"We'll use Dragon Pulse!"
Rize's Charizard spitted a Dragon Breath attack from its mouth but it was countered by a Dragon Pulse attack from Satoshi's Charizard. A shock wave of Dragon type that's much stronger than Dragon Breath and so the Dragon Breath was completely overwhelmed and pushed back and Rize's Charizard was hit by the Dragon Pulse.
"Get up Charizard! Fly and use Aerial Ace!"
Rize's Charizard got up and this time charged with Aerial Ace but it was shot with another Dragon Pulse attack and it fell down hard to the ground.
Before Rize's Charizard could got back on its feet, Satoshi have commanded another attack and this time with an Overheat attack.
"Charizard get up! Get up and show him how powerful you are with your Blast Burn attack!"
Charizard got up and immediately charged fire energy to use its Blast Burn attack but before it could finish charging enough power, the flame of Overheat have already very near to it and it was forced to unleashed the Blast Burn attack before it was fully charged. As a result, the colliding attacks created a huge explosion and since it was near to Rize's Charizard, it got impacted with the shock wave of the explosion and it was not a damage to be underestimated. It became very weak and moreover, due to the side-effect of Blast Burn, Charizard could not move for temporary and it have to recharge some energy before it could move again.
"That Blast Burn attack was powerful but too bad, Seismic Toss!"
Satoshi's Charizard flew and carried Rize's Charizard with him while it was immobilize by the side effect of Blast Burn and carried it was carried very high up to the sky. At the sky high, Satoshi's Charizard spin a few rounds on the sky then dived back down in an incredible speed. It did not threw Rize's Charizard from the top of the sky but instead it carried it down with it until they are quite near to the ground then it tossed it to the earth ground to prevent Rize's Charizard from evading the attack by flying. The fall was implicit as the ground was terribly destroyed.
"Rize's Charizard is unable to battle. Satoshi's Charizard wins!"
"It looks like Satoshi's Charizard proved to be the stronger one. Could this be the start of a turning point of the battle?"
Rize was shaken from the lost and he could not believe that one of his strongest Pokemon was defeated that easily and it was not by type advantage but by a fair and square battle between Charizard. It proves that Satoshi was the better Trainer. Frustrated from the defeat, he immediately sent out his Gyarados and planned to take revenge and settle his score as quick as possible.
"Gyarados, use Hydro Pump!"
Water type attack sure is effective against a Fire type but only if it could made a clean hit. Charizard flew and evaded the Hydro Pump attack. Rize kept commanding Gyarados to shower Charizard with its Hydro Pump attack but Charizard kept avoiding it on the air. No matter how swift and agile Charizard could fly, it could not help but getting shot by one of the so many Hydro Pump attacks that were launched at him and it fell to the ground.
"Chance! Finish it with Hyper Beam, Gyarados!"
Flashing scarlet beam was shot from Gyarados' big always opened mouth but Charizard have snapped out from its fall and it flew back up and avoided the Hyper Beam thus the scarlet beam attack just destroyed the ground in vain.
"Crap! It recovered so fast!"
"Charizard return!" Satoshi returned his fire breathing lizard like dragon back into its Pokeball. "Pikachu, go finish it with your Thunder Bolt!"

Satoshi switched with his cute little yellow electric mouse and as Gyarados was immobilized, it was struck and electrocuted by a deadly Thunder Bolt.
Water type attack sure is effective against a Fire type but only if it could made a clean hit. Charizard flew and evaded the Hydro Pump attack. Rize kept commanding Gyarados to shower Charizard with its Hydro Pump attack but Charizard kept avoiding it on the air. No matter how swift and agile Charizard could fly, it could not help but getting shot by one of the so many Hydro Pump attacks that were launched at him and it fell to the ground.
"Chance! Finish it with Hyper Beam, Gyarados!"
Flashing scarlet beam was shot from Gyarados' big always opened mouth but Charizard have snapped out from its fall and it flew back up and avoided the Hyper Beam thus the scarlet beam attack just destroyed the ground in vain.
"Crap! It recovered so fast!"
"Charizard return!" Satoshi returned his fire breathing lizard like dragon back into its Pokeball. "Pikachu, go finish it with your Thunder Bolt!"
