Rize: Alright! Sandslash!
" Sandslash the Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Sandshrew. It is a Ground type. It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage. "
Giovanni: Evolving in battle, that was quite a sight to see.. Congratulation.. But I afraid I have to destroy your new confidence! Nidoqueen use Earth Power one more time!
Nidoqueen striked its punch to the ground trembling the ground floor and opened cracks and erupted the ground.
Rize: Sandslash jump! And use Slash attack!
Sandslash jumped high and avoided the Earth Power attack and ready to launched its new sharp claws to attack.
Giovanni: Huhu.. This is what I expect, in the air you're defenseless! Ice Beam!
Rize was shocked to hear that he have fell for a trap, Sandslash was hit with the powerful Ice Beam attack and become frozen solid. It then fell hard to the ground until the whole Ice covering its body was crashed.
Giovanni: This should put an end to it..
The Sand Tomb attack earlier have stopped which indicates that Sandslash is really out this time.
Just before Rize could expect something from his new evolved Pokemon, it is already defeated within seconds after its evolution. Rize knew it well and didn't want to force Sandslash to fight anymore and returned it to its ball to have a rest.
Giovanni: Now why don't you come down from your Pokemon, I will do nothing harmful to you until the battle is over. We already have a deal right.. I may be an evil person but you can at least trust me in this as I never break my promises.
Rize doubted him at first but then he thought it will give Pidgeot a rest. Rize then landed back down to the ground and resume the battle. He reached his Pokeball under its belt and sent out the next Pokemon, Gyarados.

Giovanni: Oh.. I'm scared.. Are you finally getting serious?
Rize: Don't mock me! We gotta go with the big one! Gyarados use Hydro Pump!
Gyarados launched a powerful Hydro Pump attack and hit Nidoqueen super effective. Rize didn't give it any chance to rest nor counter attack and followed it up with Dragon Rage attack and knocked it out.
Giovanni: Well done.. You're quite good for your age..
Rize: Do you know where I first meet up with Gyarados? It was in your headquarter! It was one of from the hundreds of Pokemon you've stolen and experimented! It was labeled as a failure and was about to be executed! It was then when I stepped in and rescue it from your evil hands! To think that now it becomes something that will bring you down to a defeat! How ironic!
Gyarados roared loud, learning that it was facing against the man who planned on his kidnap and experiment it is more fired up than ever to take down Giovanni and attacked Giovanni without being ordered in a reckless way. Giovanni dodged Gyarados' charging and sent out his next Pokemon, Rhydon, Rhyhorn's evolved form.

" Rhydon the Drill Pokemon and the evolved form of Rhyhorn. It is a Ground and Rock type. Its brain developed after it stood up on its hind legs. Its drill horn bores tunnels through solid rock. "
Giovanni: You should teach your Pokemon some manner! Rhydon, Stone Edge!
A line up of striking stones attacked Gyarados which will cause a real serious damage if it landed onto Gyarados.
Rize: Hurry up use Hydro Pump!
Gyarados used Hydro Pump and destroyed all of the Stone Edge attack and the water current then striked to Rhydon suppose to land a direct hit on it and knock Rhydon out. However, Rhydon was surprisingly still standing and didn't got hit from the Hydro Pump attack.
Rize: But how?!
Giovanni: Rhydon spinned its horn and repelled the water to its side and avoided it to hit its body directly. Now.. Rhydon Drill Run!
Rhydon once again spinned its horn on its head and charged onto Gyarados.
Rize: Hydro Pump!
Gyarados fired another Hydro Pump attack as a cessation to Rhydon's attack but it proved to be uneffective as Rhydon drilled through the water and hit Gyarados with its Drill Run attack which made Gyarados to scream in its pain.
Giovanni: Now.. Rhydon, Thunder Bolt please..
In a surprise to Rize, Rhydon used a Thunder Bolt, an Electric type move and hit Gyarados with it. Gyadaros' number one weakness is electric type move and Gyarados was seriously injured.
Giovanni: I'm a Ground type master! My Pokemon can master almost all of the basic element attacks such as water, fire, electric and ice!
Rize: How in the world?!
Giovanni: Even using a type advantage you still can't defeat me. That Gyarados was indeed a true failure!
Rize: You can say whatever to me but I will not allow you to say such word to my Gyarados! It was my fault as a Trainer that made it lost! My Gyarados is a strong Pokemon!
Having protected from its Trainer heard of what Rize truely think of it, Gyarados got back up despite of all its injuries. Rize took the chance and command it to use Dragon Rage attack close range which Rhydon was unable to avoid and created an explosion on Rhydon.
Rize: Hydro Pump!
Even before the smokes from the explosion was cleared to see if Rhydon was still standing or not, Rize have commanded another attack and Rhydon was pushed hard to the wall with Hydro Pump and made a crack to the wall. Rhydon seems to be unable to continue the match but it still give a little sign of battling as it moves its body to get back up.
Rize: Final shot! Hyper Beam!!
Gyarados fired a powerful Hyper Beam, Rhydon took a direct hit of it and another explosion occured. This time, Rhydon was out of the match for sure and Giovanni put it back on its ball. Rize was not happy at all of the victor but instead fired up and can't wait to knock down the rest of Giovanni's Pokemon and put an end to Team Rocket. However, after the last attack, Gyarados have used up all of its energy and was out of the match as well.
Sandslash Lv.41
ReplyDeleteGyarados Lv.45
Rhydon Lv.50