Apollo: How dare you!! Grunts! attack them!
The Grunts ordered their Raticates and Golbats to attack Rize and co.
Satoshi: Tauros! I choose you!

Satoshi: Use Take Down on all those Raticates!
Satoshi's Tauros charged and took down all of the attacking Raticates with a single Take Down.
The Rocket Grunt's Golbat's attacked together with Air Cutter.
Reinz: Leave this to me! Blastoise Protect!

Reinz' Blastoise used Protect and created a Barrier that protected them all from all the Air Cutter attacks.
Reinz: Rize, leave all of these to us! You go and save the Gyarados!
Rize: Thanks Rize! Let's go Jolteon!
Reinz: Ryussei! Hurry up and help too!
Ryussei with his emotionless style who was just standing and do nothing start to reach his Pokeball under his belt.
Ryussei: ... Here goes nothing.. Golem go!
Looker, Satoshoi, Reinz and Ryussei teamed up to face the whole Rocket Grunts' Pokemon while Rize went to save the Gyarados alone. However, an old enemy appeared before Rize. The Rocket Spy and Lambda.
Lambda: This time I will kill you for sure boy! Golbat attack!
Rocket Spy: I'll get my revenge for ruining my plan in Seafoam Island! Aerodactyl attack!

Rize sent out Charizard and ride on its back and flew up high to dodge Golbat and Aerodactyl's attack.
Rize: "This is different from normal Pokemon battles! They're really trying to kill me!" Charizard use Flamethrower!
Aerodactyl managed to dodge Charizard's Flamethrower with its fast speed but Golbat couldn't and knocked out with it.
Lambda: Damn! I'm out of Pokemon!
Rocket Spy: You useless! Aerodactyl Rock Blast!
Aerodactyl used Rock Blast and Charizard was hit a few times by it which is super effective to Charizard. Charizard and Rize fell down hard to the ground.
Rocket Spy: Hahahaa! How's that?!
Rize and Charizard was both terribly injured. The Rocket Spy came near to Rize and stepped on his head.
Rocket Spy: Now what can you do huh?!
Without realizing it, the Rocket Spy got his guard off. Jolteon was already in Aerodactyl's back and used Thunder to it. Aerodactyl tried to shake Jolteon off but Jolteon kept using Thunder attack untill Aerodactyl passed out and fell to the ground.
Rocket Spy: Back off! You're not going to fire your Thunder attack to your own Trainer right?!
The Rocket Spy used Rize as his shield so that Jolteon couldn't attack him.
Apollo: Hahaha well done! Arbok use Gunk Shot on that Jolteon!

A powerful acidic bomb was fired from Arbok's mouth and Jolteon was hit by it and out of commission. Just when things got really bad to Rize, help came as his friends have took care of the whole Rocket Grunts.
Satoshi: Pidgeot go!

Pidgeot carried the Rocket Spy with it and threw it away far from them. Looker and the rest are now on Rize side.Pidgeot then go and face Arbok.
Apollo: Arbok use Crunch!
Satoshi: Air Slash!
Arbok dodged Pidgeot's Air Slash attack and used Crunch on Pidgeot's wing and Pidgeot fell down hard to the ground.
Satoshi: Pidgeot!
Apollo: Hahaha! I'm not the Rocket Executive for nothing!
Looker: You're not going anywhere!Growlithe go!
Apollo: Arbok Glare!
Arbok used Glare and all of them became paralysed and couldn't move at all.
Satoshi: This is bad!
Reinz: I can't reach my Pokeball...!
Apollo: Now what shall I do to all of you? Hmm..
Just in time, the rest of the International Police Force group came to the rescue to the Rocket Headquarter.
Looker: Haha, I've reported to the rest of your headquarter and now they've came! You're done for now!
Apollo: Is it? Listen! If you don't want your colleague or any of this boys to end their life for nothin here you all shall let me go. How about it? It's a fair trade right?
Looker: Tch!
The International Police Force group have no choice but to obey Apollo's command and let him escape. Apollo used a Smoke Ball and vanished with the smokes. As Apollo have gone, Rize and the others are able to move again. The whole Rocket Grunts and Scientists were arrested and all of the stolen Pokemon are freed and kept in the police office untill their rightful Trainer come and pick them up.
Blaine: I'm sorry I didn't help but just watch from afar. I never expect things to be like this.
Looker: It's okay, you were worried that your identity will be revealed to the Rockets back then if you help us right? Anyway we're not done yet! That Apollo escaped and their Boss is still unknown of who and where. You must know who's their Boss right?
Blaine: No.. Even I have never meet with their Boss before. The Boss rarely come to the headquarter and just ordered via voice communication devices.
Rize freed the Gyarados earlier from its electric cage and took it with him to the Pokemon Centre as it have heavy injuries. Rize thanked everyone involved in helping him getting back his stolen Pokemon.
Looker: Nahh.. we're the one to thank you as we finally a step ahead of clearing the evil organization Team Rocket completely! And thanks to all of you as well, Satoshi, Reinz and Ryussei! All the best to all of you!
All of them then parted ways and resume back on their own personal journeys and adventures. The International Police Force will still be hunting The remaining of Team Rocket.
Growlithe Lv.40
ReplyDeleteTauros Lv.46
ReplyDeletePidgeot Lv.43
Jolteon Lv.40
Charizard Lv.47
Raticate Lv.35
Golbat Lv.35
Lambda's Golbat Lv.37
Aerodactyl Lv.47
Arbok Lv.49