Satoshi switched with his cute little yellow electric mouse and as Gyarados was immobilized, it was struck and electrocuted by a deadly Thunder Bolt.
"Gyarados is unable to battle. Pikachu wins!"
The crowd began to be loud in their cheers and root for Satoshi. "It's even now! How long will Trainer Rize allow this to him?"
"We'll see whose Electric type is better and stronger. Jolteon, your turn!"
"This time it's a clash between two Electric Pokemon!"
"Jolteon use Shadow Ball!"
"Pikachu dodge it!"
Jolteon shot a Shadow Ball attack but Pikachu was extremely fast that it was even faster then Jolteon's speed and it dodge the attack completely. Rize was shock to see how fast Satoshi's Pikachu was because he have never battle any opponent faster than his Jolteon.
"Pikachu dodge it!"
Jolteon shot a Shadow Ball attack but Pikachu was extremely fast that it was even faster then Jolteon's speed and it dodge the attack completely. Rize was shock to see how fast Satoshi's Pikachu was because he have never battle any opponent faster than his Jolteon.
"We gotta stop its movement. Use Thunder Wave!"
"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"
Pikachu used Quick Attack and it ran even faster than before and avoided the paralyzing Thunder Wave and tackled Jolteon with its Quick Attack. Jolteon was pushed back by the impact of Pikachu's Quick Attack.
"Fire anothe Thunder Wave quick before it could get away!"
However, Jolteon seems to be unable to move and its body was cloaked in statics of electricity.
"It looks like it was your Jolteon who got paralyzed."
"What! But how?!"
"My Pikachu's Static ability made a Pokemon that made physical contact with it got a chance to be paralyzed. Pikachu finish it with Iron Tail!"
Pikachu jumped in mid air and its lightning shaped tail began to hardened and shine like it was a metal and it slammed its heavy and hard metal tail onto Jolteon's head.
"Jolteon was unable to battle. Pikachu wins."
Rize could not believe that his Jolteon would be knocked out that easily as Steel type moves are less effective against Jolteon. "Impossible! That little Pikachu's so strong!" Having returned his fainted Jolteon back into its ball, he then sent out his Sandslash as he was confident that his Sandslash would be able to defeat Pikachu with no sweat.
"Trainer Satoshi finally took the lead! But can his little Pikachu go against a Ground type like Sandslash?"
Satoshi spoke in confidence, "You need more than type advantage to beat me and my Pikachu! Pikachu use Quick Attack!"
Pikachu started the battle with a devastating Quick Attack that pushed Sandslash far back even tough Sandslash have protected itself from the attack with its claws but still the force of Pikachu's attack was too strong.
"Grr! Metal Claw!"
Sandslash used its sharp claws that were hardened and sharpen to be like a sharp metal blade and went slashing Pikachu but Pikachu was too quick and it dodged all of Sandslash's strikes.
"Pikachu fight back with Iron Tail!"
The little electric mouse fight back Sandslash's Metal Claws with its ironic tail and they began their combat fight between two Steel type moves. However, Sandslash was struggling and it was the one on the disadvantage and was forced to be on the defensive mode while Pikachu was the one who kept striking with its Iron Tail. Pikachu then jumped on mid air and strike Sandslash on the head with its Iron Tail. Sandslash was heavily injured and fell its feet down,
"Sandslash lost in terms of strength?! In that case, use Dig!"
Sandslash dug a hole and went underground to make a sneak attack from below. The Dig attack was successful, super effective.
"Now use Sand Tomb!"
As soon as Pikachu landed and got its feet back on the ground, it was attacked by a whirl of sands and trapped in the vortex. Again another super effective.
"Alright, now that it's trap in there, it will be just a matter of time until it's knocked out by the sands!"
But Satoshi could not just stand there witnessing his most precious Pokemon to be trapped in the vortex of sands. "Pikachu, use Thunder Bolt to blow away the sands!"
From inside the sands, terrific jolts of electricity raging like a storm and blasted away the sands completely and Pikachu was free from the Sand Tomb attack.
"Pikachu use the speed of Quick Attack and strike with Iron Tail!"
