"Hmm.. I've watched and learned every remaining Trainer's battle style and the only major threats left are Satoshi and Ryussei. But perhaps the other 29 Trainers have not shown their real strength and ability yet. Anyway I hope I don't face any of those two tomorrow."
As he have hoped for, the pairing of the fourth round have been revealed and he did not have to face either Satoshi or Ryussei yet and neither those two face each other either. Rize would have to face a Trainer name Micha Instead.
"Hmm, Micha.. I watched his battles and he surely is good. His Scyther and Machoke are something to be cautious of but his Seadra is not so good."
From afar, Micha was looking closely and observing Rize carefully. Micha was a tall boy taller then Rize by about 3cm and with a built up trained body bulkier than other average boys of their age. He wore an unbuttoned shirt that allowed him to show his muscular chest with a long shiny silver necklace. The bottom is a black long jeans and his hair were long, messy yet tidy with nice shapes. Sort of like the Harajuku style. Then he took the initiative and approached Rize.
"Hey you must be Rize. I'm Micha your next opponent." He introduced himself and gave his hand for a proper handshake introduction.
Rize responded to him and they shook hand. "Yes I'm Rize. All the best for us tomorrow then."
"I've watched your battle against Shigeru and truly you're one to be watched. Every remaining Trainers here are aware of your presence and probably hoping not to face you and for somebody else to defeat you."
"Oh really??" Rize then thought in his mind. "Whoa, if he saw my battle against Shigeru and still bold enough to approach me now he must be pretty sure of himself."
"So that's it for now then, see you at the battlefield tomorrow."
Night have arrived and Rize have came with the Pokemon he's going to use for tomorrow.
"Alright, I've decided on using Hitmonchan, Kingler and Butterfree since Micha always use the same three Pokemon for all his previous matches. I hope he does the same for tomorrow too.
The time of their battle have arrived however, expectation and estimation do upset sometimes as Rize thought that Micha would be using Machoke first that he sent out Hitmonchan for his first Pokemon but instead Micha sent out Scyther first.
"Scyther the Mantis Pokemon. It is a Bug and Flying type and the pre-evolved form of Scizor.It is nearly impossible to parry its attacking scythes. Its movements are like a ninja's."
"Gotta be careful of those scythes. Hitmonchan use Fire Punch!"
Hitmonchan's fists started to burn hot with flames engulfed and it dashed to attack Scyther with the super effective flaming punch.
"Hehe, Scyther fly up."
Scyther flapped its wings and flew up high to a degree that Hitmonchan could not reach and stayed there. Micha then instructed it to use Swords Dance to rise its physical attack power.
"This could be bad, Hitmonchan stay alert!" Rize warned Hitmonchan to always be on guard and ready anytime Scyther strike as he knew Scyther have incredible speed and swift attacks and together with the sharp scythes it made a dangerous combination.
"Scyther Slash attack!"
Scyther swiftly flew towards Hitmonchan with its sharp scythes scything Hitmonchan with Slash attack. Hitmonchan carefully dodged and avoided each and every of Scyther's Slash attack as it used to dodging punches and attacks in the training with Master Chuck with the other Fighting types but Scyther are much faster than any opponent it ever practice with and it could not find a chance to strikes back.
"Hitmonchan be careful!"
"This is troublesome. Aerial Ace!"
Scyther flew back up into the air and charged with great speed as it is cloaked with shining light as the air pressure goes through its body. Hitmonchan was hit with the super effective Aerial Ace and fell even tough it have guarded itself with its fists.
"Hitmonchan return!" It looks like what the Pokedex said was true about Scyther as it is nearly impossible to parry Scyther's attacking scythes. Rize recalled back his Hitmonchan back into its ball as he realized how dangerous for Hitmonchan to go on and sent out Kingler instead.
"Overwhelmed by Scyther, Rize was forced to retreat his Hitmonchan and sent forth Kingler. Can Kingler face Scyther?!"
