Friday, March 25, 2011

Chapter 54 - Giovanni's True Power!

In the Viridian Gym of the Kanto region, the real face of the Gym Leader have been unmasked. The Boss behind the secret criminal organization of Team Rocket was actually the Gym Leader of Viridian, Giovanni, and now Rize is putting its life on stake battling with this evil man. So far Rize have been doing well for knocking out two of Giovanni's Pokemon altough two of his Pokemon have been knocked out as well.
Giovanni: Shall we continue? Nidoking on the ground!

A huge fierce looking Nidoking appeared in front of Rize. Rize checked this newly seen Pokemon with his Pokedex. This Nidoking seems to be larger than the normal average of other Nidoking. It is about 2.8m tall.

" Nidoking the Drill Pokemon and the evolved form of Nidorino. It is a Poison and Ground type. One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick. "

Rize picked a Pokeball under its belt and sent out Poliwrath. It's very clear that Rize wanted to end the battle fast with type advantage.
Rize: Poliwrath use Water Pulse!
For quite a big Pokemon, Nidoking was still able to dodge Poliwrath's Water Pulse attack.
Giovanni: Is that your best shot?
Rize: We gotta stop its movement! Poliwrath Ice Beam!
Giovanni: Flamethrower!
Poliwrath fired an Ice Beam attack from its palm but Nidoking fired a Flamethrower to counter the Ice Beam attack and Poliwrath was hit by the Flamethrower. Rize then ordered Poliwrath to use its Hypnosis attack and successfully put Nidoking to sleep. Using this as opportunity to attack, Rize ordered Poliwrath to use Water Pulse then frozed Nidoking with Ice Beam.
Rize: Now the finishing move! Wake Up Slap!
Poliwrath used Wake Up Slap and broke the frozen Ice that was covering Nidoking. However, instead of knocked out, Nidoking was wide awake due to the Wake Up Slap effect and roared vigorously. Poliwrath suddenly fell and something looks not right with it. Giovanni then laughed out loud and explained to Rize.
Giovanni: Your Poliwrath have been poisoned, my Nidoking's special ability is Poison Point. If a Pokemon made a physical contact with Nidoking it might become poisoned. You've learned another lesson today eh? Now Megahorn!
Nidoking used Megahorn and put an end on Poliwrath's fight. Rize got it back on its Pokeball.
Giovanni: You may use any number of Pokemon you want to fight me..
Rize: Shut up! I'm not going to use dirty tricks like that! Jolteon go!

Giovanni: What?! You knew that Nidoking is a Ground type Pokemon right?!
Rize: Yeah! So what if it is?!
Giovanni: Nevermind, Megahorn attack!
Jolteon moved incredibly fast and dodged Nidoking's Megahorn attack, it then run in circle with a very fast speed confusing Nidoking and Giovanni and fired Shadow Ball attack while running in circle. Nidoking couldn't dodge it and took some hit.
Rize: Keep it up Jolteon!
Giovanni: So this is your plan all along.. pretty impressive.. but.. let me tell you not to mess around with a Ground type! Nidoking Bulldoze!
Nidoking stomped its foot on the ground and made a trembling in the Gym. Jolteon was hit with it super effective and knocked out instantly.
Rize: How could his Nidoking still so full of energy after got hit with those attacks?!
Giovanni: Do you really think you could actually defeat me? I was toying with you when I used Nidoqueen and Rhydon, and now is the real deal!
Giovanni then laughed out loud and told Rize to give up on the battle and end his useless struggle but Rize refused and sent out his next Pokemon, Pidgeot.

Rize: Pidgeot is a flying Pokemon! Your Ground type move is not gonna work anymore! Pidgeot use Air Cutter!
Giovanni: Is it? Thunder Bolt go!
Nidoking fired a Thunder Bolt attack while Pidgeot was attacking with Air Cutter and got shocked with the electric attack and fell down to the ground.
Rize: Pidgeot no!!
Giovanni: Now.. Toxic Spikes!
Nidoking fired a Toxic ball up to the air which then burst and fall like a rain and poisoned the whole ground. Pidgeot was affected with it and become poisoned.
Rize: What the?! Your Nidoking used a total of five moves already! That's against the rule!
Giovanni: Are you blind? Is there any referee here? And this is not an official battle but a life and death battle! I can use any number of moves I want! Nidoking now use Focus Blast!
Nidoking launched a powerful Focus Blast which is a long beam of Fighting type move attack, and since Pidgeot is currently on the ground and not on the air, it becomes super effective and Pidgeot was knocked out. Things are getting worse for Rize. And that's not all, Rize suddenly felt something wrong with his body, he became ill and got a headache.
Giovanni: Hahaha... The poison must have reached to you as well.. It's just a matter of time until you say good-bye to this world. HAHAHA!
Rize: What?! You..! How could you.. do this?! You.. cheater.. *pant.. you promised not to do anything harm until the battle's over.. *pant..
Giovanni: You actually trusted this evil man?! You're too naive! You'll never be strong as long as you keep that weak emotion of kindness and trust! To be strong you have got rid of those fool emotions!
Now Rize himself was poisoned from the Toxic Spikes effect and left with one Pokemon that is still able to battle. Is he going to end his journey here and left all his dreams and hopes now?!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chapter 53 - The Ground type Master!

Rize is now still in the Viridian Gym, supposed to be having a Gym battle but instead he was fighting against someone who he could never have imagine. The Rocket Boss himself. Rize's Sandshrew just tasted the power from Giovanni's Nidoqueen's attack and is now trying its best to get back up. It managed to get back up and evolved just in the time when Rize needed its evolution power the most into a Sandslash.

Rize: Alright! Sandslash!

" Sandslash the Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Sandshrew. It is a Ground type. It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage. "

Giovanni: Evolving in battle, that was quite a sight to see.. Congratulation.. But I afraid I have to destroy your new confidence! Nidoqueen use Earth Power one more time!
Nidoqueen striked its punch to the ground trembling the ground floor and opened cracks and erupted the ground.
Rize: Sandslash jump! And use Slash attack!
Sandslash jumped high and avoided the Earth Power attack and ready to launched its new sharp claws to attack.
Giovanni: Huhu.. This is what I expect, in the air you're defenseless! Ice Beam!
Rize was shocked to hear that he have fell for a trap, Sandslash was hit with the powerful Ice Beam attack and become frozen solid. It then fell hard to the ground until the whole Ice covering its body was crashed.
Giovanni: This should put an end to it..
The Sand Tomb attack earlier have stopped which indicates that Sandslash is really out this time.
Just before Rize could expect something from his new evolved Pokemon, it is already defeated within seconds after its evolution. Rize knew it well and didn't want to force Sandslash to fight anymore and returned it to its ball to have a rest.
Giovanni: Now why don't you come down from your Pokemon, I will do nothing harmful to you until the battle is over. We already have a deal right.. I may be an evil person but you can at least trust me in this as I never break my promises.
Rize doubted him at first but then he thought it will give Pidgeot a rest. Rize then landed back down to the ground and resume the battle. He reached his Pokeball under its belt and sent out the next Pokemon, Gyarados.