Dashing with boosted speed from Quick Attack, the Iron Tail attack was greatly increased in power as well and Sandslash was pushed far away back until it crashed the wall.
"Sandslash is unable to battle. Pikachu wins!"
"Incredible! It even defeated a Ground type! Can Trainer Rize still turn things to his side now?"
Rize was greatly shocked and impressed at the same time with Satoshi's combination move. "What a great combination of moves! I never thought and know of such move!"
"Hey this is bad, Rize have only two Pokemon left while Satoshi still have four and two of them have not even show up yet!" Reinz was worried of Rize but he could do nothing to change the situation but gave his supporting cheers.
"Alright then, Swampert! I'm counting on you!"

"Swampert's a Water type but it's also part Ground type."
"You're right! So once again your Pikachu can't use its Electric power. Swampert, Hydro Pump!"
Swampert used Hydro Pump but it was easily dodged by Pikachu. However it was already accounted by Rize's prediction and it was part of the plan."I knew it would dodge, Swampert use Hammer Arm!"
"Pikachu use Iron Tail to fight it back!"
Pikachu could not dodge anymore and it then fight back Swampert's Hammer Arm attack with its Iron Tail but this time it lost in terms of power and type and it was deflected away by Swampert's attack. Satoshi, knowing that it would be tough and dangerous for his Pikachu to go on switched it with his Venusaur.

"What?! I never knew Satoshi have a Venusaur!"
"You're done for. Leaf Storm!"
"Leaf what?!"
Not knowing what kind of attack Leaf Storm was, Swampert was hit by a super effective storm of leafs. Swampert was heavily damaged by the strong Grass type attack and was in great pinch. Its Torrent ability started to active again but its health was at the end of the line and it need to finish Venusaur before it receive any other attack.
"Swampert, let's use the same strategy as we were battling against Ryussei. Use Dig!"
Recalling the battle with Ryussei's Venusaur, Swampert then burrowed underground and went for a sneak attack from below. After successfully attacked with Dig, it followed with an Ice Punch. When Venusaur wanted to attack, it went back and hid underground and continue the procedure of attacks until Venusaur was in great pinch but then it was also something that benefited Satoshi. Venusaur was full of energy as its Overgrow ability was activated and its Grass type attack power was greatly powered up.
Swampert managed to knock it down with its Dig attack but before it could hit it again with Ice Punch, Venusaur unleashed its devastating Leaf Storm attack and this time due to Overgrow, its sheer power was much more powerful then before and Swampert was hit by it. This time, not even Rize's Swampert could endure such an attack and damage.
"Swampert's unable to battle. Venusaur wins!"
"Even Swampert have been defeated now! Is there still any hope left for Trainer Rize?!"
Rize was so shock that his Swampert have been defeated. It was like a slap on his face and his confident on winning have been destroyed. Even then he refused to give up and fight till the end with his last Pokemon, Pidgeot.
"Pidgeot use Air Cutter!"
Pidgeot flapped its wings and sharp blades of air was formed that hit Venusaur but it was not enough to defeat Venusaur and Rize followed up to finish it with Aerial Ace.
"Venusaur use Vine Whip and bind it with your vines!"
Venusaur tried to intercept Pidgeot's assault but because it was heavily injured and so much weakened, Pidgeot managed to evade all of Venusaur's vines and successfully strike Venusaur on the head.
"Venusaur's unable to battle! Pidgeot wins!"
"Yes! There's still hope. We can do this! Let's do it Pidgeot!"
"Your perseverance really impressed me. Pikachu, it's all yours!"
Pikachu once again return to the field and the whole stadium went loud with their cheers. It looks like Pikachu have earned the spectator's favor and they all became Pikachu's fans. Rize did not care at all and attack mercilessly with Air Cutter, Pikachu took the hit but it endured the attacks.
"Thunder Bolt!"
Pidgeot was almost zapped by Pikachu's Thunder Bolt but it dodged well, after flinching Pikachu with its Air Cutter attack it then attacked with Aerial Ace as told to finish Pikachu off.
"Pikachu grab Pidgeot's foot!"
