Sarina: So you finally came back? I can see that you've grown stronger! But you're not the only one that is becoming stronger!
Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Sarina is about to begin! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon elimination!
Sarina: Let's end this quick! Hypno go!

" Hypno the Hypnosis Pokemon and the evolved form of Drowzee. It is a Psychic type. Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in three seconds, even in someone who just woke up. "
Rize: Bring it on! Poliwhirl go! Poliwhirl use Water Pulse!
Sarina: Hypno use Psychic and blow away that Water Pulse!
Poliwhirl attacked with Water Pulse but Hypno used its Psychic attack and blow away the Water Pulse.
Sarina: Now.. Disable!
Poliwhirl's Water Pulse attack have been disabled and it can't fire another Water Pulse for the momment.
Sarina: Hypnosis!
Rize: We'll use Hypnosis too! Let's see who will get hypnotized first!
Both Pokemon used Hypnosis but Hypno seems to be unaffected and Poliwhirl went to sleep.
Sarina: Do you think you can put Hypno to sleep? It got the Insomnia ability! Hypno Dream Eater!
Poliwhirl was attacked with Dream Eater and knocked out.
Rize: Ugh! Butterfree! I'm counting on you!

Rize: Butterfree use Air Cutter!
Butterfree used Air Cutter and Hypno got hit.
Sarina: Disable!
Butterfree's Air Cutter was disabled.
Rize: That's just fine! Stun Spore!
Hypno was showered with Stun Spore and became paralysed.
Sarina: So the Air Cutter was just a distraction?!
Rize: Signal Beam go!
Hypno got striked with a super effective Signal Beam and knocked out.
Rize: It's a tie now!
Sarina: ... Mr.Mime go!

Rize: Oh ou.. what Pokemon is that?
" Mr.Mime the Barrier Pokemon. It is a Psychic type. Emanations from its fingertips solidify the air into invisible walls that repel even harsh attacks. "
Rize: Mr.Mime the Barrier Pokemon? Whatever! It's a Psychic type that matters! Butterfree use Signal Beam!
Sarina: Just try if you can break my Mr.Mime's barrier! Light Screen!
Mr.Mime created walls of Light Screen and protected it from Signal Beam's full damage.
Rize: We gotta stop its movement! Stun Spore!
Sarina: Barrier!
Mr.Mime created an invisible barrier that protected it from the Stun Spore.
Sarina: Encore!
Butterfree got encored and keep on using Stun Spore without being ordered.
Rize: Butterfree snap out of it!
Sarina: Mr.Mime Psybeam!
Rize: Butterfree try to dodge it!
Mr.Mime fired its Psybeam attack however Butterfree successfully managed to dodge it.
Rize: Allright! Try Signal Beam!
Butterfree snapped out of the Encore and fired a super effective Signal Beam! However Light Screen is still in effect and Mr.Mime is taking it with ease.
Rize: It's working! Keep firing!
Butterfree kept firing its Signal Beam attack and the Light Screen effect wore off and Mr.Mime finally got hit with full power of Signal Beam and knocked out.
Sarina: How can this happen?! Kadabra help me out!

Just when Kadabra entered the battle field, the Stun Spore that have been stopped from Mr.Mime's Barrier fell down because Mr.Mime has fainted the Barrier wore off and Kadabra became paralysed.
Sarina: What?!
Rize: Allright! It looks like the training in Fuschia Gym really paid off! Butterfree Signal Beam!
Sarina: Don't mess with me! Kadabra Light Screen!
Kadabra created a wall of Light Screen and proteted it from Signal Beam's true damage.
Sarina: Psybeam!
Butterfree got hit with Psychic and knocked out.
Rize: You did well Butterfree! Charmeleon let's have our revenge!

Sarina: Kadabra Psybeam!
Rize: Charmeleon Flamethrower!
The two attack collided and cancelled each other into an explosion.
Rize: Dragon Rage!!
Charmeleon unleashed a powerful Dragon Rage and Kadabra's Light Screen can't block it and striked with its might and Kadabra looks terribly weak to continue.
Sarina: Kadabra, Recover!
Just when Kadabra wanted to use Recover to heal its wound, it couldn't move due to its paralysis.
Rize: We won't let you recover! Charmeleon Slash attack!
Charmeleon dashed and attacked Kadabra with Slash attack and Kadabra was knocked out.
Referee: Battle end! Victory goes to challenger Rize and Charmeleon!
Sarina: No way...
Sabrina: You knew from the start by looking at him that his team have improved so much and exceeded your team! Now give him his Middle Mars badge already. Rize is it? You better watch your back, something big is keeping an eye on you behind the shadow. Be careful.
Rize: What do you mean??
Sabrina left and didn't bother to answer and explain more detail to Rize.
Having going trough the tough battle, Rize finally won his Mars badge and that makes his Kanto badges total of six badges! Two more badges to go and his journey continues but what does the Gym Leader Sabrina actually means??
Poliwhirl Lv.38
ReplyDeleteButterfree Lv.35
Charmeleon Lv.44
Hypno Lv.39
Mr.Mime Lv.36
Kadabra Lv.40