Satoshi: It's a 1 on 1 okay! I'll use this old friend of mine that I just got back! Primeape go!

Satoshi: Primeape! Show me the power of the P1 Grand Prix Champion!
" Primeape the Pig Monkey Pokemon and the evolved form of Mankey. It is a Fighting type. It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder. "
Rize: Krabby go!
Satoshi: You can have the honor!
Rize: Don't go easy on me.. Krabby use Bubble!
Satoshi: Primeape destroy them all with your fist!
Krabby used Bubble but Primeape destroyed all of the bubbles with its mighty fist.
Satoshi: Fire Punch!
Primeape dashed like a lightning and hit Krabby with Fire Punch and Krabby almost barely couldn't get back on its feet to continue the battle.
Rize: Krabby! Stay strong!
Rize: Come on! I was just testing your Pokemon! Is that all you got after all these months?!
Krabby felt underestimated and with its stubborn and hate losing nature it used all its strength to get back up and it begin to evolve!

Rize: Wow! Kingler!
" Kingler the Pincer Pokemon and the evolved form of Krabby. It is a Water type. The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim. "
Satoshi: Don't be too happy over evolution! Primeape go use Fire Punch!
Kingler used its big pincer and grabbed Primeape's fist of fire and lock it hard making Primeape unable to use its right fist.
Satoshi: Close Combat!
However Primeape used Close Combat and hit Kingler with several hits.
Rize: Kingler use Vicegrip!
Primeape moved back and avoided Kingler's Vicegrip attack.
Rize: Bubble!
Instead of using Bubble, Kingler used a brand new improved attack which is Bubble Beam and Primeape took the hit.
Satoshi: Not bad.. Primeape Bulk up!
Primeape used Bulk up and raised its offense and defense. Seeing Primeape is powering up, Kingler used another new move unknown to Rize which is Swords Dance and raised its offense power sharply.
Satoshi: Time to finish this! Cross Chop!
Rize: That's our line! Kingler use Crabhammer!
The two Pokemon clashed each other and exchanged blows of their attacks. Both Pokemon took great damage but Kingler was down while Primeape was still able to stand on one foot thus making Rize lost the battle.
Rize: Kingler you did your best! As expected from you and the P1 Grand Prix Champion Pokemon!
Satoshi: Thanks! You're a great Trainer! The way you command your Pokemon and the way your Pokemon responded to your command! I can really feel there is a deep connection between you and your Pokemon! All the best with your gym battle and let's all do our best in the upcoming League Tournament!
After losing the battle with Satoshi, Rize and Satoshi parted ways and Rize is now going to challenge the Cinabar Gym!
Krabby Lv.27
ReplyDeleteKingler Lv.37
Primeape Lv.48