Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter 47 - Save the Tortured Gyarados!

Having successfully gotten back the stolen Pokemon, escape is the only thing left to do. Rize and the others are discussing on how to escape in a room with Blaine.
Looker: They believe it is the real Mew and they are going to celebrate for now before they will conduct an experiment to it.
Blaine: Good, then you have time to escape. Do not worry about your Ditto as I will promise its safety and return it to you afterwards. Now you all can leave this place peacefully and leave the rest to me.
Looker: Hold on. Before that I have a question. What is Team Rocket's intention of catching Mew? What kind of experiment are they planning?
Blaine was quiet for a few seconds before he finally answered to Looker's question.
Blaine: To tell you the truth, they are planning on a very crazy wicked plan ever! They are trying to use Mew's cell to create a Pokemon far more powerful than Mew itself! They are trying to create the world's most powerful Pokemon and control it! Team Rocket's motto is to gather powerful Pokemon and create the powerful Pokemon Army and conquer the world!
Looker: !!
Satoshi: What?!
Rize: Impossible!!
Reinz: Sick!!
Ryussei: ...!
Blaine: That is why Team Rocket have been stealing Pokemon and sell them for cash, all of this is to support this new Pokemon they are going to create from Mew as it need lots of funds!
Rize: That's absurd! You can't just create a Pokemon as you wish like that!
Meanwhile in other place of Rocket's Headquarter, the Rocket Spy came to the experiment room and asked the scientists that conducted an experiment to Rize's Pokemon how it goes.
Rocket Spy: What?! A mere Grunt told you that the Boss ordered him to take those Pokemon with him?! Impossible! Who's that Grunt's name?!
Rocket Scientist: I don't know I didn't ask about his identity card and just gave him the Pokemon. While the other Pokemon that we have experimented successfully have been kept with Scientist Ridle.
Rocket: " Ridle huh? Allright I'll ask him. But what about the other Grunt? Could it be that.. no that can't be."
Suddenly there's a broadcast message that told the whole Rocket to gather in the main hall to brief about their success on capturing Mew. The whole Rocket Grunts and Scientists gathered there including Rize and the others as well. A Rocket Executive whose name is Apollo was standing on the stage and gave some speech.
Apollo: Dear fellows! I have some words to pass on to you all from our Boss. We have successfully captured Mew the Legendary Pokemon and our mission to complete is a step closer now.
Apollo showed the whole Team Rocket the Mew who is sleeping inside a cage. Ditto was actually faking its sleep. The whole Team Rocket was amazed by looking Mew right in front of their own eyes live.
Apollo: Now let us all celebrate for today, here is a Pokemon from a failed experiment! It was supposed to be a red coloured Gyarados after the experiment but the experiment failed and this Gyarados remained in its normal colour state. This means that this Gyarados is a failure! And a failure Pokemon is no good at all and does not have the right to live! Let's all have fun in disposing this useless Pokemon!
The whole Rocket Grunts shouted and cheered while Rize and the others was just astonished and shocked from hearing the speech.
Satoshi: They're going to kill the Gyarados!
Reinz: Poor Gyarados. I wish I could help.
The Rocket started to torture the caged Gyarados by shocking it with electricity and the Gyarados was screaming in pain hoping that someone would come and rescue it.
Ryussei: It won't last long, Gyarados is very weak to electric attacks.
Having stood still hopelessly watching all of this event happening right before Rize's eyes,he became enraged and goes berserk.
Rize: I can't take this anymore!! Jolteon Thunder Bolt!
Rize summoned his Jolteon and fired a Thunder Bolt attack and zapped some Rocket Grunts and created some pathways for him to reach and save the Gyarados.
Apollo: What is he doing?! Stop that traitor!
The whole Rocket Grunts summoned their Pokemon Raticate and Golbat which total up to be about 50 of them each. But fear not as he have friends by his side ready to help him and they all take off their Rocket uniforms outfit and revealed themselves to be non Rocket members.
Rocket Spy: Rize! He's here afterall! So that Grunt who took the Kingler must be him!
Lambda: Wow! He's here! Time to get some revenge!
Looker: Team Rocket! You've failed! That Mew is not the real Mew but non other than my Ditto!
Ditto revealed itself and turned back into its real form and Looker immediately returned it to its Pokeball.
Apollo: What?! We've been fooled! Who are you people?!
Blaine was watching this from above alone.
Blaine: How could things turn out to be like this?!
Looker: Team! I guess there's a change of plan! We're going to rescue the Gyarados before we get outta here! I am Looker from the International Police Force! Now prepare yourself Rockets!
Will Rize and the others be able to save the Gyarados and escape from the Rocket's Headquarter safely?!

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