Giovanni: Oh.. I'm scared.. Are you finally getting serious?
Rize: Don't mock me! We gotta go with the big one! Gyarados use Hydro Pump!
Gyarados launched a powerful Hydro Pump attack and hit Nidoqueen super effective. Rize didn't give it any chance to rest nor counter attack and followed it up with Dragon Rage attack and knocked it out.
Giovanni: Well done.. You're quite good for your age..

Rize: Do you know where I first meet up with Gyarados? It was in your headquarter! It was one of from the hundreds of Pokemon you've stolen and experimented! It was labeled as a failure and was about to be executed! It was then when I stepped in and rescue it from your evil hands! To think that now it becomes something that will bring you down to a defeat! How ironic!
Gyarados roared loud, learning that it was facing against the man who planned on his kidnap and experiment it is more fired up than ever to take down Giovanni and attacked Giovanni without being ordered in a reckless way. Giovanni dodged Gyarados' charging and sent out his next Pokemon, Rhydon, Rhyhorn's evolved form.

" Rhydon the Drill Pokemon and the evolved form of Rhyhorn. It is a Ground and Rock type. Its brain developed after it stood up on its hind legs. Its drill horn bores tunnels through solid rock. "

Giovanni: You should teach your Pokemon some manner! Rhydon, Stone Edge!
A line up of striking stones attacked Gyarados which will cause a real serious damage if it landed onto Gyarados.
Rize: Hurry up use Hydro Pump!
Gyarados used Hydro Pump and destroyed all of the Stone Edge attack and the water current then striked to Rhydon suppose to land a direct hit on it and knock Rhydon out. However, Rhydon was surprisingly still standing and didn't got hit from the Hydro Pump attack.
Rize: But how?!
Giovanni: Rhydon spinned its horn and repelled the water to its side and avoided it to hit its body directly. Now.. Rhydon Drill Run!
Rhydon once again spinned its horn on its head and charged onto Gyarados.
Rize: Hydro Pump!
Gyarados fired another Hydro Pump attack as a cessation to Rhydon's attack but it proved to be uneffective as Rhydon drilled through the water and hit Gyarados with its Drill Run attack which made Gyarados to scream in its pain.
Giovanni: Now.. Rhydon, Thunder Bolt please..
In a surprise to Rize, Rhydon used a Thunder Bolt, an Electric type move and hit Gyarados with it. Gyadaros' number one weakness is electric type move and Gyarados was seriously injured.
Giovanni: I'm a Ground type master! My Pokemon can master almost all of the basic element attacks such as water, fire, electric and ice!
Rize: How in the world?!
Giovanni: Even using a type advantage you still can't defeat me. That Gyarados was indeed a true failure!
Rize: You can say whatever to me but I will not allow you to say such word to my Gyarados! It was my fault as a Trainer that made it lost! My Gyarados is a strong Pokemon!
Having protected from its Trainer heard of what Rize truely think of it, Gyarados got back up despite of all its injuries. Rize took the chance and command it to use Dragon Rage attack close range which Rhydon was unable to avoid and created an explosion on Rhydon.
Rize: Hydro Pump!
Even before the smokes from the explosion was cleared to see if Rhydon was still standing or not, Rize have commanded another attack and Rhydon was pushed hard to the wall with Hydro Pump and made a crack to the wall. Rhydon seems to be unable to continue the match but it still give a little sign of battling as it moves its body to get back up.
Rize: Final shot! Hyper Beam!!
Gyarados fired a powerful Hyper Beam, Rhydon took a direct hit of it and another explosion occured. This time, Rhydon was out of the match for sure and Giovanni put it back on its ball. Rize was not happy at all of the victor but instead fired up and can't wait to knock down the rest of Giovanni's Pokemon and put an end to Team Rocket. However, after the last attack, Gyarados have used up all of its energy and was out of the match as well.

Chapter 52 - The Gym Battle for Life! vs Rocket Boss!

Rize have arrived to Viridian Gym and went in to challenge the Gym, not knowing of the danger he is going to face.
Rize: This is it! I'm going to get my last badge! That Marowak won't stand a chance with me now! By the way where is everyone? Why's this Gym so silent and empty?
Giovanni: I've long waited for you to come, Rize.
A man came out of the shadow at edge of the Gym's room with the most evil smile that Rize have ever seen in his life.

Rize: Who are you?! How do you know my name?!
Giovanni: I know a lot about you, Rize. When I first saw you I thought you're not the boy who have been messing with Team Rocket because you're too weak. Then I decided to send a spy to keep an eye on you. You're from Littleroot Town of Hoenn. Participated in Hoenn Jr League when you're 12 and became top 16. But what is remarkable is that you play a part in saving Hoenn from destruction from Kyogre and Groudon's fight! Then you went to Johto and became the runner up in Johto Jr League. Now what's remarkable here is that you've ruined many of my plans in Johto. And now you came to Kanto collecting Gym Badges like what you are trying to do now and you've been messing around with my plans as well. For a boy of your age, that's quite an achievement. To be honest, I'm impressed.
Rize: How did you know about that Kyogre and Groudon incident?! Nobody should have know about my part in it, not even people in Hoenn! What do you mean by your plans?! Spy?!
Giovanni: There are no facts that can hide from me..
Rize saw the "R" Logo on the man's jacket and was shocked. Sweats started to drop off his cheeks and his body is shivering.
Rize: Are... you..! Could it be that.. you.. you're!
Giovanni: Say it! Split it out! Loud!
Rize was too affraid to split it out from his mouth.
Giovanni: I am Giovanni! The Boss of the criminal organization Team Rocket that you've been messing around with! It looks like that you've came to my headquarters and cause some mess. I never thought that anybody could know the whereabout of my headquarter that's why the security level was low. I guess I'm underestimating the International Police too much. But now I'm going to put an end into your futile efforts!
Rize: What's the Rocket Boss doing in a Pokemon Gym?! Don't tell me you! You've gotten rid of all the people and the Leaders here?!
Giovanni: I just simply told them that the Gym will be close for today, no blood was split on  the floor as you can see.. Ahh.. for your information, I am the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym!
Rize: How could?! How could a criminal like you be a Gym Leader?!
Giovanni: Criminal? No.. my name's clean in public! Afterall I always hide and been pulling strings from the shadow. Nobody know the identity of the Rocket's Boss!
Rize: Too bad! Now that I knew about it! You're going to get caught!
Giovanni: Do you really think I will let you get out of this room alive?! How naive! Nidoqueen attack! Poison Jab!