Master Chuck who watched the battle from the spectator seat was so pissed to see Hitmonchan's performance. "How could he be so weak. I'll have to train him harder when we get back to Johto."
"Switching Pokemon won't do you any good. Scyther Slash attack."
Scyther charged and attacked with its sharp scythes to slash Kingler. Rize then immediately told Kingler to grip and lock Scyther's scythe with its large pincers.
Micha was surprised to see his Scyther's scythes were gripped and locked by Kingler's large pincers. Scyther could not free itself from Kingler's grip even tough it tried to flapped its wing so hard to fly up but Kingler gripped on it very hard.
"Alright Kingler toss it onto the ground!"
Kingler used all its strength to carry up Scyther and tossed it hard to the ground. Scyther was shaking in pain and could not move as it kept on laying on the ground.
"Alright Kingler use Swords Dance quick!"
Kingler quickly fling around its pincers as performing the Swords Dance move and risen up its physical attack power.
"Now use Crabhammer!"
"Scyther quick get up and dodge!"
Kingler swung its large and heavy pincer onto the helpless Scyther that was laying on the ground in front of it and a huge smokes veiled the ground as the pincer impacted.
"Is that the end of Scyther?!"
Unbelievably, Scyther have got back up and dodged Kingler's attack just in time. It is now on the air up high above where non of Kingler's attack could ever reach it.
"What speed! To dodge in such a close distance and short time."
"Haha, that's my Scyther! Aerial Ace!"
Scyther flew in high speed with its scythes crossed and charged towaards Kingler. Rize thought that if Hitmonchan could not dodge Scyther's Aerial Ace so there is no way his slow moving Kingler could.
"Fight it head on! Metal Claw!"
Scyther scythes through Kingler and so do Kingler attacked with its large and heavy pincer with Metal Claw attack. Scyther scythes through Kingler and showed its back onto Kingler and so do Kingler show its back on Scyther but it was Scyther that fell down and knocked out of the match.
"Scyther's unable to battle. Kingler wins!"
Micha returned his Scyther back and sent forth his next Pokemon, Machoke.
"Try my super strong Machoke!"
"Like Trainer like Pokemon, you both have big and strong muscles alright. Kingler return." Rize called back his Kingler and sent forth his Hitmonchan for a second performance. "Let's make this an epic fighting combat between two Fighting Pokemon and see who's the better fighter!"
"You have a good sport spirits. Perhaps I could invite you to my community! The Macho Community where human and Pokemon train and work out together haha."
"Haha, no thanks. Hitmonchan go use Mach Punch!"
Hitmonchan dashed and unleashed its powerful and swift Mach Punch on Machoke's face and Machoke could not endure the pain of the hit and knocked out.
"Machoke is unable to battle. Hitmonchan wins!"
"Impossible! With just one hit?! But how! My Machoke is a part of the Macho Community group!"
"Sorry but my Hitmonchan was training under Master Chuck the Gym Leader and a Master in martial arts of a Fighting type Gym in the Johto region."
"No way.. no wonder your Hitmonchan was so fast and strong. I guess it's time for me to use my number one Pokemon then."
"I still have three Pokemon but you have only one left. But nevertheless, bring it on, Micha!"
"Hehehe, three Pokemon is not a matter with this guy. Dratini come forward!"
A small little innocent and cute looking dragon Pokemon like snake body with blue and white skin appeared. It is an unknown Pokemon to Rize so he took his Pokedex out for information.
"Dratini the Dragon Pokemon. It is a Dragon type. It is called the "Mirage Pokemon" because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found."
"Wow I wish found one myself. It's such a unique and rare Pokemon! Anyway Hitmonchan return for now. Butterfree, your turn."
"Phew, I thought you would send that Pokemon you use when you defeat Shigeru's Dragonite. I was trembled just now but my victory is secure now."
"Don't underestimate my Butterfree. Butterfree use Signal Beam!"
Butterfree shot a colourful beam of light towards the Dragon Pokemon Dratini.
