Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 43 - Big Trouble! Rize's Reserved Pokemon's Missing!

After winning the Cinabar gym, Rize went to the Pokemon Centre and get the winner of the day some rest and treatment by the nurse and Chansey. The Pokemon under care of the nurse is fully healed and back in top shape, Rize decided to send Kingler back to Bill to switch with Pidgeotto.
Bill: Roger Rize! I will send Pidgeotto right away!
Rize sent over Kingler to Bill and Bill sent over Pidgeotto to Rize using the teleporter system. However, Pidgeotto's Pokeball didn't arrive!
Rize: Bill what's wrong? It should have arrived already right?
Bill: That's weird, on the other hand Kingler is not here yet as well!
Rize started to have a bad feeling about this and started to be a little panic.
Rize: Bill! Where's Pidgeotto and Kingler?!
Bill: There must be something wrong! Rize stay calm! I will check on what's gone wrong. It should be fine because other Trainer got no problem sending his Pokemon to me earlier. Anyway I will contact you as soon as I got further information.
Rize became desperate and called for Prof.Oak with the public phone in the Pokemon Centre.
Prof.Oak: What?! Your Pokemon's missing when you were sending it using the Pokemon Teleporter System?! Didn't I told you not to do that as Pokemon has been found missing?!
Rize: But I send it directly to Bill and it's been fine all this time!
Rize's Pokegear vibrated as it received a call from Bill. He quickly answered it.
Bill: Rize! A Trainer just sent me his Pokemon to me and it arrived in time and there's nothing wrong!
Rize: What?! But why did my Pokemon..
Prof.Oak: Hmm.. It looks like the culprit of all these Pokemon stealing have set their eye on you Rize! Do you have any idea who could have been the one targetting on you or something? Perhaps your enemy..
Rize: No way! I never made enemy with anybody! Wait! ... Unless.. Don't tell me.. It's them!
Sweats began to slide over Rize's face and the other party of the conversations.
Prof.Oak&Bill: Who are 'them' you're reffering to?!
Rize: That's right! Now I get it! It perfectly match! Why have I never thought of this! It's Team Rocket! The criminal organisation! They have been famous for stealing Pokemon and this must be their doing!
Prof.Oak: But why did Team Rocket setting their eye on you?!
Rize told Prof.Oak and Bill about his stories with Team Rocket ever since he first encountered them in Johto.
Prof.Oak: Then it just gotta be them! Anyway for the moment come back to Pallet Town first and we'll discuss it further!
Bill: I'll take care of your Butterfree with me! I promise it safe!
Rize hurried booked a ticket to sail from Cinabar Island to Pallet Town and since Cinabar Island is quite near to Pallet Town it will just take half a day to reach.
Meanwhile in the Rocket Headquarter..
Rocket Spy: Hahaha! Take that you brat! Now your Pokemon are with us!
Rocket Scientist: Hehehe.. since we don't need to sell Pokemon for bucks anymore, let's conduct some experiment on these Pokemon.. Hihihihii...(The Rocket Scientist laughed with a very evil tone.)
It looks like Rize deduction was true that Team Rocket were the culprit of stealing Pokemon via the Teleporter System. What will happen to Pidgeotto and Kingler now?! What kind of experiments are the Rocket Scientist going to do on them?! Rize quick! Save them!

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