Without warning and no time to check on what Pokemon is that, Rize was attacked by Nidoqueen's Poison Jab. Rize sent out his Pidgeot and ride on its back and avoided Nidoqueen's Poison Jab attack in time.

Rize: That was dangerous!

" Nidoqueen the Drill Pokemon and the evolved form of Nidorina. It is a Poison and Ground type. Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life. "

Rize: We'll stay up in the air far from them Pidgeot! Giovanni! I challenge you to a battle! If you lose you will disband Team Rocket and went back to the right path or surrender yourself to the police!
Giovanni: Hm! And what if I win?
Rize: ....!
Giovanni: Your life will end! How's that?!
Rize: ... I accept your deal! Sandshrew go!

Giovanni: What's this?! You're going to face me with a weak Pokemon like that?!
Rize: Never underestimate your opponent from its size! I'm going to win you with my own Ground type!
Giovanni: You're really one interesting person! Nidoqueen use Aqua Tail!
Rize: What?! It can use a Water type attack?! Sandshrew use Dig to dodge it!
Sandshrew dug underground and avoided Nidoqueen's Aqua Tail. Nidoqueen was cautios and looking for where Sandshrew would come out.
Giovanni: Child's play..
Rize: We'll see about that! Sandshrew use Sand Tomb!
Nidoqueen's standing ground was destroyed and Nidoqueen was sucked into the sand and the sands kept inflicting damage to it.
Rize: Got you! We have lock its footing! Sandshrew use Swift!
Sandshrew used Swift and Nidoqueen was hurt even more.
Giovanni: My my.. I'm impressed.. You could do this to me! Nidoqueen Ice Beam!
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig to dodge!
Once again Sandshrew dug its way underground and escaped from Nidoqueen's deadly Ice Beam attack.
Rize: " If we keep this up, we will win!"
Giovanni: I have enough of this child's play.. Nidoqueen Earth Power!
Nidoqueen punched the ground and the ground cracked and erupted. Sandshrew was in the ground and took the hit made it came out from the ground terribly injured. It looks like it can't continue.
Giovanni: One down..
Rize: There's no official referee in this match! Sandshrew stand up! You can do it!
Will Sandshrew be able to get back up on its feet and continue the battle?!

Chapter 51 - Mewtwo's Destiny and Decision!

Mewtwo agreed to come to Giovanni's side and Giovanni taught it much about the world, Pokemon and life.
Mewtwo: So I am the strongest Pokemon in this world? Let me test my strength!
Giovanni: Very well! But in one condition, you have to go inside of my Pokeball. Afterall, Pokemon who stays with human reside in Pokeball.
Mewtwo: " Can I trust this man?" Very well.
Mewtwo was doubting Giovanni for a momment but in the end obeyed and went inside Giovanni's Pokeball and became Giovanni's Pokemon. Giovanni then accepted challengers using only Mewtwo and defeated all of his challenger. Not even just in normal single battle but against six Pokemon at once, Mewtwo still proves to be superior.

Every challenger that went up against Mewtwo went back with shock and fear to see and battled the most terrifying opponent ever.
Giovanni: Are you satisfied with your magnificent power?
Mewtwo: They are just too weak, I didn't even use a quarter of my strength. Isn't there any stronger opponent?
Giovanni: There is.. but I bet that you could win them as easily as those weaklings you've beaten. Afterall you're the most powerful Pokemon in the world.
Mewtwo: Then what's the point of being strong and beating them? I didn't feel anything at all.
Giovanni: Easy my friend, you will feel with voracious enjoyment and satisfied if you have defeated every Pokemon there is in the world to prove that you are really the most powerful Pokemon.
Mewtwo: Then let me battle those Pokemon!
Giovanni: Be patient my friend.. There are these Pokemon so called Legendary and they are stronger than any other common wild Pokemon you can find anywhere. However it is not easy to meet with those Legendary Pokemon as where they reside are unknown to humans. You are created from  the Legendary Pokemon Mew, you are its clone! But you are more superior than Mew.
Mewtwo: So I am just a copy?! You created me because you are weak and unable to get your hand on those powerful Legendary Pokemon by your own and decided to create me from a Legendary Pokemon's DNA! Is that what you created me for?!
Giovanni: No that's not it!
Mewtwo: Then what?! You didn't do anything too during the battles and I just defeated them on my own will and power!
Giovanni: I am the most powerful Gym Leader in this region! If there is anybody who is worth to be your master it is non other  than me, Giovanni!
Mewtwo: Prove me that you are worthy of me! Afterall, human battle the Pokemon before they catch it. Now try to catch me!
Giovanni: Catch you?! For what?! I've caught you already! You've been speaking nonsense! Enough and get back to your Pokeball.
Giovanni returned Mewtwo back into its Pokeball. However, Mewtwo went out from its Pokeball by itself without being ordered and destroyed its Pokeball in Giovanni's hand.
Giovanni: What!!
Mewtwo: Useless! Now come and fight me! Or are you unable to?!
Giovanni sent out all of his most powerful Pokemon and attacked Mewtwo at once together but all of them, are swept away with a single blow and defeated by Mewtwo.
Mewtwo: Is that your best? You're no different with those weakling! You are not worth to be my partner!
Giovanni: Wait! I created you! I gave you life to live! You should obey me!
Mewtwo: I didn't ask for it in the first place! Now I'm going on my own searching for those powerful Legendary Pokemon and challenge them to a duel! I don't need you, useless human!
Mewtwo fly up high and faraway leaving Giovanni and his Gym behind. Giovanni was so frustrated with Mewtwo left from his side. All of his dream ruling the world was vanished right in front of him just before it can become a reality.
Giovanni: Damn you!! I need to blow off some steam!!
"Beep beep.." A transmission line went in to his office and it was Apollo.
Apollo: Sir! The boy named Rize who have been ruining our plan is coming to challenge your Gym!
Giovanni: Is that so? Good timing, let me deal with him myself! I'm going to erase that good for nothing boy from existence!
Giovanni the leader of Team Rocket is going to face Rize himself, the sword of Damocles is hanging over Rize! Will Rize be able to face this eminent danger that is going to come to him?!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chapter 50 - The Birth of Mewtwo!

