Rocket Scientist: At long last! After 10 years of the start of this project that we can't finish without Mew's DNA, our dream of creating the world's most powerful Pokemon is finally going to be a reality!
A sleeping Pokemon inside a water tank started to give sign of life, growing even stronger and stronger.
Meanwhile in Prof.Oak's place.
Prof.Oak: Rize how many badges have you got so far?
Rize: I got seven! One more and I'm set for the Kanto League! But where is the last Gym anyway?
Prof.Oak: Let see what badges have you got.. Oh the last Gym for you is the Viridian Gym, the Ground type Gym.
Rize: Viridian Gym?!
Upon hearing the name of the Gym, Rize remembered that he have challenged the Gym as the first Gym he challenged in Kanto and how he ended up losing terribly.
Rize: I remember that Gym! Alright! This time I'm going to get my revenge! I'll win definitely!
Suddenly Midori stepped in to the lab and challenged Rize to a battle.
Midori: You seem to be quite fired up, let me see if you really can win the Viridian Gym. How about a practice battle, Rize?
Rize: You bet!
Rize agreed for the offer and they are going to have a double battle.
Rize: Why do it have to a double battle??
Midori: I'll show you my great combination! Clefable and Wigglytuff, on the stage now!

Rize: Stage?? Anyway what're those Pokemon?
Rize checked both Pokemon with his Pokedex and learned about the new Pokemon.
Rize: Kay! Both are normal types! Poliwrath and Sandshrew go! Alright.. Ladies first...
Midori: Thank you.. you're gonna regret it tough.. Clefable and Wigglytuff, double Attract!
Rize: What?! Attract?!
Clefable and Wigglytuff used Attract and made both Poliwrath and Sandshrew to be in love with them thus making them dazing off and unable to listen to command and attack.
Rize: This is trouble!
Midori: Double Slap! Both of you!
Clefable and Wigglytuff slapped Poliwrath and Sandshrew lot of times until Poliwrath and Sandshrew shaken off from the Attract effect.
Midori: They've snapped out of it, things could turn bad! Double Sing!
This time the duo did a duet in singing a sleepy tune and put Poliwrath and Sandshew to sleep.
Rize: Wake up!
Midori: I'll wake them up for you! Wake Up Slap!
Poliwrath and Sandshrew woke up but is out of the battle immediately.
Rize: I.. lost...?
Midori: Lesson is never underestimate a girl! Haha!
Rize: That was an amazing combination! Are you going for the Kanto League as well?!
Midori: Nop, that was really not my thing..
Rize: What the.. With that kind of battle skill you have you might have what it takes to be the winner, who knows..
Midori: Haha, you're too soft.. if you think that my battling skill is somewhat good to be able to win, wait till you see Shigeru in battle! He's far better than Satoshi who's far better than me. By the way even Reinz and Ryussei are far above me as well.
Rize was shocked to hear the facts that Midori just split out, it was as if the level where he is right now is still far against his rivals.
Back into the secret laboratory of Team Rocket, Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket have arrived there to see the Pokemon they have created. The sleeping Pokemon inside the water tank suddenly began to gain conciousness and opened its eye for the first time.
Giovanni: Welcome to my Team, Mewtwo..
The Mewtwo used telekinesis power to speak back to Giovanni.
Mewtwo: Who are you? Mewtwo? Who? Me?
Giovanni: Yes! You! You are Mewtwo! The world's most powerful Pokemon in the world that I've created! You and I are going to be partner and be the strongest team and rule the world...!
Mewtwo: Pokemon? Am I that strong? You're my partner? Rule the world? What are those? I don't understand at all.
Giovanni: If you would come with me you will understand.
Mewtwo: I'll come with you..
The Pokemon created by Team Rocket have awoken and it is given the name Mewtwo! Now that Giovanni the boss of Team Rocket have gotten his hand on probably the world's most powerful Pokemon, what could have happen to the whole world?!
Poliwrath Lv.44
ReplyDeleteSandshrew Lv.38
Clefable Lv.35
Wigglytuff Lv.35