Mewtwo: So I am the strongest Pokemon in this world? Let me test my strength!
Giovanni: Very well! But in one condition, you have to go inside of my Pokeball. Afterall, Pokemon who stays with human reside in Pokeball.
Mewtwo: " Can I trust this man?" Very well.
Mewtwo was doubting Giovanni for a momment but in the end obeyed and went inside Giovanni's Pokeball and became Giovanni's Pokemon. Giovanni then accepted challengers using only Mewtwo and defeated all of his challenger. Not even just in normal single battle but against six Pokemon at once, Mewtwo still proves to be superior.

Every challenger that went up against Mewtwo went back with shock and fear to see and battled the most terrifying opponent ever.
Giovanni: Are you satisfied with your magnificent power?
Mewtwo: They are just too weak, I didn't even use a quarter of my strength. Isn't there any stronger opponent?
Giovanni: There is.. but I bet that you could win them as easily as those weaklings you've beaten. Afterall you're the most powerful Pokemon in the world.
Mewtwo: Then what's the point of being strong and beating them? I didn't feel anything at all.
Giovanni: Easy my friend, you will feel with voracious enjoyment and satisfied if you have defeated every Pokemon there is in the world to prove that you are really the most powerful Pokemon.
Mewtwo: Then let me battle those Pokemon!
Giovanni: Be patient my friend.. There are these Pokemon so called Legendary and they are stronger than any other common wild Pokemon you can find anywhere. However it is not easy to meet with those Legendary Pokemon as where they reside are unknown to humans. You are created from the Legendary Pokemon Mew, you are its clone! But you are more superior than Mew.
Mewtwo: So I am just a copy?! You created me because you are weak and unable to get your hand on those powerful Legendary Pokemon by your own and decided to create me from a Legendary Pokemon's DNA! Is that what you created me for?!
Giovanni: No that's not it!
Mewtwo: Then what?! You didn't do anything too during the battles and I just defeated them on my own will and power!
Giovanni: I am the most powerful Gym Leader in this region! If there is anybody who is worth to be your master it is non other than me, Giovanni!
Mewtwo: Prove me that you are worthy of me! Afterall, human battle the Pokemon before they catch it. Now try to catch me!
Giovanni: Catch you?! For what?! I've caught you already! You've been speaking nonsense! Enough and get back to your Pokeball.
Giovanni returned Mewtwo back into its Pokeball. However, Mewtwo went out from its Pokeball by itself without being ordered and destroyed its Pokeball in Giovanni's hand.
Giovanni: What!!
Mewtwo: Useless! Now come and fight me! Or are you unable to?!
Giovanni sent out all of his most powerful Pokemon and attacked Mewtwo at once together but all of them, are swept away with a single blow and defeated by Mewtwo.
Mewtwo: Is that your best? You're no different with those weakling! You are not worth to be my partner!
Giovanni: Wait! I created you! I gave you life to live! You should obey me!
Mewtwo: I didn't ask for it in the first place! Now I'm going on my own searching for those powerful Legendary Pokemon and challenge them to a duel! I don't need you, useless human!
Mewtwo fly up high and faraway leaving Giovanni and his Gym behind. Giovanni was so frustrated with Mewtwo left from his side. All of his dream ruling the world was vanished right in front of him just before it can become a reality.
Giovanni: Damn you!! I need to blow off some steam!!
"Beep beep.." A transmission line went in to his office and it was Apollo.
Apollo: Sir! The boy named Rize who have been ruining our plan is coming to challenge your Gym!
Giovanni: Is that so? Good timing, let me deal with him myself! I'm going to erase that good for nothing boy from existence!
Giovanni the leader of Team Rocket is going to face Rize himself, the sword of Damocles is hanging over Rize! Will Rize be able to face this eminent danger that is going to come to him?!
Mewtwo Lv.75