Back into the secret laboratory of Team Rocket, a group of scientists are working together on the Mew's DNA that they have obtained trying to complete their project on creating Mew's genetic replica or shortly a clone of Mew.
Rocket Scientist: At long last! After 10 years of the start of this project that we can't finish without Mew's DNA, our dream of creating the world's most powerful Pokemon is finally going to be a reality!
A sleeping Pokemon inside a water tank started to give sign of life, growing even stronger and stronger.
Meanwhile in Prof.Oak's place.
Prof.Oak: Rize how many badges have you got so far?
Rize: I got seven! One more and I'm set for the Kanto League! But where is the last Gym anyway?
Prof.Oak: Let see what badges have you got.. Oh the last Gym for you is the Viridian Gym,  the Ground type Gym.
Rize: Viridian Gym?!
Upon hearing the name of the Gym, Rize remembered that he have challenged the Gym as the first Gym he challenged in Kanto and how he ended up losing terribly.
Rize: I remember that Gym! Alright! This time I'm going to get my revenge! I'll win definitely!
Suddenly Midori stepped in to the lab and challenged Rize to a battle.
Midori: You seem to be quite fired up, let me see if you really can win the Viridian Gym. How about a practice battle, Rize?
Rize: You bet!
Rize agreed for the offer and they are going to have a double battle.
Rize: Why do it have to a double battle??
Midori: I'll show you my great combination! Clefable and Wigglytuff, on the stage now!

Rize: Stage?? Anyway what're those Pokemon?
Rize checked both Pokemon with his Pokedex and learned about the new Pokemon.
Rize: Kay! Both are normal types! Poliwrath and Sandshrew go! Alright.. Ladies first...
Midori: Thank you.. you're gonna regret it tough.. Clefable and Wigglytuff, double Attract!
Rize: What?! Attract?!
Clefable and Wigglytuff used Attract and made both Poliwrath and Sandshrew to be in love with them thus making them dazing off and unable to listen to command and attack.
Rize: This is trouble!
Midori: Double Slap! Both of you!
Clefable and Wigglytuff slapped Poliwrath and Sandshrew lot of times until Poliwrath and Sandshrew shaken off from the Attract effect.
Midori: They've snapped out of it, things could turn bad! Double Sing!
This time the duo did a duet in singing a sleepy tune and put Poliwrath and Sandshew to sleep.
Rize: Wake up!
Midori: I'll wake them up for you! Wake Up Slap!
Poliwrath and Sandshrew woke up but is out of the battle immediately.
Rize: I.. lost...?
Midori: Lesson is never underestimate a girl! Haha!
Rize: That was an amazing combination! Are you going for the Kanto League as well?!
Midori: Nop,  that was really not my thing..
Rize: What the.. With that kind of battle skill you have you might have what it takes to be the winner, who knows..
Midori: Haha, you're too soft.. if you think that my battling skill is somewhat good to be able to win, wait till you see Shigeru in battle! He's far better than Satoshi who's far better than me. By the way even Reinz and Ryussei are far above me as well.
Rize was shocked to hear the facts that Midori just split out, it was as if the level where he is right now is still far against his rivals.
Back into the secret laboratory of Team Rocket, Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket have arrived there to see the Pokemon they have created. The sleeping Pokemon inside the water tank suddenly began to gain conciousness and opened its eye for the first time.
Giovanni: Welcome to my Team, Mewtwo..
The Mewtwo used telekinesis power to speak back to Giovanni.
Mewtwo: Who are you? Mewtwo? Who? Me?
Giovanni: Yes! You! You are Mewtwo! The world's most powerful Pokemon in the world that I've created! You and I are going to be partner and be the strongest team and rule the world...!
Mewtwo: Pokemon? Am I  that strong? You're my partner? Rule the world? What are those? I don't understand at all.
Giovanni: If you would come with me you will understand.
Mewtwo: I'll come with you..
The Pokemon created by Team Rocket have awoken and it is given the name Mewtwo! Now that Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket have gotten his hand on probably the world's most powerful Pokemon, what could have happen to the whole world?!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chapter 49 - Pidgeot's Tears & Anger!

In a furtive place, Apollo, the Rocket Executive who managed to escape from the International Police contacted to the Boss and reported to him of everything that happened in the headquarter.
Rocket Boss: What?! So we still have not yet gotten Mew in our hands?!
Apollo: Calm down, my lord Giovanni. During the exploration on Faraway Island, one of our Grunt managed to reached the core of the Tree of Life and he managed to get a piece of Mew's cell! I've gotten it with me right now.
Giovanni: Good! That's all we need to fulfill our mission! Hurry and contact our remaining eminent scientists to conduct this majestic experiment!
Apollo: It's hapless I couldn't save any of our members in the headquarter Sir.
Giovanni: Hmph! They're just a pig in a poke! Useless as ever! As long as I got the Pokemon we are going to create, I don't need them anymore anyway. You've done a very well done job! Keep it up!
Apollo: Thanks Sir! Understood! How about that meddling kid?! He's been ruining our plans in Johto!
Giovanni: Yes, I didn't expect it was him afterall when he first challenged my Gym. Transmission off!
The line got cut off.
Giovanni: Rize huh? Huhuhu maybe I will deal with him myself..
Meanwhile Rize have gotten back in Pallet Town in Prof.Oak's place to report on what have happened.
Prof.Oak: Impressive Rize! Not only did you retrieved back your Pokemon but you've saved a Gyarados' life. It is a shocking truth that Silph Co is actually part of Team Rocket tough. It's all everywhere in the news now.
Rize excused himself from Prof.Oak to have a talk with Pidgeot, Kingler and Gyarados.
Rize: Kingler! Glad you're allright! Welcome back!
Kingler was all happy again to be united back with Rize. However Pidgeot seems to be voracious with anger and irate when it was sent out from its Pokeball.
Rize: Welcome back Pidgeotto, no, Pidgeot!