"Dragon Breath!"
Dratini fired and breathed a fire like breath of mystical Dragon power and pushed back Butterfree's Signal Beam and Butterfree was hit by it. What is hard to believe is that Butterfree fell and instantly knocked out with just one single attack from Dratini.
"Butterfree is unable to battle, Dratini wins!"
"Wow what a powerful little Dratini! Trainer Micha might still have the chance to make a come back and turn the battle around!"
"Hahaha! I'm actually a Trainer specializing in Dragon type. I believe that Dragon type are the strongest Pokemon as they contain mysterious mystical power in them. They are like the god of Pokemon!"
Rize called back his fainted Butterfree. "That Dratini may be strong but it won't be strong enough to beat my Kingler!" Rize sent forth Kingler again to face Dratini this time.
"Kingler use Swords Dance!"
Kingler once again raised up its physical power with Swords Dance but Micha was not worried about it at all.
"Thunder Wave!"
Dratini charged electric power in its body and zapped Kingler with a shock of electric attack that paralyzed its body that it cannot move.
"Oh no!"
"Before you could land any hit to us, you'll be finished! Thunder Bolt!"
Dratini once again zapped Kingler with electric attack but this time it is a super effective Thunder Bolt attack that inflicted real damage and not just merely paralyzing Kingler's body. Kingler held itself well and endured the damage.
"It's pretty tough, Dragon Breath!"
Dratini shot Kingler with its Dragon Breath attack and this time, Kingler was not spared and out of the match as the referee made his call. The sign board crossed Kingler's picture with red cross and leaves Rize with just Hitmonchan.
"It's unbelievable how easy it defeated Butterfree and Kingler. Rize's lead was gone in an instant. Can Rize and Hitmonchan defeat Micha and Dratini?!"
"I pity you Rize. You made the wrong decision on using your Pokemon. If only you did not underestimate me and use your best Pokemon I would have lost to you. But now you're only left with a mere Hitmonchan."
Somehow Master Chuck heard Micha's statement and was really pissed as he felt that Fighting types are being downgraded and yelled at Rize. "Hey Rize! Hitmonchan! You better win this or I'm going to punish you both!"
Hearing Master Chuck scolding them, Rize and Hitmonchan was convicted to win this match no matter what. "Alright Hitmonchan, let's do our best. We can't lose here and now. Now go use Mach Punch!"
Hitmonchan dashed and threw his most powerful Mach Punch on Dratini's face and Dratini was sent flying back and it received some damage.
"It's fast! Dratini use Thunder Wave to stop its movement!"
Dratini zapped electrical energy current and emitted it from its head but Hitmonchan dodged it very carefully as it could be very dangerous if it got zapped.
"Nice dodge! Ice Punch now!"
Hitmonchan strengthened its fists and its fists became cloaked in Ice energy as it concentrated and punched Dratini super effective.
"That's the way! Finish him off!" Master Chuck was so into the battle and kept on yelling and shouting for Rize's victory.
Dratini was so injured that it lay down on the ground in pain and could not fight back. Rize called for another Ice Punch attack to finish it off.
"Is this the end for Dratini?!"
"Dratini get up!!" Micha shouted and gave its support to his Pokemon not to give up.
Hitmonchan was approaching and just a few steps more for its punch to land on Dratini, Dratini's body began to glow in a very bright light. Hitmonchan stopped its attack wondering what have happened to Dratini.
"What's happening?!"
"What in the world is happening to Micha's Dratini! Could it be??"
Dratini's body began to extend and grow bigger and changed shaped. It turned out to be evolving and it evolved. Its body became much bigger and its face more mature with pair of wing shaped ears on its head.
"Oh no it evolved!"
Rize was shaking and trembled upon seeing the new Dragon Pokemon he have to face.
Hitmonchan Lv.45
ReplyDeleteKingler Lv.40
Butterfree Lv.38
Scyther Lv.41
Machoke Lv.40
Dratini Lv.42