Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter 46 - To Rocket's Headquarter! Save Kingler & Pidgeotto!

Flying trough the clear wide orange coloured sky leaving the Faraway Island behind, Rize and co along with the Rocket Grunts flew and headed to the Rocket's Headquarter and as they are reaching  their destination..
Rize: Hey everyone, isn't this..?
Satoshi: Saffron City!
Looker: So their base is in Saffron City all this time!
The helicopter landed on the helicopter port above the building of the famous company Silph Co.
Ryussei: I can't believe a good reputation company like Silph Co is actually Team Rocket!
Reinz: Moreover, I never thought that sneaking inside their base was this easy. They didn't do any check on any grunts that came to the headquarter and just let us excess.
The Rocket Grunt Leader reported the success of the mission to the boss and went into the special experiment laboratory room.
Reinz: They took "Mew" into the experiment lab room! What are they planning to do afterall?!
Looker: I will follow him and protect my Ditto! Satoshi come with me while the three of you go and find Rize's Pokemon!
Rize together with Reinz and Ryussei split ways with Looker and Satoshi to find Kingler and Pidgeotto.
Rize: " Just wait you guys! I'm going to rescue you!"
Rize and the others found that  there are lots of experiment laboratory rooms, they then decided to check each room one by one seperately. Rize entered the experiment laboratory room and found that there are lots of Pokemon in cages and in a glass walled place full of water being experimented by some scientists.
Rize: " Ugh! Poor them! All of these Pokemon must be the Pokemon stolen by other people! They must be in pain missing their Trainers! I don't have much time! The Rockets will soon find out that it is a fake Mew and I have to find Kingler and Pidgeotto before that and escaped after that. That was the original plan all along."
Rize couldn't find Kingler and Pidgeotto and decided to ask one of the scientist of where they are.
Rocket Scientist: The Kingler and Pidgeotto we just got recently? Yes we still have it, what is it?
Rize: The boss said that they are for me to use so I want you to give it to me now.
The Rocket Scientist believed in Rize's words and took Rize into the Pokemon storage room and found his Kingler. The Rocket Scientist handed Rize Kingler's Pokeball and freed Kingler from the electrical cage. Kingler was very happy when it saw Rize and so do Rize but Rize immediately returned it back to its Pokeball after that.
Rocket Scientist: Hmm.. It's weird that Kingler look so delighted when it sees you.. anyway next is Pidgeotto right?
Rize sent a message to his comrades via the Pokegear secretly that he have successfully got his Kingler back.
Rocket Scientist: The Pidgeotto's not here anymore, I think it is now under some lab experiment in room 4. That Kingler was suppose to be experimented later too.
Rize was shocked to hear that his Pidgeotto was being experimented in lab experiment and dashed to experiment room 4 right after that. When he arrived in the experiment room 4, he saw his Pidgeotto inside a big glass tube shining and begin evolved.
Rocket Scientist: Success! The experiment was a success! We evolved this normal Pidgeotto into an altered colour Pidgeot!
Rize saw that beside the other Rocket Scientist is someone he have seen before and he remembered.
Rize: "Isn't that Blaine the Cinabar Gym Leader?! He's a scientist of Team Rocket?!"
Blaine saw the biographical data of the experimented Pidgeotto and found out that he knew the original Trainer was a Trainer who challenged his Gym few days ago. Blaine returned the Pidgeot back into its Pokeball and took it with him. He then left the room and Rize followed him on the back. When they're out of the room Rize approached him.
Rize: Prof.Blaine! That Pidgeot was supposed to be given to me! This is the boss order!
Blaine turned back to see who called him.
Blaine: Nobody called me Prof.Blaine in this place.. who are you?!
At that very momment, Rize was trembling, figuring that he will be found out by Blaine for sneaking into the Rocket's headquarter. Blaine recognized Rize's face even under his disguised in Rocket's black outfit uniform and hat.
Blaine: You're Rize?!
Rize was shocked to know that Blaine recognized his disguised and was sweating. His heart was pumping extremely fast. However, Blaine quickly handed him a Pokeball which contained his Pidgeot inside and told him not to be afraid. Blaine told him that he was actually working in Team Rocket as an undercover scientist in order to know and gain information about Team Rocket. Rize then told Blaine about his situation of why he is here and everything.
Blaine: So that's how things right now huh? First I'm telling you that your Pidgeot's completely fine as I knew it belonged to you and I didn't do any harmful experiment to it. Instead it is completely the opposite, you should find it out yourself when you use it in battle. Now it is only a matter of time before they realized that it is only a mere Ditto and not the real Mew! I will help you to escape later, now let me meet with Looker and tell him my plan.
Rize have finally got back his stolen Pokemon from Team Rocket and gained a new ally Blaine in his side! What plan do Blaine have in his mind?

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