" Pidgeot the Bird Pokemon and the evolved form of Pidgeotto. It is a Normal and Flying type. By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. "

Pidgeot suddenly attacked Rize with its Air Cutter attack and Rize was injured by it. Kingler was shocked to see it as well.
Rize: What's wrong with you Pidgeot?? I know you must be angry from what all those people did to you! But it wasn't my intention to send you to them!
Pidgeot didn't want to listen to Rize's explanation and kept on attacking with Air Cutter but this time Kingler covered Rize from the attack and received the blow. Rize then sent out all of his Pokemon with him.
Rize: Pidgeot! Please believe us! We did our best to save you and bring you back to us safely! Not only you, Kingler was kidnapped as well!
All of Rize's Pokemon helped to communicate and convince Pidgeot about the truth. Tears begin to drop from Pidgeot's eyes, it then landed to Rize and perceived Rize's intention. Rize hugged his Pidgeot and so do Pidgeot.
Rize: Thanks for understanding us Pidgeot! Look here, I got a new Pokeball for you! It's an Ultra Ball! Since you're now a different coloured Pidgeot! You're special from the other Pidgeot! You're one of a kind! You must have a special Pokeball too!

Pidgeot was so happy to have Rize as its Trainer as tears kept dropping down. Rize and all of his Pokemon are all happy as well to be united back.
Rize: Now I have a news for all of you! We have a new friend!
Rize sent out the new obtained Gyarados that he saved back in the Rocket Headquater.

Rize: Welcome to the team Gyarados! Let's become strong together!
Rize and his Pokemon greeted Gyarados a warm welcome and Gyarados accepted it with delighted heart. Now with new power and Pokemon in his team, Rize is becoming more confident of winning the Kanto League. Meanwhile, in Rocket's other secret laboratory.
Rocket Scientist: Yes! It's a success! This Pokemon we created is alive! Hurry and report to the Boss!
While Rize was celebrating his reunion with his Pokemon, it looks like a new threat is being born somewhere. What kind of Pokemon that Team  Rocket have created?!

Chapter 48 - Showdown in Rocket's Headquarter!

The plan of leaving the Rocket's Headquarter peacefully have been changed in order to save the Gyarados. Now Rize and the other's battle with Team Rocket is about to begin.
Apollo: How dare you!! Grunts! attack them!
The Grunts ordered their Raticates and Golbats to attack Rize and co.
Satoshi: Tauros! I choose you!

Satoshi: Use Take Down on all those Raticates!
Satoshi's Tauros charged and took down all of the attacking Raticates with a single Take Down.
The Rocket Grunt's Golbat's attacked together with Air Cutter.
Reinz: Leave this to me! Blastoise Protect!

Reinz' Blastoise used Protect and created a Barrier that protected them all from all the Air Cutter attacks.
Reinz: Rize, leave all of these to us! You go and save the Gyarados!
Rize: Thanks Rize! Let's go Jolteon!
Reinz: Ryussei! Hurry up and help too!
Ryussei with his emotionless style who was just standing and do nothing start to reach his Pokeball under his belt.
Ryussei: ... Here goes nothing.. Golem go!
Looker, Satoshoi, Reinz and Ryussei teamed up to face the whole Rocket Grunts' Pokemon while Rize went to save the Gyarados alone. However, an old enemy appeared before Rize. The Rocket Spy and Lambda.
Lambda: This time I will kill you for sure boy! Golbat attack!
Rocket Spy: I'll get my revenge for ruining my plan in Seafoam Island! Aerodactyl attack!

Rize sent out Charizard and ride on its back and flew up high to dodge Golbat and Aerodactyl's attack.
Rize: "This is different from normal Pokemon battles! They're really trying to kill me!" Charizard use Flamethrower!
Aerodactyl managed to dodge Charizard's Flamethrower with its fast speed but Golbat couldn't and knocked out with it.
Lambda: Damn! I'm out of Pokemon!
Rocket Spy: You useless! Aerodactyl Rock Blast!
Aerodactyl used Rock Blast and Charizard was hit a few times by it which is super effective to Charizard. Charizard and Rize fell down hard to the ground.
Rocket Spy: Hahahaa! How's that?!
Rize and Charizard was both terribly injured. The Rocket Spy came near to Rize and stepped on his head.
Rocket Spy: Now what can you do huh?!
Without realizing it, the Rocket Spy got his guard off. Jolteon was already in Aerodactyl's back and used Thunder to it. Aerodactyl tried to shake Jolteon off but Jolteon kept using Thunder attack untill Aerodactyl passed out and fell to the ground.
Rocket Spy: Back off! You're not going to fire your Thunder attack to your own Trainer right?!
The Rocket Spy used Rize as his shield so that Jolteon couldn't attack him.
Apollo: Hahaha well done! Arbok use Gunk Shot on that Jolteon!

A powerful acidic bomb was fired from Arbok's mouth and Jolteon was hit by it and out of commission. Just when things got really bad to Rize, help came as his friends have took care of the whole Rocket Grunts.
Satoshi: Pidgeot go!

Pidgeot carried the Rocket Spy with it and threw it away far from them. Looker and the rest are now on Rize side.Pidgeot then go and face Arbok.
Apollo: Arbok use Crunch!
Satoshi: Air Slash!
Arbok dodged Pidgeot's Air Slash attack and used Crunch on Pidgeot's wing and Pidgeot fell down hard to the ground.
Satoshi: Pidgeot!
Apollo: Hahaha! I'm not the Rocket Executive for nothing!
Looker: You're not going anywhere!Growlithe go!
Apollo: Arbok Glare!
Arbok used Glare and all of them became paralysed and couldn't move at all.
Satoshi: This is bad!
Reinz: I can't reach my Pokeball...!
Apollo: Now what shall I do to all of you? Hmm..
Just in time, the rest of the International Police Force group came to the rescue to the Rocket Headquarter.
Looker: Haha, I've reported to the rest of your headquarter and now they've came! You're done for now!
Apollo: Is it? Listen! If you don't want your colleague or any of this boys to end their life for nothin here you all shall let me go. How about it? It's a fair trade right?
Looker: Tch!
The International Police Force group have no choice but to obey Apollo's command and let him escape. Apollo used a Smoke Ball and vanished with the smokes. As Apollo have gone, Rize and the others are able to move again. The whole Rocket Grunts and Scientists were arrested and all of the stolen Pokemon are freed and kept in the police office untill their rightful Trainer come and pick them up.
Blaine: I'm sorry I didn't help but just watch from afar. I never expect things to be like this.
Looker: It's okay, you were worried that your identity will be revealed to the Rockets back then if you help us right? Anyway we're not done yet! That Apollo escaped and their Boss is still unknown of who and where. You must know who's their Boss right?
Blaine: No.. Even I have never meet with their Boss before. The Boss rarely come to the headquarter and just ordered via voice communication devices.
Rize freed the Gyarados earlier from its electric cage and took it with him to the Pokemon Centre as it have heavy injuries. Rize thanked everyone involved in helping him getting back his stolen Pokemon.
Looker: Nahh.. we're the one to thank you as we finally a step ahead of clearing the evil organization Team Rocket completely! And thanks to all of you as well, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei! All the best to all of you!
All of them then parted ways and resume back on their own personal journeys and adventures. The International Police Force will still be hunting The remaining of Team Rocket.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter 47 - Save the Tortured Gyarados!

