Shigeru: Gramps, what are you calling me for?! I thought there's something important but it looks like it was just a silly gathering talking about someone's lost Pokemon! I better get outta here! I got lots to accomplish! (Shigeru left the lab)
Prof.Oak: Shigeru wait! Oh my.. that boy.. How can he be that selfish?!
Suddenly someone opened the door of the lab and came in. It was the long waited person to come! Looker, the International Police Agent.
Looker: I've heard the case from you Rize! I've not yet managed to know where's Team Rocket's base but I managed to gather information on what is their current objectives and mission!
Rize: What's that mission?!
Looker: Team Rocket is now looking for this Pokemon in Faraway Island.(Looker took out a photograph of an unknown cute little pink coloured Pokemon.)

Ryussei: Who's that Pokemon?
Reinz: Hey hey! Isn't that...
Satoshi: The one they called Legendary!
Prof.Oak: Mew! The rarest Pokemon in Kanto!
" Mew the New Species Pokemon. It is a Psychic type. Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokemon. "
Looker: That's right! It looks like Team Rocket wanted to catch Mew! Who knows what kind of trouble will occur if they got Mew in their possession!
Rize: We gotta stop them! And then we can follow them back into their base when they are returning!
Looker: Right! Everybody I got a plan!
Despite knowing that it will be not be an easy mission and even a dangerous one, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei agreed to join and help on getting Rize's Pokemon back.
Rize: You guys.. just for my sake.. went through all of this trouble! I can't thank you enough..
Looker then told and discussed about the plan he have in mind to everyone and they set sail to Faraway Island with the International Police Jet Boat. Midori and Prof.Oak stayed back in the lab as it will be too dangerous to go. With the Jet Boat, they surfed unto Cinabar Island and changed their vehicle to dive underwater in a Submarine as a Jet Boat will surely be notified by Team Rocket when they arrived. After 3 hours underwater they finally arrived into the secret, unknown, legendary place called Faraway Island where the Legendary Mew, the rarest Pokemon in Kanto said to reside in. The island was quite a big one with many of fresh trees and natures and wild Pokemon residing there. The air was clean and it looks like human have never set foot on this island before.Rize and co dressed in Team Rocket's black uniform outfit and just as Looker have predicted, Team Rocket is indeed in Faraway Island looking for Mew. They quickly blended into the group looking for Mew. What will happen to all of them in Faraway Island? Will their plan to stop Team Rocket and follow them to the Headquarter succeed?
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