouted a powerful Hydro Pump attack towards Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan with its fighting and combat instinct dodged the attack with ease.
However, the Hydro Pump was just a distraction for Hitmonchan to lose its guard and made it defenseless. As soon as Hitmonchan was defenseless, Darren commanded Tentacruel to use all its tentacles to wrap and bind Hitmonchan's arm and whole body and thus Hitmonchan was all binded by the tentacles and was struggling to move its muscles.
"Hahaha! Now what can you do you brainless fighter, all muscle with no brain! Tentacruel Poison Jab!"
Tentacruel used its remaining tentacles that was not used to jab Hitmonchan's body with its poisonous tentacles and Hitmonchan was beaten up pretty badly and was infected by the poison as well.
"Now use Wrinkle and throw slam it on the ground without releasing your grip!"
Tentacruel wrinkled around Hitmonchan and tossed it to the ground and kept tossing and slamming it.
"Crap! Hitmonchan get hold of yourself and quick charge electricity on both your hands as if to use Thunder Punch!"
Hitmonchan do as Rize said and charged up electric power on both its hands and as Tentacruel's tentacles was binding its hands as well, it got electrocuted then which is super effective.
"Oh no! Tentacruel release Hitmonchan then!"
"Oh no, we won't let you! Grab those tentacles, Hitmonchan!"
Tentacruel quickly released all its tentacles that was binding onto Hitmonchan's body but Hitmonchan managed to grab two tentacles by both of its hands and kept on transfusing electricity to Tentacruel through the tentacles and Tentacruel was zapped and electrocuted and could not move.
"This is bad, if this goes on Tentacruel would be out of comission!"
"Fine then we'll release you."
Hitmonchan released its grip on Tentacruel's tentacles and Tentacruel was free from the zap but it's condition was not looking good.
"Finish it. Thunder Punch!"
Before Darren and Tentacruel could attack, Rize have attacked earlier and Hitmonchan dashed and threw its deadly Thunder Punch attack on Tentacruel and Tentacruel was sent flying and knocked unconscious.
"Tentacruel is unable to battle! Hitmonchan wins! Victory goes to Rize!"
The sign board crossed Darren's picture and Tentacruel and moved them out from the screen and declared Rize as the winner.
"Darn! This cannot be! How could I lose to him?!"
From afar Master Chuck was watching the battle at the spectators seat and talked to himself with proud as if he is the winner. "Now that's the Hitmonchan that trained with me! Of course it won! Hahaha"
Aron Lv.36
ReplyDeleteHitmonchan Lv.45
Muk Lv.38
Aggron Lv.40
Tentacruel Lv.39