Pikachu successully evaded Pidgeot's attack and it even managed to greab Pidgeot's foot and cling unto it. It then used Thunder Bolt and zapped Pidgeot and they both fell to the ground.
"Now let's wrap things up with Volt Tackle!"
While Pidgeot was still laying on the ground, Pikachu dashed with its maximum speed cloaked with a mass of Electric energy and tackled Pidgeot and thus knocking out Pidgeot. Rize finally was eliminated on the 6th round of the Kanto League Intermediate level.
"I lost?? No way.."
"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"
Pikachu used Quick Attack and it ran even faster than before and avoided the paralyzing Thunder Wave and tackled Jolteon with its Quick Attack. Jolteon was pushed back by the impact of Pikachu's Quick Attack.
"Fire anothe Thunder Wave quick before it could get away!"
However, Jolteon seems to be unable to move and its body was cloaked in statics of electricity.
"It looks like it was your Jolteon who got paralyzed."
"What! But how?!"
"My Pikachu's Static ability made a Pokemon that made physical contact with it got a chance to be paralyzed. Pikachu finish it with Iron Tail!"
Pikachu jumped in mid air and its lightning shaped tail began to hardened and shine like it was a metal and it slammed its heavy and hard metal tail onto Jolteon's head.
"Jolteon was unable to battle. Pikachu wins."
Rize could not believe that his Jolteon would be knocked out that easily as Steel type moves are less effective against Jolteon. "Impossible! That little Pikachu's so strong!" Having returned his fainted Jolteon back into its ball, he then sent out his Sandslash as he was confident that his Sandslash would be able to defeat Pikachu with no sweat.
"Trainer Satoshi finally took the lead! But can his little Pikachu go against a Ground type like Sandslash?"
Satoshi spoke in confidence, "You need more than type advantage to beat me and my Pikachu! Pikachu use Quick Attack!"
Pikachu started the battle with a devastating Quick Attack that pushed Sandslash far back even tough Sandslash have protected itself from the attack with its claws but still the force of Pikachu's attack was too strong.
"Grr! Metal Claw!"
Sandslash used its sharp claws that were hardened and sharpen to be like a sharp metal blade and went slashing Pikachu but Pikachu was too quick and it dodged all of Sandslash's strikes.
"Pikachu fight back with Iron Tail!"
The little electric mouse fight back Sandslash's Metal Claws with its ironic tail and they began their combat fight between two Steel type moves. However, Sandslash was struggling and it was the one on the disadvantage and was forced to be on the defensive mode while Pikachu was the one who kept striking with its Iron Tail. Pikachu then jumped on mid air and strike Sandslash on the head with its Iron Tail. Sandslash was heavily injured and fell its feet down,
"Sandslash lost in terms of strength?! In that case, use Dig!"
Sandslash dug a hole and went underground to make a sneak attack from below. The Dig attack was successful, super effective.
"Now use Sand Tomb!"
As soon as Pikachu landed and got its feet back on the ground, it was attacked by a whirl of sands and trapped in the vortex. Again another super effective.
"Alright, now that it's trap in there, it will be just a matter of time until it's knocked out by the sands!"
But Satoshi could not just stand there witnessing his most precious Pokemon to be trapped in the vortex of sands. "Pikachu, use Thunder Bolt to blow away the sands!"
From inside the sands, terrific jolts of electricity raging like a storm and blasted away the sands completely and Pikachu was free from the Sand Tomb attack.
"Pikachu use the speed of Quick Attack and strike with Iron Tail!"
Dashing with boosted speed from Quick Attack, the Iron Tail attack was greatly increased in power as well and Sandslash was pushed far away back until it crashed the wall.
"Sandslash is unable to battle. Pikachu wins!"
"Incredible! It even defeated a Ground type! Can Trainer Rize still turn things to his side now?"
Rize was greatly shocked and impressed at the same time with Satoshi's combination move. "What a great combination of moves! I never thought and know of such move!"
"Hey this is bad, Rize have only two Pokemon left while Satoshi still have four and two of them have not even show up yet!" Reinz was worried of Rize but he could do nothing to change the situation but gave his supporting cheers.
"Alright then, Swampert! I'm counting on you!"