Having successfully gotten back the stolen Pokemon, escape is the only thing left to do. Rize and the others are discussing on how to escape in a room with Blaine.
Looker: They believe it is the real Mew and they are going to celebrate for now before they will conduct an experiment to it.
Blaine: Good, then you have time to escape. Do not worry about your Ditto as I will promise its safety and return it to you afterwards. Now you all can leave this place peacefully and leave the rest to me.
Looker: Hold on. Before that I have a question. What is Team Rocket's intention of catching Mew? What kind of experiment are they planning?
Blaine was quiet for a few seconds before he finally answered to Looker's question.
Blaine: To tell you the truth, they are planning on a very crazy wicked plan ever! They are trying to use Mew's cell to create a Pokemon far more powerful than Mew itself! They are trying to create the world's most powerful Pokemon and control it! Team Rocket's motto is to gather powerful Pokemon and create the powerful Pokemon Army and conquer the world!
Looker: !!
Satoshi: What?!
Rize: Impossible!!
Reinz: Sick!!
Ryussei: ...!
Blaine: That is why Team Rocket have been stealing Pokemon and sell them for cash, all of this is to support this new Pokemon they are going to create from Mew as it need lots of funds!
Rize: That's absurd! You can't just create a Pokemon as you wish like that!
Meanwhile in other place of Rocket's Headquarter, the Rocket Spy came to the experiment room and asked the scientists that conducted an experiment to Rize's Pokemon how it goes.
Rocket Spy: What?! A mere Grunt told you that the Boss ordered him to take those Pokemon with him?! Impossible! Who's that Grunt's name?!
Rocket Scientist: I don't know I didn't ask about his identity card and just gave him the Pokemon. While the other Pokemon that we have experimented successfully have been kept with Scientist Ridle.
Rocket: " Ridle huh? Allright I'll ask him. But what about the other Grunt? Could it be that.. no that can't be."
Suddenly there's a broadcast message that told the whole Rocket to gather in the main hall to brief about their success on capturing Mew. The whole Rocket Grunts and Scientists gathered there including Rize and the others as well. A Rocket Executive whose name is Apollo was standing on the stage and gave some speech.
Apollo: Dear fellows! I have some words to pass on to you all from our Boss. We have successfully captured Mew the Legendary Pokemon and our mission to complete is a step closer now.
Apollo showed the whole Team Rocket the Mew who is sleeping inside a cage. Ditto was actually faking its sleep. The whole Team Rocket was amazed by looking Mew right in front of their own eyes live.
Apollo: Now let us all celebrate for today, here is a Pokemon from a failed experiment! It was supposed to be a red coloured Gyarados after the experiment but the experiment failed and this Gyarados remained in its normal colour state. This means that this Gyarados is a failure! And a failure Pokemon is no good at all and does not have the right to live! Let's all have fun in disposing this useless Pokemon!
The whole Rocket Grunts shouted and cheered while Rize and the others was just astonished and shocked from hearing the speech.
Satoshi: They're going to kill the Gyarados!
Reinz: Poor Gyarados. I wish I could help.
The Rocket started to torture the caged Gyarados by shocking it with electricity and the Gyarados was screaming in pain hoping that someone would come and rescue it.
Ryussei: It won't last long, Gyarados is very weak to electric attacks.
Having stood still hopelessly watching all of this event happening right before Rize's eyes,he became enraged and goes berserk.
Rize: I can't take this anymore!! Jolteon Thunder Bolt!
Rize summoned his Jolteon and fired a Thunder Bolt attack and zapped some Rocket Grunts and created some pathways for him to reach and save the Gyarados.
Apollo: What is he doing?! Stop that traitor!
The whole Rocket Grunts summoned their Pokemon Raticate and Golbat which total up to be about 50 of them each. But fear not as he have friends by his side ready to help him and they all take off their Rocket uniforms outfit and revealed themselves to be non Rocket members.
Rocket Spy: Rize! He's here afterall! So that Grunt who took the Kingler must be him!
Lambda: Wow! He's here! Time to get some revenge!
Looker: Team Rocket! You've failed! That Mew is not the real Mew but non other than my Ditto!
Ditto revealed itself and turned back into its real form and Looker immediately returned it to its Pokeball.
Apollo: What?! We've been fooled! Who are you people?!
Blaine was watching this from above alone.
Blaine: How could things turn out to be like this?!
Looker: Team! I guess there's a change of plan! We're going to rescue the Gyarados before we get outta here! I am Looker from the International Police Force! Now prepare yourself Rockets!
Will Rize and the others be able to save the Gyarados and escape from the Rocket's Headquarter safely?!

Chapter 46 - To Rocket's Headquarter! Save Kingler & Pidgeotto!

