"So it's a clash between starter Pokemon from the Kanto and Hoenn region! However, basing from types alone, Venusaur would have the upper hand and on the other hand Swampert was terribly weak against a Grass type!"
Rize and Swampert together have been trembling and shaking. Somehow, Venusaur's presence just emitted a strong intimidating aura.
"We gotta be very careful Swampert! Ryussei's Venusaur could use the strongest Grass type attack Frenzy Plant! One hit of that and it would be the end for us!"
"Maybe you've chosen the wrong Pokemon, Rize? If only you bring your Charizard it would be me who will be on the sharp disadvantage."
"Heh, you'll regret underestimating my Swampert! It's my number one Pokemon! Types does not matter to us! Swampert use Mud Bomb!"
Balls of Mud went flying to Venusaur's face that made its face covered in mud. It made Venusaur distracted and have to clean the mud on its face and eye in order for it to open its eyes to see and that gives some time for Swampert to get closer and attack.
"Chance! Swampert, Ice Punch!"
"Venusaur use Vine Whip and grab it tight!"
Venusaur got back on its track faster than Rize expected and it released full course of its vines that went into all direction. Swampert have no way to evade all of the vines as it is always been not a swift runner.
"Swampert use Dig and hide underground it's too dangerous!"
Swampert dag a hole and hid underground. Venusaur withdrew back all of its vines and could not do anything unless Swampert came out from the ground to the surface.
"Focus Venusaur! Concentrate on where and when it will emerge. Once it came out, grab it immediately with your vines!"
"Saur!" Venusaur responded, indicating that it is clear with the command and was ready.
Swampert came out from the ground and hit Venusaur with Dig attack from below the ground. Venusaur was surprised and did not expect to be attacked from below and while Venusaur was still in the after effect of taking a hit, Swapert hit it again and this time with a super effective Ice Punch. Venusaur was pushed back by the punch a few squares back and it's starting to get weaker and weaker from the damage it received.
"Venusaur focus! Use Vine Whip and strangle Swampert quick!"
As soon the command was ordered Venusaur quickly reacted to it and released its vines to grab and bind Swampert's movement. But Venusaur isn't the one who reacted to the command Ryussei made as Rize did react quicker and told Swampert to once again hid underground using Dig.
"Swampert have once again hid itself underground avoiding Venusaur's dangerous vines! If this keep goes on Swampert might just defeat Venusaur! What will Trainer Ryussei do?"
Rize was confident as well,judging from the current situation. "Venusaur have taken so much damage while my Swampert's still in full health. We might just win this if we keep this pace. But we still have to be careful tough, one hit and it's all done for us!"
"I could sense it. The moving Swampert that trembles the ground, I can sense its movements. I'm sure Venusaur can feel it too, but Venusaur's movement was too slow to dodge such a fast and surprising attack. In that case.."
The ground's shaking harder but it can only be felt by people who were very sensitive to the surrounding and environment. Ryussei could feel that Swampert's charging very fast towards Venusaur's spot and it was very near already. "Venusaur use Frenzy Plant to the ground now and drag Swampert out!"
Venusaur summoned all of its strength and released a lot of huge, bulky and sharp thorny vines that pierce through the ground and dragged Swampert out from the ground. Swampert was hit by the most powerful Grass type attack and it is twice as effective! Swampert was pierced by the thorny vines and was thrown and fell laying on the ground, terribly injured.
"Swampert have been hit by Venusaur's strange move. Even I did not know what move is that but it seems to be extremely strong and very effective. Could this be it for Swampert?!"
"Swampert get up! Don't give up!" Rize gave his support for his pierced and wounded Swampert who's struggling with all it have left to get back up.
"It's useless. It won't be able to continue the battle after it have been hit by my Venusaur's Frenzy Plant." Ryussei said it confidently and calmly as he proclaim his victory.
In a sudden, Swampert's whole body began to glow in aquatic coloured and the light shielded and covered its body like an aura. It became full of strength and it roared loudly. Its power have been multiplied many folds!
"What?! Could it be?!"
"What's happening to Rize's Swampert now?! Stay alert on this battle dear spectators!"
"Alright! It's Swampert's Torrent ability!"
Swampert got back up on its four legs and its eyes were glowing in blueish light as well filled with much water power and energy. Ryussei and Venusaur both was overwhelmed by Swampert's power that have risen because of Torrent and he wanted to finish Swampert before it could do anything harmful for them but Venusaur have to recharge some energy until it can move again due to the side-effect of Frenzy Plant. Rize knew about it and took this chance to attack. "Ice Punch!"
Venusaur again was hit by a super effective attack and it is already so much weakened and exhausted. It was pushed back by the punch even further then before and it was panting and coughing after taking the clean hit on its forehead.
"Impossible! After getting by hit by such massive damage from our Frenzy Plant, how could it still survive?! Venusaur, strangle and bind it with Vine Whip then use suck its energy with Giga Drain!"
Swampert's arms and feets were strangled and reeled hard by Venusaur's vine and Venusaur was ready to drain its energy. Rize immediately shouted and told Swampert to use Hydro Pump with its maximum power. A Hydro Pump like never before performed by Swampert went and pushed Venusaur all the way back into the wall and crashed it with the wall. The Hydro Pump attack was so terrific and strong and it could slice a hard rock with it thanks to the powered up from Torrent.
"Venusaur is unable to battle. Swampert wins!"
"Wow! He defeated Venusaur! So that's Rize's real strength!" Reinz who were watching the battle was in awe at the awesome power and combination of Rize and Swampert.
"Ha! That Swampert's good alright, but it is not a Fighting type so it's not so good." Added Master Chuck.
"At last, Trainer Rize have took the lead and now Trainer Ryussei have only one Pokemon left which is his Golduck. Can he still turn things round?"
Ryussei desperately sent out his last Pokemon Golduck as he have lost all his spirit and hope to win the battle and so Rize defeated him easily with his Jolteon and Rize was declared the winner of the 5th round and proceeded to the 6th round. They both shook hands for the great battle and the whole stadium gave them a loud cheers and applause.
Swampert Lv.51
ReplyDeleteVenusaur Lv.50