Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chapter 90 - Unexpected Result

Just when Rize and Hitmonchan was gaining the upper hand and about to finish Dratini off, the little dragon Pokemon evolved into a big strong Dragonair. Now he have to face an even stronger foe than before.

"How is Rize and Hitmonchan going to deal with Micha now as Dratini has evolved and become stronger! We'll just have to wait and see."

Micha became even more confident of his victory that his Dratini evolved. "Alright! At last you evolved. Dragonair show me the power from your evolution. Dragon Breath!"

Dragonair breathed its Dragon Breath attack again but this time the breath was so much more terrific and its destructive power was much greater than before. Both Rize and Hitmonchan did not expect the increase of their power to be so much that Hitmonchan could not dodge it and received the attack clearly and as the breath touched onto the ground it created a huge explosion that covered Hitmonchan.

"Never underestimate the power of Dragon Pokemon."

The ground was wrecked up because of the power of Dragonair's attack and Hitmonchan was found laying on the ground with his whole body facing the ground but it is still moving and struggling to get back up thus the referee did not made his call.

"Your Hitmonchan's pretty tough. But I'm going to end it now! Dragonair use Hyper Beam!"

Dragonair charged a crimson ruby coloured energy on its forehead ready to fire it as soon as the enough amount were gathered. Hitmonchan's condition was helpless as it was still struggling to get back on its feet. Rize desperately shout to give its last hope on Hitmonchan to get back up and avoid the attack but before Hitmonchan could stand back up, Dragonair have released its Hyper Beam attack and another explosion once exploded on the battlefield.

"Hahaha I won!"

Unexpectedly, Hitmonchan came out from the smokes and dusts effect of the explosion and punched Dragonair with all its remaining power left using Mach Punch. Dragonair was sent flying long backwards and fell.

"What?! Impossible!"
"Hitmonchan quick use Ice Punch!"

It looks like Hitmonchan managed to avoid clear shot of the Hyper Beam attack and now that Dragonair have to recharge its energy after using Hyper Beam, Hitmonchan attacked it again and this time hit it with a super effective Ice Punch. Dragonair's skin spot that was hit by Ice Punch was frozen as ice tips were covering its skin.

"Alright another Ice Punch and give it all you got in this one punch!"
"I won't let you! Dragon Breath!"

Just before Hitmonchan's Ice punch could reach and land its hit, Dragonair got back up and blew away Hitmonchan with its powerful Dragon Breath that pushed it all the way till it lay on the ground right in front of Rize.

"Hitmonchan no! Don't give up! Get up, Hitmonchan!" Rize tried to cheer Hitmonchan to get back up but there is a limit to strength and power from supporting cheers and Hitmonchan just could not endure it anymore and fell down again covering its face facing the ground.

"Is this it?! Is Hitmonchan really defeated?!"

"No way! Get up Hitmonchan! You're a disciple under me! You have to remember that!" Master Chuck tried to help Rize by giving its supporting cheers but it turned out to be of no use.

Rize saw that Hitmonchan could not get back up and he have been defeated and he admitted it while bowing down his head facing the ground and covered his face with his long fringe that were all wet from the sweats of anxieties of the battle. "Thanks Hitmonchan. You did your best."

Dragonair itself was extremely exhausted as well and it was panting all the time out of breath and Micha was very sure that if it got hit by another attack it would have fnished him. The referee heard Rize's words and judging from Hitmonchan's state and condition, the referee finally made his call.

"Hitmonchan is.."


Micha suddenly interfered with the referee before the referee could finish stating and announcing his judgement officially.

"I forfeit on this match."


The whole crowd in the stadium and everybody who was watching the match was all shocked to heard such declaration from Micha especially Rize. The referee could not believe what he heard as well.

"What's this?! Just when his victory is for sure, Trainer Micha gave up! What in the world is in his mind??"

The whole stadium went crazy especially people who rooted for Micha and they were all became noisy and restless.

"Alright then. Trainer Micha have forfeited. Therefore the winner of this match goes to Trainer Rize."

The sign board removed Trainer Micha's picture and declared Rize as the winner of the match. Rize was all surprised that he was speechless seeing what was actually taking place.

"What the?! Why did you do that! I clearly have lost! Don't you want to win?!"

"It's certainly true that I've won this match but I don't feel like I've won against you. Why? Because here I am using the best Pokemon I have while you did not. Even so I was close of losing myself and that is why I'm sure if I were to face your best I would have certainly lost. I'm sure Dragonair felt and thought the same way as I do too and that is why I don't deserve to win this match. You go on to the next round and make sure you don't lose ridiculously like you just did. Pick and choose your Pokemon wisely. Things like this will most likely will never happen again."

Rize and the whole stadium was amazed and in awe from Micha's explanation and the whole crowd gave him a very big and long round of applause. Rize thanked him for letting him win but still his feeling was all mixed up as well as he don't feel like he've won as well and don't deserve this victory.

"All the best with your remaining matches! You better not lose."

After finished saying that, Micha left the stadium and Rize was still standing on his spot unmoved.

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