Flying trough the clear wide orange coloured sky leaving the Faraway Island behind, Rize and co along with the Rocket Grunts flew and headed to the Rocket's Headquarter and as they are reaching  their destination..
Rize: Hey everyone, isn't this..?
Satoshi: Saffron City!
Looker: So their base is in Saffron City all this time!
The helicopter landed on the helicopter port above the building of the famous company Silph Co.
Ryussei: I can't believe a good reputation company like Silph Co is actually Team Rocket!
Reinz: Moreover, I never thought that sneaking inside their base was this easy. They didn't do any check on any grunts that came to the headquarter and just let us excess.
The Rocket Grunt Leader reported the success of the mission to the boss and went into the special experiment laboratory room.
Reinz: They took "Mew" into the experiment lab room! What are they planning to do afterall?!
Looker: I will follow him and protect my Ditto! Satoshi come with me while the three of you go and find Rize's Pokemon!
Rize together with Reinz and Ryussei split ways with Looker and Satoshi to find Kingler and Pidgeotto.
Rize: " Just wait you guys! I'm going to rescue you!"
Rize and the others found that  there are lots of experiment laboratory rooms, they then decided to check each room one by one seperately. Rize entered the experiment laboratory room and found that there are lots of Pokemon in cages and in a glass walled place full of water being experimented by some scientists.
Rize: " Ugh! Poor them! All of these Pokemon must be the Pokemon stolen by other people! They must be in pain missing their Trainers! I don't have much time! The Rockets will soon find out that it is a fake Mew and I have to find Kingler and Pidgeotto before that and escaped after that. That was the original plan all along."
Rize couldn't find Kingler and Pidgeotto and decided to ask one of the scientist of where they are.
Rocket Scientist: The Kingler and Pidgeotto we just got recently? Yes we still have it, what is it?
Rize: The boss said that they are for me to use so I want you to give it to me now.
The Rocket Scientist believed in Rize's words and took Rize into the Pokemon storage room and found his Kingler. The Rocket Scientist handed Rize Kingler's Pokeball and freed Kingler from the electrical cage. Kingler was very happy when it saw Rize and so do Rize but Rize immediately returned it back to its Pokeball after that.
Rocket Scientist: Hmm.. It's weird that Kingler look so delighted when it sees you.. anyway next is Pidgeotto right?
Rize sent a message to his comrades via the Pokegear secretly that he have successfully got his Kingler back.
Rocket Scientist: The Pidgeotto's not here anymore, I think it is now under some lab experiment in room 4. That Kingler was suppose to be experimented later too.
Rize was shocked to hear that his Pidgeotto was being experimented in lab experiment and dashed to experiment room 4 right after that. When he arrived in the experiment room 4, he saw his Pidgeotto inside a big glass tube shining and begin evolved.
Rocket Scientist: Success! The experiment was a success! We evolved this normal Pidgeotto into an altered colour Pidgeot!
Rize saw that beside the other Rocket Scientist is someone he have seen before and he remembered.
Rize: "Isn't that Blaine the Cinabar Gym Leader?! He's a scientist of Team Rocket?!"
Blaine saw the biographical data of the experimented Pidgeotto and found out that he knew the original Trainer was a Trainer who challenged his Gym few days ago. Blaine returned the Pidgeot back into its Pokeball and took it with him. He then left the room and Rize followed him on the back. When they're out of the room Rize approached him.
Rize: Prof.Blaine! That Pidgeot was supposed to be given to me! This is the boss order!
Blaine turned back to see who called him.
Blaine: Nobody called me Prof.Blaine in this place.. who are you?!
At that very momment, Rize was trembling, figuring that he will be found out by Blaine for sneaking into the Rocket's headquarter. Blaine recognized Rize's face even under his disguised in Rocket's black outfit uniform and hat.
Blaine: You're Rize?!
Rize was shocked to know that Blaine recognized his disguised and was sweating. His heart was pumping extremely fast. However, Blaine quickly handed him a Pokeball which contained his Pidgeot inside and told him not to be afraid. Blaine told him that he was actually working in Team Rocket as an undercover scientist in order to know and gain information about Team Rocket. Rize then told Blaine about his situation of why he is here and everything.
Blaine: So that's how things right now huh? First I'm telling you that your Pidgeot's completely fine as I knew it belonged to you and I didn't do any harmful experiment to it. Instead it is completely the opposite, you should find it out yourself when you use it in battle. Now it is only a matter of time before they realized that it is only a mere Ditto and not the real Mew! I will help you to escape later, now let me meet with Looker and tell him my plan.
Rize have finally got back his stolen Pokemon from Team Rocket and gained a new ally Blaine in his side! What plan do Blaine have in his mind?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chapter 45 - To the Core of the Tree of Beginning!

In order to save Pidgeotto and Kingler, Rize accompanied by Looker, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei went to Faraway Island, an island somewhere in the sea of Kanto to blend in with Team Rocket so that they can go to the Rocket's Headquarter along with them. It's thanks to the Ninja disguising technique that Rize learned in the Fuschia Gym that now they can blend in with Team Rocket without being known.
Rocket Grunt Leader: Grunts! Always be alert as Mew can be anywhere around us! For now let's head into that big tree over there! The Tree of Beginning! That must be the home of Mew!
Rize in a very silent tone, whispered to Looker.
Rize: The Tree of Life? Is Mew really there?
Looker: I don't know but for now let's just continue with their games.
All of them went walked into the Tree of Beginning. The wild Pokemon in the Faraway Island are very sensitive and hid themself when the Rocket Grunts walked along the road, probably because they have never see a human in their life whole life before. Except for this, ever since Rize and co set foot on the island, a wild little Pidgey have been setting its eye and following on them but they ignored it as it is only a little Pidgtey. Finally they reached into the entrance of the Tree of Life and entered. It was a very huge giant tree, far bigger than it looks from far with rich leaves and vines on the body of the tree.
Rocket Grunt Leader: Now let's all spread out and look for Mew in every corner of this tree!
The whole Rocket Grunts probably 20 of them and with additional five of Rize and co spread out and searched for Mew.
Satoshi: Looker! Now must be the best timing!
Looker: Right! Ditto come out! Use Transform and transform into Mew!

" Ditto the Transform Pokemon. It is a Normal type. It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees."

Reinz: This is not the time to be checking your Pokedex! What if they saw you!

Looker's Ditto transformed perfectly into a Mew and they began their cat and dog chase drama with Ditto as if the five of them were trying to catch this fake Mew to convince the whole Rocket Grunt that Mew have been found.
Reinz: Attention all! It's Mew! Mew has been found!
The whole Rocket Grunt quickly gathered into their place.
Rocket Grunt Leader: Allright Grunts use the equipments and catch this Mew!
Looker: Let me do it!
Looker used the fake equipment and Ditto purposely fall into the hand of the equipment and got caught.
Rocket Grunt: Yes!! Good Job! We have finally captured Mew the Legendary Pokemon! Now Team Rocket's dream to become a reality is a step ahead! Folks! Let's all return to our base!
Rize: Looker We did it!
Looker: Yeah!
Rize and co successfully tricked the Rocket Grunts into catching their fake Mew and they are now heading into Rocket's Headquarter. Meanwhile the wild little Pidgey just saw everything that happened and as Rize and the Rockets left the island with the Rocket's Helicopter, the wild little Pidgey revealed its true form which is actually the original Mew. Will Rize and co be able to save Pidgeotto and Kingler and escaped safely from the Rocket's Headquarter?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chapter 44 - Rockets in Faraway Island!?

