Rize: This is it! I'm going to get my last badge! That Marowak won't stand a chance with me now! By the way where is everyone? Why's this Gym so silent and empty?
Giovanni: I've long waited for you to come, Rize.
A man came out of the shadow at edge of the Gym's room with the most evil smile that Rize have ever seen in his life.

Rize: Who are you?! How do you know my name?!
Giovanni: I know a lot about you, Rize. When I first saw you I thought you're not the boy who have been messing with Team Rocket because you're too weak. Then I decided to send a spy to keep an eye on you. You're from Littleroot Town of Hoenn. Participated in Hoenn Jr League when you're 12 and became top 16. But what is remarkable is that you play a part in saving Hoenn from destruction from Kyogre and Groudon's fight! Then you went to Johto and became the runner up in Johto Jr League. Now what's remarkable here is that you've ruined many of my plans in Johto. And now you came to Kanto collecting Gym Badges like what you are trying to do now and you've been messing around with my plans as well. For a boy of your age, that's quite an achievement. To be honest, I'm impressed.
Rize: How did you know about that Kyogre and Groudon incident?! Nobody should have know about my part in it, not even people in Hoenn! What do you mean by your plans?! Spy?!
Giovanni: There are no facts that can hide from me..
Rize saw the "R" Logo on the man's jacket and was shocked. Sweats started to drop off his cheeks and his body is shivering.
Rize: Are... you..! Could it be that.. you.. you're!
Giovanni: Say it! Split it out! Loud!
Rize was too affraid to split it out from his mouth.
Giovanni: I am Giovanni! The Boss of the criminal organization Team Rocket that you've been messing around with! It looks like that you've came to my headquarters and cause some mess. I never thought that anybody could know the whereabout of my headquarter that's why the security level was low. I guess I'm underestimating the International Police too much. But now I'm going to put an end into your futile efforts!
Rize: What's the Rocket Boss doing in a Pokemon Gym?! Don't tell me you! You've gotten rid of all the people and the Leaders here?!
Giovanni: I just simply told them that the Gym will be close for today, no blood was split on the floor as you can see.. Ahh.. for your information, I am the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym!
Rize: How could?! How could a criminal like you be a Gym Leader?!
Giovanni: Criminal? No.. my name's clean in public! Afterall I always hide and been pulling strings from the shadow. Nobody know the identity of the Rocket's Boss!
Rize: Too bad! Now that I knew about it! You're going to get caught!
Giovanni: Do you really think I will let you get out of this room alive?! How naive! Nidoqueen attack! Poison Jab!

Without warning and no time to check on what Pokemon is that, Rize was attacked by Nidoqueen's Poison Jab. Rize sent out his Pidgeot and ride on its back and avoided Nidoqueen's Poison Jab attack in time.

Rize: That was dangerous!
" Nidoqueen the Drill Pokemon and the evolved form of Nidorina. It is a Poison and Ground type. Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life. "
Rize: We'll stay up in the air far from them Pidgeot! Giovanni! I challenge you to a battle! If you lose you will disband Team Rocket and went back to the right path or surrender yourself to the police!
Giovanni: Hm! And what if I win?
Rize: ....!
Giovanni: Your life will end! How's that?!
Rize: ... I accept your deal! Sandshrew go!

Giovanni: What's this?! You're going to face me with a weak Pokemon like that?!
Rize: Never underestimate your opponent from its size! I'm going to win you with my own Ground type!
Giovanni: You're really one interesting person! Nidoqueen use Aqua Tail!
Rize: What?! It can use a Water type attack?! Sandshrew use Dig to dodge it!
Sandshrew dug underground and avoided Nidoqueen's Aqua Tail. Nidoqueen was cautios and looking for where Sandshrew would come out.
Giovanni: Child's play..
Rize: We'll see about that! Sandshrew use Sand Tomb!
Nidoqueen's standing ground was destroyed and Nidoqueen was sucked into the sand and the sands kept inflicting damage to it.
Rize: Got you! We have lock its footing! Sandshrew use Swift!
Sandshrew used Swift and Nidoqueen was hurt even more.
Giovanni: My my.. I'm impressed.. You could do this to me! Nidoqueen Ice Beam!
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig to dodge!
Once again Sandshrew dug its way underground and escaped from Nidoqueen's deadly Ice Beam attack.
Rize: " If we keep this up, we will win!"
Giovanni: I have enough of this child's play.. Nidoqueen Earth Power!
Nidoqueen punched the ground and the ground cracked and erupted. Sandshrew was in the ground and took the hit made it came out from the ground terribly injured. It looks like it can't continue.
Giovanni: One down..
Rize: There's no official referee in this match! Sandshrew stand up! You can do it!
Will Sandshrew be able to get back up on its feet and continue the battle?!
Sandshrew Lv.39
ReplyDeleteNidoqueen Lv.48