Flaine: Rapidash let's burn them!

Rize: What's this? The evolved form of Ponyta?
" Rapidash the Fire Horse Pokemon and the evolved form of Ponyta. It is a Fire type. It has astounding acceleration. From a standstill, it can reach top speed within 10 steps. It gallops at nearly 150 mph. With its mane blazing ferociously, it races as if it were an arrow. "
Rize: Kingler let's go!
Flaine: You did well choosing a Pokemon with type advantage! Rapidash use Take Down!
Rize: Kingler it's coming! Use BubbleBeam!
Rapidash charged in to Kingler and Kingler attacked it with BubbleBeam but Ponyta jumped and dodged the BubbleBeam and hit Kingler with Take Down.
Flaine: Good now use Stomp!
Kingler was stomped but Kingler guarded itself using its big pincer.
Rize: Allright! Swords Dance!
Kingler used Swords Dance and raised its offense power.
Flaine: You're finish! Fire Blast!
Rapidash fired one of the most powerful Fire type attack which is Fire Blast.
Rize: Use Crabhammer and cut through it!
Kingler used Crabhammer and cut through the Fire Blast attack.
Flaine: What?! No way! Megahorn!
Rize: Crabhammer!
The two Pokemon clashed each other but Rapidash was knocked out due to the super effective Crabhammer attack.
Flaine: Hmm.. I know what to deal with your Kingler.. Flareon go!

Rize: That Pokemon?!
" Flareon the Flame Pokemon and one of the evolved form of Eevee. It is a Fire type. Flareon has a flame sac in its body. Its body temperature tops 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit before battle. "
Rize: So it's Eevee's evolved form by using a Fire Stone! Kingler go BubbleBeam!
Flaine: Flareon use Agility! Dodge every single one of their attack!
Flareon raised its speed level and dodge every attack of Kingler.
Rize: Damn! They're too fast! Crabhammer!
Kingler was too slow for Flareon and it missed its attack.
Flaine: Get behind Kingler and use Fire Blast!
Flareon get to Kingler's back and used a closed range Fire Blast on Kingler's body and Kingler was all burned out and knocked out of battle.
Rize: Poliwrath your turn!

Flaine: Another water type! It won't do you any good now! Flareon use Quick Attack!
Flareon used an extremely fast Quick Attack and hit Poliwrath.
Rize: Poliwrath use Water Pulse!
Poliwrath used Water Pulse but Flareon dodged it.
Rize: If only we can land a hit! Poliwrath let's stop its movement! Use Hypnosis!
However Flareon keep moving and Poliwrath Hypnosis attack can't work.
Flaine: Hahaha! Too slow! Flareon use Hidden Power!
Flareon used Hidden Power and it looks like it is super effective to Poliwrath and Poliwrath was knocked out.
Rize: What?!
Rize's Poliwrath which is the secret weapon of this gym's battle have been eliminated. Now he only have 1 more Pokemon left to use while his opponent still have 2! Will he be able to turn the table around and win the battle?!
Kingler Lv.39
ReplyDeletePoliwrath Lv.44
Rapidash Lv.42
Flareon Lv.44