Due to the case of Rize's reserved Pokemon in Bill's missing, an important meeting was held in Prof.Oak's lab. Ryussei, Reinz, Midori, Satoshi and even Shigeru was in the meeting.
Shigeru: Gramps, what are you calling me for?! I thought there's something important but it looks like it was just a silly gathering talking about someone's lost Pokemon! I better get outta here! I got lots to accomplish! (Shigeru left  the lab)
Prof.Oak: Shigeru wait! Oh my.. that boy.. How can he be that selfish?!
Suddenly someone opened the door of the lab and came in. It was the long waited person to come! Looker, the International Police Agent.
Looker: I've heard the case from you Rize! I've not yet managed to know where's Team Rocket's base but I managed to gather information on what is their current objectives and mission!
Rize: What's that mission?!
Looker: Team Rocket is now looking for this Pokemon in Faraway Island.(Looker took out a photograph of an unknown cute little pink coloured Pokemon.)

Ryussei: Who's that Pokemon?
Reinz: Hey hey! Isn't that...
Satoshi: The one they called Legendary!
Prof.Oak: Mew! The rarest Pokemon in Kanto!

" Mew the New Species Pokemon. It is a Psychic type. Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokemon. "

Looker: That's right! It looks like Team Rocket wanted to catch Mew! Who knows what kind of trouble will occur if they got Mew in their possession!
Rize: We gotta stop them! And then we can follow them back into their base when they are returning!
Looker: Right! Everybody I got a plan!
Despite knowing that it will be not be an easy mission and even a dangerous one, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei agreed to join and help on getting Rize's Pokemon back.
Rize: You guys.. just for my sake.. went through all of this trouble! I can't thank you enough..
Looker then told and discussed about the plan he have in mind to everyone and they set sail to Faraway Island with the International Police Jet Boat. Midori and Prof.Oak stayed back in the lab as it will be too dangerous to go. With the Jet Boat, they surfed unto Cinabar Island and changed their vehicle to dive underwater in a Submarine as a Jet Boat will surely be notified by Team Rocket when they arrived. After 3 hours underwater they finally arrived into the secret, unknown, legendary place called Faraway Island where the Legendary Mew, the rarest Pokemon in Kanto said to reside in. The island was quite a big one with many of fresh trees and natures and wild Pokemon residing there. The air was clean and it looks like human have never set foot on this island before.Rize and co dressed in Team Rocket's black uniform outfit and just as Looker have predicted, Team Rocket is indeed in Faraway Island looking for Mew. They quickly blended into the group looking for Mew. What will happen to all of them in Faraway Island? Will their plan to stop Team Rocket and follow them to the Headquarter succeed?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 43 - Big Trouble! Rize's Reserved Pokemon's Missing!

After winning the Cinabar gym, Rize went to the Pokemon Centre and get the winner of the day some rest and treatment by the nurse and Chansey. The Pokemon under care of the nurse is fully healed and back in top shape, Rize decided to send Kingler back to Bill to switch with Pidgeotto.
Bill: Roger Rize! I will send Pidgeotto right away!
Rize sent over Kingler to Bill and Bill sent over Pidgeotto to Rize using the teleporter system. However, Pidgeotto's Pokeball didn't arrive!
Rize: Bill what's wrong? It should have arrived already right?
Bill: That's weird, on the other hand Kingler is not here yet as well!
Rize started to have a bad feeling about this and started to be a little panic.
Rize: Bill! Where's Pidgeotto and Kingler?!
Bill: There must be something wrong! Rize stay calm! I will check on what's gone wrong. It should be fine because other Trainer got no problem sending his Pokemon to me earlier. Anyway I will contact you as soon as I got further information.
Rize became desperate and called for Prof.Oak with the public phone in the Pokemon Centre.
Prof.Oak: What?! Your Pokemon's missing when you were sending it using the Pokemon Teleporter System?! Didn't I told you not to do that as Pokemon has been found missing?!
Rize: But I send it directly to Bill and it's been fine all this time!
Rize's Pokegear vibrated as it received a call from Bill. He quickly answered it.
Bill: Rize! A Trainer just sent me his Pokemon to me and it arrived in time and there's nothing wrong!
Rize: What?! But why did my Pokemon..
Prof.Oak: Hmm.. It looks like the culprit of all these Pokemon stealing have set their eye on you Rize! Do you have any idea who could have been the one targetting on you or something? Perhaps your enemy..
Rize: No way! I never made enemy with anybody! Wait! ... Unless.. Don't tell me.. It's them!
Sweats began to slide over Rize's face and the other party of the conversations.
Prof.Oak&Bill: Who are 'them' you're reffering to?!
Rize: That's right! Now I get it! It perfectly match! Why have I never thought of this! It's Team Rocket! The criminal organisation! They have been famous for stealing Pokemon and this must be their doing!
Prof.Oak: But why did Team Rocket setting their eye on you?!
Rize told Prof.Oak and Bill about his stories with Team Rocket ever since he first encountered them in Johto.
Prof.Oak: Then it just gotta be them! Anyway for the moment come back to Pallet Town first and we'll discuss it further!
Bill: I'll take care of your Butterfree with me! I promise it safe!
Rize hurried booked a ticket to sail from Cinabar Island to Pallet Town and since Cinabar Island is quite near to Pallet Town it will just take half a day to reach.
Meanwhile in the Rocket Headquarter..
Rocket Spy: Hahaha! Take that you brat! Now your Pokemon are with us!
Rocket Scientist: Hehehe.. since we don't need to sell Pokemon for bucks anymore, let's conduct some experiment on these Pokemon.. Hihihihii...(The Rocket Scientist laughed with a very evil tone.)
It looks like Rize deduction was true that Team Rocket were the culprit of stealing Pokemon via the Teleporter System. What will happen to Pidgeotto and Kingler now?! What kind of experiments are the Rocket Scientist going to do on them?! Rize quick! Save them!