"Swampert's a Water type but it's also part Ground type."
"You're right! So once again your Pikachu can't use its Electric power. Swampert, Hydro Pump!"
Swampert used Hydro Pump but it was easily dodged by Pikachu. However it was already accounted by Rize's prediction and it was part of the plan."I knew it would dodge, Swampert use Hammer Arm!"
"Pikachu use Iron Tail to fight it back!"
Pikachu could not dodge anymore and it then fight back Swampert's Hammer Arm attack with its Iron Tail but this time it lost in terms of power and type and it was deflected away by Swampert's attack. Satoshi, knowing that it would be tough and dangerous for his Pikachu to go on switched it with his Venusaur.
"What?! I never knew Satoshi have a Venusaur!"
"You're done for. Leaf Storm!"
"Leaf what?!"
Not knowing what kind of attack Leaf Storm was, Swampert was hit by a super effective storm of leafs. Swampert was heavily damaged by the strong Grass type attack and was in great pinch. Its Torrent ability started to active again but its health was at the end of the line and it need to finish Venusaur before it receive any other attack.
"Swampert, let's use the same strategy as we were battling against Ryussei. Use Dig!"
Recalling the battle with Ryussei's Venusaur, Swampert then burrowed underground and went for a sneak attack from below. After successfully attacked with Dig, it followed with an Ice Punch. When Venusaur wanted to attack, it went back and hid underground and continue the procedure of attacks until Venusaur was in great pinch but then it was also something that benefited Satoshi. Venusaur was full of energy as its Overgrow ability was activated and its Grass type attack power was greatly powered up.
Swampert managed to knock it down with its Dig attack but before it could hit it again with Ice Punch, Venusaur unleashed its devastating Leaf Storm attack and this time due to Overgrow, its sheer power was much more powerful then before and Swampert was hit by it. This time, not even Rize's Swampert could endure such an attack and damage.
"Swampert's unable to battle. Venusaur wins!"
"Even Swampert have been defeated now! Is there still any hope left for Trainer Rize?!"
Rize was so shock that his Swampert have been defeated. It was like a slap on his face and his confident on winning have been destroyed. Even then he refused to give up and fight till the end with his last Pokemon, Pidgeot.
"Pidgeot use Air Cutter!"
Pidgeot flapped its wings and sharp blades of air was formed that hit Venusaur but it was not enough to defeat Venusaur and Rize followed up to finish it with Aerial Ace.
"Venusaur use Vine Whip and bind it with your vines!"
Venusaur tried to intercept Pidgeot's assault but because it was heavily injured and so much weakened, Pidgeot managed to evade all of Venusaur's vines and successfully strike Venusaur on the head.
"Venusaur's unable to battle! Pidgeot wins!"
"Yes! There's still hope. We can do this! Let's do it Pidgeot!"
"Your perseverance really impressed me. Pikachu, it's all yours!"
Pikachu once again return to the field and the whole stadium went loud with their cheers. It looks like Pikachu have earned the spectator's favor and they all became Pikachu's fans. Rize did not care at all and attack mercilessly with Air Cutter, Pikachu took the hit but it endured the attacks.
"Thunder Bolt!"
Pidgeot was almost zapped by Pikachu's Thunder Bolt but it dodged well, after flinching Pikachu with its Air Cutter attack it then attacked with Aerial Ace as told to finish Pikachu off.
"Pikachu grab Pidgeot's foot!"
Pikachu successully evaded Pidgeot's attack and it even managed to greab Pidgeot's foot and cling unto it. It then used Thunder Bolt and zapped Pidgeot and they both fell to the ground.
"Now let's wrap things up with Volt Tackle!"
While Pidgeot was still laying on the ground, Pikachu dashed with its maximum speed cloaked with a mass of Electric energy and tackled Pidgeot and thus knocking out Pidgeot. Rize finally was eliminated on the 6th round of the Kanto League Intermediate level.
"I lost?? No way.."
Charizard Lv.48
ReplyDeleteGyarados Lv.46
Jolteon Lv.41
Swampert Lv.51
Satoshi's Charizard Lv.54
Venusaur Lv.52
Pikachu Lv.55